def basic_test_8(): ret = gdal.VersionInfo('RELEASE_DATE') if len(ret) != 8: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(ret) return 'fail' python_exe = sys.executable if sys.platform == 'win32': python_exe = python_exe.replace('\\', '/') ret = gdaltest.runexternal(python_exe + ' LICENSE 0') if ret.find('GDAL/OGR is released under the MIT/X license' ) != 0 and ret.find('GDAL/OGR Licensing') < 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(ret) return 'fail' f = open('tmp/LICENSE.TXT', 'wt') f.write('fake_license') f.close() ret = gdaltest.runexternal(python_exe + ' LICENSE 1') os.unlink('tmp/LICENSE.TXT') if ret.find('fake_license') != 0 and ret.find('GDAL/OGR Licensing') < 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(ret) return 'fail' return 'success'
def build_args(input_files, gfs_file_path, pg_source): i = 0 all_args = [] for input_file in input_files: if input_file.lower().endswith('.gz'): input_file = '/vsigzip/' + input_file args = ['-f', 'PostgreSQL', '--config', 'PG_USE_COPY', 'YES', '--config', 'GML_GFS_TEMPLATE', gfs_file_path, pg_source, input_file] if str(gdal.VersionInfo()).startswith('2'): # -lyr_transaction added to negate # ERROR 1: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block # # ERROR 1: no COPY in progress args.insert(0, '-lyr_transaction') if i == 0: args.insert(0, '-overwrite') args.extend(['-lco', 'OVERWRITE=YES', '-lco', 'SPATIAL_INDEX=OFF', '-lco', 'PRECISION=NO']) else: args.insert(0, '-append') i += 1 all_args.append(args) return all_args
def SetzeVoreinstellungen(self): s = QSettings("EZUSoft", fncProgKennung()) try: SaveWidth = int(s.value("SaveWidth", "0")) SaveHeight = int(s.value("SaveHeight", "0")) except: QSettings("EZUSoft", "ADXF2Shape").clear() SaveWidth = 0 SaveHeight = 0 if SaveWidth > self.minimumWidth() and SaveHeight > self.minimumHeight( ): self.resize(SaveWidth, SaveHeight) bGenSHP = True if s.value("bGenSHP", "Nein") == "Ja" else False self.chkSHP.setChecked(bGenSHP) bGenDXF = True if s.value("bGenDXF", "Nein") == "Ja" else False self.chkDXF.setChecked(bGenDXF) self.chkMergeFlur.setEnabled(bGenDXF) self.chkSave_clicked() try: self.lbGDAL.setText(gdal.VersionInfo("GDAL_RELEASE_DATE")) except: self.lbGDAL.setText("-")
def build_args(input_files, gfs_file_path, pg_source, ignore_fid): i = 0 all_args = [] for input_file in input_files: if input_file.lower().endswith('.gz'): input_file = '/vsigzip/' + input_file args = ['-f', 'PostgreSQL', '--config', 'PG_USE_COPY', 'YES', '--config', 'GML_GFS_TEMPLATE', gfs_file_path, pg_source, input_file] if str(gdal.VersionInfo()).startswith('2'): # -lyr_transaction added to negate # ERROR 1: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block # # ERROR 1: no COPY in progress args.insert(0, '-lyr_transaction') if i == 0: args.insert(0, '-overwrite') args.extend(['-lco', 'OVERWRITE=YES', '-lco', 'SPATIAL_INDEX=OFF', '-lco', 'PRECISION=NO']) else: args.insert(0, '-append') if ignore_fid: # fixes ERROR 1: COPY statement failed. ERROR: null value in column "fid" violates not-null # args.extend(['--config', 'GML_EXPOSE_FID', 'NO']) i += 1 all_args.append(args) return all_args
def pytest_report_header(config): message = 'QGIS : {}\n'.format(Qgis.QGIS_VERSION_INT) message += 'Python GDAL : {}\n'.format(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) message += 'Python : {}\n'.format(sys.version) # message += 'Python path : {}'.format(sys.path) message += 'QT : {}'.format(Qt.QT_VERSION_STR) return message
def compute_distance(gdb_dir, shapefile): '''For every point in `shapefile' find the diatance to the neartest feature (in our case a road) and save it in a new field. The field has the same name as the layer in the feature file (perhaps truncated due to length). ''' # FIXME: What is this? gdal.AllRegister() # Use OGR specific exceptions ogr.UseExceptions() # Open DB directory db = open_db(gdb_dir) # try to open source shapefile if int(gdal.VersionInfo()) > 1990000: shape = ogr.Open(, gdal.OF_VECTOR) else: shape = ogr.Open(, 1) if shape is None: print('Unable to open shapefile', in_shapefile) sys.exit(1) layer = shape.GetLayer(0) # add new fields to the shapefile create_fields(layer, db) process(layer, db, False) # clean close del db
