Esempio n. 1
def fuzDistAC(dataF, outF, nCuts=11, disp=False):
    #=use McCulloch, Wagner, Aickelin - Measuring the Directional Distance Between Fuzzy Sets - 2013
    #A = data, B = output
    acuts = np.arange(0.05, 1.0, 1.0/(nCuts))

    dataCuts = []
    outCuts = []
    #get all the alpha cuts
    for i in range(len(acuts)):
        dataCuts.append(fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(acuts[i], dataF))
        outCuts.append(fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(acuts[i], outF))
    #check for no alpha cuts and return None
    if all([x == None for x in dataCuts]) or \
       all([x == None for x in outCuts]): return None

    #get the Hausdorff metrics to get numerator
    sumCuts = 0.0
    hVals = []
    for i in range(len(acuts)):
        if dataCuts[i] <> None and outCuts[i] <> None:
            #use ammended hausdorff measure for directional distance
            if abs(outCuts[i][0] - dataCuts[i][0]) >  abs(outCuts[i][1] - dataCuts[i][1]):
                h = outCuts[i][0] - dataCuts[i][0]
                h = outCuts[i][1] - dataCuts[i][1]
        else: hVals.append(None)
    #add max instead of empty sets
    for i in range(len(hVals)): 
        if hVals[i] == None: hVals[i] = max(hVals)
    if disp:
        print "ERROR:"
        for i in range(len(acuts)): 
            print " ==> a =", acuts[i], "dCut =", dataCuts[i], "oCut =", outCuts[i], "hVal =", hVals[i]
    dAB = sum([hVals[i]*acuts[i] for i in range(len(acuts))]) / sum(acuts)
    return dAB
Esempio n. 2
def test1():
    test_name = 'SYS: In:7-2 Out:9-2   DATA: In:3 Out:3'
    print "*************************************"
    print "TESTING:  ", test_name
    inMFs = input_7gaussMFs       #system in
    outMFs = output_9gaussMFs
    defuzz = None
    outForm = 'tri'
    inDataForm = 'tri'
    outDataForm = 'tri'
    errType = 'fuzzy'
    input_arrays, output_arrays = generate_MFs(inMFs, outMFs)
    inputMFs = {    ('VL_SYS_UNION', 'phi'):        copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['phi']),('FWD_SYS_UNION', 'phi'):       copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['phi']), ('WING_SYS_TYPE', 'phi'):       copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['phi']),('ENG_SYS_TYPE', 'phi'):        copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['phi']),
                    ('VL_SYS_UNION', 'w'):          copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['w']),('VL_SYS_TYPE', 'TP'):          copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['TP']),('WING_SYS_TYPE', 'WS'):        copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['WS']),('VL_SYS_PROP', 'sigma'):       copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['sigma']),    
                    ('VL_SYS_TYPE', 'e_d'):         copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['e_d']),('VL_SYS_DRV', 'eta_d'):        copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['eta_d']),('FWD_SYS_DRV', 'eta_d'):       copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['eta_d']),('FWD_SYS_PROP', 'eta_p'):      copy.deepcopy(input_arrays['eta_p']),
    inputPARAMs = { ('VL_SYS_UNION', 'phi'):        copy.deepcopy(inMFs['phi']), ('FWD_SYS_UNION', 'phi'):       copy.deepcopy(inMFs['phi']),('WING_SYS_TYPE', 'phi'):       copy.deepcopy(inMFs['phi']),('ENG_SYS_TYPE', 'phi'):        copy.deepcopy(inMFs['phi']),    
