Esempio n. 1
def compareVelocity(rootDir='./', align = 'align/align_d_rms1000t',
                    poly='polyfit_d/fit', points='points_d/'):
    Compare velocities from the 2D and 3D polynomial fits.

    rootDir -- An align root directory such as '06_14_02/' (def='./')
    align -- Align root name (def = 'align/align_all1000_t')
    poly -- Polyfit root name (def = 'polyfit/fit')
    points -- Points directory (def = 'points/')
    s = starset.StarSet(rootDir + align)
    s.loadPolyfit(rootDir + poly, accel=0, arcsec=1)
    s.loadPolyfit(rootDir + poly, accel=1, arcsec=1)

    names = s.getArray('name')
    x = s.getArray('x')
    y = s.getArray('y')
    r = hypot(x, y)

    vx_vel = s.getArray('fitXv.v')
    vy_vel = s.getArray('fitYv.v')
    vxe_vel = s.getArray('fitXv.verr')
    vye_vel = s.getArray('fitYv.verr')

    vx_acc = s.getArray('fitXa.v')
    vy_acc = s.getArray('fitYa.v')
    vxe_acc = s.getArray('fitXa.verr')
    vye_acc = s.getArray('fitYa.verr')
    # Calculate the residuals
    diffx = vx_vel - vx_acc
    diffxErr = np.sqrt(vxe_vel**2 + vxe_acc**2)
    diffy = vy_vel - vy_acc
    diffyErr = np.sqrt(vye_vel**2 + vye_acc**2)
    diff = py.hypot(diffx, diffy)
    diffErr = np.sqrt((diffx*diffxErr)**2 + (diffy*diffyErr)**2) / diff

    yngNames = young.youngStarNames()
    idx = (np.where((r > 0.8) & ((diff/diffErr) > 2.0)))[0]

    print '** Stars with large velocity discrepencies: **'
    print '%15s  %5s  %5s  %5s  %3s' % ('Name', 'Sigma', 'X', 'Y', 'YNG?')
    for i in idx:
            foo = yngNames.index(names[i])
            yngString = 'yng'
        except ValueError, e:
            yngString = ''
        print '%15s  %5.1f  %5.2f  %5.2f  %3s' % \
              (names[i], diff[i]/diffErr[i], x[i], y[i], yngString)
Esempio n. 2
def plotCompareYoung(align1, poly1, align2, poly2):
    Compare the young stars accelerations for two different runs
    of align/polyfit.
    s1 = starset.StarSet(align1)
    s1.loadPolyfit(poly1, accel=0, arcsec=1)
    s1.loadPolyfit(poly1, accel=1, arcsec=1)

    s2 = starset.StarSet(align2)
    s2.loadPolyfit(poly2, accel=0, arcsec=1)
    s2.loadPolyfit(poly2, accel=1, arcsec=1)

    names1 = s1.getArray('name')
    names2 = s2.getArray('name')
    yngNames = young.youngStarNames()

    # We need to filter starlists to just the young'uns
    idx1 = []
    for ii in range(len(s1.stars)):
        if (s1.stars[ii].name in yngNames and
            s1.stars[ii].r2d > 0.8 and 
            s1.stars[ii].velCnt >= 31):
    stars1 = [s1.stars[i] for i in idx1]
    s1.stars = stars1
    names1 = s1.getArray('name')
    idx2 = []
    for ii in range(len(s2.stars)):
        if (s2.stars[ii].name in yngNames and
            s2.stars[ii].r2d > 0.8 and 
            s2.stars[ii].velCnt >= 29):
    stars2 = [s2.stars[i] for i in idx2]
    s2.stars = stars2

