def setVelocity(linear=0, angular=0): if abs(linear) > 10: angular = copy.deepcopy(linear) angular = angular - 10 linear = 0 #a=GetLinkState._response_class() #a. linkStateIni = getLinkState('base_link') linkStateFin = LinkState() linkStateFin = copy.deepcopy(linkStateIni.link_state) #linkStateFin.twist=copy.deepcopy(linkStateIni.twist) linkStateFin.link_name = 'base_link' #print(linkState) service = '/gazebo/set_link_state' rospy.wait_for_service(service) setLinkState = rospy.ServiceProxy(service, SetLinkState) #modelState=ModelState() #factoryModelState(vl=[1,0,0]) #linkState=LinkState() linkStateFin.reference_frame = 'base_link' if linear != 0: linkStateFin.twist.linear.x = linear else: linkStateFin.twist.angular.z = angular resp = setLinkState(linkStateFin)
def talker(): rospy.init_node('robot_pose_publisher', anonymous=True) robot_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_link_state', LinkState, queue_size=10) robot_pose_msg = LinkState() # The name of the link, as in the model-1_4.sdf file. robot_pose_msg.link_name = 'taurob' # The robot is placed relative to the "map" frame. robot_pose_msg.reference_frame = 'map' listener = tf.TransformListener() # Updating the pose five times a second. rate = rospy.Rate(5) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) robot_pose_msg.pose.position.x = trans[0] robot_pose_msg.pose.position.y = trans[1] robot_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = rot[2] robot_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = rot[3] robot_pose_pub.publish(robot_pose_msg) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue rate.sleep()
def reset(self): self.pause() roll, pitch, yaw = np.random.random((3, )) * np.pi state = LinkState() quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0., 0., yaw) x, y = np.random.random((2, )) x *= 0.2 x += 1.1 y *= -0.5 y += -2 state.pose.position.x = x state.pose.position.y = y state.pose.position.z = 0.5 state.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] state.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] state.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] state.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] state.link_name = "base_link" #model_state = ModelState() #model_state.model_name = "mobile_base" #self.set_model_state(model_state=model_state) #self.set_link_state(link_state=state) self.index += 1 if self.index > 10: self.index = 0 self.unpause()
def generate_poses(p=0.3): valid_poses = False while not valid_poses: x_buff = np.around(np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, (1, 3)), decimals=3) y_buff = np.around(np.random.uniform(-0.15, 0.25, (1, 3)), decimals=3) xy_buff = np.vstack((x_buff, y_buff)) d1 = np.linalg.norm(xy_buff[:, 0] - xy_buff[:, 1]) d2 = np.linalg.norm(xy_buff[:, 0] - xy_buff[:, 2]) d3 = np.linalg.norm(xy_buff[:, 1] - xy_buff[:, 2]) if d1 > 1.5 * CUBE_LENGTH and d2 > 1.5 * CUBE_LENGTH and d3 > 1.5 * CUBE_LENGTH: valid_poses = True print(xy_buff) target_poses = [] for i in range(0, 3): target = LinkState() target.link_name = 'cube' + str(i + 1) + '_link' target.reference_frame = "table_surface_link" x = xy_buff[0, i] y = xy_buff[1, i] prob_token = random.uniform(0, 1) if prob_token < p: z = -0.2 else: z = CUBE_LENGTH / 4 + 0.0127 yaw = round(random.uniform(pi / 2, 3 * pi / 2), 5) quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(pi, 0, yaw) target.pose.position.x = x target.pose.position.y = y target.pose.position.z = z target.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] target.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] target.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] target.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] target_poses.append(target) return target_poses
