Esempio n. 1
    def test_get_session_headers(self):
        """ Verify _get_session_headers returns the expected headers."""

        error_message = "\nTest: {} \nExpected: {}\nActual:   {}\n"
        test_params = {
            "no_metric": {
                "metric": "",
                "headers": NO_METRIC_HEADERS,
                'session_id': ''
            "metric_present": {
                "metric": METRIC,
                "headers": DEFAULT_SESSION_HEADERS,
                'session_id': SESSION_ID

        for test, params in test_params.items():
            request_parameters = {
                'metric': params['metric'],
                'auth_token': AUTH_TOKEN,
                'headers': params['headers'],
                'session_id': params['session_id']
            attributes = Attributes(**request_parameters)
            expected = params["headers"]
            actual = attributes._get_session_headers()

            self.assertEqual(expected, actual,
                             error_message.format(test, expected, actual))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_get_parameters_no_key(self):
        """ If 'params' not in dictionary it will be added."""

        test_parameters = {'session_id': '1342312kj12'}
        attributes = Attributes(**test_parameters)
        actual = attributes.get_params()
        expected = ''

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_get_data_without_username(self, mock_is_auth_request):
        """ Verify the correct data is returned if there is no username key."""

        mock_is_auth_request.return_value = False
        test_parameters = {'session_id': '1234abc'}
        attributes = Attributes(**test_parameters)
        actual = attributes.get_data()
        expected = ''

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_is_auth_request(self):
        """ Verify True is returned if parameters include 'username' key."""

        test_parameters = {
            "username": "******",
            "password": "******"
        attributes = Attributes(**test_parameters)
        actual = attributes._is_auth_request()

Esempio n. 5
    def test_get_headers_for_auth(self):
        """ Verify correct headers are returned for an authentication call.

            If there is no 'metric' key in the parameters it is set as an auth call.

        test_parameters = {}
        self.attributes = Attributes(**test_parameters)
        actual = self.attributes.get_headers()
        expected = AUTH_HEADERS

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_get_headers_includes_empty_metric(self):
        """ Verify the correct headers are returned if the metric key is empty."""
        test_parameters = {
            "metric": "",
            "auth_token": AUTH_TOKEN,
            'session_id': ''
        attributes = Attributes(**test_parameters)

        actual = attributes.get_headers()
        expected = NO_METRIC_HEADERS

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_get_params(self):
        """ Verify the correct parameters are returned.

            The test parameter used is an example of a query that could
            be used for calls to the GameBench API.  When added to the URL
            it would return the last 15 entries that matched the search.

        test_parameters = {"params": "pageSize=15"}
        attributes = Attributes(**test_parameters)
        actual = attributes.get_params()
        expected = "pageSize=15"

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_get_headers_includes_metric(self):
        """ Verify the correct headers are returned if a metric key is present."""

        test_parameters = {
            "metric": METRIC,
            "auth_token": AUTH_TOKEN,
            'session_id': SESSION_ID
        attributes = Attributes(**test_parameters)

        actual = attributes.get_headers()
        expected = DEFAULT_SESSION_HEADERS

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
    def __init__(self):
        """ Creates an instance of the Request object for

        self.request = Request()
        self.attributes = Attributes()
        self.method = Method()
Esempio n. 10
    def test_get_data_with_username(self, mock_is_auth_request):
        """ Verify the correct data is returned if a username and password are present.

            If there is a username key that means it is an auth request so we return
            the username and password as the data variable in the request builder.

        mock_is_auth_request.return_value = True
        test_parameters = {
            "password": "******",
            "username": "******"
        attributes = Attributes(**test_parameters)
        actual = attributes.get_data()
        expected = {"username": "******", "password": "******"}

        with self.subTest():

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
    def __init__(self, **request_parameters):
        """ Creates an instance of the Request object for construction.

            :param request_parameters:
                session_id - id for the current session
                metric - specific category of data being requested  (cpu, gpu, battery, etc.)
                auth_token - authorization token necessary for retrieving data.
                params - parameters appended to certain session requests (pageSize, timePushed, etc.)
                data - json body appended to certain session requests
                (example: {"apps" : [], "devices" : [], "manufacturers" : []})

        self.request_parameters = request_parameters
        self.request = Request()
        self.attributes = Attributes(**self.request_parameters)
        self.method = Method(**self.request_parameters)
Esempio n. 12
 def setUp(self):
     self.attributes = Attributes()
Esempio n. 13
class TestAttributes(TestCase):
    """ Unit tests for the Attributes class."""
    def setUp(self):
        self.attributes = Attributes()

    def test_get_headers_includes_empty_metric(self):
        """ Verify the correct headers are returned if the metric key is empty."""

        test_parameters = {"metric": "", "auth_token": AUTH_TOKEN}

        actual = self.attributes.get_headers(**test_parameters)
        expected = NO_METRIC_HEADERS

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

    def test_get_headers_includes_metric(self):
        """ Verify the correct headers are returned if a metric key is present."""

        test_parameters = {"metric": METRIC, "auth_token": AUTH_TOKEN}

        actual = self.attributes.get_headers(**test_parameters)
        expected = DEFAULT_SESSION_HEADERS

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

    def test_get_headers_for_auth(self):
        """ Verify correct headers are returned for an authentication call.

            If there is no 'metric' key in the parameters it is set as an auth call.

        test_parameters = {}

        actual = self.attributes.get_headers(**test_parameters)
        expected = AUTH_HEADERS

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

    def test_get_params(self):
        """ Verify the correct parameters are returned.

            The test parameter used is an example of a query that could
            be used for calls to the GameBench API.  When added to the URL
            it would return the last 15 entries that matched the search.

        test_parameters = {"params": "pageSize=15"}

        actual = self.attributes.get_params(**test_parameters)
        expected = "pageSize=15"

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

    def test_get_data_with_username(self, mock_is_auth_request):
        """ Verify the correct data is returned if a username and password are present.

            If there is a username key that means it is an auth request so we return
            the username and password as the data variable in the request builder.

        mock_is_auth_request.return_value = True
        test_parameters = {
            "password": "******",
            "username": "******"

        actual = self.attributes.get_data(**test_parameters)
        expected = {"username": "******", "password": "******"}

        with self.subTest():

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

    def test_get_data_without_username(self, mock_is_auth_request):
        """ Verify the correct data is returned if there is no username key."""

        mock_is_auth_request.return_value = False
        test_parameters = {
            "data": "test_data",

        actual = self.attributes.get_data(**test_parameters)
        expected = "test_data"

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

    def test_is_auth_request(self):
        """ Verify True is returned if parameters include 'username' key."""

        test_parameters = {
            "username": "******",
            "password": "******"

        actual = self.attributes._is_auth_request(**test_parameters)


    def test_get_session_headers(self):
        """ Verify _get_session_headers returns the expected headers."""

        error_message = "\nTest: {} \nExpected: {}\nActual:   {}\n"
        test_params = {
            "no_metric": {
                "metric": "",
                "headers": NO_METRIC_HEADERS
            "metric_present": {
                "metric": METRIC,
                "headers": DEFAULT_SESSION_HEADERS

        for test, params in test_params.items():
            request_parameters = {
                'metric': params['metric'],
                'auth_token': AUTH_TOKEN,
                'headers': params['headers']

            expected = params["headers"]
            actual = self.attributes._get_session_headers(**request_parameters)

            self.assertEqual(expected, actual,
                             error_message.format(test, expected, actual))