def main():
    data_dim = 8
    n_data = 10
    threshold_missing = 0.5
    mu = np.random.randn(data_dim, 1)
    sigma = make_spd_matrix(
        n_dim=data_dim)  # Generate a random positive semi-definite matrix
    # test if the matrix is positive definite
    # print(is_pos_def(sigma))
    x_full = gauss.gauss_sample(mu, sigma, n_data)
    missing = np.random.rand(n_data, data_dim) < threshold_missing
    x_miss = np.copy(x_full)
    x_miss[missing] = np.nan
    x_imputed = gauss.gauss_impute(mu, sigma, x_miss)
    #Create a matrix from x_miss by replacing the NaNs with 0s to display the hinton_diagram
    xmiss0 = np.copy(x_miss)
    for g in np.argwhere(np.isnan(x_miss)):
        xmiss0[g[0], g[1]] = 0

    plot_1 = plt.figure(1)
    pml.hinton_diagram(xmiss0, ax=plot_1.gca())
    pml.savefig("gauss_impute_observed.pdf", dpi=300)

    plot_2 = plt.figure(2)
    pml.hinton_diagram(x_full, ax=plot_2.gca())
    plot_2.suptitle('Hidden truth')
    pml.savefig("gauss_impute_truth.pdf", dpi=300)

    plot_3 = plt.figure(3)
    pml.hinton_diagram(x_imputed, ax=plot_3.gca())
    plot_3.suptitle('Imputation with true params')
    pml.savefig("gauss_impute_pred.pdf", dpi=300)
from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

data_dim = 4
n_data = 100
threshold_missing = 0.5
mu = np.random.randn(data_dim, 1)
sigma = make_spd_matrix(n_dim=data_dim)
x_full = gauss.gauss_sample(mu, sigma, n_data)
missing = np.random.rand(n_data, data_dim) < threshold_missing
x_miss = np.copy(x_full)
x_miss[missing] = np.nan

x_impute_oracle = gauss.gauss_impute(mu, sigma, x_miss)

result = gauss.gauss_fit_em(x_miss)
m = result.get('mu')
sig = result.get('Sigma')
x_impute_em = gauss.gauss_impute(m, sig, x_miss)

def plot_performance(x_miss, x_full, x_impute):
    r_squared = []
    for i in range(4):
        miss = np.argwhere(np.isnan(x_miss[:, i]))
        r2 = r2_score(x_full[miss, i], x_impute[miss, i])

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)
import pyprobml_utils as pml

data_dim = 8
n_data = 10
threshold_missing = 0.5
mu = np.random.randn(data_dim, 1)
sigma = make_spd_matrix(
    n_dim=data_dim)  # Generate a random positive semi-definite matrix
# test if the matrix is positive definite
# print(is_pos_def(sigma))
x_full = gauss.gauss_sample(mu, sigma, n_data)
missing = np.random.rand(n_data, data_dim) < threshold_missing
x_miss = np.copy(x_full)
x_miss[missing] = np.nan
x_imputed = gauss.gauss_impute(mu, sigma, x_miss)
#Create a matrix from x_miss by replacing the NaNs with 0s to display the hinton_diagram
xmiss0 = np.copy(x_miss)
for g in np.argwhere(np.isnan(x_miss)):
    xmiss0[g[0], g[1]] = 0

plot_1 = plt.figure(1)
pml.hinton_diagram(xmiss0, ax=plot_1.gca())
pml.savefig("gauss_impute_observed.pdf", dpi=300)

plot_2 = plt.figure(2)
pml.hinton_diagram(x_full, ax=plot_2.gca())
plot_2.suptitle('Hidden truth')
pml.savefig("gauss_impute_truth.pdf", dpi=300)