def keep_score(): round_display = gamebox.from_text(550, 20, "Round: " + str(round_num), 'Arial', 20, 'white', bold=True) score_board = gamebox.from_text(50, 20, "Score: " + str(score), "Arial", 20, 'white', bold=True) lives = gamebox.from_text(275, 20, "Lives left: " + str(live_count), "Arial", 20, "cyan", bold=True) camera.draw(round_display) camera.draw(score_board) camera.draw(lives)
def loading_screen(keys): """ :param keys: keys used to start the game :return: once the keys are hit, the player gets transferred to the intro screen """ global ticks global background_number ticks += 1 camera.clear("Black") background_intro = gamebox.from_image(camera.x, camera.y, """""") background_intro.scale_by(1.2) text = "Press SPACE BAR to Begin" loading_screen_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 320, text, 60, "white", bold=False) game_name = "Mario's Quest" name_text = "Michael Masner(mm6md) and Joel Tavarez(jt3bk)" game_title = gamebox.from_text(400, 230, game_name, 85, "white", italic=True, bold=True) names = gamebox.from_text(400, 450, name_text, 45, "cyan", bold=False) camera.draw(background_intro) camera.draw(game_title) camera.draw(loading_screen_text) camera.draw(names) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: background_number += 1
def tick(keys): """ this is the main function :param keys: keys used throughout the entire game :return: runs the entire game """ global level global ticks global lvl1_enemies global score ticks += 1 if level == 1: level1(keys) elif level == 2: level2(keys) elif level == 3: level3(keys) elif level == 4: camera.draw(winner_track) win = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y-50, "YOU WIN!", 80, "cyan", italic=True, bold=True) win_2 = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y+20, "PRINCESS PEACH IS SAVED!!!!", 60, "cyan", italic=True, bold=True) play_again = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y + 80, "Press Space to Play Again", 60, "cyan", italic=True, bold=True) camera.draw(play_again) camera.draw(win) camera.draw(win_2) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: level -= 3 camera.display()
def end_game(type): if type == 0: camera.clear("black") end_screen = gamebox.from_text( 400, 200, "Player 2 survived longer!!... game over!!", "Arial", 40, "red") camera.draw(end_screen) if type == 1: camera.clear("black") end_screen = gamebox.from_text( 400, 200, "Player 1 survived longer!!... game over!!", "Arial", 40, "red") camera.draw(end_screen) if type == 2: camera.clear("black") end_screen = gamebox.from_text( 400, 200, "You are the largest orb on screen... Player 1 wins!!", "Arial", 30, "green") camera.draw(end_screen) if type == 3: camera.clear("black") end_screen = gamebox.from_text( 400, 200, "You are the largest orb on screen... Player 2 wins!!", "Arial", 30, "green") camera.draw(end_screen)
def end_frame(player_have_lost): text1 = my_font.render(player_have_lost + " has lost!", True, (0, 200, 0)) while True: init_screen.fill(white) init_screen.blit(text1, [50, 200]) mode1 = gamebox.from_image(200, 300, 'button.png') mode1.scale_by(0.4) mode2 = gamebox.from_image(600, 300, 'button.png') mode2.scale_by(0.4) camera.draw(mode1) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(200, 300, "Start Over", 25, 'black', True)) camera.draw(mode2) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(600, 300, "End the Game", 25, 'black', True)) pygame.display.flip() break while True: event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if mode1.x - mode1.width / 2 < camera.mousex < mode1.x + mode1.width / 2: if mode1.y - mode1.height / 2 < camera.mousey < mode1.y + mode1.height / 2: start_frame() if mode2.x - mode2.width / 2 < camera.mousex < mode2.x + mode2.width / 2: if mode2.y - mode2.height / 2 < camera.mousey < mode2.y + mode2.height / 2: sys.exit()
def splash(keys): global screen, ticks #camera.clear('cyan') back = gamebox.from_image(50, 100, 'stars.png') back.scale_by(1.5) camera.draw(back) text = gamebox.from_text(400, 100, "Battle for Planet Wassel", "Arial", 50, 'white') names = gamebox.from_text(400, 100, "By Alex Wassel", "Arial", 20, 'white') = text.bottom camera.draw(text) camera.draw(names) directions = gamebox.from_text( 400, 300, "Player 1: use W to move your spaceship up and S to move it down. Use the Space Bar to shoot.", "Arial", 17, 'white') directions1 = gamebox.from_text( 400, 300, "Player 2: use the Up and Down arrow keys to move your spaceship. Use the comma key to shoot.", "Arial", 17, 'white') directions2 = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "Press SPACE to start", "Arial", 20, 'yellow') camera.draw(directions) = directions.bottom = directions1.bottom camera.draw(directions1) camera.draw(directions2) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: screen = False camera.display()
def endgame_screen(): global level global score welcome_message = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y - 250, fontsize=36, text="Game Over!", color="white") begin_message = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y - 200, fontsize=36, text="Your score was: "+str(score), color="white") camera.draw(welcome_message) camera.draw(begin_message)
def splash(keys): ''' start screen ''' global show_splash camera.draw(splash_background) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y - 90, 'Worm', 'Arial', 100, 'white', bold=True)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y - 20, 'An Luong (aml4dy) & Samantha Garcia (smg2jj)', 'Arial', 30, 'white')) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y + 20, 'use up/down/right/left keys to move the worm', "Arial", 25, 'white')) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y + 50, 'collect apples to grow, avoid birds to keep lives', 'Arial', 25, 'white')) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y + 80, 'press space bar to continue', 'Arial', 25, 'white')) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: show_splash = False camera.display()
def draw(keys, adversary): ''' draws everything: the scenary, the field, the emblems, the gloves, the ball. ''' global game_mode for box in Scenary(adversary)[0:5]: camera.draw(box) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(300, 50, Scenary(adversary)[6] + str(other_score), 50, "white", bold=True)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(500, 50, Scenary(adversary)[5], 50, "red", bold=True)) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(700, 50, str(round(timer)), 40, "red")) arr1 = [pygame.K_RIGHT, pygame.K_LEFT, pygame.K_DOWN, pygame.K_UP] arr2 = [pygame.K_d, pygame.K_a, pygame.K_s, pygame.K_w] move_gloves(gloves1, keys, arr1) move_ball() camera.draw(gloves1) if glove_on: camera.draw(gloves2) move_gloves(gloves2, keys, arr2) if not game_on: camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 300, 'Press spacebar to start', 50, 'red')) camera.draw(ball)
def startframe(keys): ''' Draw title screen ''' global game_started global tick_count if keys: game_started = True keys.clear() to_draw = [] # contains everything drawed in this frame title_box = gamebox.from_text(300, 30, 'Hey', 80, 'red', True) to_draw.append(title_box) ypos = 200 for line in instructions.split('\n'): to_draw.append(gamebox.from_text(300, ypos, line, 30, 'red')) ypos += 20 for sr in title_snake: sr.image = images_sr[tick_count // 2 % len(images_sr)] sr.move_speed() to_draw.append(sr) if sr.x > 800 and sr.speedx > 0: sr.x = 0 elif sr.x < 0 and sr.speedx < 0: sr.x = 800 to_draw.append(s_right) tick_count += 1 for box in to_draw: camera.draw(box)