def test_project(self): """ This test fails for gdal versions below 2.0. The warping is correct, but the void space around the original image is filled with fill_value in versions >= 2.0, else with 0. The tested function behaves like the more recent versions of GDAL """ codes = (2062, 3857) if gdal.VersionInfo().startswith("1"): warnings.warn( "Skipping incompatible warp test on GDAL versions < 2", RuntimeWarning) return for fname, base in zip(self.fnames, self.grids): # break if base.proj: for epsg in codes: # gdalwarp flips the warped image proj = ga.project(grid=base[::-1], proj={"init": "epsg:{:}".format(epsg)}, max_error=0) # proj = base[::-1].warp({"init":"epsg:{:}".format(epsg)}, 0) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tif") as tf: subprocess.check_output( "gdalwarp -r 'near' -et 0 -t_srs 'EPSG:{:}' {:} {:}" .format(epsg, fname,, shell=True) compare = ga.fromfile( self.assertTrue(np.all( == self.assertTrue(np.all(proj.mask == compare.mask)) self.assertDictEqual(proj.bbox, compare.bbox) else: self.assertRaises(AttributeError)
def __init__(self, projection, geotransform): """ Parameters ---------- projection : str Projection-Wkt; can be returned by calling gdal.Dataset.GetProjection() geotransform : tuple Geo-Transform; can be returned by calling gdal.Dataset.GetGeoTransform() order: xoff, xdx, xdy, yoff, ydx, ydy (in meters) """ # set source spatial reference ssr = osr.SpatialReference() if int(gdal.VersionInfo()[0]) >= 3: # for GDAL-Version >= 3 use traditional GIS order #TODO use new GIS order as standard ssr.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) ssr.ImportFromWkt(projection) # get target spatial reference tsr = ssr.CloneGeogCS() self.ct = osr.CoordinateTransformation(ssr, tsr) self.ct_rev = osr.CoordinateTransformation(tsr, ssr) = geotransform self.prj = projection
def __init__(self, fname): """ :param fname: a GTif file """ try: self.raster = gdal.Open(fname) spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference(self.raster.GetProjection()) # retrieve get the WGS84 spatial reference wgs_ref = osr.SpatialReference() wgs_ref.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # Do a coordinate transform self.coord_transf = osr.CoordinateTransformation( wgs_ref, spatial_ref) # Apply geo-transformation and its inverse self.raster_gt = self.raster.GetGeoTransform() self.raster_inv_gt = gdal.InvGeoTransform(self.raster_gt) # Handle error from Inverse function if gdal.VersionInfo()[0] == '1': if self.raster_inv_gt[0] == 1: self.raster_inv_gt = self.raster_inv_gt[1] else: raise RuntimeError('Inverse geotransform failed') elif self.raster_inv_gt is None: raise RuntimeError('Inverse geotransform failed') except RuntimeError: # <- Check first what exception is being thrown pass
def about_dialog_system_versions(self): import sys major, minor, micro = sys.version_info[0:3] desc = f"Python {major}.{minor}.{micro}:\n<ul>" import wx desc += "<li>wxPython %s\n" % wx.version() try: import sawx desc += "<li>sawx %s\n" % sawx.__version__ except: pass try: import numpy desc += "<li>numpy %s\n" % numpy.version.version except: pass try: import OpenGL import OpenGL.GL as gl desc += "<li>PyOpenGL %s\n" % OpenGL.__version__ desc += "<li>OpenGL %s\n" % gl.glGetString(gl.GL_VERSION).encode('utf-8') desc += "<li>OpenGL Vendor: %s\n" % gl.glGetString(gl.GL_VENDOR).encode('utf-8') desc += "<li>OpenGL Renderer: %s\n" % gl.glGetString(gl.GL_RENDERER).encode('utf-8') desc += "<li>GLSL primary: %s\n" % gl.glGetString(gl.GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION).encode('utf-8') num_glsl = gl.glGetInteger(gl.GL_NUM_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSIONS) desc += "<li>GLSL supported: " for i in range(num_glsl): v = gl.glGetStringi(gl.GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION, i).encode('utf-8') desc += v + ", " desc += "\n" except: pass try: import gdal desc += "<li>GDAL %s\n" % gdal.VersionInfo() except: pass try: import pyproj desc += "<li>PyProj %s\n" % pyproj.__version__ except: pass try: import netCDF4 desc += "<li>netCDF4 %s\n" % netCDF4.__version__ except: pass try: import shapely desc += "<li>Shapely %s\n" % shapely.__version__ except: pass try: import omnivore_framework desc += "<li>Omnivore %s\n" % omnivore_framework.__version__ except: pass desc += "</ul>" return desc
def SetzeVoreinstellungen(self): self.ManageTransformSettings() s = QSettings("EZUSoft", fncProgKennung()) SaveWidth = int(s.value("SaveWidth", "0")) SaveHeight = int(s.value("SaveHeight", "0")) if SaveWidth > self.minimumWidth() and SaveHeight > self.minimumHeight( ): self.resize(SaveWidth, SaveHeight) bGenCol = True if s.value("bGenCol", "Nein") == "Ja" else False self.chkCol.setChecked(bGenCol) bGenLay = True if s.value("bGenLay", "Ja") == "Ja" else False self.chkLay.setChecked(bGenLay) bFormatText = True if s.value("bFormatText", "Ja") == "Ja" else False self.chkUseTextFormat.setChecked(bFormatText) bUseColor4Point = True if s.value("bUseColor4Point", "Ja") == "Ja" else False