def animation(n, nsweeps, initial_condition): g = Game_Of_Life(n, initial_condition) fig = plt.figure() im=plt.imshow(g.state, animated=True) for i in range (nsweeps): g.sweep() #perform flip plt.cla() im=plt.imshow(g.state, animated=True, vmin = 0, vmax = 1) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.0001)
def equil_histo(n, nsweeps): g = Game_Of_Life(n, 'r') equil_t = [] for i in range(100): while True: for j in range(nsweeps): init_sites = g.active_states() g.sweep() current_sites = g.active_states() if init_sites == current_sites: equil_t.append(i) break plt.hist(equil_t)
def equil_histo(n, nsweeps): equil_t = [] for i in range(500): print (i) g = Game_Of_Life(n, 'r') counter = 0 for j in range(5000): init_sites = g.active_states() g.sweep() current_sites = g.active_states() if init_sites == current_sites: counter += 1 if counter == 5: equil_t.append(j-4) break else: counter = 0 np.savetxt('GOL_equilibration_t_histo.dat', np.column_stack([equil_t]))
def com(n, nsweeps): x = [] y = [] t = [] vx = [] vy = [] vt = [] velocity = [] boundaries = [] g = Game_Of_Life(n, 'g') for i in range (nsweeps): x1, y1 = g.centre_mass() if x1 > 0 and y1 > 0: x.append(x1) y.append(y1) t.append(i) if i > 320 and i < 420: vx.append(x1) vy.append(y1) vt.append(i) g.sweep() np.savetxt('GOL_com_coords.dat', np.column_stack([x, y, t])) xslope, xintercept = np.polyfit(vt, vx, 1) yslope, yintercept = np.polyfit(vt, vy, 1) vel = math.sqrt(xslope**2 + yslope**2) velocity.append(vel) np.savetxt('GOL_com_velocity.dat', velocity) plt.scatter(t, x, s=3, label = 'x radius') plt.scatter(t, y, s=3, label = 'y radius') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('X and Y radii') plt.xlabel('Time (Sweeps)') plt.title('X and Y Radii vs Time') plt.savefig('GOL_com_vs_time.png')