def tick_options(keys): global control_count, option_count, sound_count camera.clear("sky blue") if pygame.K_q in keys: quit() opt1 = gamebox.from_text(683, 200, "press 't' for controller controls", "Cambria", 40, "red") opt2 = gamebox.from_text(683, 500, "press 's' for sound controls", "Cambria", 40, "red") pic1 = gamebox.from_image(683, 350, "") pic2 = gamebox.from_image(683, 650, "") back = gamebox.from_text(125, 50, "press 'b' for back", "Cambria", 30, "red") pic1.size = 200, 220 pic2.size = 200, 220 camera.draw(opt1) camera.draw(opt2) camera.draw(pic1) camera.draw(pic2) camera.draw(back) if pygame.K_t in keys: control_count += 1 if pygame.K_s in keys: sound_count += 1 if control_count != 0: control(keys) if pygame.K_b in keys: option_count = 0 if option_count == 0: title(keys) if sound_count != 0: set_all_volume(keys) if control_count == 0 and sound_count == 0: camera.display()
def splash(keys): global show_splash, ticks camera.clear('red') text = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y, "ACID RAIN RUN", "Arial", 20, 'black') camera.draw(text) directions = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y, "Press space to continue", "Arial", 10, 'black') controls = gamebox.from_text( camera.x, camera.y, 'Up arrow to jump; Right arrow to run forward; Left to run backward', 'Arial', 10, 'black') instructions = gamebox.from_text( camera.x, camera.y, 'Avoid the rain and puddles, keep running and collect coins!', 'Arial', 10, 'black') names = gamebox.from_text( camera.x, camera.y, 'Made by Ian McCray (im3vy) and Lata Goudel (lg3dy)', 'Arial', 10, 'black') = text.bottom + 20 = instructions.bottom + 10 = controls.bottom + 20 = directions.bottom + 10 camera.draw(controls) camera.draw(directions) camera.draw(instructions) camera.draw(names) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: show_splash = False if ticks > 600: show_splash = False camera.display()
def splash(keys): global show_splash global logo camera.clear("light green") camera.draw( gamebox.from_text( camera.x, camera.y - 75, "Use keys WASD and the Arrow Keys to control each reptile character.", "Arial", 20, "black")) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text( camera.x, camera.y - 100, "The person to get the highest time before running out of life wins.", "Arial", 20, "black")) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text( camera.x, camera.y - 125, "Alexandra Hickman (azh5kn) and Zach Forstot (zf6pd)", "Arial", 20, "black")) camera.draw(logo) # camera.draw(leaves) if ticks > 60: show_splash = False if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: show_splash = False camera.display()
def score_time(): global scores score_box = gamebox.from_text(90, 30, "Planets Hit: " + str(scores), 32, "white") if (ticks_time / 30) > 0: seconds = str(int((ticks_time / 30))).zfill(2) else: seconds = "00" if seconds != "00": time_box = gamebox.from_text(650, 30, "Time Remaining: " + seconds, 32, "white") elif seconds == "00": time_box = gamebox.from_text(650, 30, "Time Remaining: 00", 32, "white") comet.move_speed() camera.draw(score_box) camera.draw(time_box) if len(planets) == 0: win_box = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "THE ASTEROIDS HAVE WON!", 48, "white") camera.draw(win_box) elif (seconds == "00") and (len(planets) != 0): win_box = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "THE ASTRONAUTS HAVE WON!", 48, "white") camera.draw(win_box)
def respawn(): global power global top monkey.x = cam.x - 270 monkey.y = 300 power = False for t in top: #top.append(gamebox.from_color(cam.right + 200, random.randint(0, 600), "black", 30, random.randint(200,400))) t.x = random.randint(cam.right + 50, cam.right + 250) if top.index(t) % 2 == 0: t.y = random.randint(300, 600) else: t.y = random.randint(0, 300) # for t in top: # t.speedx = 0 # t.speedy = 0 now = time.time() cam.clear("cyan") while time.time() < now + 1: cam.draw(gamebox.from_text(cam.x, 300, "3", 50, "red")) cam.clear("cyan") while time.time() < now + 2: cam.draw(gamebox.from_text(cam.x, 300, "2", 50, "red")) cam.clear("cyan") while time.time() < now + 3: cam.draw(gamebox.from_text(cam.x, 300, "1", 50, "red")) cam.clear("cyan") power = True
def tick(keys): global game_on global p1_score global p2_score if game_on: top_barrier.move_speed() bot_barrier.move_speed() # ------- INPUT --------- if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: game_on = True ''' ''' #top_barrier.move(8,0) # Draw all the walls for wall in walls: camera.draw(wall) camera.draw(top_barrier) camera.draw(bot_barrier) #camera.draw(ball) # ---- CHECKING FOR WIN ---- if p1_score >= 10: camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 100, "Red Wins!", "Arial", 40, "Red", True)) gamebox.pause() if p2_score >= 10: camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 100, "Yellow Wins!", "Arial", 40, "Yellow", True)) gamebox.pause() camera.display()
def tick(keys): # get access to the counter global count_tick global counter if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 10 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 10 character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed camera.clear("black") camera.draw(character) camera.draw(ground) if character.bottom_touches(ground): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: character.yspeed = -20 if character.touches(ground): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(ground) camera.display() count_tick += 1 for wall in walls: if character.bottom_touches(wall): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: character.yspeed = -22 if character.touches(wall): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(wall) camera.draw(wall) for coin in coins: if character.touches(coin): counter += 1 coins.remove(coin) camera.draw(coin) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(70, 10, "Stars collected: " + str(counter), "Arial", 20, "red", italic=True)) ticks_per_second = 30 seconds = int(count_tick / ticks_per_second) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(700, 10, str(seconds) + " out of 30 seconds spent", "Arial", 20, "red", italic=True)) if seconds >= 30: gamebox.stop_loop() print("You found " + str(counter) + " stars.") camera.display()
def transition(keys): global on_level cam.clear("black") cam.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "You are about to fight the boss, good luck", 40, "white")) cam.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 350, "Health packs may spawn if you need aid!", 30, "green")) cam.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 450, "PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE", 35, "blue")) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: on_level = "final" keys.remove(pygame.K_SPACE)
def draw_scorebox(): score_box_1 = gamebox.from_text(300, + 20, "Player 1 Score: " + str(p1_score), 24, "white") camera.draw(score_box_1) score_box_2 = gamebox.from_text(500, + 20, "Player 2 Score: " + str(p2_score), 24, "white") camera.draw(score_box_2)
def start(keys): camera.clear("skyblue") camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(500,500,"Our Game", "Futura",20,"black")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(500,600,"Press SPACE to start", "Futura",20,'black')) camera.display() if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: gamebox.timer_loop(ticks_per_second, tick)
def tick(keys): global time global counter global coin_1 global coin_2 global coin_3 global coins global score counter += 1 if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 5 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 5 camera.clear("cyan") camera.draw(character) camera.draw(ground) for coin in coins: camera.draw(coin) if character.touches(coin): coins.remove(coin) score += 1 camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(50, 100, "Score: " + str(score), "arial", 12, "red", bold=True)) if counter % 20 == 0: time += 1 camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(750, 100, "Time: " + str(time), "arial", 12, "red", bold=True)) character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed if character.bottom_touches(ground): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: character.yspeed = -15 if character.touches(ground): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(ground) for wall in walls: if character.bottom_touches(wall): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: character.yspeed = -20 if character.touches(wall): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(wall) camera.draw(wall) camera.display()