                    ('VL_SYS_UNION', 'w'):          copy.deepcopy(inMFs['w']), ('VL_SYS_TYPE', 'TP'):          copy.deepcopy(inMFs['TP']),('WING_SYS_TYPE', 'WS'):        copy.deepcopy(inMFs['WS']), ('VL_SYS_PROP', 'sigma'):       copy.deepcopy(inMFs['sigma']),    
                    ('VL_SYS_TYPE', 'e_d'):         copy.deepcopy(inMFs['e_d']),('VL_SYS_DRV', 'eta_d'):        copy.deepcopy(inMFs['eta_d']),('FWD_SYS_DRV', 'eta_d'):       copy.deepcopy(inMFs['eta_d']),('FWD_SYS_PROP', 'eta_p'):      copy.deepcopy(inMFs['eta_p']),
    outputMFs = {'sys_phi' : copy.deepcopy(output_arrays['sys_phi'])}
    outputPARAMs = {'sys_phi' : copy.deepcopy(outMFs['sys_phi'])}
    combinedData = copy.deepcopy(data)
    print combinedData[0]
    #generate rules
    with Timer() as t:
        rule_grid = train_system(inputMFs, outputMFs, combinedData, 
                                 inDataMFs=inDataForm, outDataMFs=outDataForm,
    #write out FCL
    write_fcl_file_FRBS(inputPARAMs, outputPARAMs, rule_grid, defuzz, 'test_sys_phi.fcl')
    #get system
    inputs, outputs, rulebase, AND_operator, OR_operator, aggregator, implication, \
        defuzz = build_fuzz_system('test_sys_phi.fcl')
    sys = Fuzzy_System(inputs, outputs, rulebase, AND_operator, OR_operator, aggregator, 
                    implication, defuzz)
    print '=> ', t.secs, 'secs to build', len(sys.rulebase), 'rules'
    #test system
    with Timer() as t:
        error = getError(combinedData, sys, inMF=inDataForm, outMF=outDataForm, sysOutType=errType)
    print '=> ', t.secs, 'secs to check error'
    print 'Total System Error:', sum([err[2] for err in error])
    print 'Mean Square System Error:', (1.0/len(error))*sum([err[2]**2 for err in error])
    print 'Root Mean Square System Error:', ( (1.0/len(error)) * sum([err[2]**2 for err in error]) )**0.5
    #actual vs. predicted plot
    plt.title('Actual vs. Predicted at Max Alpha Cut'+test_name)
    for err in error:
        if outDataForm == 'gauss': AC_actual = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(0.8, [err[0][0],err[0][1]])
        else: AC_actual = fuzzyOps.alpha_at_val(err[0][0],err[0][1])
        if outForm == 'gauss': AC_pred = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(0.8, (err[1][0],err[1][1]))
        else: AC_pred = fuzzyOps.alpha_at_val(err[1][0],err[1][1])
        plt.scatter(AC_actual[0], AC_pred[0], marker='o', c='r')
        plt.scatter(AC_actual[1], AC_pred[1], marker='x', c='b')
    plt.plot([1,9],[1,9], '--k')     
    #visuzlize system with random data point
    #i = random.randrange(0, len(combinedData))
    #inputs = {key[0]+"_"+key[1]:combinedData[i][0][key] for key in combinedData[i][0]}, TESTMODE=True)
    #check random data points (9)
    plt.title('Random Tests:'+test_name)
    for j in range(9):
        i = random.randrange(0, len(combinedData))
        inputs = {key[0]+"_"+key[1]:combinedData[i][0][key] for key in combinedData[i][0]}
        sysOut =
        sysOut = sysOut[sysOut.keys()[0]]
        plt.plot(sysOut[0], sysOut[1], '-r')
        plt.plot(combinedData[i][2][0], combinedData[i][2][1], '--k')
    #actual vs. error plot
    plt.title('Actual (Centroid) vs. Error'+test_name)
    cents = [fuzz.defuzz(err[0][0], err[0][1], 'centroid') for err in error]
    plt.scatter(cents, [err[2] for err in error])
    plt.xlabel('Actual (Centroid)')
    plt.ylabel('Fuzzy Error')   
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, bottom=0.08, right=0.94, top=0.94, wspace=None, hspace=0.18)

alts = [0]
res_all = results+results_new
x_ind = 0 # Empty Weight
y_ind = 3 # 
pts = 20

