Esempio n. 1
def rbfgame_json(json):
    """Read an rbf game from json"""
    utils.check(json['type'].split('.', 1)[0] == 'rbf', 'incorrect type')
    base = rsgame.empty_json(json)

    offsets = base.payoff_from_json(json['offsets'])
    coefs = base.payoff_from_json(json['coefs'])

    lengths = np.empty((base.num_strats,) * 2)
    for role, strats in json['lengths'].items():
        for strat, pay in strats.items():
            ind = base.role_strat_index(role, strat)
            base.payoff_from_json(pay, lengths[ind])

    profiles = [None] * base.num_strats
    for role, strats in json['profiles'].items():
        for strat, profs in strats.items():
            ind = base.role_strat_index(role, strat)
            profiles[ind] = np.stack([
                base.profile_from_json(p, verify=False) for p in profs])

    alphas = [None] * base.num_strats
    for role, strats in json['alphas'].items():
        for strat, alph in strats.items():
            ind = base.role_strat_index(role, strat)
            alphas[ind] = np.array(alph)

    sizes = np.fromiter(  # pragma: no branch
        (a.size for a in alphas), int, base.num_strats)

    return _RbfGpGame(
        base.role_names, base.strat_names, base.num_role_players, offsets,
        coefs, lengths, sizes, np.concatenate(profiles),
Esempio n. 2
    async def aopen(self):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        """Open the eosched"""
        gu.check(not self._is_open, "already open")
            game = await self._api.get_game(self._game_id)
            obs = await game.get_observations()
                rsgame.empty_copy(self._game) == rsgame.empty_json(obs),
                "egtaonline game didn't match specified game",
            conf = dict(obs.get("configuration", ()) or ())
            profiles = obs.get("profiles", ()) or ()

            # Parse profiles
            num_profs = len(profiles)
            num_pays = 0
            for jprof in profiles:
                pid = jprof["id"]
                prof, spays = self._game.profsamplepay_from_json(jprof)
                hprof = gu.hash_array(prof)
                pays = asyncio.Queue()
                num_spays = len(spays)
                num_pays += num_spays
                for pay in spays:
                data = ([num_spays], [num_spays], [0], [pid], pays)
                self._profiles[hprof] = data
                self._prof_ids[pid] = data
                "found %d existing profiles with %d payoffs in game %d",

            # Create and start scheduler
            self._sched = await obs.create_generic_scheduler(
                "egta_" + eu.random_string(20),
                "created scheduler %d for running simulations of game %d: "
            self._fetcher = asyncio.ensure_future(self._fetch())
            self._is_open = True
        except Exception as ex:
            await self.aclose()
            raise ex
        return self
Esempio n. 3
def rbfgame_json(json):
    """Read an rbf game from json"""
    utils.check(json['type'].split('.', 1)[0] == 'rbf', 'incorrect type')
    base = rsgame.empty_json(json)

    offsets = base.payoff_from_json(json['offsets'])
    coefs = base.payoff_from_json(json['coefs'])

    lengths = np.empty((base.num_strats, ) * 2)
    for role, strats in json['lengths'].items():
        for strat, pay in strats.items():
            ind = base.role_strat_index(role, strat)
            base.payoff_from_json(pay, lengths[ind])

    profiles = [None] * base.num_strats
    for role, strats in json['profiles'].items():
        for strat, profs in strats.items():
            ind = base.role_strat_index(role, strat)
            profiles[ind] = np.stack(
                [base.profile_from_json(p, verify=False) for p in profs])

    alphas = [None] * base.num_strats
    for role, strats in json['alphas'].items():
        for strat, alph in strats.items():
            ind = base.role_strat_index(role, strat)
            alphas[ind] = np.array(alph)

    sizes = np.fromiter(  # pragma: no branch
        (a.size for a in alphas), int, base.num_strats)

    return _RbfGpGame(base.role_names, base.strat_names, base.num_role_players,
                      offsets, coefs, lengths, sizes, np.concatenate(profiles),
Esempio n. 4
def aggfn_json(json):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Read an Aggfn from json

    Json versions of the game will generally have 'type': 'aggfn...' in them,
    but as long as the proper fields exist, this will succeed."""
    base = rsgame.empty_json(json)