def read_high_scores(): file = open("scores.csv") line_processed = [] for line in file: line_processed.append(line.strip().split(",")) for spacing in range(5): name_disp = gamebox.from_text(camera.x - 100, camera.y-100+50*spacing, line_processed[spacing][0], 36, "white") score_disp = gamebox.from_text(camera.x + 100, camera.y-100+50*spacing, line_processed[spacing][1], 36, "white") camera.draw(score_disp) camera.draw(name_disp)
def tick(keys): global time, score # clear display camera.clear("blue") # decrease timer per call of tick time -= 1 # calculate timer seconds = str(int((time / ticks_per_second))).zfill(3) if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 5 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 5 character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed for wall in walls: if character.bottom_touches(wall): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: character.yspeed = -15 # give infinite jumps (flappy bird style) # if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: # character.yspeed = -15 if character.touches(wall): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(wall) camera.draw(wall) for coin in coins: if character.touches(coin): score += 1 coins.remove(coin) camera.draw(coin) # if time % 30 == 0: # coin_x = random.randint(50, 750) # coin_y = random.randint(400, 500) # coins.append(gamebox.from_color(coin_x, coin_y, "yellow", 12, 12)) # write timer and score to screen time_box = gamebox.from_text(650, 30, "Time Remaining: " + seconds, "arial", 24, "white") score_box = gamebox.from_text(75, 30, "Score: " + str(score), "arial", 24, "white") camera.draw(time_box) camera.draw(score_box) # draw the character camera.draw(character) # display the screen camera.display()
def restart(keys): ''' This function is executed whenever the player hits a wall or hits an enemy -- it's basically a "reset". :param keys: :return: ''' global time global level global points if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: gamebox.unpause() points = points - 10 if points < 0: camera.clear('black') camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.left + 400, 200, 'You Lose!', 50, 'white')) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.left + 400, 300, 'Quit and reopen the game to play again', 50, 'white')) elif level == 1: player_sprite[0].x = 320 player_sprite[0].y = 550 gamebox.timer_loop(60, tick) elif level == 2: player_sprite[1].x = 0 player_sprite[1].y = 420 enemy_sprite2[0].x = 400 enemy_sprite2[0].y = 420 enemy_sprite2[1].x = 400 enemy_sprite2[1].y = 225 enemy_sprite2[0].xspeed = -enemy_sprite2[0].xspeed enemy_sprite2[1].xspeed = -enemy_sprite2[1].xspeed gamebox.timer_loop(60, tick) elif level == 3: player_sprite[2].x = 10 player_sprite[2].y = 75 gamebox.timer_loop(60, tick) elif level == 4: player_sprite[3].x = 10 player_sprite[3].y = 300 gamebox.timer_loop(60, tick) elif level == 5: camera.clear('black') camera.draw( gamebox.from_text( 400, 300, 'You failed to win, quit the game and reopen to try again.', 40, 'red')) gamebox.stop_loop() camera.display()
def new_game(): global game_over print('new') text = gamebox.from_text(400, 105, 'ASTEROIDS', fontsize=36, color="red") text2 = gamebox.from_text(450, 105, 'game controls:left,right,up,down', fontsize=36, color="red") camera.draw(text) camera.draw(text2) camera.diplay()
def splash(keys): global show_splash camera.clear("blue") camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(camera.x,camera.y,"FlappyBird-like game by azh5kn", "Arial",30,"black")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(camera.x,camera.y+50,"(press space to continue)", "Arial",20,"black")) camera.display() if ticks > 60: show_splash = False if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: show_splash = False camera.display()
def splash(keys): global show_splash camera.clear('grey') camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y, "Thank You For Choosing FINNAIR", "Arial", 30, "red")) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y + 50, "(press space to begin your journey)", "Arial", 15, "white")) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: show_splash = False camera.display()
def end(keys): music.stop() endgame = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y, "Game Over ", "Arial", 70, "Red") score_display = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y + 200, "Your score is " + str(score) + "!", "Arial", 50, "Yellow") time_lasted = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y + 250,"You survived " + str(int(frame / ticks_per_second)) + " seconds", "Arial", 40,"Yellow") camera.clear("black") camera.draw(game_over_background) camera.draw(endgame) camera.draw(score_display) camera.draw(time_lasted) camera.display()
def player_ui(): global level global num_swarmers global num_shooters score_counter = gamebox.from_text(camera.x+300, camera.y-250, fontsize=36, text="Score: " + str(score), color="white", bold=True) health_counter = gamebox.from_text(camera.x-300, camera.y-250, fontsize=36, text="Health: " + str(health), color="white", bold=True) if num_swarmers == 0 and len(swarmers) == 0 and num_shooters == 0 and len(shooters) == 0 and num_boss == 0 \ and boss_health == 0: level += 1 camera.draw(score_counter) camera.draw(health_counter)
def tick(keys): global background, playGame, Instructions, highlight, camera camera.draw(background) if pygame.K_w in keys: if background.y == 300: highlight = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, 400, "yellow", 300, 5) if pygame.K_s in keys: if background.y == 300: highlight = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, 480, "yellow", 300, 5) if pygame.K_b in keys: background = gamebox.from_image(400, 300, "background.jpg") playGame = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 370, "Play Game", "Arial", 50, "WHITE") Instructions = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 450, "Instructions", "Arial", 50, "WHITE") highlight = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, 400, "yellow", 300, 5) if pygame.K_RETURN in keys: if highlight.y == 480: background = gamebox.from_color(0, 0, "black", 0, 0) playGame = gamebox.from_color(0, 0, "black", 0, 0) Instructions = gamebox.from_color(0, 0, "black", 0, 0) highlight = gamebox.from_color(0, 0, "black", 0, 0) camera.clear("blacK") y = 40 for line in instructions: if y == 440 or y == 480: camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, y, line, "Arial", 20, "green")) elif y == 400: camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, y, line, "Arial", 20, "red")) else: camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, y, line, "Arial", 20, "white")) y += 40 elif highlight.y == 400: gamebox.Camera.is_initialized = False import switch switch.run_game() camera.draw(highlight) camera.draw(playGame) camera.draw(Instructions) camera.display()
def splash(keys): global show_splash camera.clear('black') white_house = gamebox.from_image( camera.x, camera.bottom - 190, "") face = gamebox.from_image(830, 240, "") title = gamebox.from_text(350, 100, "MISSION TRUMP", 'sys', 100, 'white') white_house.width = 1000 camera.draw(white_house) camera.draw(face) camera.draw(title) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(350, 150, "Press SPACE to start", 'sys', 30, 'white')) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(100, 170, "Controls:", 'sys', 30, 'white')) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(166, 190, "SPACE - Jump", 'sys', 30, 'white')) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(240, 210, "Right and Left Arrows - Move", 'sys', 30, 'white')) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(855, 90, "- Avoid FAKE NEWS", 'sys', 30, 'red')) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(820, 115, "- Collect $$$", 'sys', 30, 'red')) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.left + 170, camera.bottom - 20, "Quang Nguyen", 'sys', 20, 'white')) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: show_splash = False menu_music.stop() camera.display()