    names = s2.getArray('name')
    print names
    # Make arrays of the accelerations
    x0_1 = s1.getArray('fitXa.p')
    y0_1 = s1.getArray('fitYa.p')
    vx_1 = s1.getArray('fitXa.v')
    vy_1 = s1.getArray('fitYa.v')
    ax_1 = s1.getArray('fitXa.a') * 1000.0
    ay_1 = s1.getArray('fitYa.a') * 1000.0
    axe_1 = s1.getArray('fitXa.aerr') * 1000.0
    aye_1 = s1.getArray('fitYa.aerr') * 1000.0
    chi2x_1 = s1.getArray('fitXa.chi2red')
    chi2y_1 = s1.getArray('fitYa.chi2red')

    x0_2 = s2.getArray('fitXa.p')
    y0_2 = s2.getArray('fitYa.p')
    vx_2 = s2.getArray('fitXa.v')
    vy_2 = s2.getArray('fitYa.v')
    ax_2 = s2.getArray('fitXa.a') * 1000.0
    ay_2 = s2.getArray('fitYa.a') * 1000.0
    axe_2 = s2.getArray('fitXa.aerr') * 1000.0
    aye_2 = s2.getArray('fitYa.aerr') * 1000.0
    chi2x_2 = s2.getArray('fitXa.chi2red')
    chi2y_2 = s2.getArray('fitYa.chi2red')

    py.figure(1, figsize=(4,4))

#     py.errorbar(ax_1, ax_2, xerr=axe_1, yerr=axe_2, fmt='k^')
#     py.plot([-1, 1], [-1, 1], 'k--')
#     py.axis('equal')

    # Determine how different the values are from each other
#     diffX = ax_1 - ax_2
#     diffY = ay_1 - ay_2
#     diffXe = np.sqrt(axe_1**2 + axe_2**2)
#     diffYe = np.sqrt(aye_1**2 + aye_2**2)

#     sigX = diffX / diffXe
#     sigY = diffY / diffYe

    py.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    n1x, bins1x, patches1x = py.hist(chi2x_1, bins=np.arange(0,6,0.2))
    py.setp(patches1x, 'facecolor', 'r', 'alpha', 0.50)
    n1y, bins1y, patches1y = py.hist(chi2y_1, bins=np.arange(0,6,0.2))
    py.setp(patches1y, 'facecolor', 'b', 'alpha', 0.50)

    ysubplot(2, 1, 2)
    n2x, bins2x, patches2x = py.hist(chi2x_2, bins=np.arange(0,6,0.2))
    py.setp(patches2x, 'facecolor', 'r', 'alpha', 0.50)
    n2y, bins2y, patches2y = py.hist(chi2y_2, bins=np.arange(0,6,0.2))
    py.setp(patches2y, 'facecolor', 'b', 'alpha', 0.50)

    # Compare the number of points for each star
    cnt1 = s1.getArray('velCnt')
    cnt2 = s2.getArray('velCnt')
Esempio n. 3
def plotLimits(rootDir='./', align='align/align_d_rms1000_t',
               poly='polyfit_d_points/fit', points='points_d/',
               youngOnly=False, sigma=3):
    Find the 4 sigma radial acceleration limits for each star.
    # Load GC constants
    cc = objects.Constants()

    # Load up positional information from align. 
    s = starset.StarSet(rootDir + align)
    s.loadPolyfit(rootDir + poly, arcsec=1)
    s.loadPolyfit(rootDir + poly, arcsec=1, accel=1)

    names = s.getArray('name')

    # In mas/yr^2
    x = s.getArray('x')
    y = s.getArray('y')
    vx = s.getArray('fitXa.v')
    vy = s.getArray('fitYa.v')
    ax = s.getArray('fitXa.a') * 1000.0
    ay = s.getArray('fitYa.a') * 1000.0
    axe = s.getArray('fitXa.aerr') * 1000.0
    aye = s.getArray('fitYa.aerr') * 1000.0
    r2d = s.getArray('r2d')
    cnt = s.getArray('velCnt')

    if (youngOnly == True):
        yngNames = young.youngStarNames()

        idx = []

        for ii in range(len(names)):
            if (r2d[ii] > 0.8 and
                names[ii] in yngNames and
                cnt[ii] >= 24):

        names = [names[i] for i in idx]
        x = x[idx]
        y = y[idx]
        vx = vx[idx]
        vy = vy[idx]
        ax = ax[idx]
        ay = ay[idx]
        axe = axe[idx]
        aye = aye[idx]
        r2d = r2d[idx]
        print 'Found %d young stars' % len(names)

