Esempio n. 1
 def value_(self, ctx, name, value):
     if name == "key" or name == self.keyName:
         self._key = value
     elif name == "cumulate":
         self._adding = literals.parseBooleanLiteral(value)
     elif name == "content_":
         if self._key is attrdef.Undefined:
             raise common.StructureError(
                 "Content '%s' has no %s attribute" % (value, self.keyName))
         self.addPair(self._key, self.parseValue(value))
         raise common.StructureError("No %s attributes on mappings" % name)
     return self
Esempio n. 2
    def getAttribute(self, name):
        """Returns an attribute instance from name.

		This function will raise a StructureError if no matching attribute 
		definition is found.
        if name in self.managedAttrs:
            return self.managedAttrs[name]
        if name == "content_":
            raise common.StructureError(
                "%s elements must not have character data"
                " content." % (self.name_))
        raise common.StructureError(
            "%s elements have no %s attributes or children." %
            (self.name_, name))
Esempio n. 3
 def validate(self):
     for val in set(self.managedAttrs.itervalues()):
         if getattr(self, val.name_) is attrdef.Undefined:
             raise common.StructureError("You must set %s on %s elements" %
                                         (val.name_, self.name_))
         if hasattr(val, "validate"):
Esempio n. 4
 def _feedToAtom(self, type, name, value):
     if type == 'start':
         raise common.StructureError("%s elements cannot have %s children" %
                                     (, name))
     elif type == 'value' or type == "parsedvalue":
         self.curParser.feedEvent(self.ctx, 'value',, value)
     elif type == 'end': = None
Esempio n. 5
    def feedEvent(self, ctx, evType, name, value):
        """dispatches an event to the root structure.

		Do not call this yourself unless you know what you're doing.  The
		method to feed "real" events to is feed.
        if name != self.rootStruct.name_:
            raise common.StructureError("Expected root element %s, found %s" %
                                        (self.rootStruct.name_, name))
        if evType == "start":
            if isinstance(self.rootStruct, type):
                self.result = self.rootStruct(None)
                self.result = self.rootStruct
            self.result.idmap = ctx.idmap
            return self.result
            raise common.StructureError("Bad document structure")
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, content="", format="plain"):
     self.initArgs = content, format
     if format not in self.knownFormats:
         raise common.StructureError(
             "Unknown meta format '%s'; allowed are %s." %
             (format, ", ".join(self.knownFormats)))
     self.content = content
     self.format = format
Esempio n. 7
 def feedObject(self, instance, original, ctx=None):
     if not instance._pristine:
         raise common.StructureError(
             "Original must be applied before modifying"
             " the destination structure.",
             hint="You should normally use"
             " original only as attribute.  If you insist on having it as"
             " an element, it must be the first one and all other structure"
             " members must be set through elements, too")
     instance._originalObject = original
     instance.feedFrom(original, ctx)
Esempio n. 8
def assertType(id, ob, forceType):
    """raises a StructureError if forceType is not None and ob is not of
	type forceType, returns ob otherwise.
    if forceType:
        if not isinstance(ob, forceType):
            raise common.StructureError(
                "Reference to '%s' yielded object of type"
                " %s, expected %s" %
                (id, ob.__class__.__name__, forceType.__name__))
    return ob
Esempio n. 9
    def _setupReplay(self, ctx):
        sources = [s for s in [self.source,] if s]
        if len(sources) != 1:
            raise common.StructureError("Need exactly one of source and events"
                                        " on %s elements" % self.name_)
        stream = sources[0].events_

        def replayer():
            self.replay(stream, self.parent, ctx)

        self._replayer = replayer
Esempio n. 10
 def _getRowIterator(self):
     rowIterators = [
         ri for ri in [
         ] if ri
     if len(rowIterators) != 1:
         raise common.StructureError("Must give exactly one data source in"
                                     " LOOP")
     return rowIterators[0]
Esempio n. 11
    def _doAddMeta(self):
        content = self.attrs.pop("content_", "")
        if not self.attrs:  # content only, parse this as a meta stream
            parseMetaStream(self.container, content)

                content = utils.fixIndentation(content, "", 1).rstrip()
            except common.Error, ex:
                raise utils.logOldExc(
                    common.StructureError("Bad text in meta value"
                                          " (%s)" % ex))
            if not "name" in self.attrs:
                raise common.StructureError("meta elements must have a"
                                            " name attribute")
            metaKey = self.attrs.pop("name")
            self.container.addMeta(metaKey, content, **self.attrs)