def splash(keys): global show_splash camera.clear('black') camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y, "Welcome!", "Arial", 30, "yellow")) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, camera.y + 50, "(press space to continue)", "Arial", 15, "white")) if ticks > 60: show_splash = False if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: show_splash = False camera.display()
def tick_creds(keys): global credit_count cred_char = gamebox.from_text(683, 200, "A special thanks to the following: Luther Tychonievich for the gamebox functions", "Cambria", 40, "red") back = gamebox.from_text(125, 50, "press 'b' for back", "Cambria", 30, "red") camera.clear("sky blue") if pygame.K_q in keys: quit() camera.draw(cred_char) camera.draw(back) camera.display() if pygame.K_b in keys: credit_count = 0 if credit_count == 0: title(keys)
def set_all_volume(keys): global sound_count, sound_level camera.clear("sky blue") if pygame.K_q in keys: quit() toggle_off = gamebox.from_text(683, 200, "To turn off sound, press 'n'", "Cambria", 40, "red") back = gamebox.from_text(125, 50, "press 'b' for back", "Cambria", 30, "red") if pygame.K_n in keys: music1.stop() music2_count = 1 if pygame.K_b in keys: sound_count = 0 title(keys) camera.draw(toggle_off) camera.draw(back) camera.display()
def control(keys): global control_count, wasd_count, arrow_keys_count camera.clear("sky blue") if pygame.K_q in keys: quit() txt1 = gamebox.from_text(683, 200, "press '1' to make your controls wasd", "Cambria", 40, "red") txt2 = gamebox.from_text(683, 400, "press '2' to make your controls the arrow keys", "Cambria", 40, "red") back = gamebox.from_text(125, 50, "press 'b' for back", "Cambria", 30, "red") camera.draw(txt1) camera.draw(txt2) camera.draw(back) if pygame.K_b in keys: control_count = 0 title(keys) if pygame.K_1 in keys: global_stage.wasd_count = 1 if pygame.K_2 in keys: global_stage.wasd_count = 0 camera.display()
def tick(keys): global hit_interval, hit_moment, hit_check, health, secretformula_check, stick_check,\ move_check, x, y, stage, face_check, time, seconds, minutes, jf_stage, check, \ spat_stage, spat_check, bear_stage, circle_stage, x_coord, level hud = [gamebox.from_color(character.x, 0, "White", 100000, 120)] hit_interval += 1 character.xspeed = 0 character.yspeed += 1 circle_check = 0 time += 1 jf_stage += 1/3 spat_stage += 1/3 bear_stage += 1/3 if circle_stage >= 9: circle_stage = 8 if time == 30: seconds += 1 move_check = 0 if time == 60: check = 0 time = 0 seconds += 1 if seconds == 60: seconds = 0 minutes += 1 if int(seconds) < 10: second = '0{}'.format(str(seconds)) else: second = str(seconds) if hit_moment + 30 == hit_interval: hit_check = 0 for jellyfish in jf_list: if time < 30: jellyfish.yspeed = -2 else: jellyfish.yspeed = 2 jellyfish.y = jellyfish.y + jellyfish.yspeed for bear in bear_list: if time < 30: bear.speedx = -10 else: bear.speedx = 10 bear.x = bear.x + bear.speedx character.y = character.y + character.yspeed # ----- GEN ANIMATION ----- timer = gamebox.from_text(character.x - 225, y/25, "{}".format(str(int(minutes))) + ":{}".format(second), "haettenschweiler", 40, "Black") hud.append(timer) tie_hud = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 400, y/20 - 20, "tie_hud.png") tie_hud.scale_by(0.8) hud.append(tie_hud) secretformula_hud_file = 'secretformula_check{}'.format(str(secretformula_check)) + ".png" secretformula_hud = gamebox.from_image(character.x - 50, y/20 - 5, secretformula_hud_file) hud.append(secretformula_hud) health_hud_file = 'health_hud_1.png' health_hud_a = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 850, y/20 - 8, health_hud_file) health_hud_b = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 925, y/20 - 8, health_hud_file) health_hud_c = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 1000, y/20 - 8, health_hud_file) if health <= 2: health_hud_a = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 850, y/20 - 8, 'health_hud_0.png') if health <= 1: health_hud_b = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 925, y/20 - 8, 'health_hud_0.png') if health <= 0: health_hud_c = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 1000, y/20 - 8, 'health_hud_0.png') hud.append(health_hud_a) hud.append(health_hud_b) hud.append(health_hud_c) stick_hud_file = "stick_check{}".format(str(stick_check)) + ".png" stick_hud= gamebox.from_image(character.x - 150, y/20 - 5, stick_hud_file) hud.append(stick_hud) spat_hud_file = "spat_check{}".format(str(spat_check))+".png" spat_hud = gamebox.from_image(character.x - 100, y/20, spat_hud_file) hud.append(spat_hud) if stage >= 7: stage = 1 if spat_stage >= 4 or bear_stage >= 4: spat_stage = 1 bear_stage = 1 if int(jf_stage) == 8: jf_stage = 1 sb = 'running_{}'.format(str(int(stage)))+'.png' character_an = gamebox.from_image(character.x, character.y - 10, sb) character_an.scale_by(.5) jf_file = 'jellyfish_{}'.format(str(int(jf_stage)))+'.png' jellyfish_an = [] secretformula_file = 'secretformula_{}'.format(str(int(spat_stage)))+".png" secretformula = gamebox.from_image(7500, 700, secretformula_file) spat_file = 'spatula_{}'.format(str(int(spat_stage)))+".png" spatula = gamebox.from_image(5100, 100, spat_file) stick_file = 'stick_{}'.format(str(int(spat_stage)))+".png" stick = gamebox.from_image(2100, 100, stick_file) circle = gamebox.from_image(character.x, character.y + 30, 'circle_8.png') bear_an = [] seabear_file = 'seabear_{}'.format(str(int(bear_stage)))+".png" # ----- DRAW DISTANCE ----- for bear in bear_list: if character.x + 1123 > bear.x and character.x - 300 < bear.x: bear_an.append(gamebox.from_image(bear.x, bear.y, seabear_file)) for seabear in bear_an: if time > 30: seabear.flip() for jellyfish in jf_list: if character.x + 1123 > jellyfish.x and character.x - 300 < jellyfish.x: jellyfish_an.append(gamebox.from_image(jellyfish.x, jellyfish.y, jf_file)) if pygame.K_q in keys: quit() # ----- WASD INPUT ----- if character.touches(ground) and stick_check == 1: if pygame.K_c in keys: circle_check = 1 else: circle_check = 0 if global_stage.wasd_count != 0: if pygame.K_d in keys and circle_check == 0: character.xspeed += 9.5 character.x += 9.5 for item in hud: item.speedx += 9.5 if face_check == 1: character_an.flip() face_check = 0 if pygame.K_a in keys and circle_check == 0: character.speedx -= 9.5 character.x -= 9.5 for item in hud: item.speedx -= 9.5 if face_check == 0: character_an.flip() face_check = 1 # -----WASD COLLISION ----- for object in jump_list: if character.bottom_touches(object): if pygame.K_a not in keys and pygame.K_d not in keys: stage = 1 if pygame.K_a in keys or pygame.K_d in keys and pygame.K_SPACE not in keys: stage += 1/1.3 character.yspeed = 0 character.move_to_stop_overlapping(object) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: stage = 5 character.yspeed = -16 # ----- ARROW INPUT ----- if global_stage.wasd_count == 0: if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys and circle_check == 0: character.xspeed += 95 character.x += 95 for item in hud: item.speedx += 9.5 if face_check == 1: character_an.flip() face_check = 0 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys and circle_check == 0: character.speedx -= 9.5 character.x -= 9.5 for item in hud: item.speedx -= 9.5 if face_check == 0: