Esempio n. 1
    def test_terms_agg_def_constructor(self):
        agg_def = TermsAggDef('foo')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.agg_type, 'terms')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.value, 'foo')

        child_def = DateHistogramAggDef('d')
        agg_def = TermsAggDef('bar', children=child_def)
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.agg_type, 'terms')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.value, 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.children, child_def)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            agg_def = TermsAggDef()

        self.assertTrue('The "field" property cannot be empty.' in str(context.exception))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_date_hist_agg_def_constructor(self):
        agg_def = DateHistogramAggDef()
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.agg_type, 'date_hist')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.value, 'M')

        agg_def = DateHistogramAggDef('w')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.agg_type, 'date_hist')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.value, 'w')

        child_def = TermsAggDef('item_type')
        agg_def = DateHistogramAggDef('d', children=child_def)
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.agg_type, 'date_hist')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.value, 'd')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.children, child_def)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_geohash_agg_def_constructor(self):
        agg_def = GeohashAggDef()
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.agg_type, 'geohash')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.value, '3')

        agg_def = GeohashAggDef('6')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.agg_type, 'geohash')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.value, '6')

        child_def = TermsAggDef('item_type')
        agg_def = GeohashAggDef('2', children=child_def)
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.agg_type, 'geohash')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.value, '2')
        self.assertEqual(agg_def.children, child_def)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_date_hist_agg_def_constructor(self):
        agg_def = DateHistogramAggDef()
        assert agg_def.agg_type == 'date_hist'
        assert agg_def.value == 'M'

        agg_def = DateHistogramAggDef('w')
        assert agg_def.agg_type == 'date_hist'
        assert agg_def.value == 'w'

        child_def = TermsAggDef('item_type')
        agg_def = DateHistogramAggDef('d', children=child_def)
        assert agg_def.agg_type == 'date_hist'
        assert agg_def.value == 'd'
        assert agg_def.children == child_def
Esempio n. 5
    def test_geohash_agg_def_constructor(self):
        agg_def = GeohashAggDef()
        assert agg_def.agg_type == 'geohash'
        assert agg_def.value == '3'

        agg_def = GeohashAggDef('6')
        assert agg_def.agg_type == 'geohash'
        assert agg_def.value == '6'

        child_def = TermsAggDef('item_type')
        agg_def = GeohashAggDef('2', children=child_def)
        assert agg_def.agg_type == 'geohash'
        assert agg_def.value == '2'
        assert agg_def.children == child_def
Esempio n. 6
import gbdxtools
from gbdxtools.vectors import TermsAggDef, GeohashAggDef

gbdx = gbdxtools.Interface()

# Let's look in colorado
colorado_aoi = "POLYGON((-108.89 40.87,-102.19 40.87,-102.19 37.03,-108.89 37.03,-108.89 40.87))"

# Let's limit our search to the OSM indexes
search_index = 'read-vector-osm-*'

# Let's find things that match 'transportation' somewhere in a text field
query = 'transportation'

# let's get 5 geohash buckets with the top 5 item_type values in each
child_agg = TermsAggDef('item_type')
agg = GeohashAggDef('3', children=child_agg)
result = gbdx.vectors.aggregate_query(colorado_aoi, agg, query, index=search_index, count=5)

# the result has a single-element list containing the top-level aggregation
for entry in result[0]['terms']:  # the 'terms' field contains our buckets
    geohash_str = entry['term']  # the 'term' entry contains our geohash
    print geohash_str
    child_aggs = entry[ 'aggregations']  # the 'aggregations' field contains the child aggregations for the 'item_type' values

    # since the child aggregations have the same structure, we can walk it the same way.
    # let's create a dict of item_types and their counts
    for child in child_aggs:
        types = {bucket['term']: bucket['count'] for bucket in child['terms']}

    # we could do something cool with these, but for now we'll just print them