Esempio n. 1
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3
# Copyright 2010 Matt Windsor'''

# dbgen: generates new database from YAML file

from game.database import DatabaseBackend

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dbname = raw_input("Name of new database > ")
    yamlname = raw_input("Name of YAML file to populate from > ")
    db = DatabaseBackend(dbname)
    print "Cleansing database... ",
    print "done."
    print "Creating tables... ",
    print "done."
    print "Populating tables from YAML... ",
    print "done."
Esempio n. 2
class DatabaseTesting(unittest.TestCase):
    """A test construct for the database backend system."""

    def setUp(self):
        """Initialise the database construct."""
        self.db = DatabaseBackend ('berin.db')

    def tearDown(self):
        """De-initialise the database construct."""
        del self.db

    def testYamlParse(self):
        """Test the YAML population functions of the database backend."""
        c = self.db.conn.cursor()
        # Test to see if the muniverse object is present
        muniverse_object = c.execute('''SELECT object_attributes.objectid
                                     FROM object_attributes
                                     WHERE object_attributes.key == 'ishort'
                                     AND object_attributes.value == 'Muniverse' ''').fetchone()
        self.assertEqual(muniverse_object, (2,))
        # Now test to see if it's a room
        muniverse_type = c.execute('''SELECT objects.typeid
                                   FROM objects
                                   WHERE objects.objectid == 2''').fetchone()
        self.assertEqual(muniverse_type, (itemTypes.index(game.objects.Room),))
        # Next, get all the objects directly in the muniverse. There should be three
        # (Colin Runciman, Turbo Pascal and a breakfast). 
        objects_in_muniverse = c.execute('''SELECT object_attributes.value
                                         FROM object_attributes
                                         INNER JOIN objects
                                         ON objects.objectid == object_attributes.objectid
                                         WHERE object_attributes.key == 'oshort' 
                                         AND objects.locationid == 2''').fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(objects_in_muniverse, [("Colin Runciman",), ("Turbo Pascal",), ("Breakfast",)])
        # Finally, get all the puppets linked to players.
        playermaps = c.execute('''SELECT object_attributes.value, players.username, objects.typeid
                               FROM object_attributes
                               INNER JOIN players
                               ON players.puppetid == object_attributes.objectid   
                               INNER JOIN objects
                               ON objects.objectid == object_attributes.objectid
                               WHERE object_attributes.key == 'oshort' ''').fetchall()
        # The matchings should be Colin Runciman -> Berin, Turbo Pascal -> Pascal
        self.assertEqual(playermaps[0][0], "Colin Runciman")
        self.assertEqual(playermaps[0][1], "Berin")
        self.assertEqual(playermaps[1][0], "Turbo Pascal")
        self.assertEqual(playermaps[1][1], "Pascal")
        # All of the rows should belong to Puppets.
        for row in playermaps:
            self.assertEqual(row[2], itemTypes.index(game.objects.Puppet))
        # Finally, test exits.
        exits = c.execute('''SELECT room_exits.roomid, room_exits.direction, room_exits.destinationid
                          FROM room_exits''').fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(exits[0], (2, "inside", 6))
        self.assertEqual(exits[1], (6, "outside", 2))
        # All done!

    def testAPIObject(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to store and get objects."""
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(1)
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 1)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})

    def testAPIObjectIteration(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to store objects then retrieve them as an iteration."""
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(2, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc": "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})
        items = self.db.getItems()
        item =
        #First item
        objectID = item[0]
        typeID = item[1]
        locationID = item[2]
        attribs = item[3]
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 1)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})

        # Second item

        item =

        objectID = item[0]
        typeID = item[1]
        locationID = item[2]
        attribs = item[3]
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc": "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})
    def testObjectUpdate(self):
        """Test to ensure proper results when storing an object twice.""" 
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(1, 0, 2, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc": "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(1)
        # Object 1 should have been replaced entirely with Colin Runciman,
        # including the attribute map.
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 1)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc" : "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})
    def testObjectStrike(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to delete objects."""
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(2, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc": "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})
        self.db.storeItem(3, 0, 1, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc": "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})

        # Then make an exit pair.
        self.db.storeExit(1, "out", 2)
        self.db.storeExit(2, "in", 1)
        # Now delete CSE/270! Oh no! Colin should be moved to CSE 2F!
        self.db.delItem(1, 2)
        # Test the three objects - 1 should be nonexistent, 2 shouldn't have changed and 3 should now be inside 2.
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(1)
        self.assertEqual(objectID, None)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, None)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, None)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, None)
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(2)
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc" : "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})    
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(3)
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 3)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc" : "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})       