character_an.flip() face_check = 1 # ----- ARROW COLLISION ----- for object in jump_list: if character.bottom_touches(object): if pygame.K_LEFT not in keys and pygame.K_RIGHT not in keys: stage = 1 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys or pygame.K_RIGHT in keys and pygame.K_SPACE not in keys: stage += 1/1.3 character.yspeed = 0 character.move_to_stop_overlapping(object) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: stage = 5 character.yspeed = -16 for w in wall: if character.touches(w): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(w) if character.touches(spatula) and spat_check == 0: spat_check = 1 if character.touches(stick) and stick_check == 0: stick_check = 1 if character.touches(secretformula) and secretformula_check == 0: secretformula_check = 1 for platform in platforms: if character.bottom_touches(platform): if pygame.K_DOWN in keys: character.y = character.y + y/10 # ----- DEATH CHECK ----- for jellyfish in jf_list: if character.bottom_touches(jellyfish): stage = 2 if character.top_touches(jellyfish) and hit_check == 0: health -= 1 hit_check = 1 hit_moment = hit_interval for seabear in bear_an: if character.touches(seabear) and hit_check == 0 and circle_check == 0: health -= 1 hit_check = 1 hit_moment = hit_interval if circle_check == 1 and character.touches(seabear): health += 0 if health == 0: character_an = gamebox.from_image(character.x, character.y, 'crying.png') gamebox.pause() # ----- DRAWING ----- camera.clear("Black") for entry in background: camera.draw(entry) camera.draw(ground) camera.draw(house) for jellyfish in jellyfish_an: camera.draw(jellyfish) if secretformula_check == 0: camera.draw(secretformula) if stick_check == 0: camera.draw(stick) if spat_check == 0: camera.draw(spatula) for seabear in bear_an: camera.draw(seabear) if face_check == 1: character_an.flip() if circle_check == 1: camera.draw(circle) camera.draw(character_an) for entry in hud: camera.draw(entry) for platform in platforms: if character.x + 1300 > platform.x and character.x - 400 < platform.x: camera.draw(platform) camera.move(character.speedx, 0) if health == 0: x_coord = character.x if stick_check == 1 and spat_check == 1 and secretformula_check == 1 and character.x >= 9400: camera.draw(gamebox.from_image(9750, 400,"continue.png")) level = 2 camera.display() health = 3 spat_check = 1 secretformula_check = 1 stick_check = 1
def tick(keys): global score global cash global wave global wave_started global tank_count global tick_count global ticks_per_second global timer global T # Count Tick if not wave_started: tick_count += 1 if tick_count % ticks_per_second == 0: tick_count = 0 timer -= 1 if timer <= 0: enemy_tanks.extend(generate_tanks(tank_count, 600, 800, 0, 600)) wave_started = True # Draw Objects camera.clear("black") camera.draw(background) camera.draw(king) # Remove Dead Bullets for bullet in bullets: if not bullet.alive: bullets.remove(bullet) # Move Bullets for bullet in bullets: bullet.tick() if bullet.touches(king): print("King Killed") gamebox.pause() camera.draw(bullet) # Check Barriers for barrier in barriers: barrier.check(bullets) barrier.draw(camera) for etank in enemy_tanks: barrier.check_collision(etank) # Draw Mines for mine in mines: camera.draw(mine) kills = 0 for tank in enemy_tanks: if (tank.y > king.y): if (tank.facing > 180 - 45): tank.turn_right() else: if (tank.facing < 180 + 45): tank.turn_left() for mine in mines: if not mines.remove(mine) elif tank.touches(mine): boom = mine.explode() booms.append(boom) for boom in booms: if tank.touches(boom): if tank in enemy_tanks: enemy_tanks.remove(tank) kills += 1 cash += int(TANK_VALUE * (kills**2)) for etank in enemy_tanks: etank.forward() etank.tick() bullet = etank.fire_bullet() if bullet: bullets.append(bullet) camera.draw(etank) # Draw Booms for boom in booms: boom.tick() camera.draw(boom) if not boom.alive: booms.remove(boom) for b in buttons: b.draw(camera) # Buttons if camera.mouseclick: if button_state_machine.has_state(): s = button_state_machine.state mx, my = camera.mousex, camera.mousey if s == "BARRIER": if cash >= tankstuff.Barrier.price: cash -= tankstuff.Barrier.price barriers.append(tankstuff.Barrier(mx, my, 2, 4)) elif s == "TURRET": pass elif s == "MINE": # Mine cannot be place touching another mine if cash >= tankstuff.Mine.price: new_mine = tankstuff.Mine(mx, my) touching = False for mine in mines: if new_mine.touches(mine): touching = True break if not touching: cash -= tankstuff.Mine.price mines.append(new_mine) print(button_state_machine.state) button_state_machine.clear_state() else: for b in buttons: if b.clicked(camera): if b.text == "START": if timer > 0 and not wave_started: timer = 0 else: button_state_machine.set_state(b.text) if not button_state_machine.has_state(): if pygame.K_m in keys: button_state_machine.set_state("MINE") elif pygame.K_b in keys: button_state_machine.set_state("BARRIER") elif pygame.K_k in keys: button_state_machine.set_state("TURRET") # Wave Compleated if len(enemy_tanks) == 0 and wave_started: wave += 1 tank_count += 1 score += cash timer = PRE_WAVE_TIME wave_started = False if button_state_machine.has_state(): placing_info = gamebox.from_text(650, 10, "PLACING: " + button_state_machine.state, "arial", 25, "white", True) camera.draw(placing_info) score_text = gamebox.from_text(700, 575, "SCORE: " + str(score), "arial", 20, "white", bold = True) cash_text = gamebox.from_text(700, 555, "CASH: " + str(cash), "arial", 20, "white", bold = True) wave_text = gamebox.from_text(50, 10, "WAVE: " + str(wave), "arial", 20, "white", bold = True) wave_timer = gamebox.from_text(400, 25, str(timer) if timer != 0 else "WAVE START!", "arial", 40, "white", bold = True) camera.draw(score_text) camera.draw(cash_text) camera.draw(wave_text) camera.draw(wave_timer) # Display camera.display()
def tick(keys): global player_one_frame global player_two_frame global player_one_has_flag global player_two_has_flag global player_one_counter global player_two_counter global game_start global game_end global direction global counter global timer global monster_frame global monster_sheet global touched_monster if game_start: camera.clear("black") beginning_title = gamebox.from_text(400, 250, "CAPTURE THE FLAG", "Arial", 46, "white") beginning_description = gamebox.from_text(400, 325, "PRESS SPACEBAR TO BEGIN", "Arial", 46, "white") camera.draw(beginning_title) camera.draw(beginning_description) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: game_start = False else: timer -= 1 camera.clear("green") player_one_frame += 1 player_two_frame += 1 counter += 1 #animate the monster so that he walks in place monster_frame +=1 #adjusts hulks speed here. #make the monster move ahead monster.y +=20 if monster.y == 800: monster.y = 0 if monster_frame == 16: monster_frame = 12 if player_one_frame == 12: player_one_frame = 8 if player_two_frame == 8: player_two_frame = 4 if counter % 5 == 0: player_one.image = player_one_sheet[player_one_frame+direction*10] player_two.image = player_two_sheet[player_two_frame+direction*10] #place the monster on screen monster.image = monster_sheet[monster_frame + direction*10] if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: player_one.x += 10 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: player_one.x -= 10 if pygame.K_UP in keys: player_one.y -= 10 if pygame.K_DOWN in keys: player_one.y += 10 if pygame.K_d in keys: player_two.x += 10 if pygame.K_a in keys: player_two.x -= 10 if pygame.K_w in keys: player_two.y -= 10 if pygame.K_s in keys: player_two.y += 10 # detect if player 2 touched monster if player_two.touches(monster): game_end = True touched_monster = 2 # detect if player 1 touched monster if player_one.touches(monster): game_end = True touched_monster = 1 for flag in player_one_flag: if player_two.touches(flag): player_two_has_flag = True