Esempio n. 1
def minimax(board, color, time, alpha, beta, depth, maximizingPlayer,
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)
    if depth == 0 or not moves:
        return evaluation(board, color), []

    if maximizingPlayer == True:
        best = float("-inf")
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, move)
            alpha, x = minimax(newBoard, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color),
                               time, best, beta, depth - 1, False,
            if best == float("-inf") or alpha > best:
                bestMove = move
                best = alpha
            if best >= beta:
        return best, bestMove
        best = float("inf")
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, move)
            beta, x = minimax(newBoard, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color), time,
                              alpha, best, depth - 1, True, movesRemaining)
            if best == float("inf") or beta < best:
                bestMove = move
                best = beta
            if alpha >= best:
        return best, bestMove
def minimax(board, color, time, alpha, beta, depth, maximizingPlayer, movesRemaining):
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)
    if depth == 0 or not moves:
	return evaluation(board, color), []
    if maximizingPlayer == True:
    	best = float("-inf")
    	for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            alpha, x = minimax(newBoard, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color), time, best, beta, depth-1, False, movesRemaining) 
            if best == float("-inf") or alpha > best:
                bestMove = move
                best = alpha
	    if best >= beta:
	return best, bestMove
    	best = float("inf")
    	for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            beta, x = minimax(newBoard, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color), time, alpha, best, depth-1, True, movesRemaining) 
            if best == float("inf") or beta < best:
                bestMove = move
                best = beta
	    if alpha >= best:
        return best, bestMove
def safePawns(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    #get count of pawns on four edges for each player
    safePawnsOfPlayer = board[0].count(color) + board[7].count(color) + getColumn(board, 0).count(color) + getColumn(board, 7).count(color)
    safePawnsOfOpponent = board[0].count(opponentColor) + board[7].count(opponentColor) + getColumn(board, 0).count(opponentColor) + getColumn(board, 7).count(opponentColor)
    scoreMap['safePawns'] =  safePawnsOfPlayer-safePawnsOfOpponent
def safeKings(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    #get count of kings on four edges for each player
    safeKingsOfPlayer = board[0].count(color.upper()) + board[7].count(color.upper()) + getColumn(board, 0).count(color.upper()) + getColumn(board, 7).count(color.upper())
    safeKingsOfOpponent = board[0].count(opponentColor.upper()) + board[7].count(opponentColor.upper()) + getColumn(board, 0).count(opponentColor.upper()) + getColumn(board, 7).count(opponentColor.upper())
    scoreMap['safeKings'] = safeKingsOfPlayer - safeKingsOfOpponent
def activeDefenseForKings(board, color):
        opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
        val1 = 0
	val2 = 0
        forwardRight = (1, -1)
        forwardLeft = (1, 1)
        backwardRight = (-1, -1)
        backwardLeft = (-1, 1)
	postNeighbors = list()
        postNeighbors = [backwardRight, backwardLeft]

	for i in range(1,33):
                xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(i)
                x = xy[0]
                y = xy[1]
                if board[x][y] == color:
			#for post neighbors of kings, see if there are same colored pawns to rate defensiveness
                        for item in postNeighbors:
                                coord = tuple(sum(x) for x in zip(xy, item))
                                prev_xy = gridToSerial(coord[0], coord[1])
                                if prev_xy in range (1, 33):
                                        new_coord = gamePlay.serialToGrid(prev_xy)
                                        newx = new_coord[0]
                                        newy = new_coord[1]
                                        if board[newx][newy] == color:
                                                val1 += 1

                elif board[x][y] == opponentColor.upper():
                        val2 += 1

	return val1*val2
Esempio n. 6
def evaluation7(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    list1 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]  
    value = 0
    # Loop through all board positions
    for piece in list1:
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
            if board[x-1][y-1].upper() == color.upper():
                value = value + 1
            elif board[x-1][y+1].upper() == color.upper():
                value = value + 1
            elif board[x+1][y-1].upper() == color.upper():
                value = value + 1
            elif board[x+1][y+1].upper() == color.upper():
                value = value + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
            if board[x-1][y-1].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
                value = value - 1
            elif board[x-1][y+1].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
                value = value - 1
            elif board[x+1][y-1].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
                value = value - 1
            elif board[x+1][y+1].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
                value = value - 1
    # Let us give weightage 10
    #return value * 10
    return value 
Esempio n. 7
def evaluation5(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    # 0th element is for top row from top; 7th element is the bottom row in the board
    list = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24], [25, 26, 27, 28], [29, 30, 31, 32]]
    value = 0
    # Loop through all board positions
    for i in range(0, 8):
        for j in range(0, 4):
            piece = list[i][j]
            xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
            x = xy[0]
            y = xy[1]
            if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                if color.upper() == 'R':
                    # When R pieces reach bottom base line get score 7
                    value = value + i
                elif color.upper() == 'W':
                    # When W pieces reach top base line get score 7
                    value = value + (7-i)
            elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
                if opponentColor.upper() == 'R':
                    # When opponent's R pieces reach bottom base line get score -7
                    value = value - i
                elif opponentColor.upper() == 'W':
                    # When opponent's W pieces reach top base line get score -7
                    value = value - (7-i)