def generate_poses(n_cubes): valid_poses = False while not valid_poses: x_buff = np.around(np.random.uniform(-0.45, 0.45, (1, 3)), decimals=3) y_buff = np.around(np.random.uniform(-0.15, 0.23, (1, 3)), decimals=3) xy_buff = np.vstack((x_buff, y_buff)) d1 = np.linalg.norm(xy_buff[:, 0] - xy_buff[:, 1]) d2 = np.linalg.norm(xy_buff[:, 0] - xy_buff[:, 2]) d3 = np.linalg.norm(xy_buff[:, 1] - xy_buff[:, 2]) if d1 > 1.5 * CUBE_LENGTH and d2 > 1.5 * CUBE_LENGTH and \ d3 > 1.5 * CUBE_LENGTH: valid_poses = True new_row = [] for i in range(0, 3): target = LinkState() target.link_name = 'cube' + str(i + 1) + '_link' target.reference_frame = "table_surface_link" x = xy_buff[0, i] y = xy_buff[1, i] if i < n_cubes: z = CUBE_LENGTH / 4 + 0.0127 else: z = -0.2 yaw = round(random.uniform((pi * 3) / 5, (8 * pi / 5)), 5) quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(pi, 0, yaw) new_row = new_row + [x, y, z] + list(quaternion) return new_row
def drake_state_publisher(x_cmd): rate = rospy.Rate(100) times=0 xmsg=LinkState() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): xmsg.link_name='cartpole::link_chassis' # hello_str = "hello world %s" % rospy.get_time() buff=Pose position_buff=Point orientation_buff=Quaternion position_buff.x=x_cmd[times] position_buff.y=0 position_buff.z=0 orientation_buff.x=0 orientation_buff.y=0 orientation_buff.z=0 orientation_buff.w=1 buff.position=position_buff buff.orientation=orientation_buff #xmsg.pose = buffpose.position.x #xmsg.twist = [1,0,0,0,0,0] xmsg.pose.position.x = x_cmd[times] xmsg.pose.position.z = 2 drake_state_pub.publish(xmsg) rospy.loginfo(x_cmd[times]) drake_state_pub_echo.publish(x_cmd[times]) times=times+1 #'current x state is :{}'.format(statex) rate.sleep()
def go_straight_ahead(des_pos): global pub, state_, z_back err_pos = math.sqrt( pow(des_pos.y - position_.y, 2) + pow(des_pos.x - position_.x, 2)) if des_pos.z != z_back: link_state_msg = LinkState() link_state_msg.link_name = "ball_link" link_state_msg.pose.position.x = position_.x link_state_msg.pose.position.y = position_.y link_state_msg.pose.position.z = des_pos.z z_back = des_pos.z pubz.publish(link_state_msg) if err_pos > dist_precision_: twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear.x = kp_d * (des_pos.x - position_.x) if twist_msg.linear.x > ub_d: twist_msg.linear.x = ub_d elif twist_msg.linear.x < -ub_d: twist_msg.linear.x = -ub_d twist_msg.linear.y = kp_d * (des_pos.y - position_.y) if twist_msg.linear.y > ub_d: twist_msg.linear.y = ub_d elif twist_msg.linear.y < -ub_d: twist_msg.linear.y = -ub_d pub.publish(twist_msg) else: print('Position error: [%s]' % err_pos) change_state(1)
def object_picking(self): global PICKING if PICKING: angle = quaternion_from_euler(1.57, 0.0, 0.0) object_picking = LinkState() object_picking.link_name = self.string object_picking.pose = Pose(self.model_pose_picking.position, self.model_pose_picking.orientation) object_picking.reference_frame = "wrist_3_link" self.pub_model_position.publish(object_picking)
def update_link(self): """ not working currently """ msg = LinkState() msg.link_name = "cart_front_steer::wheel_front_left_spin" msg.reference_frame = "world" # msg.twist.linear.x = 0.2 msg.twist.angular.z = 0.05 self.link_pub.publish(msg) msg.link_name = "cart_front_steer::wheel_front_right_spin" self.link_pub.publish(msg)
def get_ball_home_link_state(): state_msg = LinkState() state_msg.link_name = 'ball_link' state_msg.reference_frame = 'wrist_3_link' state_msg.pose.position.x = 0 state_msg.pose.position.y = 0.2 state_msg.pose.position.z = 0 state_msg.pose.orientation.x = 0 state_msg.pose.orientation.y = 0 state_msg.pose.orientation.z = 0 state_msg.pose.orientation.w = 0 return state_msg
def change_link_state(t, quat): try: f = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_link_state', SetLinkState) state = LinkState() state.link_name = 'chessboard::chessboard' state.pose.position = Point(t[0], t[1], t[2]) state.pose.orientation = Quaternion(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]) status = f(state) print(status) except rospy.ServiceException as e: print('Service call failed: %s' % e)
