Esempio n. 1
   def __init__(self, database=[], features='all', perform_splits=1, num_k=1):
      """**kNNInteractive** (ImageList *database* = ``[]``, *features* = 'all', bool *perform_splits* = ``True``, int *num_k* = ``1``)

Creates a new kNN interactive classifier instance.

        Must be a list (or Python interable) containing glyphs to use
        as training data for the classifier.

        Any images in the list that were manually classified (have
	classification_state == MANUAL) will be used as training data
	for the classifier.  Any UNCLASSIFIED or AUTOMATICALLY
	classified images will be ignored.

	When initializing a noninteractive classifier, the database
	*must* be non-empty.

	A list of feature function names to use for classification.
	These feature names
	correspond to the `feature plugin methods`__.  To use all
	available feature functions, pass in ``'all'``.

.. __: plugins.html#features

	  If ``perform_splits`` is ``True``, glyphs trained with names
	  beginning with ``_split.`` are run through a given splitting
	  algorithm.  For instance, glyphs that need to be broken into
	  upper and lower halves for further classification of those
	  parts would be trained as ``_split.splity``.  When the
	  automatic classifier encounters glyphs that most closely
	  match those trained as ``_split``, it will perform the
	  splitting algorithm and then continue to recursively
	  classify its parts.

	  The `splitting algorithms`__ are documented in the plugin documentation.

.. __: plugins.html#segmentation

          New splitting algorithms can be created by `writing plugin`__ methods
          in the category ``Segmentation``.  

.. __: writing_plugins.html

      self.features = features
      self.feature_functions = core.ImageBase.get_feature_functions(features)
      num_features = features_module.get_features_length(features)
      _kNNBase.__init__(self, num_features=num_features, num_k=num_k)
      classify.InteractiveClassifier.__init__(self, database, perform_splits)
Esempio n. 2
   def __init__(self, database=[], features='all', perform_splits=1, num_k=1):
      """**kNNInteractive** (ImageList *database* = ``[]``, *features* = 'all', bool *perform_splits* = ``True``, int *num_k* = ``1``)

Creates a new kNN interactive classifier instance.

        Must be a list (or Python interable) containing glyphs to use
        as training data for the classifier.

        Any images in the list that were manually classified (have
	classification_state == MANUAL) will be used as training data
	for the classifier.  Any UNCLASSIFIED or AUTOMATICALLY
	classified images will be ignored.

	When initializing a noninteractive classifier, the database
	*must* be non-empty.

	A list of feature function names to use for classification.
	These feature names
	correspond to the `feature plugin methods`__.  To use all
	available feature functions, pass in ``'all'``.

.. __: plugins.html#features

	  If ``perform_splits`` is ``True``, glyphs trained with names
	  beginning with ``_split.`` are run through a given splitting
	  algorithm.  For instance, glyphs that need to be broken into
	  upper and lower halves for further classification of those
	  parts would be trained as ``_split.splity``.  When the
	  automatic classifier encounters glyphs that most closely
	  match those trained as ``_split``, it will perform the
	  splitting algorithm and then continue to recursively
	  classify its parts.

	  The `splitting algorithms`__ are documented in the plugin documentation.

.. __: plugins.html#segmentation

          New splitting algorithms can be created by `writing plugin`__ methods
          in the category ``Segmentation``.  

.. __: writing_plugins.html

      self.features = features
      self.feature_functions = core.ImageBase.get_feature_functions(features)
      num_features = features_module.get_features_length(features)
      _kNNBase.__init__(self, num_features=num_features, num_k=num_k)
      classify.InteractiveClassifier.__init__(self, database, perform_splits)
Esempio n. 3
   def change_feature_set(self, f):
      """**change_feature_set** (*features*)

Changes the set of features used in the classifier to the given list of feature names.

  These feature names correspond to the `feature plugin methods`__.
  To use all available feature functions, pass in ``'all'``.

.. __: plugins.html#features"""
      self.features = f
      self.feature_functions = core.ImageBase.get_feature_functions(f)
      self.num_features = features_module.get_features_length(f)
      if len(self.database):
         self.is_dirty = True
Esempio n. 4
   def change_feature_set(self, f):
      """**change_feature_set** (*features*)

Changes the set of features used in the classifier to the given list of feature names.

  These feature names correspond to the `feature plugin methods`__.
  To use all available feature functions, pass in ``'all'``.

.. __: plugins.html#features"""
      self.features = f
      self.feature_functions = core.ImageBase.get_feature_functions(f)
      self.num_features = features_module.get_features_length(f)
      if len(self.database):
         self.is_dirty = True