    # Lets give weightage 2
    #return value * 2
    return value 
def offense(board, color):
    opposideEnd = None;
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    distanceMeasure = 0.0
    count1 = 0
    count2 = 0
    if color == 'r':
   	for i in range(1, 33):
		xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(i)
		x = xy[0]
		y = xy[1]
		if board[x][y] == color:
			count1 += x
		elif board[x][y] == opponentColor:
			count2 += (7-x)
    elif color == 'w':	
	for i in range(1,33):
		xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(i)
                x = xy[0]
                y = xy[1]
		if board[x][y] == color:
			count1 += (7-x)
		elif board[x][y] == opponentColor:
                        count2 += x

    scoreMap['offense'] = count1 - count2
def nextMove(board, color, time, movesRemaining):
    global myColor
    global opponentColor
    myColor = color
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    #Trying to find the move where I have best score
    return iterativeDeepeningAlphaBetaPruning(board, time, movesRemaining)
Esempio n. 10
def isFirstMove(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value1 = 0
    value2 = 0
    # Loop through the middle two rows
    for piece in range(13, 21):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
            value1 = value1 + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
            value1 = value1 + 1
    # Loop through all the rows
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
            value2 = value2 + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
            value2 = value2 + 1
    # If it is first move middle two rows have one or less piece
    if value2 == 24 and value1 <= 1:
        return True
        return False 
Esempio n. 11
def evaluation(board, color):
    global myColor
    color = myColor
    global moveCount
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value = 0
    global fourth_layer
    # Loop through all board positions
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]

        # Eval on opponent pieces <= 7 or for first 10 moves(Be in attacking mode)
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and (
                countPieces(board, opponentColor) <= 7 or moveCount <= 10):
            value = value + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper() and (
                countPieces(board, opponentColor) <= 7 or moveCount <= 10):
            value = value - 1

# Eval on pieces in fourth layer(pieces will tend to move towards 4th outer most layer ie defensive positions)
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and piece in fourth_layer:
            value = value + 4
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper(
        ) and piece in fourth_layer:
            value = value - 4

# Eval on pieces in third layer (pieces will tend to move towards 3rd layer on board)
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and piece in third_layer:
            value = value + 3
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper(
        ) and piece in third_layer:
            value = value - 3

# Eval on pieces in second layer (pieces will tend to move towards 2nd layer on board
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and piece in second_layer:
            value = value + 2
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper(
        ) and piece in second_layer:
            value = value - 2

# Eval on pieces in first layer  (pieces will tend to move to center two pieces)
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and piece in first_layer:
            value = value + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper(
        ) and piece in first_layer:
            value = value - 1

    return value
Esempio n. 12
def evaluation3(board, color):
  # Evaluation Function 3(matrix): Corners on all sides are given utmost importance 
  # and hence my pawns will always tend to go towards the corner so that the pawns cannot be captured.
  evalMatrix = [
               [ 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4],
               [ 4, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0],
               [ 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 4], 
               [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0],
               [ 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 4],
               [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0],
               [ 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 4],
               [ 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0]                        
  opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
  value = 0
  for piece in range(1, 33):
    xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
    x = xy[0]
    y = xy[1]
    if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
      value = value + evalMatrix[x][y]
    elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
      value = value - evalMatrix[x][y]
  return value
def alphabetaPruning(board,color,alpha,beta, depth, maxval,movesRemaining):
	if depth == 0 or movesRemaining == 0:  # Checking whether I am in the end node, then I will return my evaluation value
		return evaluation(board, maxColor)
	moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board,color)	# Getting all values of the new board that I passed from nextMove
        opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color) # Getting the opponent color
	test = float("inf") # Assigning value for infinity
	if maxval:    #Checking whether maxval is Max
		value = -test #Assigning the value of -infnity to value
		for move in moves: # looping through all the moves
			evalBoard = deepcopy(board) #Taking the deepcopy of board
			#value = evaluation(evalBoard, color)
			#print value, "VALUE"
			value = max(value,alphabetaPruning(evalBoard,opponentColor,alpha,beta, depth-1, False,movesRemaining)) # performing recursive call and assigning the maximum value to the "value"
			alpha = max(alpha, value) # Assigning the max value to alpha
			if beta <= alpha: #checking whether beta is lesser than alpha
		return value # returning the value
		value = test # Assigning the positive max value to alpha
		for move in moves: # iterating through all the values
			evalBoard = deepcopy(board) #Making a deepcopy
			#value = evaluation(evalBoard, color)	
			value = min(value,alphabetaPruning(evalBoard,opponentColor,alpha,beta, depth-1, True, movesRemaining))	# Performing the recursive call and assigning the minimum value to "value"		
			#value = min(move, alphabetaPruning(move, depth-1, True))
			beta = min(beta, value) # Assiging the minumum value to beta by comparing beta and value
			if beta <= alpha: # checking whether beta is lesser than   alpha
		return value	# returning the value
Esempio n. 14
def evaluation(board, color, depth, time):
  # This function adds the value obtained from each of the evaluation functions(which has their respective weights) and return a final value
  # When depth is even, max value gets evaluated, hence we send our color to each of the evaluation function
  # When depth is odd, min value gets evaluated, hence we send opponent's color to each of the evaluation function
  # TIME UPDATE: when there is plenty of time, use all the evaluation functions but when time is less than 10 seconds, I am only making use of only 2 evaluation functions,
  # namely, number of pawns and number of kings.
  if time > 10:
    if depth%2 == 0:
      value = 0.35 * evaluation1(board,color) + 0.20 * evaluation2(board,color) + 0.15 * evaluation3(board,color) + 0.2 * evaluation4(board,color) + 0.1 * evaluation5(board, color)
      value = 0.35 * evaluation1(board,gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)) + 0.20 * evaluation2(board,gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)) + 0.15 * evaluation3(board,gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)) + 0.2 * evaluation4(board,gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)) + 0.1 * evaluation5(board, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color))
    if depth%2 == 0:
      value = 0.6 * evaluation1(board,color) + 0.4 * evaluation2(board, color)
      value = 0.6 * evaluation1(board,gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)) + 0.4 * evaluation2(board, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color))
  return value
Esempio n. 15
def evaluation(board):
    global mycolor
    color = mycolor
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)    
    pawn, king, corner, edge, front, defence, defended_pawns = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        x, y = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        coin = board[x][y]