colors = ['grey', 'r', 'orange', 'coral', 'orange', 'lawngreen', 'c', 'b', 'purple', 'pink']
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
for i in alts:#range(len(results)):
    #ax = plt.subplot(4,2,i+1)
    a_ix = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(0.05, (res_all[i][x_ind][0],res_all[i][x_ind][1]))
    a_iy = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(0.05, (res_all[i][y_ind][0],res_all[i][y_ind][1]))
    if a_ix <> None and a_iy <> None:
        xs = np.arange(a_ix[0], a_ix[1], (a_ix[1]-a_ix[0])/pts)
        ys = np.arange(a_iy[0], a_iy[1], (a_iy[1]-a_iy[0])/pts)
        mxs = np.interp(xs, results[i][x_ind][0], results[i][x_ind][1])
        mys = np.interp(ys, results[i][y_ind][0], results[i][y_ind][1])
        ms = np.ones((len(mxs), len(mys)))
        for j in range(len(mxs)):
            for k in range(len(mys)):
                ms[j,k] = min(mxs[j],mys[k])
        xdat, ydat = np.meshgrid( mxs, mys )
Esempio n. 4
def testMFs(tData, vData, test_name, inMFs, outMFs, outForm, inDataForm, outDataForm, 
            defuzz=None, sysOutType="fuzzy", errType="dist"):
    print "*************************************"
    print "TESTING:  ", test_name
    print len(tData), "training points", len(vData), "validation points."
    #inMFs = input_5gaussMFs       #system in
    #outMFs = output_7gaussMFs
    #defuzz = None
    #outForm = 'gauss'
    #inDataForm = 'gauss'
    #outDataForm = 'gauss'
    #errType = 'fuzzy'
    input_arrays, output_arrays = generate_MFs(inMFs, outMFs)
    inputMFs = { inp: copy.deepcopy(input_arrays[inp[1]])  for inp in inputList }
    inputPARAMs = {inp: copy.deepcopy(inMFs[inp[1]])  for inp in inputList }
    outputMFs = {'sys_FoM' : copy.deepcopy(output_arrays['sys_FoM'])}
    outputPARAMs = {'sys_FoM' : copy.deepcopy(outMFs['sys_FoM'])}
    combinedData = copy.deepcopy(tData)
    #generate rules
    with Timer() as t:
        rule_grid = train_system(inputMFs, outputMFs, combinedData, inDataMFs=inDataForm, outDataMFs=outDataForm)
    #write out FCL
    write_fcl_file_FRBS(inputPARAMs, outputPARAMs, rule_grid, defuzz, 'test_sys_fom.fcl')
    #get system
    inputs, outputs, rulebase, AND_operator, OR_operator, aggregator, implication, \
        defuzz = build_fuzz_system('test_sys_fom.fcl')
    sys = Fuzzy_System(inputs, outputs, rulebase, AND_operator, OR_operator, aggregator, 
                    implication, defuzz)
    print '=> ', t.secs, 'secs to build', len(sys.rulebase), 'rules'
    #test system
    testData = copy.deepcopy(vData)
    with Timer() as t:
        error = getError(testData, sys, inMF=inDataForm, outMF=outDataForm, sysOutType=sysOutType, errType=errType)
    print '=> ', t.secs, 'secs to check error'
    print 'Total System Error:', sum([err[2] for err in error if err[2] <> None])
    print 'Mean Square System Error:', (1.0/ len([err for err in error if err[2] <> None]) ) * \
                                       sum([err[2]**2 for err in error if err[2] <> None])
    print 'Root Mean Square System Error:', ( ( 1.0/len([err for err in error if err[2] <> None]) ) *sum([err[2]**2 for err in error if err[2] <> None]) )**0.5
    #check random data points for time
    check = 15
    t_tot = 0.0
    for j in range(check):
        i = random.randrange(0, len(testData))
        inputs = {key[0]+"_"+key[1]:testData[i][0][key] for key in testData[i][0]}
        with Timer() as t:
            sysOut =
        t_tot = t_tot + float(t.secs)
    print 'Average system time of %d points => %.5f s' % (check, t_tot/check)
    print '                                 => %.5f s per rule' % ((t_tot/check)/len(sys.rulebase))
    #actual vs. predicted plot
    alpha = 0.7
    plt.title('Actual vs. Predicted at Max Alpha Cut'+test_name)
    for err in error:
        if outDataForm == 'gauss': AC_actual = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(alpha, [err[0][0],err[0][1]])
        else: AC_actual = fuzzyOps.alpha_at_val(err[0][0],err[0][1])
        if outForm == 'gauss': AC_pred = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(alpha, (err[1][0],err[1][1]))
        else: AC_pred = fuzzyOps.alpha_at_val(err[1][0],err[1][1])
        if AC_actual <> None and AC_pred <> None: 
            plt.scatter(AC_actual[0], AC_pred[0], marker='o', c='r')
            plt.scatter(AC_actual[1], AC_pred[1], marker='x', c='b')
    plt.plot([0,9],[0,9], '--k')     
    plt.ylim([0.4, 1.0])
    #visuzlize system with random data point
    #i = random.randrange(0, len(combinedData))
    #inputs = {key[0]+"_"+key[1]:combinedData[i][0][key] for key in combinedData[i][0]}, TESTMODE=True)
    #check random data points for time
    plotData = copy.deepcopy(vData)
    plt.title('Random Tests:'+test_name)
    for j in range(9):
        i = random.randrange(0, len(plotData))
        inputs = {key[0]+"_"+key[1]:plotData[i][0][key] for key in plotData[i][0]}
        sysOut =
        sysOut = sysOut[sysOut.keys()[0]]
        plt.plot(sysOut[0], sysOut[1], '-r')
        plt.plot(plotData[i][2][0], plotData[i][2][1], '--k')