player_one_flag.remove(flag) camera.draw(flag) for flag in player_two_flag: if player_one.touches(flag): player_one_has_flag = True player_two_flag.remove(flag) camera.draw(flag) if player_one.touches(player_one_goal) and player_one_has_flag: new_flag = gamebox.from_image(750, 550, "red.png") player_two_flag.append(new_flag) player_two_flag[0].scale_by(0.15) player_one_counter += 1 player_one_has_flag = False if player_two.touches(player_two_goal) and player_two_has_flag: new_flag = gamebox.from_image(50, 50, "blue.png") player_one_flag.append(new_flag) player_one_flag[0].scale_by(0.15) player_two_counter += 1 player_two_has_flag = False player_one_counter_text = gamebox.from_text(75, 75, str(player_one_counter), "Arial", 28, "blue", italic = True) player_two_counter_text = gamebox.from_text(775, 575, str(player_two_counter), "Arial", 28, "red", italic = True) timer_display = gamebox.from_text(400, 25, str(timer // 30) + " seconds", "Arial", 46, "black") camera.draw(player_one) camera.draw(player_two) #draw the monster on screen camera.draw(monster) camera.draw(player_one_goal) camera.draw(player_two_goal) camera.draw(player_one_counter_text) camera.draw(player_two_counter_text) camera.draw(timer_display) if timer == 0: game_end = True if game_end: camera.clear("black") game_over_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 250, "GAME OVER", "Arial", 46, "white") continue_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 400, "PRESS ENTER TO REPLAY", "Arial", 46, "white") # player one had touched monster if touched_monster == 1: win_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 325, "PLAYER 2 wins as PLAYER 1 was eaten by monster", "Arial", 30, "white") # player 2 had touched monster elif touched_monster == 2: win_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 325, "PLAYER 2 wins as PLAYER 1 was eaten by monster", "Arial", 30, "white") elif player_one_counter > player_two_counter: win_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 325, "PLAYER 1 WINS WITH " + str(player_one_counter) + " FLAGS", "Arial", 46, "white") elif player_two_counter > player_one_counter: win_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 325, "PLAYER 2 WINS WITH " + str(player_two_counter) + " FLAGS", "Arial", 46, "white") else: win_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 325, "TIE", "Arial", 46, "white") camera.draw(game_over_text) camera.draw(win_text) camera.draw(continue_text) # reset the numbers if pygame.K_RETURN in keys: game_end = False game_start = True timer = 30 * 60 player_one_counter = 0 player_two_counter = 0 touched_monster = 0 player_one.x = 350 player_one.y = 300 player_two.x = 450 player_two.y = 300 camera.display()
def tick(keys): # make things global global char_counter global enemy_counter # character moving left and right if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 5 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 5 # jumping if pygame.K_SPACE in keys and character.bottom_touches(ground): character.yspeed -= 17 # gravity character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed enemy.yspeed += 1 enemy.y = enemy.y + enemy.yspeed # enemy moves towards you if enemy.x > character.x: enemy.x -= 3 else: enemy.x += 3 # stop collisions with ground if character.bottom_touches(ground): character.yspeed = 0 if character.touches(ground): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(ground) if enemy.bottom_touches(ground): enemy.yspeed = 0 if enemy.touches(ground): enemy.move_to_stop_overlapping(ground) # character jumps on enemy if character.bottom_touches(enemy): enemy.x = 30 enemy.y = 50 enemy.yspeed = 0 character.yspeed = -7 # character gets hit on side if character.left_touches(enemy) or character.right_touches(enemy): enemy.x = 30 enemy.y = 50 enemy.yspeed = 0 lose_health() # character touches coin if character.left_touches(coin) or character.right_touches(coin): coin.x = random.randint(100, 500) char_counter += 1 # enemy touches coin if enemy.left_touches(coin) or enemy.right_touches(coin): coin.x = random.randint(100, 500) enemy_counter += 1 # draw everything camera.clear("cyan") camera.draw(character) camera.draw(enemy) camera.draw(ground) camera.draw(coin) if health[0] == True: camera.draw(health1) if health[1] == True: camera.draw(health2) if health[2] == True: camera.draw(health3) # create score and draw it char_score = gamebox.from_text(700, 50, str(char_counter), "Comic Sans MS", 30, "red") enemy_score = gamebox.from_text(500, 50, str(enemy_counter), "Comic Sans MS", 30, "green") camera.draw(char_score) camera.draw(enemy_score) # game over screen if health[2] == False and char_counter <= enemy_counter: camera.draw(game_over_background) camera.draw(game_over_text) camera.draw(char_score) camera.draw(enemy_score) gamebox.pause() if health[2] == False and char_counter > enemy_counter: camera.draw(game_over_background) camera.draw(win_game_over_text) camera.draw(char_score) camera.draw(enemy_score) gamebox.pause() camera.display()
def sponge_run_function(keys): global death_move_check, cockroach_count, hit_moment, hit_interval, hit_check, pizza_health, c_stage, jump_check, time, rock_stage platform_object = [] if pygame.K_q in keys: quit() platform_object.append(ground) for platform in platform_list: platform_object.append(gamebox.from_color(platform.x, platform.y + 15, "white", 240, 100)) hit_interval += 1 time += 2 rock.yspeed += 1 if hit_interval == 2 and global_stage.level == 2 and level_one.spat_check == 1: camera.move(-9200, 0) if pygame.K_DOWN in keys: rock.yspeed += 4 c_stage += 1/1.7 if hit_interval == hit_moment + 25: hit_check = 0 if c_stage >= 4: c_stage = 1 if time == 30: time = 0 jump_check = 0 if rock.bottom_touches(ground): rock_stage += 1/1.2 if int(rock_stage) >= 4: rock_stage = 1 if not rock.bottom_touches(ground): rock_stage = 4 rock.x = rock.x + rock.speedx rock.y = rock.y + rock.speedy ''' for platform in platform_object: platform.y = platform.y + platform.yspeed ''' # ----- COLLISION ------ for cockroach in cockroach_list: if rock.touches(cockroach) and hit_check == 0: hit_moment = hit_interval pizza_health -= 1 hit_check = 1 if rock.x > 35250: quit() for platform in platform_object: if rock.bottom_touches(platform): rock.yspeed = 0 rock.move_to_stop_overlapping(platform) if platform != platform_object[0]: platform.y += 100 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: rock.yspeed = -20 jump_check = 1 if rock.right_touches(platform) and hit_check == 0: pizza_health -= 1 hit_check = 1 hit_moment = hit_interval # ----- GEN ANIMATION ----- if pizza_health > 0: health_file = 'pizza_health_{}'.format(pizza_health) + ".png" else: health_file = 'pizza_health_1.png' health_hud = gamebox.from_image(rock.x + 4*x/5, 100, health_file) rock_file = 'rock_{}'.format(int(rock_stage)) + '.png' rock_an = gamebox.from_image(rock.x, rock.y, rock_file) camera.clear("White") if hit_check == 1: rock_stage = 4 rock.xspeed = 15 else: rock.xspeed = 25 for shift in range(3): if hit_check == 1 and hit_interval >= hit_moment + shift*4 and hit_interval < hit_moment + (shift+1)*4: rock_an.rotate(random.randint(-30, 5)) # ----- DRAWING ------ camera.clear("Black") if pizza_health > 0: for platform in platform_object: camera.draw(platform) for entry in background: camera.draw(entry) for entry in house: camera.draw(entry) camera.draw(customer_house) for platform in platform_list: camera.draw(platform) camera.draw(rock_an) camera.move(rock.xspeed, 0) for cockroach in cockroach_list: if rock.x + 1300 > cockroach.x and rock.x - 300 < cockroach.x: camera.draw(cockroach) camera.draw(health_hud) else: rock.xspeed = 0 if death_move_check == 0: camera.move(19440, 0) death_move_check = 1 death_screen = gamebox.from_image(rock.x + 20000, 400, "deathscreen.jpg") quit_text = gamebox.from_text(rock.x + 20200, 400, "Press q to quit", "Cambria",100, "White") camera.draw(death_screen) camera.draw(quit_text) camera.display()