#pawns and kings
        if coin.upper() == color.upper():
            pawn += 1
            if coin == color.upper():
                king += 1
            pawn -= 1
            if coin == opponentColor.upper():
                king -= 1                

#corner  - safe against attacks              
        if piece in (4,29):
            if color == coin:  corner += 1
            else:              corner -= 1

#edge - edges are safe, so coins must try to go there           
        if piece in (5,13,21,12,20,28):
            if color == coin:   edge += 1
            else:               edge -= 1

#front - if a pawn is <= 3 steps from becoming a king      
        if coin == 'r':
            if piece > 20:
                if color == 'r':     front += 1
                else:                front -= 1
            if piece < 13:
                if color == 'w':     front += 1
                else:                front -= 1
#defended_pawns - if a pawn cannot be attacked
        if coin == 'r' and x > 0 and y > 0 and y < 7 and board[x-1][y+1].upper() == coin.upper() and board[x-1][y-1].upper() == coin.upper():
            if color == 'r':    defended_pawns += 1
            else:               defended_pawns -= 1   
        elif x < 7 and y > 0 and y < 7 and board[x+1][y+1].upper() == coin.upper() and board[x+1][y-1].upper() == coin.upper():
            if color == 'w':    defended_pawns += 1
            else:               defended_pawns -= 1   

#my_defence - the bottom row must not be moved unless opponent arrives, provides the best defence
    for piece in range(1, 5):
        if color == coin == 'r': defence += 1
    for piece in range(29, 33):
        if color == coin == 'w': defence += 1

# Order of importance(descending) is 1.last layer defence 2.number of kings,
#3.number of pawns, 4.defend most pawns, 5.corner, 6.edges, 7.attack(front)
    return (3*pawn + 7*king + 0.34*corner + 0.33*edge + 0.2*front + 25*defence + 0.5*defended_pawns)
Esempio n. 16
def nextMove(board, color, time, movesRemaining):
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)
    if len(moves) == 1:
        return moves[0]
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    equalMoves = []
    best = None
    alpha = None
    beta = float("inf")
    # If the time remaining < 3 seconds, then just apply simpleGreedy and increase depth according to time
    if time < 3:
        depth = 1
    elif time < 10:
        depth = 2
    elif time < 30:
        depth = 4
        if movesRemaining > 40:
            depth = 8
            depth = 6

    for move in moves: # this is the max turn(1st level of minimax), so next should be min's turn
        newBoard = deepcopy(board)
        #Beta is always inf here as there is no parent MIN node. So no need to check if we can prune or not.
        moveVal = evaluation(newBoard, color, depth, 'min', opponentColor, alpha, beta)
        if best == None or moveVal > best:
            bestMove = move
            best = moveVal
            equalMoves = []
        elif moveVal == best:
        if best > alpha:
            alpha = best
    #So the equalMoves consists of all the moves that have ended up with same value after Minimax evaluation
    if len(equalMoves) > 1:
        #The below logic tries to see if there is any next move that will form a defensive structure from the
        #equalMoves list and returns it.
        for move in equalMoves:
            l = len(move)
            xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(move[l-1])
            x = xy[0]
            y = xy[1]
            if (x+1) <= 7:
                if (y+1) <= 7 and board[x+1][y+1].lower() == color.lower():
                    return move
                if (y-1) >= 0 and board[x+1][y-1].lower() == color.lower():
                    return move
            if (x-1) >= 0:
                if (y+1) <= 7 and board[x-1][y+1].lower() == color.lower():
                    return move
                if (y-1) >= 0 and board[x-1][y-1].lower() == color.lower():
                    return move
    return bestMove
Esempio n. 17
def nextMove(board, color, time, movesRemaining):
    global my_color, init_time, time_set, init_moves
    my_color = color
    print "My move turn\n"
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)
    #Trying to find the move where I have best score