    #actual vs. error plot
    plt.title('Actual (Centroid) vs. Error'+test_name)
    cents = [fuzz.defuzz(err[0][0], err[0][1], 'centroid') for err in error]
    plt.scatter(cents, [err[2] for err in error])
    plt.xlabel('Actual (Centroid)')
    plt.ylabel('Fuzzy Error')
    return len(sys.rulebase), (1.0/len(error))*sum([err[2]**2 for err in error])
Esempio n. 5
alts = [0]
res_all = results + results_new
x_ind = 0  # Empty Weight
y_ind = 3  #
pts = 20

colors = [
    'grey', 'r', 'orange', 'coral', 'orange', 'lawngreen', 'c', 'b', 'purple',
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
for i in alts:  #range(len(results)):
    #ax = plt.subplot(4,2,i+1)
    a_ix = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(0.05,
                              (res_all[i][x_ind][0], res_all[i][x_ind][1]))
    a_iy = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(0.05,
                              (res_all[i][y_ind][0], res_all[i][y_ind][1]))
    if a_ix <> None and a_iy <> None:
        xs = np.arange(a_ix[0], a_ix[1], (a_ix[1] - a_ix[0]) / pts)
        ys = np.arange(a_iy[0], a_iy[1], (a_iy[1] - a_iy[0]) / pts)
        mxs = np.interp(xs, results[i][x_ind][0], results[i][x_ind][1])
        mys = np.interp(ys, results[i][y_ind][0], results[i][y_ind][1])
        ms = np.ones((len(mxs), len(mys)))
        for j in range(len(mxs)):
            for k in range(len(mys)):
                ms[j, k] = min(mxs[j], mys[k])

