def interpolation(shp_path, out_path, tmp_path, longs, lats, r_value): Write2CSV(tmp_path, longs, lats, r_value) Reed_CSV(tmp_path) xnew = [105.487122, 111.241882] ynew = [31.706726, 39.585327] filename = os.path.join(tmp_path, "test_inter.vrt") tmp_path_file_aaa = os.path.join(tmp_path, "aaa_test.tif") cutrst = gdal.Grid(destName=tmp_path_file_aaa, srcDS=filename, format='GTiff', width=300, height=500, outputBounds=[xnew[0], ynew[1], xnew[1], ynew[0]], outputSRS="WGS84", noData=-100, algorithm="invdist") cutrst.FlushCache() cutrst = None print("Invdist OK!") gdal.Warp(out_path, tmp_path_file_aaa, cutlineDSName=shp_path, dstNodata=-99, cropToCutline=True, dstSRS="WGS84") # os.remove(tmp_path_file_aaa) # os.remove(filename) print("Mask OK!")
def idw(output_file, point_station_file): """ idw空间插值 :param output_file:插值结果 :param point_station_file: 矢量站点数据 :return: """ opts = gdal.GridOptions( algorithm= "invdistnn:power=2.0:smothing=0.0:radius=1.0:max_points=12:min_points=0:nodata=0.0", format="GTiff", outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, zfield="WAVEHEIGHT") gdal.Grid(destName=output_file, srcDS=point_station_file, options=opts)
def interpolation(shp_path, out_tiff_path, z_field='value', method='idw', cell_size=None, output_bounds=None, algo_str=None, outputType=None, res_format= 'GTiff'): """ 插值,反距离加权(idw),最邻近(nearest),移动均值(average) :param shp_path: 用于插值的点 shp 路径 :param out_tiff_path: 输出的 tiff 路径 :param z_field: 插值使用的字段 :param method: 插值方法 :param cell_size: 插值后的 tiff 的分辨率 :param output_bounds: 插值输出范围(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) :param algo_str: 算法参数设置 :param outputType: 输出数据类型,如 gdal.GDT_Float64 :param res_format: 返回类型, GTiff 输出为文件, MEM 输出为临时文件 :return: None """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 算法描述字符串 if method == 'idw' and algo_str is None: algo_str = "invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=0.0:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:" \ "max_points=0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0" elif method == 'average' and algo_str is None: # algo_str = "average:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0" raise TypeError('not support yet') elif method == 'nearest': # algo_str = "minimum={0}:maximum={1}:range={2}:count={3}:average_distance={4}:average_distance_pts={5}" raise TypeError('not support yet') elif method in ['idw', 'average', 'nearest']: algo_str = algo_str else: raise ValueError('method can only be : idw | average | nearest') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 根据 cell_size 得到长宽 if cell_size is None: width, height = None, None else: if output_bounds: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = output_bounds width, height = int((x_max - x_min) / float(cell_size)), int((y_max - y_min) / float(cell_size)) else: # width, height = None, None # 获取 point 的范围,得到当前点的范围 raise ValueError('warning : 当未输入 outputBounds 时,cell_size 的设置无效') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ grid_option = gdal.GridOptions(algorithm=algo_str, zfield=z_field, outputBounds=output_bounds, width=width, height=height, outputType=outputType, format=res_format) # 设置算法和插值所用的字段 gdal.Grid(out_tiff_path, shp_path, options=grid_option) # 插值
def csvToGrid(fn): vrt_fn = fn.replace(".csv", ".vrt") #lyr_name = fn.replace('.csv', '') out_tif = fn.replace('.csv', '.tiff') with open(vrt_fn, 'w') as fn_vrt: fn_vrt.write('<OGRVRTDataSource>\n') fn_vrt.write('\t<OGRVRTLayer name="%s">\n' % 'cluster') fn_vrt.write('\t\t<SrcDataSource>%s</SrcDataSource>\n' % fn) fn_vrt.write('\t\t<GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>\n') fn_vrt.write( '\t\t<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="x" y="y" z="kmeans_cluster"/>\n' ) fn_vrt.write('\t</OGRVRTLayer>\n') fn_vrt.write('</OGRVRTDataSource>\n') output = gdal.Grid(out_tif, vrt_fn) # below using your settings - I don't have sample large enough to properly test it, but it is generating file as well #output2 = gdal.Grid('outcome2.tif','name.vrt', algorithm='invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=1.0') return output