        # Test room exits - there should be none.
        for i in xrange(1, 4):
            self.assertEqual(self.db.getExits(i), {})
    def testAPIChildren(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to find children of an object."""
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc" : "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(2, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc" : "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})
        self.db.storeItem(3, 0, 1, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc" : "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})
        self.db.storeItem(4, 0, 1, {"oshort" : "Pascal", "odesc" : "He's here! He's finally here!"})
        self.db.storeItem(5, 1, 2, {"oshort" : "SuperBerin", "odesc" : "You are acting like an idiot."})
        self.assertEqual(self.db.getChildren(1), [3, 4])
        self.assertEqual(self.db.getChildren(2), [5])
        self.assertEqual(self.db.getChildren(3), [])

    def testAPIPlayer(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to check player credentials."""
        c = self.db.conn.cursor()
        # Try storing and getting a player. Storage at time of writing is manual-only.
        c.execute('''INSERT INTO players
                  VALUES ("Berin", "abc123", 1)''')
        c.execute('''INSERT INTO players
                  VALUES ("Matt", "ffswtf", 2)''')
        username, passhash, puppetID = self.db.getUser("Berin")
        self.assertEqual(username, "Berin")
        self.assertEqual(passhash, "abc123")
        self.assertEqual(puppetID, 1)

        # Try getting the players as an iterator.

        users = self.db.getUsers()
        user =

        self.assertEqual(user[0], "Berin")
        self.assertEqual(user[1], "abc123")
        self.assertEqual(user[2], 1)      

        user =

        self.assertEqual(user[0], "Matt")
        self.assertEqual(user[1], "ffswtf")
        self.assertEqual(user[2], 2)

    def testAPIExits(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to store and get room exits."""
        # First, store two rooms.
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(2, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc": "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})

        # Then make an exit pair.
        self.db.storeExit(1, "out", 2)
        self.db.storeExit(2, "in", 1)
        # Now check the accessor
        roomdict = self.db.getExits(1)
        corrdict = self.db.getExits(2)
        self.assertEqual(roomdict, {"out" : 2})
        self.assertEqual(corrdict, {"in"  : 1}) 
Esempio n. 3
class DatabaseTesting(unittest.TestCase):
    """A test construct for the database backend system."""

    def setUp(self):
        """Initialise the database construct."""
        self.db = DatabaseBackend ('berin.db')

    def tearDown(self):
        """De-initialise the database construct."""
        del self.db

    def testYamlParse(self):
        """Test the YAML population functions of the database backend."""
        c = self.db.conn.cursor()
        # Test to see if the muniverse object is present
        muniverse_object = c.execute('''SELECT object_attributes.objectid
                                     FROM object_attributes
                                     WHERE object_attributes.key == 'ishort'
                                     AND object_attributes.value == 'Muniverse' ''').fetchone()
        self.assertEqual(muniverse_object, (2,))
        # Now test to see if it's a room
        muniverse_type = c.execute('''SELECT objects.typeid
                                   FROM objects
                                   WHERE objects.objectid == 2''').fetchone()
        self.assertEqual(muniverse_type, (itemTypes.index(game.objects.Room),))
        # Next, get all the objects directly in the muniverse. There should be three
        # (Colin Runciman, Turbo Pascal and a breakfast). 
        objects_in_muniverse = c.execute('''SELECT object_attributes.value
                                         FROM object_attributes
                                         INNER JOIN objects
                                         ON objects.objectid == object_attributes.objectid
                                         WHERE object_attributes.key == 'oshort' 
                                         AND objects.locationid == 2''').fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(objects_in_muniverse, [("Colin Runciman",), ("Turbo Pascal",), ("Breakfast",)])
        # Finally, get all the puppets linked to players.
        playermaps = c.execute('''SELECT object_attributes.value, players.username, objects.typeid
                               FROM object_attributes
                               INNER JOIN players
                               ON players.puppetid == object_attributes.objectid   
                               INNER JOIN objects
                               ON objects.objectid == object_attributes.objectid
                               WHERE object_attributes.key == 'oshort' ''').fetchall()
        # The matchings should be Colin Runciman -> Berin, Turbo Pascal -> Pascal
        self.assertEqual(playermaps[0][0], "Colin Runciman")
        self.assertEqual(playermaps[0][1], "Berin")
        self.assertEqual(playermaps[1][0], "Turbo Pascal")
        self.assertEqual(playermaps[1][1], "Pascal")
        # All of the rows should belong to Puppets.
        for row in playermaps:
            self.assertEqual(row[2], itemTypes.index(game.objects.Puppet))
        # Finally, test exits.
        exits = c.execute('''SELECT room_exits.roomid, room_exits.direction, room_exits.destinationid
                          FROM room_exits''').fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(exits[0], (2, "inside", 6))
        self.assertEqual(exits[1], (6, "outside", 2))
        # All done!