        xdat, ydat = np.meshgrid(mxs, mys)
Esempio n. 6
    def execute(self):
        Translate fuzzy inputs to crisp values to optimize system.
        inputs = [self.fuzzSys_in_1, self.fuzzSys_in_2, self.fuzzSys_in_3, 
        		  self.fuzzSys_in_4, self.fuzzSys_in_5, self.fuzzSys_in_6,
                  self.fuzzSys_in_7, self.fuzzSys_in_8, self.fuzzSys_in_9]
        outs  = [[self.response_1][0], [self.response_2][0], self.response_3, 
                 self.response_4, self.response_5, self.response_6,
                 self.response_7, self.response_8, self.response_9]
        outs_r  = [self.response_1_r, self.response_2_r, self.response_3_r, 
                   self.response_4_r, self.response_5_r, self.response_6_r,
                   self.response_7_r, self.response_8_r, self.response_9_r]
        if self.passthrough == 1:
            if self.printResults == 1: print "Incompatible combo found..."
            self.response_1     = 0.0 #phi
            self.response_1_r   = 0.0 
            self.response_1_POS = -1.0

            self.response_2     = 0.0 #FoM
            self.response_2_r   = 0.0
            self.response_2_POS = -1.0

            self.response_3     = 0.0 #LoD
            self.response_3_r   = 0.0
            self.response_3_POS = -1.0

            self.response_4     = 0.0 #etaP
            self.response_4_r   = 0.0
            self.response_4_POS = -1.0

            self.response_5     = 0.0 #GWT
            self.response_5_r   = 0.0
            self.response_5_POS = -1.0

            self.response_6     = -99999.0 #P
            self.response_6_r   = 0.0
            self.response_6_POS = 0.0 

            self.response_7     = 0.0 #VH
            self.response_7_r   = 0.0
            self.response_7_POS = -1.0

            return None

            #get alpha cuts for crisp responses and ranges 
            for i in range(len(inputs)):
                if inputs[i].mf_key	<> '':
                    if len(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key]) 	 == 1: #crisp value
                        self.ranges_out[inputs[i].mf_key] = [inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0], inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0]]
                    elif len(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key])  == 2: #fuzzy function
                        self.ranges_out[inputs[i].mf_key] = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(self.alpha_val, inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key])

                    #capture results for crisp measures
                    if self.ranges_out[inputs[i].mf_key] <> None: y = self.ranges_out[inputs[i].mf_key]
                    else:                                         y = [0.0, 0.0]

                    if inputs[i].mf_key == 'sys_phi': 
                        self.response_1 = fuzz.defuzz(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]),'centroid')
                        self.response_1 = self.response_1 * math.exp(-self.incompatCount)**0.5
                        self.response_1_r = max(y) - min(y)
                        self.response_1_POS = fuzzyOps.fuzzyPOS(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]), self.goalVals['sys_phi'])
                    if inputs[i].mf_key == 'sys_FoM': 
                        self.response_2 = fuzz.defuzz(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]),'centroid')
                        self.response_2 = self.response_2 * math.exp(-self.incompatCount)**0.5
                        self.response_2_r = max(y) - min(y)
                        #if self.response_2 < 0.6:  
                        #    self.response_2_POS = fuzzyOps.fuzzyPOS(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]), self.goalVals['sys_FoM'], direction='max', plot=True)
                        self.response_2_POS = fuzzyOps.fuzzyPOS(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]), self.goalVals['sys_FoM'])

                    if inputs[i].mf_key == 'sys_LoD': 
                        self.response_3 = fuzz.defuzz(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]),'centroid')
                        self.response_2 = self.response_3 * math.exp(-self.incompatCount)**0.5
                        self.response_3_r = max(y) - min(y)
                        self.response_3_POS = fuzzyOps.fuzzyPOS(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]), self.goalVals['sys_LoD'])

                    if inputs[i].mf_key == 'sys_etaP': 
                        self.response_4 = fuzz.defuzz(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]),'centroid')
                        self.response_4 = self.response_4 * math.exp(-self.incompatCount)**0.5
                        self.response_4_r = max(y) - min(y)
                        self.response_4_POS = fuzzyOps.fuzzyPOS(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]), self.goalVals['sys_etaP'])