    if len(moves)==1:              ## return the move when only a single move is present 
        bestMove = moves[0]
        print "return the only move left\n"
    else:                                 ## more than one possible move is present.
        best = None
        depth =0
        heuristic = curr_evaluation
        alpha = -float('inf')
        beta = float('inf')
        if not time_set:            ## recording the time given so as to split into intervals
            time_set = True
            init_time = time
        ##print init_time, "W##########"
        if init_time*3/4 <=time and time<init_time:   ##game is in the first quarter
            if movesRemaining>146:
                depth = random.randrange(2,4)
            elif movesRemaining>138 and movesRemaining <=146:
                depth =5
            elif movesRemaining > init_moves*2/3 and movesRemaining<=138:
        elif init_time/2 <=time and time< init_time*3/4:     ## game is in the second quarter
            if movesRemaining>init_moves/3 and movesRemaining< 2*init_moves/3:
                depth = random.randrange(3,5)
            elif movesRemaining>0 and movesRemaining <=init_moves/3:
                depth = random.randrange(4,6)
                #heuristic = 
        elif time>0 and time<= init_time/4:
            if movesRemaining>init_moves/3 and movesRemaining< 2*init_moves/3:
                depth = random.randrange(4,7)
            elif movesRemaining>0 and movesRemaining <=init_moves/3:
                depth = random.randrange(6,8)
                ##heuristic =
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            moveVal = miniMax(newBoard,depth,float('inf'), alpha, True, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color), heuristic)  ### we have already evaluated Max's childs here so, its Min's turn to make a move on each of these childs, so min turn is true.
            if best == None or moveVal > best:
                bestMove = move
                best = moveVal
                alpha = moveVal
    return bestMove
Esempio n. 18
def nextMove(board, col, time, movesRemaining):
    #print "player color",color
    global currentPlayerColor 
    global opponentPlayerColor
    opponentPlayerColor = getOpponentColor(col)
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, currentPlayerColor)
    '''If there is only 1 move possible no need to evaluate just return that moves'''
    if len(moves)==1:
        return moves[0]
        best = None
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            alpha = -sys.maxint - 1
            beta = sys.maxint
            Time and moves remaining are few based on the simple greedy evaluation of the board 
            if time < 5 or (movesRemaining)<4:
                moveVal = evaluation1(newBoard)
                #if moves remaing are very few we donot go too deep
                if (movesRemaining/2)<30:
                    moveVal = minimax(newBoard,3,alpha,beta,True)
                    '''inital moves'''    
                elif movesRemaining>140:
                    #start of the game heuristics handles the opening so dont need to go to deep
                    moveVal = minimax(newBoard,3,alpha,beta,True)              
                    '''last moves'''
                    if time < 5:
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard,1,alpha,beta,True)
                    elif time<18:
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard,3,alpha,beta,True)
                    elif time<23:
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard,5,alpha,beta,True)        
                    elif time<28:
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard,7,alpha,beta,True)
                        '''middle moves'''    
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard,5,alpha,beta,True)   
            #moveVal = minimax(newBoard,depth,alpha,beta,True) #we cal minimax to evaluate
            if best == None or moveVal > best:
                bestMove = move
                best = moveVal
        return bestMove
def evaluation(board, color):
    global myColor
    color = myColor
    global moveCount
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value = 0
    global fourth_layer
    # Loop through all board positions
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
	# Eval on opponent pieces <= 7 or for first 10 moves(Be in attacking mode)        
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and (countPieces(board, opponentColor) <= 7 or moveCount <= 10):
            value = value + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper() and (countPieces(board, opponentColor) <= 7 or moveCount <= 10):
            value = value - 1 
	# Eval on pieces in fourth layer(pieces will tend to move towards 4th outer most layer ie defensive positions)
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and piece in fourth_layer:
            value = value + 4
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper() and piece in fourth_layer:
            value = value - 4 
	# Eval on pieces in third layer (pieces will tend to move towards 3rd layer on board)               
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and piece in third_layer:
            value = value + 3
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper() and piece in third_layer:
            value = value - 3 
	# Eval on pieces in second layer (pieces will tend to move towards 2nd layer on board               
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and piece in second_layer:
            value = value + 2
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper() and piece in second_layer:
            value = value - 2 
	# Eval on pieces in first layer  (pieces will tend to move to center two pieces)             
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper() and piece in first_layer:
            value = value + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper() and piece in first_layer:
            value = value - 1 
    return value
Esempio n. 20
def nextMove(board, col, time, movesRemaining):
    global deep
    global timeList
    #Assigned global current and  opponent color used to expand nodes and evaluate as per the player
    global currentPlayerColor 
    global opponentPlayerColor
    opponentPlayerColor = getOpponentColor(col)
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, currentPlayerColor)#returns a list of possible moves[] for the current player
    #Trying to find the move where my game has best score
    if len(moves)==1:
        return moves[0]
    originalTime = elapsed + time
    print "timeList" , timeList
        print "secondLast", timeList[-2]
        differenceTime = timeList[-2]-timeList[-1]
    print "last",timeList[-1]
    best = None
    #if time==0 or ((differenceTime*2) >= timeList[-1]) or countPieces(board, currentPlayerColor)<= differenceTime:
            #or time differnce between last and second last 
    if time<=3 or movesRemaining>=time:
        newBoard = deepcopy(board)
        print "calling random move"
        bestMove = randomMove(newBoard,currentPlayerColor)                
        for move in moves:  
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)          
            gamePlay.doMove(newBoard,move)#get the possible states
            alpha = -sys.maxint - 1
            beta = sys.maxint           
            print "calling next move" 
            moveVal = minimax(newBoard,deep,alpha,beta,True)
            if best == None or moveVal > best:
                bestMove = move
                best = moveVal
        if deep<=7:            
    print "increased depth,new depth is ",deep   
    print"time list after eval",timeList    
    return bestMove
def getOpponentsLonerPieces(board, color):
    listOfLoners = list()
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    #find loners of opponent
    for i in range(1,33):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(i)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y] == opponentColor.upper() or board[x][y] == opponentColor:
    return listOfLoners
Esempio n. 22
def nextMove(board, col, time, movesRemaining):