    def testAPIObject(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to store and get objects."""
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(1)
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 1)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})

    def testAPIObjectIteration(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to store objects then retrieve them as an iteration."""
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(2, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc": "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})
        items = self.db.getItems()
        item =
        #First item
        objectID = item[0]
        typeID = item[1]
        locationID = item[2]
        attribs = item[3]
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 1)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})

        # Second item

        item =

        objectID = item[0]
        typeID = item[1]
        locationID = item[2]
        attribs = item[3]
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc": "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})
    def testObjectUpdate(self):
        """Test to ensure proper results when storing an object twice.""" 
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(1, 0, 2, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc": "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(1)
        # Object 1 should have been replaced entirely with Colin Runciman,
        # including the attribute map.
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 1)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc" : "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})
    def testObjectStrike(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to delete objects."""
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(2, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc": "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})
        self.db.storeItem(3, 0, 1, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc": "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})

        # Then make an exit pair.
        self.db.storeExit(1, "out", 2)
        self.db.storeExit(2, "in", 1)
        # Now delete CSE/270! Oh no! Colin should be moved to CSE 2F!
        self.db.delItem(1, 2)
        # Test the three objects - 1 should be nonexistent, 2 shouldn't have changed and 3 should now be inside 2.
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(1)
        self.assertEqual(objectID, None)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, None)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, None)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, None)
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(2)
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc" : "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})    
        objectID, typeID, locationID, attribs = self.db.getItem(3)
        self.assertEqual(objectID, 3)
        self.assertEqual(typeID, 0)
        self.assertEqual(locationID, 2)
        self.assertEqual(attribs, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc" : "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})       

        # Test room exits - there should be none.
        for i in xrange(1, 4):
            self.assertEqual(self.db.getExits(i), {})
    def testAPIChildren(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to find children of an object."""
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc" : "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(2, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc" : "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})
        self.db.storeItem(3, 0, 1, {"oshort" : "Colin Runciman", "odesc" : "Do you need a description of Colin Runciman?!"})
        self.db.storeItem(4, 0, 1, {"oshort" : "Pascal", "odesc" : "He's here! He's finally here!"})
        self.db.storeItem(5, 1, 2, {"oshort" : "SuperBerin", "odesc" : "You are acting like an idiot."})
        self.assertEqual(self.db.getChildren(1), [3, 4])
        self.assertEqual(self.db.getChildren(2), [5])
        self.assertEqual(self.db.getChildren(3), [])

    def testAPIPlayer(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to check player credentials."""
        c = self.db.conn.cursor()
        # Try storing and getting a player. Storage at time of writing is manual-only.
        c.execute('''INSERT INTO players
                  VALUES ("Berin", "abc123", 1)''')
        username, passhash, puppetID = self.db.getUser("Berin")
        self.assertEqual(username, "Berin")
        self.assertEqual(passhash, "abc123")
        self.assertEqual(puppetID, 1)

    def testAPIExits(self):
        """Test use of the database backend's API to store and get room exits."""
        # First, store two rooms.
        self.db.storeItem(1, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE/270", "idesc": "A computer science lab."})
        self.db.storeItem(2, 2, 0, {"ishort" : "CSE 2F", "idesc": "The second-floor corridor of the Computer Science building."})

        # Then make an exit pair.
        self.db.storeExit(1, "out", 2)
        self.db.storeExit(2, "in", 1)
        # Now check the accessor
        roomdict = self.db.getExits(1)
        corrdict = self.db.getExits(2)
        self.assertEqual(roomdict, {"out" : 2})
        self.assertEqual(corrdict, {"in"  : 1}) 
Esempio n. 4
 def setUp(self):
     """Initialise the database construct."""
     self.db = DatabaseBackend ('berin.db')
Esempio n. 5
 def setUp(self):
     """Initialise the database construct."""
     self.db = DatabaseBackend ('berin.db')