                    if inputs[i].mf_key == 'sys_GWT': #invert GWT to maximize all
                        self.response_5 = fuzz.defuzz(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]),'centroid')
                        self.response_5 = self.response_5 * math.exp(-self.incompatCount)**0.5
                        self.response_5_r = max(y) - min(y)
                        self.response_5_POS = fuzzyOps.fuzzyPOS(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]), self.goalVals['sys_GWT'], direction='min')

                    if inputs[i].mf_key == 'sys_P': #invert GWT to maximize all
                        self.response_6 = 0.0-fuzz.defuzz(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]),'centroid')
                        self.response_6 = self.response_6 * math.exp(-self.incompatCount)**0.5
                        self.response_6_r = max(y) - min(y)
                        self.response_6_POS = fuzzyOps.fuzzyPOS(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]), self.goalVals['sys_Pin'], direction='min')

                    if inputs[i].mf_key == 'sys_VH': #invert GWT to maximize all
                        self.response_7 = fuzz.defuzz(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]),'centroid')
                        self.response_7 = self.response_7 * math.exp(-self.incompatCount)**0.5
                        self.response_7_r = max(y) - min(y)
                        self.response_7_POS = fuzzyOps.fuzzyPOS(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][0],np.array(inputs[i].mf_dict[inputs[i].mf_key][1]), self.goalVals['sys_VH'])

                        self.fuzzyPOS = self.response_1_POS*self.response_2_POS*self.response_3_POS*self.response_4_POS*self.response_6_POS

        if self.printResults == 1: #print results
            print "Alternative:", self.passthrough, ":",
            print "PHI: %.1f, (%.3f)" % (self.response_1, self.response_1_POS),
            print "  FoM: %.3f, (%.3f)" % (self.response_2, self.response_2_POS), 
            print "  L/D: %.1f, (%.3f)" % (self.response_3, self.response_3_POS),
            print "  etaP: %.3f, (%.3f)" % (self.response_4, self.response_4_POS),
            print "  GWT: %.0f, (%.3f)" % (self.response_5, self.response_5_POS),
            print "  Pinst: %.0f, (%.3f)" % (self.response_6, self.response_6_POS),
            print "  VH: %.0f, (%.3f)" % (self.response_7, self.response_7_POS),
            print "  FPOS: %.3f" % self.fuzzyPOS

        #plotting for testing
        if self.PLOTMODE == 1: #plot results
            for r in inputs:
                if r.mf_key <> '':
                    if len(r.mf_dict[r.mf_key])      == 1: #crisp value
                        pass#self.ranges_out[r.mf_key] = [r.mf_dict[r.mf_key][0], r.mf_dict[r.mf_key][1]]
                    elif len(r.mf_dict[r.mf_key])  == 2: #fuzzy function
                    i = i + 1