    # Lets do radial/tangential
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    if ('Radial' in poly):
        at = ax
        ar = ay
        ate = axe
        are = aye
        ar = ((ax*x) + (ay*y)) / r
        at = ((ax*y) - (ay*x)) / r
        are = np.sqrt((axe*x)**2 + (aye*y)**2) / r
        ate = np.sqrt((axe*y)**2 + (aye*x)**2) / r

    # Total acceleration
    atot = py.hypot(ax, ay)
    atoterr = np.sqrt((ax*axe)**2 + (ay*aye)**2) / atot

    accLim = ar - (sigma * are)

    # Calculate the acceleration limit set by the projected radius
    # Convert into cm
    r2d = r * cc.dist * cc.cm_in_au
    # acc1 in cm/s^2
    a2d = -cc.G * cc.mass * cc.msun / r2d**2
    # acc1 in km/s/yr
    a2d *= cc.sec_in_yr / 1.0e5
    a2d *= 1000.0 / cc.asy_to_kms
    accLimR2d = a2d

    _f = open(rootDir + 'tables/accel_limits.txt', 'w')

    _f.write('###   Radial Acceleration Limits for Young Stars   ###\n')
    _f.write('%13s  %7s - (%d * %5s) =  %9s     %21s  Constrained?\n' % \
             ('Name', 'a_rad', sigma, 'aerr', 'a_obs_lim', 'a_proj_lim'))
    fmt = '%13s  %7.3f - (%d * %5.3f) =    %7.3f  '
    fmt += 'vs %10.3f (mas/yr^2)  %s'
    fmt2 = fmt + '\n'

    for i in range(len(ar)):
        constrained = ''
        if (accLim[i] > accLimR2d[i]):
            constrained = '**'
        print fmt % (names[i], ar[i], sigma, are[i], accLim[i],
                     accLimR2d[i], constrained)
        _f.write(fmt2 % (names[i], ar[i], sigma, are[i], accLim[i],
                         accLimR2d[i], constrained))

Esempio n. 4
def histAccel(rootDir='./', align = 'align/align_d_rms_1000_abs_t',
              poly='polyfit_d/fit', points='points_d/',
    Make a histogram of the accelerations in the radial/tangential,
    X/Y, and inline/perp. direction of motion. Also, the large outliers
    (> 3 sigma) are also printed out.

    rootDir   = The root directory of an astrometry analysis
                (e.g. '07_05_18/' or './' if you are in the directory).
    align     = The align root file name (including the directory relative
                to rootDir). Make sure that polyfit was run on this align
    poly      = The polyfit root file name (including the directory relative
                to rootDir). This should be run on the same align as above.
    points    = The points directory.
    youngOnly = Only plot the known young stars. This does not include 
                the central arcsecond sources.

    plots/polyfit_hist_accel.eps (and png)
    -- Contains the histograms of the accelerations.

    plots/polyfit_hist_accel_nepochs.eps (ang png)
    -- Contains a plot of number of stars vs. acceleration significance.
    s = starset.StarSet(rootDir + align)
    s.loadPolyfit(rootDir + poly, accel=0, arcsec=1)
    s.loadPolyfit(rootDir + poly, accel=1, arcsec=1)

    names = s.getArray('name')