def sendObsPose(): global y1, y2, y3 p_0 = Pose(Point(8.0, y1, 0.0), Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) t_0 = Twist(Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) obj_0 = LinkState('link_0', p_0, t_0, 'world') setLinkState(obj_0) p_1 = Pose(Point(8.0, y2, 0.0), Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) t_1 = Twist(Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) obj_1 = LinkState('link_1', p_1, t_1, 'world') setLinkState(obj_1) p_2 = Pose(Point(8.0, y3, 0.0), Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) t_2 = Twist(Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) obj_2 = LinkState('link_2', p_2, t_2, 'world') setLinkState(obj_2)
def linkStatesCb(self, msg): ''' Callback for gazebo link states @param msg: received message @type msg: gazebo_msgs/LinkStates ''' for i in range(len( model_id =[i].split('::')[0] # Adds dynamically all the links for all the models if model_id in self._gazebo_robots: link_state = LinkState() link_state.link_name =[i] link_state.pose = msg.pose[i] link_state.twist = msg.twist[i] # already exist? if link_state.link_name in self._gazebo_robots[model_id][ 'links']: self._gazebo_robots[model_id]['links'][ link_state.link_name].update(link_state, else: rospy.loginfo('%s::linkStatesCb: adding new link %s', self.node_name, link_state.link_name) self._gazebo_robots[model_id]['links'][ link_state.link_name] = GazeboLinkState() self._gazebo_robots[model_id]['links'][ link_state.link_name].update(link_state, elif model_id in self._gazebo_objects: link_state = LinkState() link_state.link_name =[i] link_state.pose = msg.pose[i] link_state.twist = msg.twist[i] # already exist? if link_state.link_name in self._gazebo_objects[model_id][ 'links']: self._gazebo_objects[model_id]['links'][ link_state.link_name].update(link_state, else: rospy.loginfo('%s::linkStatesCb: adding new link %s', self.node_name, link_state.link_name) self._gazebo_objects[model_id]['links'][ link_state.link_name] = GazeboLinkState() self._gazebo_objects[model_id]['links'][ link_state.link_name].update(link_state,
def main(): global last_attach_link, force_on new_link_state = LinkState() force = Wrench() pose = Point() new_link_state.reference_frame = 'palletizer_robot::prisos_point' #rate = rospy.Rate(100) dists = [] centre_box = [] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if (not vacuum_on): dists, centre_box = find_dists(pose_cubs_list, pos_orient_prisos) if (force_on): force.force.z = 0 force_srv(last_attach_link, 'world', pose, force, rospy.Time.from_sec(0), rospy.Duration.from_sec(-1.0)) force_on = False else: id_grasp_cub = find_aviable_cub(centre_box) if (not id_grasp_cub == -1): new_link_state.link_name = link_name[id_cubs[id_grasp_cub]] force.force.z = 0.01 last_attach_link = link_name[id_cubs[id_grasp_cub]] dist = dists[id_grasp_cub] new_link_state.pose.orientation.x = dist[3] new_link_state.pose.orientation.y = dist[4] new_link_state.pose.orientation.z = dist[5] new_link_state.pose.orientation.w = dist[6] new_link_state.pose.position.x = dist[0] new_link_state.pose.position.y = dist[1] new_link_state.pose.position.z = dist[2] + 0.003 new_link_state.twist = twist pub.publish(new_link_state) if (not force_on): force_srv(last_attach_link, 'world', pose, force, rospy.Time.from_sec(0), rospy.Duration.from_sec(-1.0)) force_on = True else: dists, centre_box = find_dists(pose_cubs_list, pos_orient_prisos) if (force_on): force_srv(last_attach_link, 'world', pose, force, rospy.Time.from_sec(0), rospy.Duration.from_sec(-1.0)) force_on = False #rate.sleep() time.sleep(0.04)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('Cartpole') self._sub_invpend_states = rospy.Subscriber('/invpend/joint_states', JointState, self.jstates_callback) self._pub_vel_cmd = rospy.Publisher( '/invpend/joint1_velocity_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=50) self._pub_pole_position_cmd = rospy.Publisher( '/invpend/joint2_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=50) self._pub_set_pole = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_link_state', LinkState, queue_size=50) self._pub_set_cart = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_link_state', LinkState, queue_size=50) # init observation parameters self.pos_cart = 0 self.vel_cart = 0 self.pos_pole = 0 self.vel_pole = 0 self.reward = 0 self.out_range = False self.reset_stamp = time.time() self.time_elapse = 0. # init reset_env parameters self.reset_dur = .2 # reset duration, sec self.freq = 1000 # topics pub and sub frequency, Hz ## pole self.PoleState = LinkState() self.PoleState.link_name = 'pole' self.PoleState.pose.position = Point( 0.0, -0.275, 0.0) # pole's position w.r.t. world self.PoleState.reference_frame = 'cart' self.pole_length = 0.5 ## cart self.CartState = LinkState() self.CartState.link_name = 'cart' self.CartState.pose.position = Point( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # pole's position w.r.t. world self.CartState.reference_frame = 'slidebar' # velocity control command self.cmd = 0 self.positionpid = pid_controller(10**-3, 5, -5, 2.1, 0.0, 0.4, 15) self.velocitypid = pid_controller(10**-3, 5, -5, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 15)
def __init__(self): self.state = np.zeros(20) controllers = "shoulder_pan_controller shoulder_lift_controller elbow_controller wrist1_controller wrist2_controller wrist3_controller \ j11_controller j12_controller j13_controller j21_controller j22_controller j23_controller j32_controller j33_controller" self.controllers = controllers.split(" ") self._pub_cmds = {} for controller in self.controllers: self._pub_cmds[controller] = rospy.Publisher('/ur5bh/%s/command' % controller, Float64, queue_size=50) self.reward = 0 self.reset_stamp = time.time() self.time_elapse = 0. self.reset_dur = .2 # reset duration, sec self._pub_set_obj = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_link_state', LinkState, queue_size=50) self.freq = 50 self.ObjState = LinkState() self.ObjState.link_name = 'cube' self.ObjState.pose.position = Point(0.78, 0.0, 0) self.ObjState.pose.orientation = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1) self.ObjState.reference_frame = "world" self._sub_states = rospy.Subscriber('/ur5bh/joint_states', JointState, self.jstates_callback) self._sub_model_states = rospy.Subscriber('/gazebo/model_states', ModelStates, self.mstates_callback)
def __init__(self, joint_values=None): rospy.init_node('publish_objects_path') ################## # Gazebo Related # ################## # Publisher self.pub_model_position = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_link_state', LinkState, queue_size=1) # Service self.get_model_coordinates = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/gazebo/get_link_state', GetLinkState) # Subscriers rospy.Subscriber('grasp_started', Bool, self.grasping_flag_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('grasp_object_name', String, self.grasping_object_name_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('grasp_object_position', Pose, self.object_pose_callback, queue_size=1) # Initialize some variables self.grasping_flag = False self.object_name = '' self.object_picking_obj = LinkState()
