def main( model_h5_file: str, target_h5_file: str, two_tile_prob: float, random_seed: int, # num_games: int, # val_split: float, train_game_dir: str, # val_game_dir: str, ): """ Build training/validation dataset by playing N games. model_h5_file - path to a model saved in .h5 file to use when selecting actions (via epsilon-greedy method), etc. target_h5_file - path to a model saved in .h5 file to use when computing labels for experience tuples """ # build training dataset by playing N complete games data_train = [] labels_train = [] data_val = [] labels_val = [] TWO_TILE_PROB = two_tile_prob RANDOM_SEED = random_seed # NUM_GAMES = num_games # VAL_SPLIT = val_split # NUM_TRAIN_GAMES = int(NUM_GAMES * (1 - VAL_SPLIT)) TRAIN_GAME_FILES_DIR = train_game_dir # VAL_GAME_FILES_DIR = val_game_dir print(f"==== Loading model from {model_h5_file} ====") value_model = load_model(model_h5_file) print(f"==== Loading target model from {target_h5_file} ====") target_model = load_model(target_h5_file) # Weights & Biases wandb.init(project="2048-deep-rl") # for epsilon-greedy action selection # set initial epsilon to 1, and then linearly anneal to a lower value epsilon_start = 1.0 epsilon_final = 0.05 epsilon_anneal_start_t = 1 epsilon_anneal_end_t = 50_000 # discount factor gamma = 0.99 # hold the target Q-model fixed for this many timesteps before updating with minibatch target_update_delay = 10_000 # save value model value_model_save_period = 1_000 # Each SGD update is calculated over this many experience tuples (sampled randomly from the replay memory) minibatch_size = 32 # SGD updates are sampled from this number of the most recent experience tuples replay_memory_capacity = 10_000 # how many timesteps of learning per episode timesteps_per_episode = 100_000 # populate replay memory by using a uniform random policy for this many timesteps before learning starts burnin_period = 10_000 # action is encoded as an int in 0..3 # TODO refactor this to be a global defined in a different file, maybe ACTIONS = ["Up", "Down", "Left", "Right"] value_model.compile(optimizer="sgd", loss="mean_squared_error") # Generate the experience tuples to fill replay memory for one episode of training # # replay memory format: # - state, # - action, # - reward, # - max Q-value of successor state based on target network, # - Q(state,action) based on current network # TODO abstract away the generation of experience tuples into a generator class? replay_memory_ndarray = np.zeros((replay_memory_capacity, 2 * 16 * 17 + 2)) replay_memory_idx = 0 game = Game() game.new_game(random_seed=RANDOM_SEED, game_dir=TRAIN_GAME_FILES_DIR) np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) print(f"New game (random seed = {RANDOM_SEED})") for t in range(burnin_period): if game.state.game_over: RANDOM_SEED = random.randrange(100_000) game = Game() game.new_game(random_seed=RANDOM_SEED, game_dir=TRAIN_GAME_FILES_DIR) np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) print(f"New game (random seed = {RANDOM_SEED})") current_state = game.state.copy() # print("current state:", current_state.tiles) # choose an action uniformly at random during the burn-in period (to initially populate the replay memory) action = np.random.choice(np.arange(4)) # update current state using the chosen action game.move(ACTIONS[action]) new_state = game.state.copy() # print("new state:", new_state.tiles) reward = new_state.score - current_state.score # save the (s,a,s',r) experience tuple (flattened) to replay memory exp = ExperienceReplay(current_state.tiles, action, new_state.tiles, reward) replay_memory_ndarray[replay_memory_idx] = exp.flatten() replay_memory_idx = replay_memory_idx + 1 if replay_memory_idx == replay_memory_capacity: replay_memory_idx = 0 # if reward > 0: # print(f"experience tuple with reward: {exp}") # replay_memory_ndarray = np.asarray(replay_memory) print("replay_memory shape:", replay_memory_ndarray.shape) # assert len(replay_memory) == burnin_period # print("writing replay memory to file:") # with open("replay_memory_burnin.txt", "w") as burn_in_file: # for i in range(len(replay_memory)): # exp = ExperienceReplay.from_flattened(replay_memory[i]) # burn_in_file.write(repr(exp) + "\n\n") timesteps_since_last_update = 0 last_time_check = time.perf_counter() for t in range(timesteps_per_episode): epsilon = linear_anneal_parameter( epsilon_start, epsilon_final, epsilon_anneal_start_t, epsilon_anneal_end_t, t, ) fit_verbose = 0 if (t + 1) % 500 == 0: print(f"timestep = {t}, epsilon = {epsilon}") new_time = time.perf_counter() print(f"avg time per step: {(new_time - last_time_check) / t}") fit_verbose = 1 if game.state.game_over: RANDOM_SEED = random.randrange(100_000) game = Game() game.new_game(random_seed=RANDOM_SEED, game_dir=TRAIN_GAME_FILES_DIR) np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) # print(f"New game (random seed = {RANDOM_SEED})") current_state = game.state.copy() # print("current state:", current_state.tiles) # choose an action (epsilon-greedy) epsilon_greedy_roll = np.random.random_sample() if epsilon_greedy_roll < epsilon: action = np.random.choice(np.arange(4)) # print("chosen action (randomly):", ACTIONS[action]) else: # choose the "best" action based on current model weights -> Q values network_input = np.expand_dims(convert_tiles_to_bitarray( current_state.tiles), axis=0) network_output = value_model.predict(network_input)[0] assert len(network_output) == 4 # print(f"network output: {network_output}") action = np.argmax(network_output) # print("chosen action (best):", ACTIONS[action]) # update current state using the