def gdal_grid_image_band( image_to_warp, # type: ndarray output_fname, # type: str image_x_coords, # type: ndarray image_y_coords, # type: ndarray npix_x, # type: int npix_y, # type: int projection_wkt, # type: str nodata_val=0 # type: int ): # type: fileformat = "MEMORY" driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(fileformat) ys, xs = image_to_warp.size datasource = driver.CreateDataSource('memData') datasource.SetProjection(projection_wkt) layer = datasource.CreateLayer('image', geom_type=ogr.wkbPoint) layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("Z", ogr.OFTReal)) for i in range(xs): for j in range(ys): feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn()) point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(image_x_coords[j, i], image_y_coords[j, i]) feature.SetGeometry(point) feature.SetField("Z", image_to_warp[j, i]) layer.CreateFeature(feature) feature = None dst_fname = output_fname ops = gdal.GridOptions(width=npix_x, height=npix_y, noData=nodata_val) dst_dataset = gdal.Grid(dst_fname, datasource, options=ops) src_dataset = None dst_dataset = None print("done")
def calculateNitrateRaster(kValue, destinationPath): """does the raster interpelation for the project based on a provided k value using gdal""" print "calculate nitrate raster called!" algorithmOptions = 'invdist:power=' + str( kValue) + ':max_points=30:min_points=5:nodata=-999' outBounds = [ 294822.7680654586292803, 225108.6378120621666312, 774373.8599878594977781, 759802.2332637654617429 ] outRasterSRS = osr.SpatialReference() outRasterSRS.ImportFromEPSG(3070) gdal.Grid(destinationPath, wellShapefilePath, width=944, height=1053, outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, zfield="nitr_ran", algorithm=algorithmOptions, outputBounds=outBounds, outputSRS=outRasterSRS)
y_diff = (y_max - y_min) / resolution print str(x_diff) + ' ' + str(y_diff) # make vrt file (determines format for gdal_grid) vrtfile = 'outputformatIFDM.vrt' f = open(vrtfile, 'w') content='<OGRVRTDataSource> \n <OGRVRTLayer name="'+result_ifdm_file+'"> \n <SrcDataSource>'+result_ifdm+ ''\ +'</SrcDataSource> \n <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType> \n ' \ +'<LayerSRS>EPSG:31370</LayerSRS> <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="X" y="Y" z="'+pollutant+'"' \ +'/> \n </OGRVRTLayer> \n </OGRVRTDataSource>' f.write(content) f.close() # grid data gridded=gdal.Grid(gridded_ifdm,vrtfile, algorithm = 'linear:radius=0:nodata=-9999',\ outputBounds = [x_min, y_max, x_max , y_min], creationOptions = ['BIGTIFF=yes', 'COMPRESS=deflate'],\ outputType = gdal.GDT_Float32,width = x_diff, height = y_diff, \ zfield = pollutant) del gridded ############################ ## gridding ospm results ## ############################ print 'Grid OSPM resultaten' # take mean over 10m ospm = pd.read_csv(result_ospm) ospm['geometry'] = ospm.apply(lambda p: Point(p.X, p.Y), axis=1) ospm = gpd.GeoDataFrame(ospm, crs=crs) buffer_points = ospm.geometry.buffer(10) buffer_points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(buffer_points, columns=['geometry'], crs=crs) buffer_points.index = buffer_points.index.rename('left_index')
def main(raster_path): os.chdir(os.path.join('Source_Data', "DEM_rasters")) latlon_crs = '+proj = longlat +ellps = WGS84 +datum = WGS84 +no_defs' data_path = os.path.join(orig_dir, 'intermediate_data', 'R_download_recs.txt') crs = None files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir() if f[-4:] == '.img']) with progress_saver(data_path) as dic: for file in files[dic['i']:]: try: with as r: if not crs: crs = print(dic['i']) coords = (r.bounds[0], r.bounds[-1]) gdf_point = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[Point(*coords)]) = crs point = gdf_point.to_crs(latlon_crs).geometry.iloc[0] res = json.loads(get_R_fac((point.x, point.y)))['rfactor'] dic['data'].append({ 'x': coords[0], 'y': coords[1], 'r_factor': res }) time.sleep(2) except rasterio.RasterioIOError: pass dic['i'] += 1 if not crs: crs =[0]).crs #to do: turn data into grid, and interpolate missing values. data = dic['data'] data = [r for r in data if r['x'] != 0] points = [(round(r['x'], 2), round(r['y'], 2)) for r in data] values = [r['r_factor'] for r in data] n_x = len(set([r['x'] for r in data])) n_y = len(set([r['y'] for r in data])) xmin = min([p[0] for p in points]) xmax = max([p[0] for p in points]) ymin = min([p[1] for p in points]) ymax = max([p[1] for p in points]) cell_y = (ymax - ymin) / n_y cell_x = (xmax - xmin) / n_x gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(values, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy([d[0] for d in points], [d[1] for d in points])) gdf.rename(columns={0: 'r_factor'}, inplace=True) #gdf['r_factor'] = gdf['r_factor'].fillna(-9999) = crs os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') shp_path = os.path.join('intermediate_data', 'rfactor_points') gdf.to_file(shp_path) options = gdal.GridOptions( height=n_x, width=n_y, zfield='r_factor', outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, ) ds = gdal.Grid( raster_path, shp_path, options=options, )
def analysisTest(self, cancer_file, nitrate_file, out_dir, IDW_value): print('Running the IDW Interpolation') # wPath = '/Users/Sigfrido/Documents/project1/geospatialProject1/data/files/well_nitrate/' #take the file path from the gui and fun the analysis cancerTract = str(cancer_file) wellNitrate = str(nitrate_file) oPath = str(out_dir) IDW = IDW_value #files created during the analysis oTiff = '/test.tiff' #rasterOutput IDW wIDWresult = oPath + oTiff #Raster2Polygon rPolyShape = '/wellsPolygon.shp' #raster2CSV cPolyShape = '/wellsPoint.csv' #csv2pointsShape pPolyShape = '/wellsPoints.shp' #Polygon Results pResults = oPath + rPolyShape #CSVresults cResults = oPath + cPolyShape #csv2Points shpPntResults = oPath + pPolyShape nitrate_IDW = 'IDW_Results.shp' nitrate_IDW_results = oPath + nitrate_IDW ####################################################################################### file = ogr.Open(wellNitrate) # print(file) shape = file.GetLayer(0) #first feature of the shapefile feature = shape.GetFeature(0) #print(feature) first = feature.ExportToJson() ####################################################################################### #1 Nitrate levels should use Spatial Interpolation Inverse Weighted Method (IDW) print('starting the GDAL Interpolation') # option = gdal.GridOptions(format='GTiff',algorithm='invdist:power={0}'.format(IDW),outputSRS='EPSG:4326',zfield='nitr_ran') option = gdal.GridOptions(format='GTiff', algorithm='invdist:power={0}'.format(IDW), zfield='nitr_ran') out = gdal.Grid( wIDWresult, #results wellNitrate, #shapefile options=option) #options # out.FlushCache() out = None del out #convert to a CSV print("converting out to CSV for next step") os.system( "gdal_translate -of xyz -co ADD_HEADER_LINE=YES -co COLUMN_SEPARATOR=',' {0} {1}" .format(wIDWresult, cResults)) print("converting CSV to Shapefile using FIONA") import csv from shapely.geometry import Point, mapping from fiona import collection schema = {'geometry': 'Point', 'properties': {'Z': 'float'}} with collection(shpPntResults, "w", "ESRI Shapefile", schema) as output: with open(cResults, 'r') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: point = Point(float(row['X']), float(row['Y'])) output.write({ 'properties': { 'Z': row['Z'] }, 'geometry': mapping(point) }) ####################################################################################### #2 Aggregated Points(well data ) to census tract information print("Aggregating Points to Census Tract Shapefile") cancerFile = gpd.read_file(cancerTract) wellPointsShape = gpd.read_file(shpPntResults) #print(wellPointsShape.head())` = wellPointsShape = wellPointsShape.rename(columns={'Z': 'NewNitrate'}) print( "Using geopandas to join Cancer Census Tracts with Well Points Shapefile" ) join = gpd.sjoin(cancerFile, wellPointsShape, how="left") # Save to disk join.to_file(nitrate_IDW_results) #prints file path # print(nitrate_IDW_results)#not needed print("Building The Regression Residuals Results Map") self.results_residual_map() print("Analysis Complete")