    #print "player color",color
    global currentPlayerColor
    currentPlayerColor = col
    global opponentPlayerColor
    opponentPlayerColor = getOpponentColor(col)
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, currentPlayerColor)
    '''If there is only 1 move possible no need to evaluate just return that moves'''
    if len(moves) == 1:
        return moves[0]
        best = None
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, move)
            alpha = -sys.maxint - 1
            beta = sys.maxint
            Time and moves remaining are few based on the simple greedy evaluation of the board 
            if time < 5 or (movesRemaining) < 4:
                moveVal = evaluation1(newBoard)

                #if moves remaing are very few we donot go too deep
                if (movesRemaining / 2) < 30:
                    moveVal = minimax(newBoard, 3, alpha, beta, True)
                    '''inital moves'''
                elif movesRemaining > 140:
                    #start of the game heuristics handles the opening so dont need to go to deep
                    moveVal = minimax(newBoard, 3, alpha, beta, True)
                    '''last moves'''
                    if time < 5:
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard, 1, alpha, beta, True)
                    elif time < 18:
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard, 3, alpha, beta, True)
                    elif time < 23:
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard, 5, alpha, beta, True)
                    elif time < 28:
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard, 7, alpha, beta, True)
                        '''middle moves'''
                        moveVal = minimax(newBoard, 5, alpha, beta, True)

            #moveVal = minimax(newBoard,depth,alpha,beta,True) #we cal minimax to evaluate
            if best == None or moveVal > best:
                bestMove = move
                best = moveVal
        return bestMove
def cornerSquares(board, color):
	drawPositions = [5, 1, 32, 28]
	value = 0
	opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
	for item in drawPositions:
		xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(item)
		x = xy[0]
		y = xy[1]
		if board[x][y] == color or board[x][y] == color.upper():
			value += 1
		elif board[x][y] == opponentColor or board[x][y] == opponentColor.upper():
			value -= 1
	scoreMap['cornerSquare'] = value
def defenders(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    defendersOfPlayer = 0
    defendersOfOpponent = 0
    #get count of pawns and kings on edge rows for each player
    if color == 'w':
        defendersOfPlayer = board[0].count(color) + board[0].count(color.upper()) + board[1].count(color) + board[1].count(color.upper())
        defendersOfOpponent =   board[6].count(color) + board[6].count(color.upper()) + board[7].count(color) + board[7].count(color.upper())
        defendersOfPlayer = board[6].count(color) + board[6].count(color.upper()) + board[7].count(color) + board[7].count(color.upper())
        defendersOfOpponent = board[0].count(color) + board[0].count(color.upper()) + board[1].count(color) + board[1].count(color.upper())
    scoreMap['defenders'] = 10*defendersOfPlayer-10*defendersOfOpponent
def attackers(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    attackersOfPlayer = 0
    attackersOfOpponent = 0
    #get count of pawns and kings on top most rows for each player
    if color == 'w':
        attackersOfPlayer = board[2].count(color) + board[2].count(color.upper()) + board[3].count(color) + board[3].count(color.upper()) + board[4].count(color) + board[4].count(color.upper())
        attackersOfOpponent =   board[5].count(color) + board[5].count(color.upper()) + board[4].count(color) + board[4].count(color.upper()) + board[3].count(color) + board[3].count(color.upper())
        attackersOfOpponent = board[2].count(color) + board[2].count(color.upper()) + board[3].count(color) + board[3].count(color.upper()) + board[4].count(color) + board[4].count(color.upper())
        attackersOfPlayer =   board[5].count(color) + board[5].count(color.upper()) + board[4].count(color) + board[4].count(color.upper()) + board[3].count(color) + board[3].count(color.upper())
    scoreMap['attackers'] = attackersOfPlayer-attackersOfOpponent
def getValueBasedOnCoinDiff(board, x, y, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    # Count how many pieces I have more than the opponent
    value = 0
    if board[y][x] == color:
        value = value + ALIVE_POINT
    elif board[y][x] == opponentColor:
        value = value - ALIVE_POINT
    elif board[y][x] == color.upper():
        value = value + ALIVE_POINT * 2
    elif board[y][x] == opponentColor.upper():
        value = value - ALIVE_POINT * 2
    return value
def nextMove(board, color, time, movesRemaining):
    global myColor
    global opponentColor