chosen action game.move(ACTIONS[action]) new_state = game.state.copy() # print("new state:", new_state.tiles) reward = new_state.score - current_state.score # save the (s,a,s',r) experience tuple (flattened) to replay memory exp = ExperienceReplay(current_state.tiles, action, new_state.tiles, reward) replay_memory_ndarray[replay_memory_idx] = exp.flatten() replay_memory_idx = replay_memory_idx + 1 # if reward > 0: # print(f"experience tuple with reward: {exp}") # Constrain replay memory capacity if replay_memory_idx == replay_memory_capacity: replay_memory_idx = 0 # if len(replay_memory) > replay_memory_capacity: # shift = len(replay_memory) - replay_memory_capacity # replay_memory = replay_memory[shift:] # assert len(replay_memory) <= replay_memory_capacity # Sample a minibatch of experience tuples from replay memory # replay_memory_ndarray = np.asarray(replay_memory) # TODO is the minibatch sampled without replacement? minibatch_indices = np.random.choice(replay_memory_ndarray.shape[0], minibatch_size, replace=False) minibatch = replay_memory_ndarray[minibatch_indices] # print(f"minibatch shape: ", minibatch.shape) assert minibatch.shape == (minibatch_size, replay_memory_ndarray.shape[1]) # Compute the labels for the minibatch based on target Q model (vectorized) minibatch_succs = replay_memory_ndarray[minibatch_indices, (16 * 17 + 1):(2 * 16 * 17 + 1)] minibatch_rewards = replay_memory_ndarray[minibatch_indices, (2 * 16 * 17 + 1)] target_output = target_model.predict(minibatch_succs) best_q_values = np.max(target_output, axis=1) labels = minibatch_rewards + gamma * best_q_values # # Compute the labels for the minibatch based on target Q model # labels = np.zeros((minibatch_size,)) # # print(f"labels shape: ", labels.shape) # for j in range(minibatch_size): # # Parse out (s, a, s', r) from the experience tuple # # minibatch_exp = ExperienceReplay.from_flattened(minibatch[j]) # successor_bitarray = minibatch[j, (16 * 17 + 1) : (2 * 16 * 17 + 1)] # reward = minibatch[j, (2 * 16 * 17 + 1)] # target_input = np.expand_dims(successor_bitarray, axis=0) # target_output = target_model.predict(target_input)[0] # best_q_value = np.max(target_output) # # TODO check if the successor state is a terminal state: if so, then the label is just the reward # labels[j] = reward + gamma * best_q_value # # print(f"labels: ", labels) # Perform SGD update on current Q model weights based on minibatch & labels minibatch_x = minibatch[:, :(16 * 17)] _first_record = minibatch_x[0].reshape((4, 4, 17)) # print(f"minibatch_x shape = {minibatch_x.shape}, first record = {_first_record}"), y=labels, batch_size=minibatch_size, verbose=fit_verbose) model_h5_filename = os.path.splitext(model_h5_file)[0] model_h5_out = f"{model_h5_filename}_{t}.h5" if t % value_model_save_period == 0 and t > 0: print(f"==== Saving value model to {model_h5_out} ====") # Only update the target model to match the current Q model every C timesteps timesteps_since_last_update += 1 if timesteps_since_last_update >= target_update_delay: timesteps_since_last_update = 0 # update the target model model_h5_out = f"{model_h5_filename}_{t}.h5" target_model = load_model(model_h5_out) target_h5_filename = os.path.splitext(target_h5_file)[0] target_h5_out = f"{target_h5_filename}_{t}.h5" print(f"==== Saving target model to {target_h5_out} ====")
class GameWindow(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master) self.master = master self.grid() self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): = Game() self.game_tiles = GameTiles(master=self) self.draw_game_tiles() self.game_tiles.grid() self.score_strvar = tk.StringVar() self.game_score = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.score_strvar) self.draw_score() self.game_score.grid() self.new_game_button = tk.Button(self, text="New Game", command=self.new_game) self.new_game_button.grid() self.load_game_button = tk.Button(self, text="Load Game", command=self.load_game) self.load_game_button.grid() self.quit = tk.Button(self, text="Quit", fg="red", command=self.master.destroy) self.quit.grid() def draw_game_tiles(self): self.game_tiles.draw_tiles( def draw_score(self): self.score_strvar.set(f"Score: {}") def new_game(self): self.master.bind('<Up>', self.move) self.master.bind('<Down>', self.move) self.master.bind('<Left>', self.move) self.master.bind('<Right>', self.move) self.draw_game_tiles() self.draw_score() def load_game(self): fname = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("CSV files", "*.csv"), )) if fname: # TODO add instructions to the GUI? self.master.unbind('<Up>') self.master.unbind('<Down>') self.master.bind('<Left>', self.decrement_turn_number) self.master.bind('<Right>', self.increment_turn_number) print(f"Loading game from {fname}!") with open(fname, 'r') as game_file: self.game_states = game_file.readlines() self.turn_number = 0 self.load_game_state() def load_game_state(self): print(f"turn number = {self.turn_number}") = GameState.from_csv_line( self.game_states[self.turn_number]) next_action = self.game_states[self.turn_number].split(',')[-1].strip() print(f"action from this state: {next_action}") self.draw_game_tiles() self.draw_score() def increment_turn_number(self, event): if self.turn_number < len(self.game_states) - 1: self.turn_number += 1 self.load_game_state() def decrement_turn_number(self, event): if self.turn_number > 0: self.turn_number -= 1 self.load_game_state() def move(self, event): print(f"moving in dir {event.keysym}") self.draw_game_tiles() self.draw_score() if # TODO display a message on GUI print("Game over! no moves available")