def randomizeTargetPose(self, obj_name): EE_POS_TGT = np.asmatrix([[round(np.random.uniform(-0.62713, -0.29082), 5), round(np.random.uniform(-0.15654, 0.15925), 5), 0.72466]]) roll = 0.0 pitch = 0.0 yaw = np.random.uniform(-1.57, 1.57) q = quat.from_euler_angles(roll, pitch, yaw) EE_ROT_TGT = rot_matrix = quat.as_rotation_matrix(q) self.target_orientation = EE_ROT_TGT EE_POINTS = np.asmatrix([[0, 0, 0]]) ee_tgt = np.ndarray.flatten(get_ee_points(EE_POINTS, EE_POS_TGT, EE_ROT_TGT).T) self.realgoal = ee_tgt ms = ModelState() ms.pose.position.x = EE_POS_TGT[0,0] ms.pose.position.y = EE_POS_TGT[0,1] ms.pose.position.z = EE_POS_TGT[0,2] ms.pose.orientation.x = q.x ms.pose.orientation.y = q.y ms.pose.orientation.z = q.z ms.pose.orientation.w = q.w self._pub_link_state.publish( LinkState(link_name="target_link", pose=ms.pose, reference_frame="world") ) ms.model_name = obj_name rospy.wait_for_service('gazebo/set_model_state') try: self.set_model_pose(ms) except (rospy.ServiceException) as e: print("Error setting the pose of " + obj_name)
def __init__(self): self._sub_invpend_states = rospy.Subscriber('/invpend/joint_states', JointState, self.jsCB) self._pub_vel_cmd = rospy.Publisher( '/invpend/joint1_velocity_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self._pub_pos_cmd_joint_2 = rospy.Publisher( '/invpend/joint2_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) # self._joint_2_state = rospy.Subscriber('/invpend/joint2_positon_controler/state',Joint2State, self._pub_set_pole = rospy.Publisher( '/gazebo/set_link_state', LinkState) # publish to link states self.unpause = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/unpause_physics', Empty) self.pause = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/pause_physics', Empty) self.reset_sim = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/reset_simulation', Empty) # where the the robot starts self.pos_cart = 0.001 self.vel_cart = 0.001 self.pos_pole = 0.0 self.vel_pole = 0 self.PoleState = LinkState() self.PoleState.link_name = 'pole' self.PoleState.pose.position = Point(0.0, -0.25, 2.0) self.PoleState.reference_frame = 'world'
def _reset(self): # # Resets the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. # rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/reset_simulation') # try: # self.reset_proxy() # except (rospy.ServiceException) as e: # print ("/gazebo/reset_simulation service call failed") # # Unpause simulation to make observation rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/pause_physics') try: #resp_pause = self.pause() except (rospy.ServiceException) as e: print("/gazebo/unpause_physics service call failed") rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/set_link_state') self.set_link(LinkState(link_name='pole')) self.set_link(LinkState(link_name='cart')) rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/unpause_physics') try: #resp_pause = self.unpause() except (rospy.ServiceException) as e: print("/gazebo/pause_physics service call failed") #read laser data = None while is None: try: = rospy.wait_for_message('/cart_pole/joint_states', JointState, timeout=5) except: pass angle = math.atan(math.tan([0])) state = [[1],[1], angle,[0] ] # state = [[1], 0,[0], 0] self.steps_beyond_done = None self.current_vel = 0 return state
def __init__(self): self._state = LinkState() # Saves the properties of the link directly from the response self._properties = GetLinkPropertiesResponse() self._is_received = False self._last_time_received = rospy.Time(0) self._timeout_msg = 5.0 # seconds without receiving