print str(x_diff)+' '+str(y_diff) # make vrt file (determines format for gdal_grid) vrtfile=folder_tmp+'outputformat'+pol+stat+'.vrt' f= open(vrtfile, 'w') content='<OGRVRTDataSource> \n <OGRVRTLayer name="results'+pol+'"> \n <SrcDataSource>'+tmpfile+ ''\ +'</SrcDataSource> \n <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType> \n ' \ +'<LayerSRS>EPSG:4326</LayerSRS> <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="Lon" y="Lat" z="'+ \ stat+'"/> \n </OGRVRTLayer> \n </OGRVRTDataSource>' f.write(content) f.close() # grid data result=folder_output+'/'+stat+pol+'.tif' #commando=gdal_grid+' -a LINEAR:radius=0:nodata=-9999 -outsize '+str(int(x_diff))+' '+str(int(y_diff))+' -zfield '+stat+' #'+vrtfile+' '+result #print commando #os.system(commando) gridded=gdal.Grid(result,vrtfile, algorithm = 'linear:radius=0:nodata=-9999',\ outputBounds = [x_min, y_max, x_max , y_min], creationOptions = ['BIGTIFF=yes', 'COMPRESS=deflate'],\ outputType = gdal.GDT_Float32,width = x_diff, height = y_diff, \ zfield = stat) del gridded # remove temporary folder #for i in os.listdir(folder_tmp): # os.remove(folder_tmp+i) #os.rmdir(folder_tmp) print ' OK'
def ptsTime2Raster(self, out_name, var_list=None, outputBounds=None, outCRS='WGS84', mask_shp=None, buffer_mask=0): ''' This method convert points time series in rasters data series by linear interpolation. input: :param out_name = output name base name If out_name = 'D:/output/dir/path/raster_name.tif',this implies that the output raster file names will have the following format: 'D:/output/dir/path/raster_name_time_stamp_variable_name.tif') :param var_list (optional) = variables list to convert in rasters files. If not informed, all available variables in dataset will be converted. :param outputBounds (optional) = is set as a list instance with the following format: [upperLeft Longitude, upperLeft Latitude, lowerRight Longitude, lowerRight Latitude] This defines the interpolation area in a rectangle delimited by its upper left point coordinates and lower right point coordinates. default value: the rectangle area is defined by upper left and lower right dataset coordinates increased by 1%. :param outCRS (optional) = output Coordinate Reference System. default value: WGS84. :param mask_shp (optional) = If informed, the interpolation raster is croped to shapefile boundaries. :param buffer_mask (optional) = buffer in shapefile mask area ( in %percentage). It is only used if the mask shapefile is inserted. default value: 0%. output: return: multiples raster files ( format .tif) ''' if not var_list: var_list = self._data.columns.drop( ['latitude', 'longitude', 'geometry'], errors='ignore') if not outputBounds: geom = self._data.geometry.drop_duplicates() x1 = geom.x.max() x2 = geom.x.min() y1 = geom.y.max() y2 = geom.y.min() if x1 * x2 >= 0: if abs(x1) < abs(x2): aux = x1 x1 = x2 x2 = aux if y1 * y2 >= 0: if abs(y1) < abs(y2): aux = y1 y1 = y2 y2 = aux # outputBounds = [x*1.02 for x in [geom.x.max(), geom.y.min(), geom.x.min(), geom.y.max()]] outputBounds = [x1, y2, x2, y1] if '.tif' in out_name: out_name = out_name.replace('.tif', '') if mask_shp: mask_shp = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(mask_shp) out_dir = '\\'.join(out_name.split('\\')[:-1]) timeSteps = self._data.sort_index().index.drop_duplicates() for time in timeSteps: timeName = str(time).replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_').replace(':', '_') for varName in var_list: vrt_fn = os.path.join(out_dir, varName + 'Vrt.vrt') lyr_name = varName out_tif = '_'.join([out_name, varName, timeName, '.tif']) tempPath = os.path.join(out_dir, varName + '.csv') self._data[[varName, 'latitude', 'longitude']].loc[time].to_csv(tempPath, header=True, index=False) with open(vrt_fn, 'w') as fn_vrt: fn_vrt.write('<OGRVRTDataSource>\n') fn_vrt.write('\t<OGRVRTLayer name="%s">\n' % lyr_name) fn_vrt.write('\t\t<SrcDataSource>%s</SrcDataSource>\n' % tempPath) fn_vrt.write('\t\t<SrcLayer>%s</SrcLayer>\n' % lyr_name) fn_vrt.write('\t\t<GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>\n') fn_vrt.write( '\t\t<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="longitude" y="latitude" z="%s"/>\n' % varName) fn_vrt.write('\t</OGRVRTLayer>\n') fn_vrt.write('</OGRVRTDataSource>\n') gridOp = gdal.GridOptions( format='Gtiff', outputBounds=outputBounds, algorithm='linear:radius=0.0:nodata = -9999', outputSRS=outCRS) if isinstance(mask_shp, gpd.GeoDataFrame): temp_tif = out_name + '_' + varName + '.tif' gdal.Grid(temp_tif, vrt_fn, options=gridOp) self._cropRst(temp_tif, mask_shp, out_tif, remove=True, buffer_mask=buffer_mask) else: gdal.Grid(out_tif, vrt_fn, options=gridOp) os.remove(tempPath) os.remove(vrt_fn) return