    _, version = json.get('type', '.3').split('.', 1)
    utils.check(version == '3',
                'parsing versions below 3 is currently unsupported')

    num_functions = len(json['function_tables'])
    function_inputs = np.empty((base.num_strats, num_functions), bool)
    action_weights = np.empty((num_functions, base.num_strats))
    function_table = np.empty((num_functions, ) +
                              tuple(base.num_role_players + 1))
    offsets = np.empty(base.num_strats)

    base.payoff_from_json(json.get('offsets', {}), offsets)

    for inps, jinps in zip(function_inputs.T, json['function_inputs']):
        base.restriction_from_json(jinps, inps, verify=False)

    for weights, jweights in zip(action_weights, json['action_weights']):
        base.payoff_from_json(jweights, weights)

    for table, jtable in zip(function_table, json['function_tables']):
        for elem in jtable:
            copy = elem.copy()
            value = copy.pop('value')
            table[tuple(int(i) for i in base.role_from_json(copy))] = value

    return aggfn_replace(base, action_weights, function_inputs, function_table,
Esempio n. 5
def matgame_json(json):
    """Read a matrix game from json

    In general, the json will have 'type': 'matrix...' to indicate that it's a
    matrix game, but if the other fields are correct, this will still succeed.
    # This uses the fact that roles are always in lexicographic order
    base = rsgame.empty_json(json)

    matrix = np.empty(tuple(base.num_role_strats) + (base.num_roles,),
    _mat_from_json(base, json['payoffs'], matrix, 0)
    return matgame_replace(base, matrix)
Esempio n. 6
def loadj(obj):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements
    """Read a game from serializable python objects

    json : {...}
        The python object representation of a game encoded as json. Any valid
        game will be read and returned.
    game_type, _ = obj.get('type', 'samplegame.').split('.', 1)
    if game_type == 'add':
        from gameanalysis import rsgame
        return rsgame.add_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'aggfn':
        from gameanalysis import aggfn
        return aggfn.aggfn_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'canon':
        from gameanalysis import canongame
        return canongame.canon_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'const':
        from gameanalysis import rsgame
        return rsgame.const_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'empty' or game_type == 'emptygame':
        from gameanalysis import rsgame
        return rsgame.empty_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'game':
        from gameanalysis import paygame
        return paygame.game_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'matrix':
        from gameanalysis import matgame
        return matgame.matgame_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'neighbor':
        from gameanalysis import learning
        return learning.neighbor_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'point':
        from gameanalysis import learning
        return learning.point_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'rbf':
        from gameanalysis import learning
        return learning.rbfgame_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'sample':
        from gameanalysis import learning
        return learning.sample_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'samplegame':
        from gameanalysis import paygame
        return paygame.samplegame_json(obj)
        raise ValueError('unknown game type {}'.format(game_type))
Esempio n. 7
def loadj(obj): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements
    """Read a game from serializable python objects

    json : {...}
        The python object representation of a game encoded as json. Any valid
        game will be read and returned.
    game_type, _ = obj.get('type', 'samplegame.').split('.', 1)
    if game_type == 'add':
        from gameanalysis import rsgame
        return rsgame.add_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'aggfn':
        from gameanalysis import aggfn
        return aggfn.aggfn_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'canon':
        from gameanalysis import canongame
        return canongame.canon_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'const':
        from gameanalysis import rsgame
        return rsgame.const_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'empty' or game_type == 'emptygame':
        from gameanalysis import rsgame
        return rsgame.empty_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'game':
        from gameanalysis import paygame
        return paygame.game_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'matrix':
        from gameanalysis import matgame
        return matgame.matgame_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'neighbor':
        from gameanalysis import learning
        return learning.neighbor_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'point':
        from gameanalysis import learning
        return learning.point_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'rbf':
        from gameanalysis import learning
        return learning.rbfgame_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'sample':
        from gameanalysis import learning
        return learning.sample_json(obj)
    elif game_type == 'samplegame':
        from gameanalysis import paygame
        return paygame.samplegame_json(obj)
        raise ValueError('unknown game type {}'.format(game_type))
Esempio n. 8
async def create_scheduler( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        game, mem, time, auth=None, count=1, sleep=600,
        # pylint: disable-msg=redefined-builtin
    """Create an egtaonline scheduler"""
    game_id = int(game)
    mem = int(mem)
    time = int(time)
    count = int(count)
    sleep = float(sleep)
    max_sims = int(max)

    async with api.api(auth_token=auth) as egta:
        game = await egta.get_game(game_id)
        summ = await game.get_summary()
    game = rsgame.empty_json(summ)
    return ApiWrapper(game, egta, game_id, sleep, count, max_sims, mem, time)
Esempio n. 9
def fix_game(jgame):
    """Fixture for a standard game"""
    # XXX This line exists to fool duplication check
    return rsgame.empty_json(jgame)
Esempio n. 10
def fix_game(jgame):
    """Fixture a game"""
    return rsgame.empty_json(jgame)