Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, separator, constrain_order = None, hill_climb_cond = False, must_have=None):
     @param separator: available separator
     @type separator: HypotheticalSeparator
     self._constrain_order = constrain_order
     self._hill_climb_cond = hill_climb_cond
     if must_have is None or not must_have:
         self._must_have = separator.variables()
         self._must_have = must_have
     self.num_tests = 0
     self._skel = UGraph(vertices=self.variables())
Esempio n. 2
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestGraphCI, self).setUp()
     self.g = list(xrange(4))
     self.indeps = list(xrange(4))
     self.g[0] = UGraph(vertices=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
                        lines=[('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd'),
                               ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e')])
     self.indeps[0] = {
         ('b', 'e'): [frozenset(['c'])],
         ('d', 'e'): [frozenset(['c'])],
         ('a', 'd'): [frozenset(['c', 'b'])],
         ('a', 'e'): [frozenset(['c'])]
     self.g[1] = ADG(vertices=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'],
                     arrows=[('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('d', 'a'), ('d', 'e'),
                             ('d', 'f'), ('e', 'c'), ('c', 'f')])
     self.indeps[1] = {
         ('e', 'f'): [frozenset(['c', 'd'])],
         ('a', 'f'): [frozenset(['b', 'd']),
                      frozenset(['c', 'd'])],
         ('a', 'e'): [frozenset(['d'])],
         ('b', 'f'): [frozenset(['a', 'c', 'e']),
                      frozenset(['c', 'd'])],
         ('c', 'd'): [frozenset(['b', 'e']),
                      frozenset(['a', 'e'])],
         ('b', 'e'): [frozenset(['a']), frozenset(['d'])],
         ('a', 'c'): [frozenset(['b', 'd']),
                      frozenset(['b', 'e'])],
         ('b', 'd'): [frozenset(['a'])]
     self.g[2] = ADG(vertices=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
                     arrows=[('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd')])
     self.indeps[2] = {
         ('a', 'd'): [frozenset(['c']), frozenset(['b'])],
         ('a', 'c'): [frozenset(['b'])],
         ('b', 'd'): [frozenset(['c'])]
     self.g[3] = ADG(vertices=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
                     arrows=[('a', 'c'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd')])
     self.indeps[3] = {
         ('a', 'c'): [frozenset([])],
         ('b', 'c'): [frozenset([])],
         ('d', 'c'): [frozenset([])]
Esempio n. 3
class PCCI(CI):
    """Implementation of Spirtes, Glurmour and Scheines' PC algorithm
    def __init__(self, separator, constrain_order = None, hill_climb_cond = False, must_have=None):
        @param separator: available separator
        @type separator: HypotheticalSeparator
        self._constrain_order = constrain_order
        self._hill_climb_cond = hill_climb_cond
        if must_have is None or not must_have:
            self._must_have = separator.variables()
            self._must_have = must_have
        self.num_tests = 0
        self._skel = UGraph(vertices=self.variables())

    def potential_ancestors(self, child):
        if self._constrain_order is None or child not in self._constrain_order:
            return self.variables()

        i = self._constrain_order.index(child)
        return set(self._constrain_order[:i])

    def skeleton(self):
        return self._skel

    def _ic_discovery(self, separator):
        n = 0
        skel = self._skel

        too_many_adjacent = True
        while too_many_adjacent:
            too_many_adjacent = False
            # find a pair (x,y) such that the cardinality of the neighbourhood
            # exceeds n
            for x, y in pairs(self.variables()):
                if x not in self._must_have and y not in self._must_have:

                n_x = set(skel.neighbours(x))
                n_y = set(skel.neighbours(y))

                if y not in n_x:

                if x not in n_y:
                    raise RuntimeError,'inconsistent neighbourhoods'

                # separators must be potential ancestors of both variables.
                # constrain the neighbourhood to contain only potential ancestors
                cond  = n_x & self.potential_ancestors(x)
                cond |= n_y & self.potential_ancestors(y)
                cond -= frozenset([x,y])

                # if the neighbourhood is too small, try the next pair
                if n > len(cond):

                # find an untested subset s of neighbours of x of cardinality n
                for s in subsetn(tuple(cond), n):
                    s = frozenset(s)
                    self.num_tests += 1
                    # test for x _|_ y | s
                    if separator.separates(x, y, s):
                        # see if we can find a more probable separator
                        s = self.hill_climb_cond(separator,x,y,s,cond)
                        # record independence since found
                        skel.remove_line(x, y)

            # increment required neighbourhood minimum size
            n += 1
            # see if we've found all the CIs
            too_many_adjacent = False
            for x in self.variables():
                too_many_adjacent |= len(skel.neighbours(x)) > n
                if too_many_adjacent:

    def hill_climb_cond(self, separator, x, y, s, cond):
        """Hill climb over s, trying other elements of
        the set of all possible conditions, cond, to maximise
        the belief.
        The idea is that x_|_y|s may just be within the threshold of
        believable, but there exists a slightly large conditional s'
        which we won't find due to the greediness of PC search. finding
        the correct separator influences the collider/immorality recovery
        step of the IC algorithm (the first stage of orienting arrows.)
        Either way, by performing hill climbing search here we should not
        loose out.
        if not self._hill_climb_cond:
            return s

        # start with the current separator s and its degrees of belief
        s = set(s)
        best_score = separator.confidence(x,y,s)
        while True:
            best_new_s = None
            # consider each potential condition
            for new_s in cond - s:
                # test to see if adding just this one condition
                # gives a higher degree of belief
                self.num_tests += 1
                score_new = separator.confidence(x,y,s|set([new_s]))
                if score_new > best_score:
                    # if so, go with it
                    best_score = score_new
                    best_new_s = new_s

            # if we found no improvement, give up (at maximum)
            if best_new_s is None:

            s |= set([best_new_s])
        return frozenset(s)