            # meta elements can have children; add these, properly fudging
            # their keys
            for key, content, kwargs in self.children:
                fullKey = "%s.%s" % (metaKey, key)
                self.container.addMeta(fullKey, content, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
        self.parent = parent

        # set defaults
        for val in self.attrSeq:
                if not hasattr(self, val.name_):  # don't clobber properties
                    # set up by attributes.
                    setattr(self, val.name_, val.default_)
            except AttributeError:  # default on property given
                raise utils.logOldExc(
                        "%s attributes on %s have builtin defaults only." %
                        (val.name_, self.name_)))

        # set keyword arguments
        for name, val in kwargs.iteritems():
            if name in self.managedAttrs:
                if not hasattr(self.managedAttrs[name], "computed_"):
                    self.managedAttrs[name].feedObject(self, val)
                raise common.StructureError("%s objects have no attribute %s" %
                                            (self.__class__.__name__, name))
Esempio n. 13
 def value_(self, ctx, name, value):
     # value event: If it's a content_, it's a reference, else it's an
     # attribute on a child of ours.
     if name == "content_":
         if self.child:
             raise common.StructureError(
                 "Content received on ReferenceParser"
                 " although a child is already there.",
                 hint="You should"
                 " not see this.  Complain fiercely.")
         self.refAttr.feed(ctx, self.parent, value)
         self.child = None
         return self
         return self.child.feedEvent(ctx, "value", name, value)
Esempio n. 14
    def getAttributes(self, attDefsFrom=None):
        """returns a dict of the current attributes, suitable for making
		a shallow copy of self.

		Struct attributes will not be reparented, so there are limits to
		what you can do with such shallow copies.
        if attDefsFrom is None:
            attrs = set(self.managedAttrs.values())
            attrs = set(attDefsFrom.managedAttrs.itervalues())
            return dict([(att.name_, getattr(self, att.name_))
                         for att in attrs])
        except AttributeError, msg:
            raise common.logOldExc(
                    "Attempt to copy from invalid source: %s" % unicode(msg)))
Esempio n. 15
def resolveId(ctx, id, instance=None, forceType=None):
    """tries to resolve id in context.

	ctx is some object having a getById method; this could be an RD
	or a parse context.

	The rules for id are as follows:

	(#) if id has a # in it, split it and take the first part to be
	an RD id, the second and id built according to the rest of this spec.

	(#) if id has a dot in it, split at the first dot to get a pair of
	id and name.  Iterate over the element with id, and look for something
	with a "name" attribute valued name.  If this fails, raise a 

	(#) if instance is not None and has a resolveName method or has a parent, and
	that parent has a resolveName method, pass id to it.  If it does not raise a
	NotFoundError, return the result.  This is for parents with a

	(#) ask the ParseContext ctx's getById method to resolve id, not
	catching the NotFoundError this will raise if the id is not known.
    if "#" in id:
        return resolveCrossId(id, forceType)
    if ctx is None:
        raise common.StructureError(
            "Cannot intra-reference when parsing without"
            " a context")
    if "." in id:
        return resolveComplexId(ctx, id, forceType)

    srcOb = None
    if instance:
            srcOb = _resolveOnNamepath(ctx, id, instance)
        except common.NotFoundError:
            # no such named element, try element with id
    if srcOb is None and ctx is not None:
        srcOb = ctx.getById(id, forceType)
    return assertType(id, srcOb, forceType)
Esempio n. 16
    def _makeChild(self, name, parent):
        """returns a new element of the appropriate type.

		This method raises a StructureError if that type is not known.
		Within ReferenceAttribute, the type is given by forceType.
        if self.forceType is None:
            raise common.StructureError(
                "Only references allowed for %s, but"
                " an immediate object was found" % self.name_,
                hint="This means that"
                " you tried to replace a reference to an element with"
                " the element itself.  This is only allowed if the reference"
                " forces a type, which is not the case here.")
        child = self._getForceType(parent)(parent)
        # leave a sentinel in the child that will later let us
        # iterEvents not the id but the struct itself.
        child._RefAttrImmediate = True
        return child
Esempio n. 17
 def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
     if kwargs.get("default") is not None:
         raise common.StructureError("ReferenceListAttributes cannot have"
                                     " defaults")
     kwargs["default"] = attrdef.Computed
     ReferenceAttribute.__init__(self, name, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 18
 def start_(self, ctx, name, value):
     raise common.StructureError("No %s elements in mappings" % name)