    myColor = color
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)

    #result =  minimax_simple(board, color, 7, True)
    result =  minimax_pruning(board, 5, -1000000000000, 1000000000000, True)
    #print "$"*40
    #print result[0]
    #print time, "\t", movesRemaining
    return result[0]
def safeKings(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    corner = [5, 1, 32, 28, 29, 4]
    value = 0
    for king in corner:
	xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(king)
	x = xy[0]
	y = xy[1]
	if board[x][y] == color.upper():
		value += 1
    return value
Esempio n. 29
def evaluation2(board,color):
  #Evaluation Function 2: Counting the number of kings of each player in the current state
  opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
  value = 0
  for piece in range(1, 33):
    xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
    x = xy[0]
    y = xy[1]
    if board[x][y] == "R" or board[x][y] == "W":
      if board[x][y] == color:
        value = value + 1.5
      elif board[x][y] == opponentColor:
        value = value - 1.5
  return value
Esempio n. 30
def evaluation1(board, color):
  # Evaluation Function 1: Counting the number of pawns each player has in the current state
  opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
  value = 0
  for piece in range(1, 33):
    xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
    x = xy[0]
    y = xy[1]
    if board[x][y] == color:
      value = value + 1
    elif board[x][y] == opponentColor:
      value = value - 1
  return value
def unoccupiedFieldsOnPromotion(board, color):
	opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
	value = 0
	if color == 'r':
		oppRow = [29,30,31,32]
		oppRow = [1,2,3,4]
	for item in oppRow:
		xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(item)
                x = xy[0]
                y = xy[1]
                if board[x][y] == opponentColor or board[x][y] == opponentColor.upper():
                        value -= 1
	scoreMap['unoccpromo'] = value
def pawnsOnDiagonal(board, color):
    diagonal = [9,14,18,23]
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value = 0

    #loop through pieces on diagonals and find out pawns which are at the risk of being captured
    for item in diagonal:
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(item)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y] == color or board[x][y] == color.upper():
                value += 1
        elif board[x][y] == opponentColor or board[x][y] == opponentColor.upper():
                value -= 1
    scoreMap['pawnsOnDiagonal'] = value
Esempio n. 33
def miniMax(board, depth, beta, alpha, minPlayerTurn, color, heuristic): ## returns best value for max or min
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)

    if depth==0 or len(moves)==0:  ## base condition   return if depth is reached or if there are no moves present
        return heuristic(board)

    if minPlayerTurn==False:   # Max player
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            alpha= max(alpha, miniMax(newBoard, depth-1, beta, alpha, True, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color), heuristic))       ###recursive call to Min player
            if alpha >=beta:     ## prune 
        return alpha
    elif minPlayerTurn==True:
        ## Min Player's turn        
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, move)
            beta= min(beta, miniMax(newBoard, depth-1, beta, alpha, False, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color), heuristic))  ###recursive call to Max player
            if alpha >=beta:    # prune
        return beta
Esempio n. 34
def isMyCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x, y):
    # Returns whether (x,y) piece can make a capture at this time
    opponent = getOpponentColor(board[x][y])
    # Check whether a jump possible to all four directions    
    if canMoveToMyPosition(board, x, y, x-2, y-2) == True:#top left diagonal leaving 1
        return True    
    if canMoveToMyPosition(board, x, y, x-2, y+2) == True:#bottom left
        return True    
    if canMoveToMyPosition(board, x, y, x+2, y-2) == True:#right top
        return True    
    if canMoveToMyPosition(board, x, y, x+2, y+2) == True:#right bottom
        return True    
    return False
def scoreKings(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)