Esempio n. 7
def testMFs(tData, vData, test_name, inMFs, outMFs, outForm, inDataForm, outDataForm, 
            defuzz=None, sysOutType="fuzzy", errType="dist", plot=True):
    print "*************************************"
    print "TESTING:  ", test_name
    print len(tData), "training points", len(vData), "validation points."
    #inMFs = input_5gaussMFs       #system in
    #outMFs = output_7gaussMFs
    #defuzz = None
    #outForm = 'gauss'
    #inDataForm = 'gauss'
    #outDataForm = 'gauss'
    #errType = 'fuzzy'
    input_arrays, output_arrays = generate_MFs(inMFs, outMFs)
    inputMFs = { inp: copy.deepcopy(input_arrays[inp[1]])  for inp in inputList }
    inputPARAMs = {inp: copy.deepcopy(inMFs[inp[1]])  for inp in inputList }
    outputMFs = {'sys_phi' : copy.deepcopy(output_arrays['sys_phi'])}
    outputPARAMs = {'sys_phi' : copy.deepcopy(outMFs['sys_phi'])}
    combinedData = copy.deepcopy(tData)
    #generate rules
    with Timer() as t:
        rule_grid = train_system(inputMFs, outputMFs, combinedData, inDataMFs=inDataForm, outDataMFs=outDataForm)
    #write out FCL
    write_fcl_file_FRBS(inputPARAMs, outputPARAMs, rule_grid, defuzz, 'test_sys_phi.fcl')
    #get system
    inputs, outputs, rulebase, AND_operator, OR_operator, aggregator, implication, \
        defuzz = build_fuzz_system('test_sys_phi.fcl')
    sys = Fuzzy_System(inputs, outputs, rulebase, AND_operator, OR_operator, aggregator, 
                    implication, defuzz)
    print '=> ', t.secs, 'secs to build', len(sys.rulebase), 'rules'
    #test system
    testData = copy.deepcopy(vData)
    with Timer() as t:
        error = getError(testData, sys, inMF=inDataForm, outMF=outDataForm, sysOutType=sysOutType, errType=errType)
    print '=> ', t.secs, 'secs to check error'
    print 'Total System Error:', sum([err[2] for err in error if err[2] <> None])
    print 'Mean Square System Error:', sum([err[2]**2 for err in error if err[2] <> None]) / len([err for err in error if err[2] <> None]) 
    print 'Root Mean Square System Error:', ( sum([err[2]**2 for err in error if err[2] <> None]) / len([err for err in error if err[2] <> None])  )**0.5
    #check random data points for time
    check = 15
    t_tot = 0.0
    for j in range(check):
        i = random.randrange(0, len(testData))
        inputs = {key[0]+"_"+key[1]:testData[i][0][key] for key in testData[i][0]}
        with Timer() as t:
            sysOut =
        t_tot = t_tot + float(t.secs)
    print 'Average system time of %d points => %.5f s' % (check, t_tot/check)
    print '                                 => %.5f s per rule' % ((t_tot/check)/len(sys.rulebase))
    #actual vs. predicted plot
    alpha = 0.7
    plt.title('Actual vs. Predicted at Max Alpha Cut'+test_name)
    for err in error:
        if outDataForm == 'gauss': AC_actual = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(alpha, [err[0][0],err[0][1]])
        else: AC_actual = fuzzyOps.alpha_at_val(err[0][0],err[0][1])
        if outForm == 'gauss': AC_pred = fuzzyOps.alpha_cut(alpha, (err[1][0],err[1][1]))
        else: AC_pred = fuzzyOps.alpha_at_val(err[1][0],err[1][1])
        if AC_actual <> None and AC_pred <> None: 
            plt.scatter(AC_actual[0], AC_pred[0], marker='o', c='r')
            plt.scatter(AC_actual[1], AC_pred[1], marker='x', c='b')
    plt.plot([1,9],[1,9], '--k')     
    #visuzlize system with random data point
    #i = random.randrange(0, len(combinedData))
    #inputs = {key[0]+"_"+key[1]:combinedData[i][0][key] for key in combinedData[i][0]}, TESTMODE=True)
    #check random data points for time
    plt.title('Random Tests:'+test_name)
    for j in range(9):
        i = random.randrange(0, len(combinedData))
        inputs = {key[0]+"_"+key[1]:combinedData[i][0][key] for key in combinedData[i][0]}
        sysOut =
        sysOut = sysOut[sysOut.keys()[0]]
        plt.plot(sysOut[0], sysOut[1], '-r')
        plt.plot(combinedData[i][2][0], combinedData[i][2][1], '--k')

    #actual vs. error plot
    plt.title('Actual (Centroid) vs. Error'+test_name)
    cents = [fuzz.defuzz(err[0][0], err[0][1], 'centroid') for err in error]
    plt.scatter(cents, [err[2] for err in error])
    plt.xlabel('Actual (Centroid)')
    plt.ylabel('Fuzzy Error')
    return len(sys.rulebase), sum([err[2]**2 for err in error if err[2] <> None]) / len([err for err in error if err[2] <> None])