def tick(keys): global score global sprite_counter # move player if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: player.x -= 10 if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: player.x += 10 # shooting bullets if pygame.K_SPACE in keys and bullet1.yspeed == 0: shoot_bullet(bullet1) elif pygame.K_SPACE in keys and bullet2.yspeed == 0: shoot_bullet(bullet2) elif pygame.K_SPACE in keys and bullet3.yspeed == 0: shoot_bullet(bullet3) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: keys.remove(pygame.K_SPACE) # moving bullets bullet1.y -= bullet1.speedy bullet2.y -= bullet2.speedy bullet3.y -= bullet3.speedy # stop bullet off screen if bullet1.y < 0: bullet1.speedy = 0 if bullet2.y < 0: bullet2.speedy = 0 if bullet3.y < 0: bullet3.speedy = 0 # create enemies if there aren't any while len(enemies) < 3: enemies.append(create_enemy()) # move the enemies for enemy in enemies: enemy.x += enemy.xspeed # reverse enemies if necessary for enemy in enemies: if enemy.x < 0: enemy.xspeed *= -1 elif enemy.x > 800: enemy.xspeed *= -1 # kill enemies with bullets for enemy in enemies: for bullet in bullets: if enemy.touches(bullet): enemy.x = random.randint(0, 800) enemy.y = random.randint(0,2) * 75 + 50 enemy.xspeed = random.randint(3, 10) score += 1 = 100) # enemy shoots bullets for i in range(len(en_bullets)): if en_bullets[i].yspeed == 0: enemy_shoot_bullet(enemies[i], en_bullets[i]) # enemy bullets move for bullet in en_bullets: bullet.y += bullet.yspeed # handle bullets going off the screen for bullet in en_bullets: if bullet.y > 600: bullet.yspeed = 0 # update the score score_display = gamebox.from_text(750, 10, str(score), "Algerian", 12, "yellow") # handle animations sprite_counter += 1 if sprite_counter == 6: sprite_counter = 0 player.image = player_animations[sprite_counter] for enemy in enemies: enemy.image = enemy_animations[sprite_counter] # play music music_player # draw everything camera.clear("black") camera.draw(player) camera.draw(bullet1) camera.draw(bullet2) camera.draw(bullet3) camera.draw(score_display) if lives[0] == True: camera.draw(life3) if lives[1] == True: camera.draw(life2) if lives[2] == True: camera.draw(life1) for bullet in en_bullets: camera.draw(bullet) for enemy in enemies: camera.draw(enemy) # game over for bullet in en_bullets: if bullet.touches(player): lose_health() bullet.yspeed = 0 if lives[2] == False: camera.draw(game_over_background) game_over_score = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "Final Score: " + str(score), "Algerian", 20, "yellow") camera.draw(game_over_score) music_player.pause() gamebox.pause() camera.display()
def tick(keys): global score # move player if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: player.x -= 10 if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: player.x += 10 # shooting bullets if pygame.K_SPACE in keys and bullet1.yspeed == 0: shoot_bullet(bullet1) elif pygame.K_SPACE in keys and bullet2.yspeed == 0: shoot_bullet(bullet2) elif pygame.K_SPACE in keys and bullet3.yspeed == 0: shoot_bullet(bullet3) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: keys.remove(pygame.K_SPACE) # moving bullets bullet1.y -= bullet1.speedy bullet2.y -= bullet2.speedy bullet3.y -= bullet3.speedy # stop bullet off screen if bullet1.y < 0: bullet1.speedy = 0 if bullet2.y < 0: bullet2.speedy = 0 if bullet3.y < 0: bullet3.speedy = 0 # create enemies if there aren't any while len(enemies) < 3: enemies.append(create_enemy()) # move the enemies for enemy in enemies: enemy.x += enemy.xspeed # reverse enemies if necessary for enemy in enemies: if enemy.x < 0: enemy.xspeed *= -1 elif enemy.x > 800: enemy.xspeed *= -1 # kill enemies with bullets for enemy in enemies: for bullet in bullets: if enemy.touches(bullet): enemy.x = random.randint(0, 800) enemy.y = random.randint(0,2) * 75 + 50 enemy.xspeed = random.randint(3, 10) score += 1 # enemy shoots bullets for i in range(len(en_bullets)): if en_bullets[i].yspeed == 0: enemy_shoot_bullet(enemies[i], en_bullets[i]) # enemy bullets move for bullet in en_bullets: bullet.y += bullet.yspeed # handle bullets going off the screen for bullet in en_bullets: if bullet.y > 600: bullet.yspeed = 0 # update the score score_display = gamebox.from_text(750, 10, str(score), "Arial", 12, "yellow") # check for lives # draw everything camera.clear("black") camera.draw(player) camera.draw(bullet1) camera.draw(bullet2) camera.draw(bullet3) camera.draw(score_display) for bullet in en_bullets: camera.draw(bullet) for enemy in enemies: camera.draw(enemy) # game over for bullet in en_bullets: if bullet.touches(player): camera.draw(game_over_background) game_over_score = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "Final Score: " + str(score), "Arial", 20, "yellow") camera.draw(game_over_score) gamebox.pause() camera.display()
def tick(keys): global start_game global game_over global fail_over b3= gamebox.from_text(400,300,"Welcome to Yeti Jump! Get 10 points to win!", "Arial", 40, 'red', italic=True) b4 = gamebox.from_text(400,400, "Press s to start!","Arial", 40, 'red', italic=True) camera.draw(b3) camera.draw(b4) if pygame.K_s in keys: start_game = True if start_game is True: if fail_over is False: if game_over is False: global counter global lives global character_score if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 10 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 10 character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed camera.clear("cyan") camera.draw(b1) camera.draw("Lives: " + str(lives), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 100) camera.draw(character) if character.y > 600 or 800 >= character.x <= 0: lives -= 1 charater_score = 0 character.x = walls[-1].x character.y = walls[-1].y camera.draw(character) camera.draw("Character Score: "+ str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) camera.y -= 3 b1.y = camera.y global counter counter += 1 if counter % 50 == 0: new_wall = gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100,700), camera.y-300, "black", random.randint(100,250), 10) walls.append(new_wall) if character.y >= new_wall.y + 600 or character.x < 0 or character.x > 800 : lives -= 1 character.x = walls[-1].x character.y = walls[-1].y camera.draw(character) if counter%40 == 0: coins.append(gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100,550),(character.y-200),"yellow",10,10)) for coin in coins: camera.draw(coin) if character.touches(coin): coins.remove(coin) coin_sound = gamebox.load_sound('') character_score += 1 camera.draw("Character Score: " + str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) if counter%45 == 0: enemy.append(gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100,550),(character.y-200),"red",5,5)) multiplier = 1 for thing in enemy: thing.x += 10*multiplier if thing.x >500 or thing.x<300: multiplier = multiplier*-1 camera.draw(thing) if character.touches(thing): enemy.remove(thing) character_score -= 5 lives -= 1 camera.draw("Character Score: " + str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) for wall in walls: if character.bottom_touches(wall): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: character.yspeed = -20 if character.touches(wall): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(wall) camera.draw(wall) if lives == 0: fail_over = True if character_score is 10: game_over = True else: camera.clear("white") camera.draw("You Win! Snooooow good", "Arial", 30,"red", 400, 300) camera.draw("Press q to quit", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 500) if pygame.K_q in keys: gamebox.stop_loop() else: camera.clear('white') camera.draw("Sorry you lost!", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 250) camera.draw("Press q to quit", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 450) if pygame.K_q in keys: gamebox.stop_loop() camera.display()