    # In mas/yr^2
    x0 = s.getArray('fitXa.p')
    y0 = s.getArray('fitYa.p')
    x0e = s.getArray('fitXa.perr')
    y0e = s.getArray('fitYa.perr')
    vx = s.getArray('fitXa.v')
    vy = s.getArray('fitYa.v')
    ax = s.getArray('fitXa.a')
    ay = s.getArray('fitYa.a')
    axe = s.getArray('fitXa.aerr')
    aye = s.getArray('fitYa.aerr')
    r2d = s.getArray('r2d')
    cnt = s.getArray('velCnt')

    if (youngOnly == True):
        yngNames = young.youngStarNames()

        idx = []

        for ii in range(len(names)):
            if (r2d[ii] > 0.8 and
                names[ii] in yngNames):# and
                #cnt[ii] >= 24):


        names = [names[i] for i in idx]
        x0 = x0[idx]
        y0 = y0[idx]
        x0e = x0e[idx]
        y0e = y0e[idx]
        vx = vx[idx]
        vy = vy[idx]
        ax = ax[idx]
        ay = ay[idx]
        axe = axe[idx]
        aye = aye[idx]
        r2d = r2d[idx]
        cnt = cnt[idx]
        print 'Found %d young stars' % len(names)

    pntcnt = np.zeros(len(names))
    for ii in range(len(names)):
        pntFileName = '%s%s.points' % (rootDir+points, names[ii])
        pntFile = open(pntFileName)
        data = pntFile.readlines()
        pntcnt[ii] = len(data)

    # Lets also do radial/tangential
    r = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2)
    ar = ((ax*x0) + (ay*y0)) / r
    at = ((ax*y0) - (ay*x0)) / r
    are =  (axe*x0/r)**2 + (aye*y0/r)**2
    are += (y0*x0e*at/r**2)**2 + (x0*y0e*at/r**2)**2
    are =  np.sqrt(are)
    ate =  (axe*y0/r)**2 + (aye*x0/r)**2
    ate += (y0*x0e*ar/r**2)**2 + (x0*y0e*ar/r**2)**2
    ate =  np.sqrt(ate)

    # Lets also do parallael/perpendicular to velocity
    v = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
    am = ((ax*vx) + (ay*vy)) / v
    an = ((ax*vy) - (ay*vx)) / v
    ame = np.sqrt((axe*vx)**2 + (aye*vy)**2) / v
    ane = np.sqrt((axe*vy)**2 + (aye*vx)**2) / v

    # Total acceleration
    atot = py.hypot(ax, ay)
    atoterr = np.sqrt((ax*axe)**2 + (ay*aye)**2) / atot

    def plotHist(val, pos, label):
        py.subplot(3, 2, pos)
        py.hist(val, bins=range(-8, 8, 1))
        py.axis([-8, 8, 0, (len(val)/3) + 2])
        #py.plot(r2d, val, 'k^')
        #for ii in range(len(r2d)):
        #   py.text(r2d[ii], val[ii], names[ii])
        #py.axis([0.5, 4.0, -7, 7])

        print 'Significant Values for %s' % (label)
        idx = (np.where(abs(val) > 3.0))[0]
        for i in idx:
            print '%15s   %5.2f sigma    %2d epochs' % \
                  (names[i], val[i], pntcnt[i])

    py.figure(3, figsize=(7.5,10))
    plotHist(atot / atoterr, 1, 'Total')


    # XY
    plotHist(ax / axe, 1, 'X')
    plotHist(ay / aye, 2, 'Y')
    # Radial/Tangential
    plotHist(ar / are, 3, 'Radial')
    plotHist(at / ate, 4, 'Tangential')

    # In line of Motion and out
    plotHist(an / ane, 5, 'Perpendic. to v')
    plotHist(am / ame, 6, 'Parallel to v')


    # Analyze the non-central arcsec sources for Nepochs threshold
    idx = (np.where(r2d > 0.8))[0]

    py.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    py.plot(ar[idx] / are[idx], pntcnt[idx], 'k.')
    py.axis([-10, 10, 0, 30])
    py.xlabel('Radial Acc. Sig. (sigma)')
    py.ylabel('Number of Epochs Detected')

    py.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    py.plot(at[idx] / ate[idx], pntcnt[idx], 'k.')
    py.axis([-10, 10, 0, 30])
    py.xlabel('Tangent. Acc. Sig. (sigma)')
    py.ylabel('Number of Epochs Detected')
