Esempio n. 1
    def _write_to_row(self, row1=None, row2=None, row3=None, row4=None):
        timestamp1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        # Must be millisecond granularity.
        timestamp1 = _microseconds_to_timestamp(
        # 1000 microseconds is a millisecond
        timestamp2 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1000)
        timestamp3 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=2000)
        timestamp4 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=3000)
        if row1 is not None:
            row1.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME1, CELL_VAL1,
        if row2 is not None:
            row2.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME1, CELL_VAL2,
        if row3 is not None:
            row3.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME2, CELL_VAL3,
        if row4 is not None:
            row4.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID2, COL_NAME3, CELL_VAL4,

        # Create the cells we will check.
        cell1 = Cell(CELL_VAL1, timestamp1)
        cell2 = Cell(CELL_VAL2, timestamp2)
        cell3 = Cell(CELL_VAL3, timestamp3)
        cell4 = Cell(CELL_VAL4, timestamp4)
        return cell1, cell2, cell3, cell4
    def __init__(self, table, timestamp=None, batch_size=None,
                 transaction=False, wal=_WAL_SENTINEL):
        if wal is not _WAL_SENTINEL:
            raise ValueError('The wal argument cannot be used with '
                             'Cloud Bigtable.')

        if batch_size is not None:
            if transaction:
                raise TypeError('When batch_size is set, a Batch cannot be '
            if batch_size <= 0:
                raise ValueError('batch_size must be positive')

        self._table = table
        self._batch_size = batch_size
        # Timestamp is in milliseconds, convert to microseconds.
        self._timestamp = self._delete_range = None
        if timestamp is not None:
            self._timestamp = _microseconds_to_timestamp(1000 * timestamp)
            # For deletes, we get the very next timestamp (assuming timestamp
            # granularity is milliseconds). This is because HappyBase users
            # expect HBase deletes to go **up to** and **including** the
            # timestamp while Cloud Bigtable Time Ranges **exclude** the
            # final timestamp.
            next_timestamp = self._timestamp + _ONE_MILLISECOND
            self._delete_range = TimestampRange(end=next_timestamp)
        self._transaction = transaction

        # Internal state for tracking mutations.
        self._row_map = {}
        self._mutation_count = 0
    def test_with_timestamp(self):
        from gcloud_bigtable._helpers import _microseconds_to_timestamp
        from gcloud_bigtable.row_data import Cell

        value1 = 'foo'
        ts1_millis = 1221934570148
        ts1 = _microseconds_to_timestamp(ts1_millis * 1000)
        cell1 = Cell(value=value1, timestamp=ts1)

        value2 = 'bar'
        ts2_millis = 1221955575548
        ts2 = _microseconds_to_timestamp(ts2_millis * 1000)
        cell2 = Cell(value=value2, timestamp=ts2)

        result = self._callFUT([cell1, cell2], include_timestamp=True)
                         [(value1, ts1_millis), (value2, ts2_millis)])
    def test_success(self):
        from gcloud_bigtable._helpers import _microseconds_to_timestamp
        from gcloud_bigtable.row import TimestampRange

        timestamp = 1441928298571
        ts_dt = _microseconds_to_timestamp(1000 * timestamp)
        result = self._callFUT(timestamp=timestamp)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, TimestampRange))
        self.assertEqual(result.start, None)
        self.assertEqual(result.end, ts_dt)
    def test_constructor_explicit(self):
        from gcloud_bigtable._helpers import _microseconds_to_timestamp
        from gcloud_bigtable.row import TimestampRange

        table = object()
        timestamp = 144185290431
        batch_size = 42
        transaction = False  # Must be False when batch_size is non-null

        batch = self._makeOne(table, timestamp=timestamp,
                              batch_size=batch_size, transaction=transaction)
        self.assertEqual(batch._table, table)
        self.assertEqual(batch._batch_size, batch_size)
                         _microseconds_to_timestamp(1000 * timestamp))

        next_timestamp = _microseconds_to_timestamp(1000 * (timestamp + 1))
        time_range = TimestampRange(end=next_timestamp)
        self.assertEqual(batch._delete_range, time_range)
        self.assertEqual(batch._transaction, transaction)
    def from_pb(cls, cell_pb):
        """Create a new cell from a Cell protobuf.

        :type cell_pb: :class:`._generated.bigtable_data_pb2.Cell`
        :param cell_pb: The protobuf to convert.

        :rtype: :class:`Cell`
        :returns: The cell corresponding to the protobuf.
        timestamp = _microseconds_to_timestamp(cell_pb.timestamp_micros)
        return cls(cell_pb.value, timestamp)
    def test_it(self):
        from gcloud_bigtable._generated import bigtable_data_pb2 as data_pb2
        from gcloud_bigtable._helpers import _microseconds_to_timestamp

        COL_FAM1 = u'col-fam-id'
        COL_NAME1 = b'col-name1'
        COL_NAME2 = b'col-name2'
        CELL_VAL1 = b'cell-val'
        CELL_VAL2 = b'cell-val-newer'
        CELL_VAL3 = b'altcol-cell-val'

        microseconds = 5554441037
        timestamp = _microseconds_to_timestamp(microseconds)
        expected_dict = {
            COL_NAME1: [
                (CELL_VAL1, timestamp),
                (CELL_VAL2, timestamp),
            COL_NAME2: [
                (CELL_VAL3, timestamp),
        expected_output = (COL_FAM1, expected_dict)
        sample_input = data_pb2.Family(
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, self._callFUT(sample_input))
    def test_with_timestamp(self):
        from gcloud_bigtable._helpers import _microseconds_to_timestamp
        from gcloud_bigtable.row import RowFilter
        from gcloud_bigtable.row import TimestampRange

        timestamp = 1441928298571
        result = self._column_helper(num_filters=3, timestamp=timestamp)

        range_filter = result.filters[2]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(range_filter, RowFilter))
        # Relies on the fact that RowFilter instances can
        # only have one value set.
        time_range = range_filter.timestamp_range_filter
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(time_range, TimestampRange))
        self.assertEqual(time_range.start, None)
        ts_dt = _microseconds_to_timestamp(1000 * timestamp)
        self.assertEqual(time_range.end, ts_dt)
def _convert_to_time_range(timestamp=None):
    """Create a timestamp range from an HBase / HappyBase timestamp.

    HBase uses timestamp as an argument to specify an inclusive end
    deadline. Since Cloud Bigtable uses exclusive end times, we increment
    by one millisecond (the lowest granularity allowed).

    :type timestamp: int
    :param timestamp: (Optional) Timestamp (in milliseconds since the
                      epoch). Intended to be used as the end of an HBase
                      time range, which is exclusive.

    :rtype: :class:`.TimestampRange`, :data:`NoneType <types.NoneType>`
    :returns: The timestamp range corresponding to the passed in
    if timestamp is None:
        return None

    next_timestamp = _microseconds_to_timestamp(1000 * timestamp)
    return TimestampRange(end=next_timestamp)
 def _callFUT(self, microseconds):
     from gcloud_bigtable._helpers import _microseconds_to_timestamp
     return _microseconds_to_timestamp(microseconds)