Esempio n. 1
def makeMove(a: gameLogic.gameState, turn: str):
    Asks the user to enter a space on the board in row,col format. Then checks if its
    valid and places it on the board. If invalid, it remprompts.
    count = 0
    while True:
        temp = [18, 18]  # Initializing
        move = []
        while len(move) != 2 or gameLogic.inBoard(a, turn, temp) == False:  # Checks if move is in the board
                move = input(
                    "Please select a space on the board by entering (row #,col #) like 3,4 or q to quit: "
                )  # Asks for the move from the user
                if move.upper() == "Q":
                move = move.split(",")
                move[0] = int(move[0])
                move[1] = int(move[1])
                temp = [move[0], move[1]]
                print("Please enter a valid move")  # Prints when invalid characters are used.
            if count > 0 and gameLogic.inBoard(a, turn, temp) == False:
                print("Enter a move on the board please")  # Prints if not on board
            count += 1
        legal = gameLogic.validateMove(a, turn, temp)  # Validates whether the move is legal
        flipPieces = legal[1]  # Gets the list of pieces that were to be flipped.
        if turn == gameLogic.BLACK:  # Checks if black's turn
            if a.getBoard()[int(move[1]) - 1][int(move[0]) - 1] == "-" and legal[0]:  # Checks if move is valid
                a.flipPiece(flipPieces)  # Flips pieces
                a.makeBlack(int(move[1]), int(move[0]))  # Makes new piece black
                if (
                    a.getBoard()[int(move[1]) - 1][int(move[0]) - 1] == "-"
                ):  # Checks if space is blank which means invalid move would have to been entered
                    print("Please enter a valid move.")
                    print("Please enter an unfilled space.")  # Otherwise the space is taken already.
            if a.getBoard()[int(move[1] - 1)][int(move[0]) - 1] == "-" and legal[0]:  # Checks if move is valid
                a.flipPiece(flipPieces)  # Flips Pieces
                a.makeWhite(int(move[1]), int(move[0]))  # Places new white piece
                if (
                    a.getBoard()[int(move[1]) - 1][int(move[0]) - 1] == "-"
                ):  # Checks if space is blank which means invalid move would have to been entered
                    print("Please enter a valid move.")
                    print("Please enter an unfilled space.")  # Otherwise the space is taken already.