Esempio n. 1
    def generic_visit(self, node):
        if isinstance(node, ast.expr) and node in self.constant_expressions:
            fake_node = ast.Expression(node)
            code = compile(ast.gast_to_ast(fake_node),
                           '<constant folding>', 'eval')
                value = eval(code, self.env)
                new_node = to_ast(value)
                if not ASTMatcher(node).match(new_node):
                    self.update = True
                    return new_node
            except DamnTooLongPattern as e:
                print("W: ", e, " Assume no update happened.")
            except ConversionError as e:
                print('error in constant folding: ', e)
            except ToNotEval:
            except AttributeError as e:
                # this may miss a few optimization
      'During constant folding, bailing out due to: ' +
            except NameError as e:
                # FIXME dispatched function are not processed by constant
                # folding
                if "__dispatch__" in e.args[0]:
                    return Transformation.generic_visit(self, node)
                # this may miss a few optimization
      'During constant folding, bailing out due to: ' +
            except Exception as e:
                raise PythranSyntaxError(str(e), node)

        return Transformation.generic_visit(self, node)
Esempio n. 2
    def visit_For(self, node):
        # if the user added some OpenMP directive, trust him and no unroll
        if metadata.get(node, OMPDirective):
            return node  # don't visit children because of collapse

        # first unroll children if needed or possible

        # a break or continue in the loop prevents unrolling too
        has_break = any(self.gather(HasBreak, n)
                        for n in node.body)
        has_cont = any(self.gather(HasContinue, n)
                       for n in node.body)

        if has_break or has_cont:
            return node

        # do not unroll too much to prevent code growth
        node_count = self.gather(NodeCount, node)

        def unroll(elt, body):
            return [ast.Assign([deepcopy(], elt)] + body

        def dc(body, i, n):
            if i == n - 1:
                return body
                return deepcopy(body)

        def getrange(n):
            return getattr(getattr(n, 'func', None), 'attr', None)

        if isinstance(node.iter, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)):
            elts_count = len(node.iter.elts)
            total_count = node_count * elts_count
            issmall = total_count < LoopFullUnrolling.MAX_NODE_COUNT
            if issmall:
                self.update = True
                return sum([unroll(elt, dc(node.body, i, elts_count))
                            for i, elt in enumerate(node.iter.elts)], [])
        code = compile(ast.gast_to_ast(ast.Expression(node.iter)),
                       '<loop unrolling>', 'eval')
            values = list(eval(code, {'builtins': __import__('builtins')}))
        except Exception:
            return node

        values_count = len(values)
        total_count = node_count * values_count
        issmall = total_count < LoopFullUnrolling.MAX_NODE_COUNT
        if issmall:
                new_node = sum([unroll(to_ast(elt),
                                       dc(node.body, i, values_count))
                                for i, elt in enumerate(values)], [])
                self.update = True
                return new_node
            except Exception:
                return node
        return node
Esempio n. 3
    def visit_For(self, node):
        # first unroll children if needed or possible

        # if the user added some OpenMP directive, trust him and no unroll
        has_omp = metadata.get(node, OMPDirective)
        # a break or continue in the loop prevents unrolling too
        has_break = any(
            self.passmanager.gather(HasBreak, n, self.ctx) for n in node.body)
        has_cont = any(
            self.passmanager.gather(HasContinue, n, self.ctx)
            for n in node.body)

        if has_omp or has_break or has_cont:
            return node

        # do not unroll too much to prevent code growth
        node_count = self.passmanager.gather(NodeCount, node, self.ctx)

        def unroll(elt):
            return ([ast.Assign([deepcopy(], elt)] +

        def getrange(n):
            return getattr(getattr(n, 'func', None), 'attr', None)

        if isinstance(node.iter, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)):
            total_count = node_count * len(node.iter.elts)
            issmall = total_count < LoopFullUnrolling.MAX_NODE_COUNT
            if issmall:
                self.update = True
                return sum([unroll(elt) for elt in node.iter.elts], [])
        code = compile(ast.gast_to_ast(ast.Expression(node.iter)),
                       '<loop unrolling>', 'eval')
            values = list(
                eval(code, {'__builtin__': __import__('__builtin__')}))
        except Exception as e:
            return node

        total_count = node_count * len(values)
        issmall = total_count < LoopFullUnrolling.MAX_NODE_COUNT
        if issmall:
                new_node = sum([unroll(to_ast(elt)) for elt in values], [])
                self.update = True
                return new_node
            except Exception as e:
                return node
        return node
Esempio n. 4
    def visit_Compare(self, node):
        """ Boolean are possible index.

        >>> import gast as ast
        >>> from pythran import passmanager, backend
        >>> node = ast.parse('''
        ... def foo():
        ...     a = 2 or 3
        ...     b = 4 or 5
        ...     c = a < b
        ...     d = b < 3
        ...     e = b == 4''')
        >>> pm = passmanager.PassManager("test")
        >>> res = pm.gather(RangeValues, node)
        >>> res['c']
        Interval(low=1, high=1)
        >>> res['d']
        Interval(low=0, high=0)
        >>> res['e']
        Interval(low=0, high=1)
        if any(
                isinstance(op, (ast.In, ast.NotIn, ast.Is, ast.IsNot))
                for op in node.ops):
            return self.add(node, Interval(0, 1))

        curr = self.visit(node.left)
        res = []
        for op, comparator in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            comparator = self.visit(comparator)
            fake = ast.Compare(ast.Name('x', ast.Load(), None), [op],
                               [ast.Name('y', ast.Load(), None)])
            fake = ast.Expression(fake)
            expr = compile(ast.gast_to_ast(fake), '<range_values>', 'eval')
            res.append(eval(expr, {'x': curr, 'y': comparator}))
        if all(res):
            return self.add(node, Interval(1, 1))
        elif any(r.low == r.high == 0 for r in res):
            return self.add(node, Interval(0, 0))
            return self.add(node, Interval(0, 1))
Esempio n. 5
 def generic_visit(self, node):
     if node in self.constant_expressions:
             fake_node = ast.Expression(
                 node.value if isinstance(node, ast.Index) else node)
             code = compile(ast.gast_to_ast(fake_node),
                            '<constant folding>', 'eval')
             value = eval(code, self.env)
             new_node = to_ast(value)
             if(isinstance(node, ast.Index) and
                not isinstance(new_node, ast.Index)):
                 new_node = ast.Index(new_node)
                 if not ASTMatcher(node).search(new_node):
                     self.update = True
                     return new_node
             except DamnTooLongPattern as e:
                 print("W: ", e, " Assume no update happened.")
             return Transformation.generic_visit(self, node)
         except ConversionError as e:
             print('error in constant folding: ', e)
         except ToNotEval:
             return Transformation.generic_visit(self, node)
         except AttributeError as e:
             # FIXME union_ function is not handle by constant folding
             if "union_" in e.args[0]:
                 return Transformation.generic_visit(self, node)
             elif "pythran" in e.args[0]:
                 # FIXME: Can be fix giving a Python implementation for
                 # these functions.
                 return Transformation.generic_visit(self, node)
         except NameError as e:
             # FIXME dispatched function are not processed by constant
             # folding
             if "__dispatch__" in e.args[0]:
                 return Transformation.generic_visit(self, node)
         except Exception as e:
             raise PythranSyntaxError(str(e), node)
         return Transformation.generic_visit(self, node)