    value = 0
    # Loop through all board positions
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]

        if board[x][y] == color.upper():
            value = value + 2
        elif board[x][y] == opponentColor.upper():
            value = value - 2

    scoreMap['kings'] = value
Esempio n. 36
def isMyCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x, y):
    # Returns whether (x,y) piece can make a capture at this time

    opponent = getOpponentColor(board[x][y])
    # Check whether a jump possible to all four directions
    if canMoveToMyPosition(board, x, y, x - 2,
                           y - 2) == True:  #top left diagonal leaving 1
        return True
    if canMoveToMyPosition(board, x, y, x - 2, y + 2) == True:  #bottom left
        return True
    if canMoveToMyPosition(board, x, y, x + 2, y - 2) == True:  #right top
        return True
    if canMoveToMyPosition(board, x, y, x + 2, y + 2) == True:  #right bottom
        return True

    return False
Esempio n. 37
def alphaBetaPruning(node, depth, time):
  moves = getAllPossibleMoves(node[0], node[2])
  bestMove = moves[0]
  #to set the lower bound at max node    
  bestScore = -float("inf")
  for move in moves:
    newBoard = deepcopy(node[0])
    #creating a new node from the initial board generation
    newNode = returnList(newBoard, node[1]+1, gamePlay.getOpponentColor(node[2]))    
    #calls the min function next
    score = minimum(newNode, depth, -float("inf"), float("inf"), time)
    if score > bestScore:
      bestMove = move
      bestScore = score
  return bestMove
Esempio n. 38
def nextMove(board, color, time, movesRemaining):
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    depth = 5
    best = None
    alpha = None
    beta = float("inf")
    for move in moves: # this is the max turn(1st level of minimax), so next should be min's turn
        newBoard = deepcopy(board)
        #Beta is always inf here as there is no parent MIN node. So no need to check if we can prune or not.
        moveVal = evaluation(newBoard, color, depth, 'min', opponentColor, alpha, beta)
        if best == None or moveVal > best:
            bestMove = move
            best = moveVal
        if best > alpha:
            alpha = best
    return bestMove
Esempio n. 39
def evaluation2(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value = 0
    # Loop through all board positions
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y] == color.upper():
            value = value + 1
        elif board[x][y] == opponentColor.upper():
            value = value - 1
    # Let us give extra weightage 10 
    #return value * 10 
    return value  
def evaluation(board, color):
    # Evaluation function 1
    # Count how many more pieces I have than the opponent

    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)

    value = 0
    # Loop through all board positions
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]

        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
            value = value + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
            value = value - 1

    return value
Esempio n. 41
def evaluation3(board, color):
    opColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value = 0
    # Loop through all board positions
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        # Check if I can capture two
        # Check whether a jump possible to all four directions
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x-2, y-2) == True:
            if gamePlay.isCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x-2, y-2):
                if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                    value = value + 1
                elif board[x][y].upper() == opColor.upper():
                    value = value - 1
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x-2, y+2) == True:
            if gamePlay.isCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x-2, y+2):
                if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                    value = value + 1
                elif board[x][y].upper() == opColor.upper():
                    value = value - 1
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x+2, y-2) == True:
            if gamePlay.isCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x+2, y-2):
                if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                    value = value + 1
                elif board[x][y].upper() == opColor.upper():
                    value = value - 1
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x+2, y+2) == True:
            if gamePlay.isCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x+2, y+2):
                if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                    value = value + 1
                elif board[x][y].upper() == opColor.upper():
                    value = value - 1

    # Lets give weightage 10
    # Let us give extra weightage 10 
    return value 
Esempio n. 42
def nextMove(board, col, time, movesRemaining):
    #print "player color",color
    global currentPlayerColor 
    global opponentPlayerColor
    opponentPlayerColor = getOpponentColor(col)
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, currentPlayerColor)#returns a list of possible moves[]
    #Trying to find the move where I have best score
    best = None
    for move in moves:
        newBoard = deepcopy(board)
        gamePlay.doMove(newBoard,move)#get the possible states
        alpha = -sys.maxint - 1
        beta = sys.maxint
        moveVal = minimax(newBoard,depth,alpha,beta,True) #we cal minimax to evaluate
        if best == None or moveVal > best:
            bestMove = move
            best = moveVal
    return bestMove
Esempio n. 43
def gamePhase(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value2 = 0
    # Loop through all the rows
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
            value2 = value2 + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
            value2 = value2 + 1
    if value2 > 18 and value2 <= 24:
        return 1
    elif value2 > 10 and value2 <= 18:
        return 2 
        return 3 
Esempio n. 44
def minimax(board, maxP, color, alpha, beta, depth):
#calculates maximum when maxP is True and minimum otherwise
    infty = float('inf')
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    if maxP:
        if moves == [] or depth == 0:
            return [], evaluation(board)
        best_score = -infty
        best_move = moves[0]
        for move in moves:
            boardTemp = deepcopy(board)
            m,score = minimax(boardTemp,False,opponentColor,alpha,beta,depth-1)
            if score > best_score:
                best_move = move
                best_score = score
            alpha = max(alpha,score)
#Beta cut-off
            if alpha >= beta:
        if moves == [] or depth == 0:
            return [], evaluation(board)
        best_score = infty
        best_move = moves[0]
        for move in moves:
            boardTemp = deepcopy(board)
            m,score = minimax(boardTemp,True,opponentColor,alpha,beta,depth-1)
            if score < best_score:
                best_move = move
                best_score = score
            beta = min(beta,score)
#Alpha cut-off
            if alpha >= beta:
    return best_move, best_score
Esempio n. 45
def evaluation4(board, color):
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value = 0
    # Loop through all board positions in the list with weightage 4, 3, 2, 1
    # The follwoing positions are at edge across the square board
    #list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]
    # This is 2 level deep from the edge across the square board
    #list2 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27]
    # This is 3 level deep from the edge across the square board
    list3 = [10, 11, 14, 19, 22, 23]
    # This is 4 level deep from the edge across the square board
    list4 = [15, 18]