def randomizeTargetPose(self, obj_name, centerPoint=False): ms = ModelState() if not centerPoint: EE_POS_TGT = np.asmatrix([ round(np.random.uniform(-0.62713, -0.29082), 5), round(np.random.uniform(-0.15654, 0.15925), 5), self.realgoal[2] ]) roll = 0.0 pitch = 0.0 yaw = np.random.uniform(-1.57, 1.57) #tf.taitbryan.euler2quat(z, y, x) --> [w, x, y, z] q = tf.taitbryan.euler2quat(yaw, pitch, roll) EE_ROT_TGT = tf.quaternions.quat2mat(q) self.target_orientation = EE_ROT_TGT ee_tgt = np.ndarray.flatten( get_ee_points(self.environment['end_effector_points'], EE_POS_TGT, EE_ROT_TGT).T) ms.pose.position.x = EE_POS_TGT[0, 0] ms.pose.position.y = EE_POS_TGT[0, 1] ms.pose.position.z = EE_POS_TGT[0, 2] ms.pose.orientation.x = q[1] ms.pose.orientation.y = q[2] ms.pose.orientation.z = q[3] ms.pose.orientation.w = q[0] if obj_name != "target": ms.model_name = obj_name rospy.wait_for_service('gazebo/set_model_state') try: self.set_model_pose(ms) except (rospy.ServiceException) as e: print("Error setting the pose of " + obj_name) self.spawnModel(obj_name, self.obj_path, ms.pose) else: EE_POS_TGT = np.asmatrix( [self.realgoal[0], self.realgoal[1], centerPoint]) ee_tgt = np.ndarray.flatten( get_ee_points(self.environment['end_effector_points'], EE_POS_TGT, self.target_orientation).T) ms.pose.position.x = EE_POS_TGT[0, 0] ms.pose.position.y = EE_POS_TGT[0, 1] ms.pose.position.z = EE_POS_TGT[0, 2] ms.pose.orientation.x = 0 ms.pose.orientation.y = 0 ms.pose.orientation.z = 0 ms.pose.orientation.w = 0 self._pub_link_state.publish( LinkState(link_name="target_link", pose=ms.pose, reference_frame="world")) self.realgoal = ee_tgt
def read_cube_pose_file(self, sample_idx): cube_poses = self.cube_pose_file.iloc[sample_idx, :].values # print(cube_poses) cube_poses = cube_poses.reshape((3, -1)) target_poses = [] for i in range(0, 3): target = LinkState() target.link_name = 'cube' + str(i + 1) + '_link' target.reference_frame = "table_surface_link" target.pose.position.x = cube_poses[i, 0] target.pose.position.y = cube_poses[i, 1] target.pose.position.z = cube_poses[i, 2] target.pose.orientation.x = cube_poses[i, 3] target.pose.orientation.y = cube_poses[i, 4] target.pose.orientation.z = cube_poses[i, 5] target.pose.orientation.w = cube_poses[i, 6] target_poses.append(target) return target_poses
def __init__(self): """ :param cubes_name: a list of string type of all cubes """ self.cubes_pose = LinkState() self.cubes_state = dict() # pos publisher self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/gazebo/set_link_state", LinkState, queue_size=1) self.pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/cubes", LinkStates, callback=self.callback_state, queue_size=1)
def reset_client(self, angle): q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, angle, 0.0) request = LinkState() request.link_name = "myrrbot7::myrrbot7_link2" request.pose.position.x = 0.0 + 2.0 request.pose.position.y = 0.1 - 2.0 request.pose.position.z = 1.45 request.pose.orientation.x = q[0] request.pose.orientation.y = q[1] request.pose.orientation.z = q[2] request.pose.orientation.w = q[3] # print "request.pose : " # print request.pose try: reset = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_link_state', SetLinkState) resp = reset(request) # print "resp : ", resp except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call faild : %s" % e
def move_cube_to_target(self, link_name, target_pose): rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/set_link_state') target = LinkState() target.link_name = link_name target.reference_frame = "link" target.pose.position.x = target_pose[0] target.pose.position.y = target_pose[1] target.pose.position.z = target_pose[2] target.pose.orientation.x = target_pose[3] target.pose.orientation.y = target_pose[4] target.pose.orientation.z = target_pose[5] target.pose.orientation.w = target_pose[6] try: set_cube_position = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_link_state', SetLinkState) move_status = set_cube_position(target) return move_status.success except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"