music2_count = 0 counter = 0 credit_count = 0 play_count = 0 option_count = 0 control_count = 0 sound_count = 0 camera = level_1 = 0 level_2 = 0 level_3 = 0 wasd_count = 0 sound_level = 0.5 char1 = gamebox.from_color(10, 10, "red", 50, 5) char2 = gamebox.from_text(250, 50, "ya Motha", "Cambria", 70, "orange", True, True) # char3 = gamebox.from_image(100, 100, " # image/photos/33000000/The-Customer-s-House-krusty-krab-pizza-33032845-512-384.jpg") char3 = gamebox.from_image(200, 400, "" "/18/18ee0bb8dd40f9d96af0d3dfd14687f97923fdf2/spongebob.png") char4 = gamebox.from_text(350, 150, "By Luke and Connor (lsm5fm and cb4wa)", "Cambria", 30, "orange", False, True) char5 = gamebox.from_text(683, 200, "Press 'P' to Play", "Cambria", 50, "red") char6 = gamebox.from_text(683, 400, "Press 'O' for Options", "Cambria", 50, "red") char7 = gamebox.from_text(683, 600, "Press 'C' for Credits", "Cambria", 50, "red") titlebackground = gamebox.from_image(683, 384, "") titlebackground.size = 1366, 768 pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) def set_all_volume(keys):
# health boxes health1 = gamebox.from_color(50, 50, "red", 20, 20) health2 = gamebox.from_color(100, 50, "red", 20, 20) health3 = gamebox.from_color(150, 50, "red", 20, 20) health = [True, True, True] def lose_health(): for i in range(len(health)): if health[i] == True: health[i] = False break # game starting screen game_start_background = gamebox.from_color(400, 300, "black", 800, 600) game_start_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "Press Space to play!", "Comic Sans MS", 30, "yellow") game_start_condition = True def change_game_start(): return False # game over screen game_over_background = gamebox.from_color(400, 300, "black", 800, 600) game_over_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "You lose!", "Comic Sans MS", 30, "yellow") win_game_over_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "You win!", "Arial", 30, "yellow") # enemy enemy = gamebox.from_color(750, 50, "green", 30, 60) # ground ground = gamebox.from_color(-100, 600, "black", 3000, 100)
def tick(keys): # Game Beginning Screen and Starting the Game global game_start, pause, p1_score, yellow_coins, platforms, p1_health, up_last_pressed, was_touching, bar, background1, time if game_start is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 300, str("PRESS SPACE BAR TO START!"), "Arial", 50, "black", True)) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 350, str("Press UP to jump"), "Arial", 30, "black", True)) camera.display() if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: game_start = True if game_start is True: # Player 1 Collisions with objects p1.yspeed += 0.5 p1.y += p1.yspeed if pygame.K_UP in keys and not up_last_pressed: p1.yspeed = -8 music_jump1 = gamebox.load_sound("Jump.wav") musicplayer3 = up_last_pressed = True if not pygame.K_UP in keys: up_last_pressed = False nothing_touched = True # check if nothing is touched for platform in platforms: if p1.touches(platform): if not was_touching: p1_health -= 1 p1.x += 65 was_touching = True nothing_touched = False if nothing_touched: was_touching = False if p1.x > 200: p1.x -= scroll_speed if p1.touches(ground): was_touching = True p1.yspeed = 0 p1.y -= 100 p1_health -= 1 if pygame.K_UP in keys: p1.yspeed -= 5 if p1.touches(ceiling): p1.yspeed = 0 p1.move_to_stop_overlapping(ceiling) # Platform Creation and Removal platform_creator() # Coin Creation and Removal y_coins() # Health if p1_health > 10: p1_health = 10 bar = [gamebox.from_color(900 - (512-chunknum*25), 50, "red", 20, 20) for chunknum in range(p1_health)] # Score for platform in platforms[1::2]: if 200 <= platform.x < 200 + scroll_speed: p1_score += 1 # Background background1.x -= scroll_speed if background1.x <= -(800 - scroll_speed): background1.x = 2400 background2.x -= scroll_speed if background2.x <= -(800 - scroll_speed): background2.x = 2400 time += 1 # Visuals if pause is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw(ground) camera.draw(background1) camera.draw(background2) for platform in platforms: camera.draw(platform) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(50, 50, str(int(p1_score)), "Arial", 30, "brown", True)) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(750, 50, str(time//ticks_per_second), "Arial", 30, "black", True)) camera.draw(black_bar) for chunk in bar: camera.draw(chunk) for yellow_coin in yellow_coins: camera.draw(yellow_coin) camera.draw(p1) camera.display() # Game Ending and Restarting if p1_health == 0 and pause is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 200, str("GAME OVER"), "Arial", 100, "black", True)) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 300, str("Score: " + str(int(p1_score))), "Arial", 50, "brown")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 350, str("You lasted: " + str(time//ticks_per_second) + " seconds"), "Arial", 50, "black")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 400, str("Play again?"), "Arial", 50, "black")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 440, str("(press the space bar)"), "Arial", 20, "black")) camera.display() pause = True # Freeze the Game Over menu if pygame.K_SPACE in keys and pause is True: platforms = [] yellow_coins = [] p1_health = 10 p1.y = 50 p1_score = 0 time = 0 game_start = False # Restart the game pause = False # Unfreeze the game
def tick(keys): for bluehole in blueholes: bluehole.scale_by(1.018) global x, score, y, platform_x, time_on, speed, platform_length, platform_end, prev_length, prev_end, prev_x, radius, prev_radius if y > 3: y =0 y+=1 if camera.x % 1000 == 0: speed += 4 score = int(camera.x) scoreboard = gamebox.from_text(camera.x+300,50,(str(score)),"Verdana",26,"black") camera.x += speed alien.x += speed if alien.x >= (platform_x - platform_length/2) and alien.x <= (platform_x - platform_length/2): time_on += speed elif alien.x >= platform_x - platform_length/2: time_on = 0 if len(platforms) < 10: prev_length = int(platform_length) prev_x = int(platform_x) prev_end = int(platform_end) prev_radius = radius platform_length = int(random.randint(300,600)) radius = int(platform_length/2) platform_x = prev_end + radius + random.randint(25,200) platform_end = platform_x + radius height = random.randint(300,700) platforms.append(gamebox.from_color(platform_x,height,"black",2*radius,30)) if len(blueholes) < 2: bluehole_x = random.randint(camera.x,camera.x+500) bluehole_y = random.randint(0,800) blueholes.append(gamebox.from_image(bluehole_x,bluehole_y,blue_hole_sheet[y])) # GRAVITY alien.yspeed += 1.5 alien.y = alien.y + alien.yspeed if pygame.K_s in keys: alien.image = "" elif pygame.K_d in keys: alien.image = "" elif pygame.K_f in keys: alien.image = "" else: alien.image = "" for platform in platforms: if alien.bottom_touches(platform): alien.move_to_stop_overlapping(platform) if platform.x < (camera.x-1000): platforms.remove(platform) if alien.touches(platform): if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: alien.yspeed -= 30 if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: alien.x += 5 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: alien.x -= 5 camera.clear("skyblue") camera.draw(alien) camera.draw(scoreboard) for platform in platforms: camera.draw(platform) for bluehole in blueholes: camera.draw(bluehole) camera.display() game_over = gamebox.from_text(camera.x,400,"Game Over","Arial",40,"black",True) def end(): gamebox.pause() camera.clear("skyblue") camera.draw(game_over) camera.display() for bluehole in blueholes: bluehole.image = blue_hole_sheet[y] if bluehole.x < (camera.x-500): blueholes.remove(bluehole) if alien.touches(bluehole): end() if alien.y >= 800: end()
def draw(self, camera): camera.draw( if self.text: t = gamebox.from_text(self.x, self.y, self.text, 'arial', 10, self.text_color) camera.draw(t)