    for piece in list3:
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
            value = value + 1
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
            value = value - 1

    for piece in list4:
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
            value = value + 2
        elif board[x][y].upper() == opponentColor.upper():
            value = value - 2
    # Lets give weightage 3
    #return value * 3 
    return value  
Esempio n. 46
def nextMove(board, color, time, movesRemaining):

    possibleMoves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)
    opponentColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color) 

    #Trying to find the move where I have best score
    bestValue = None
    bestmove = possibleMoves[0]
    depth = 5
    alpha = float("-inf")
    beta = float("inf")
    for move in possibleMoves: 
        newBoard = deepcopy(board)
        gamePlay.doMove(newBoard,move) #
        #retrieves the value from minChance.
        #Here, alpha is the lower bound of the actual MiniMax value and beta is the upper bound of the actual MiniMax value.         
        score = minChance(newBoard, depth-1,color, opponentColor, alpha, beta) # This is the max turn(1st level of minimax), so next should be min's turn
        if bestValue == None or score > bestValue:
        #If the better score is found than the current best value then that move is considered as the best move. Hence, it is taken. 
            bestMove = move
            bestValue = score
        if bestValue > alpha:
            alpha = bestValue
    return bestMove
Esempio n. 47
def nextMove(board, color, time, movesRemaining):
    # I will have different depth level as per time remaining
    if time > 120: 
        depth = 8
    elif time > 60: 
        depth = 6
    elif time > 5: 
        depth = 4
        depth = 2
    #print "DBG", phase, depth, time
    #t1 =
    moves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, color)
    best = None
    opColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    # If only one move available no need for any computations
    if len(moves) == 1:
        bestMove = moves[0]
        return bestMove
    # Strategy1: If it is first move hardcoding the best move
    if isFirstMove(board, color):
        if color.upper() == 'R':
            bestMove = [11, 15]
            bestMove = [22, 18]
        return bestMove

    # Strategy2: Remove moves that lead to opponent captures my piece
    for move in moves:
        myBoard = deepcopy(board)
        # Check if opponents capturing position gone
        if gamePlay.isCapturePossible(myBoard, opColor) == True:

    # Strategy3: Opponent captures one, but I capture double
    # Check if newBoard is giving Opponent a capture
    opMoves = getAllPossibleMoves(board, opColor)
    # At most of the capture, opMoves will have one element
    if gamePlay.isCapturePossible(board, opColor) == True:
        opMove = opMoves[0]
        opBoard = deepcopy(board)
        gamePlay.doMove(opBoard, opMove)
        myMoves = getAllPossibleMoves(opBoard, color)
        # Check if I can capture two pieces
        if len(myMoves) > 0:
            myMove = myMoves[0]
            # At double-capture, lenghth of the move will be >2
            if len(myMove) > 2:
                # Do nothing, let opponent capture
                # Try to block the capture
                for move in moves:
                    myBoard = deepcopy(board)
                    opMoves = getAllPossibleMoves(myBoard, opColor)
                    #Check if opponents capturing position gone
                    if  not gamePlay.isCapturePossible(board, opColor):
                        bestMove = move
                        return bestMove

    # Now start the main MiniMax and alpha-beta here
    for move in moves:
        # Strategy4: If I can double-capture, thats best move, kind of greedy
        if len(move) > 2:
            bestMove = move
            return bestMove
        newBoard = deepcopy(board)
        alpha = -float('inf')
        beta = float('inf')
        # Calling with different depth depending on time remaining in the game
        alphaVal = alphaBeta(newBoard, move, depth, alpha, beta, True, color, opColor)
        if best == None or alphaVal > best:
            bestMove = move
            best = alphaVal

    #t2 =
    return bestMove