def find_csv_filenames(path_to_dir, suffix=".csv"): relativePath = path_to_dir + "*.csv" print(relativePath) # filenames = glob.glob(relativePath) filenames = [os.path.relpath(x) for x in glob(relativePath)] return filenames csvfiles = find_csv_filenames(dir_with_csvs) for fn in csvfiles: vrt_fn = fn.replace(".csv", ".vrt") lyr_name = fn.replace('.csv', '') out_tif = fn.replace('.csv', '.tiff') with open(vrt_fn, 'w') as fn_vrt: fn_vrt.write('<OGRVRTDataSource>\n') fn_vrt.write('\t<OGRVRTLayer name="%s">\n' % lyr_name) fn_vrt.write('\t\t<SrcDataSource>%s</SrcDataSource>\n' % fn) fn_vrt.write('\t\t<GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>\n') fn_vrt.write( '\t\t<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="Lon" y="Lat" z="Ref"/>\n' ) fn_vrt.write('\t</OGRVRTLayer>\n') fn_vrt.write('</OGRVRTDataSource>\n') output = gdal.Grid(out_tif, vrt_fn) # below using your settings - I don't have sample large enough to properly test it, but it is generating file as well output2 = gdal.Grid('outcome2.tif', 'name.vrt', algorithm='invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=1.0')
def convert_xyz_to_raster(x, y, z, res, method, outfile): """Function to produce raster from point data presented with X, Y, Z Coordinates :param float x: x coordinates :param float y: y coordinates :param float z: z coordinates or other variable that you want to display in the raster :param float res: resolution of the output raster in relevant projection units :param str outfile: file to save raster. NOTE: if size of raster is large, outfile will be split into numbered raster files """ bean = 500 # Minimum size (square) of output raster before cutting it into smaller chunks # This is to resolve an issue with the slowness of gdal.Grid # Determine size of output grid based on desired resolution w1 = np.ceil( np.ptp(x) / res ) h1 = np.ceil( np.ptp(y) / res) # Define the algorithm for extrapolating data: alg = method+':radius1='+str(res/2)+':radius2='+str(res/2)+':nodata=-9999' # As long as output raster size is less than bean x bean, output one raster: if w1 * h1 < bean**2: xyz = np.column_stack((x, y, z)) # Sort by x, then by y: xyz = xyz[xyz[:,0].argsort()] xyz = xyz[xyz[:,1].argsort(kind='mergesort')] write_csv_file('grid.csv',xyz) # Write temporary xyz file #Convert to Grid gdal.Grid(outfile,'grid.vrt', width=w1, height=h1, algorithm=alg) os.remove('./grid.csv') # Remove temporary xyz file print print('Produced single map with filename {}'.format(outfile)) print # If size larger than bean x bean, split large grid into subgrids for faster processing: else: #merge_command = ['', '-o', outfile] #attempting merging rasters; this never worked out # Cutting into squares size bean x bean: Wind = int(np.ceil(w1/bean)) Hind = int(np.ceil(h1/bean)) nn = 0 for W in range(Wind): x1 = W*bean*res + np.min(x) x2 = (W+1)*bean*res + np.min(x) xind = (x >= x1) & (x < x2) if W < Wind: wt = bean else: wt = w1 % bean for H in range(Hind): y1 = (H)*bean*res + np.min(y) y2 = (H+1)*bean*res + np.min(y) yind = (y >= y1) & (y < y2) ind = xind & yind # Check for data within current square: if any(ind): xyz_temp = np.column_stack((x[ind], y[ind], z[ind])) xyz_temp = xyz_temp[xyz_temp[:,0].argsort()] xyz = xyz_temp[xyz_temp[:,1].argsort(kind='mergesort')] if H < Hind: ht = bean else: ht = h1 % bean out = outfile[:-4] + str(nn+1) + '.tif' # Numbered outfile write_csv_file('grid.csv',xyz_temp) gdal.Grid(out, 'grid.vrt', width=wt, height=ht, algorithm=alg) os.remove('./grid.csv') #Remove temporary xyz file #merge_command.append(out) nn = nn+1 print print 'Dataset too large for single grid production' print('Produced {} files with the following names: '.format(nn)) for n in range(nn-1): print('{}'.format(outfile[:-4] + str(n+1) + '.tif')) print