def go_straight_ahead(des_pos): global pub, state_, z_back, message if des_pos.z >= 0: #in case the ball appears in the arena message = "start play" ## publisher that publishes a message whenever is given the command for which the ball is in the arena pub_start_play = rospy.Publisher("/ball/chatter", String, queue_size=10) pub_start_play.publish(message) err_pos = math.sqrt( pow(des_pos.y - position_.y, 2) + pow(des_pos.x - position_.x, 2)) if des_pos.z != z_back: link_state_msg = LinkState() link_state_msg.link_name = "ball_link" link_state_msg.pose.position.x = position_.x link_state_msg.pose.position.y = position_.y link_state_msg.pose.position.z = des_pos.z z_back = des_pos.z pubz.publish(link_state_msg) if err_pos > dist_precision_: twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear.x = kp_d * (des_pos.x - position_.x) if twist_msg.linear.x > ub_d: twist_msg.linear.x = ub_d elif twist_msg.linear.x < -ub_d: twist_msg.linear.x = -ub_d twist_msg.linear.y = kp_d * (des_pos.y - position_.y) if twist_msg.linear.y > ub_d: twist_msg.linear.y = ub_d elif twist_msg.linear.y < -ub_d: twist_msg.linear.y = -ub_d pub.publish(twist_msg) else: print('Position error: [%s]' % err_pos) change_state(1)
def randomizeTargetPose(self, obj_name, centerPoint=None): ms = ModelState() if centerPoint is None: EE_POS_TGT = np.asmatrix([ round(np.random.uniform(-0.62713, -0.29082), 5), round(np.random.uniform(-0.15654, 0.15925), 5), self.realgoal[2] ]) roll = 0.0 pitch = 0.0 yaw = np.random.uniform(-1.57, 1.57) q = quat.from_euler_angles(roll, pitch, yaw) EE_ROT_TGT = rot_matrix = quat.as_rotation_matrix(q) self.target_orientation = EE_ROT_TGT ee_tgt = np.ndarray.flatten( get_ee_points(self.environment['end_effector_points'], EE_POS_TGT, EE_ROT_TGT).T) ms.pose.position.x = EE_POS_TGT[0, 0] ms.pose.position.y = EE_POS_TGT[0, 1] ms.pose.position.z = EE_POS_TGT[0, 2] ms.pose.orientation.x = q.x ms.pose.orientation.y = q.y ms.pose.orientation.z = q.z ms.pose.orientation.w = q.w ms.model_name = obj_name rospy.wait_for_service('gazebo/set_model_state') try: self.set_model_pose(ms) except (rospy.ServiceException) as e: print("Error setting the pose of " + obj_name) else: EE_POS_TGT = np.asmatrix( [self.realgoal[0], self.realgoal[1], centerPoint]) ee_tgt = np.ndarray.flatten( get_ee_points(self.environment['end_effector_points'], EE_POS_TGT, self.target_orientation).T) ms.pose.position.x = EE_POS_TGT[0, 0] ms.pose.position.y = EE_POS_TGT[0, 1] ms.pose.position.z = EE_POS_TGT[0, 2] ms.pose.orientation.x = 0 ms.pose.orientation.y = 0 ms.pose.orientation.z = 0 ms.pose.orientation.w = 0 self._pub_link_state.publish( LinkState(link_name="target_link", pose=ms.pose, reference_frame="world")) self.realgoal = ee_tgt
def talker(): pub = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_link_state', LinkState, queue_size=10) ppp = LinkState() rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(100) # 10hz i = 1 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): ppp.link_name = "platform" ppp.pose.position.x = 0.1 ppp.pose.position.y = 0.1 ppp.pose.position.z = 1 ppp.pose.orientation.x = 0 ppp.pose.orientation.y = 0 ppp.pose.orientation.z = 0 ppp.pose.orientation.w = 0 i = i + 1 rospy.loginfo(ppp) pub.publish(ppp) rate.sleep()
def reset(self): # Reset world rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/set_link_state') self.set_link(LinkState(link_name='pole')) self.set_link(LinkState(link_name='cart')) # Unpause simulation to make observation rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/unpause_physics') try: self.unpause() except (rospy.ServiceException) as e: print ("/gazebo/unpause_physics service call failed") # Wait for data data = while data is None: data = # Pause simulation rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/pause_physics') try: self.pause() except (rospy.ServiceException) as e: print ("/gazebo/pause_physics service call failed") # Process state x =[1] x_dot =[1] theta = math.atan(math.tan([0])) theta_dot =[0] state = [round(x, 2), round(x_dot, 1), round(theta, 2), round(theta_dot, 0)] # Limit state space state[0] = 0 state[1] = 0 self.current_vel = 0 # Reset data = None return state