self.chkUseColor4Point.setChecked(bUseColor4Point) bUseColor4Line = True if s.value("bUseColor4Line", "Ja") == "Ja" else False self.chkUseColor4Line.setChecked(bUseColor4Line) bUseColor4Poly = True if s.value("bUseColor4Poly", "Nein") == "Ja" else False self.chkUseColor4Poly.setChecked(bUseColor4Poly) bGenSHP = True if s.value("bGenSHP", "Nein") == "Ja" else False self.chkSHP.setChecked(bGenSHP) self.chkSHP_clicked() bGen3D = True if s.value("bGen3D", "Nein") == "Ja" else False self.chk3D.setChecked(bGen3D) self.chk3D_clicked() if False: bGenGPKG = True if s.value("bGenGPKG", "Nein") == "Ja" else False self.chkGPKG.setVisible(True) else: bGenGPKG = False self.chkGPKG.setVisible(False) self.chkGPKG.setChecked(bGenGPKG) self.chkGPKG_clicked() iCodePage = s.value("iCodePage", 0) self.txtFaktor.setText('1.3') self.cbCharSet.addItems(self.charsetList) self.cbCharSet.setCurrentIndex(int(iCodePage)) try: self.lbGDAL.setText(gdal.VersionInfo("GDAL_RELEASE_DATE")) except: self.lbGDAL.setText("-")
def unit_gdal_version(): try: import gdal version_num = int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) if (version_num < 2010000): raise AssertionError(("The version of GDAL should be at least 2.1.\n", "Recommended fix for Ubuntu 16.04:\n", "add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntugis/ppa\n", "apt-get update\n", "apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev\n")) except ImportError: raise AssertionError('GDAL does not seem to be installed.')
def fix(): import os if != "nt": print("\n", "*" * 80, "\n", "You are not running MS Windows so this package is not relevant to you", "\n", "*" * 80) return try: # We need to... # 1. Be able to find python library # 2. Ensure that django and gdal are installed from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib from django.contrib import gis import gdal as gd os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + get_python_lib() + "\\osgeo" gdal_file = os.path.join(get_python_lib(), "django\\contrib\\gis\\gdal\\") # Figure out the version of the currently installed GDAL and make an entry to be added to the DLLs list in # gdal_ver = gd.VersionInfo() gdal_ver_major = str(int(gdal_ver) // 10 ** 6)[-1] gdal_ver_minor = str(int(gdal_ver) // 10 ** 4)[-1] gdal_ver_patch = str(int(gdal_ver) // 10 ** 2)[-1] gdal_ver_string = f"gdal{gdal_ver_major}{gdal_ver_minor}{gdal_ver_patch}" # fix to create version with zero patch, i.e. GDAL v 3.0.1 also now looks for gdal300.dll gdal_ver_string_nopatch = f"gdal{gdal_ver_major}{gdal_ver_minor}0" # Read and make sure that we haven't already updated it. We should update this ONCE only. with open(gdal_file, "r") as fh: fh_content = if "lib_names = ['" + gdal_ver_string + "', '" + gdal_ver_string_nopatch + "', " in fh_content: return if not fh_content: raise AssertionError("Nothing read!") # Find the list of DLLs and add our GDAL version to it if "lib_names = [" in fh_content: new_content = \ fh_content.replace("lib_names = [", "lib_names = ['" + gdal_ver_string + "', '" + gdal_ver_string_nopatch + "', ") print(new_content) # Replace with updated version with open(gdal_file, "w") as fh: fh.write(new_content) except Exception as e: message = f"Something went wrong!\n {e}\n" + \ f" If you can't find a module such as django or gdal, make sure that this is installed." print("\n", "*" * 90, "\n", message, "\n", "*" * 90)
def get_gdal_version(self): """ Check the version of gdal imported to ensure it meets the requirements of this class """ version = gdal.VersionInfo() major = int(version[0]) minor = int(version[1:3]) bug = int(version[3:5]) if not (major == 3 and minor >= 1): msg = 'The version of GDAL must be >= 3.1. Version found: {}.{}.{}'.format( major, minor, bug) self.logger.error(msg) # raise ValueError(msg) self.gdal_version = version
def check_gdal_version(): """ Check the version of gdal imported to ensure it meets the requirements of this script Returns ------- None. """ version = gdal.VersionInfo() major = int(version[0]) minor = int(version[1:3]) bug = int(version[3:5]) if major == 3 and minor >= 1: pass else: msg = f'The version of GDAL must be >= 3.1. Version found: {version}' LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
def main(): assert os.path.exists(args.input_fn) version = gdal.VersionInfo() assert int(version[0:2]) >= 30 and int( version[2:4]) >= 10, "You must have GDAL version >= 3.1 to write COGS" #----------------------------------- with open(args.input_fn, "r") as f: fns ="\n") print("Found %d files" % (len(fns))) assert args.suffix != "", "The suffix can't be an empty string because you might lose data." p = Pool(args.num_processes) results =, fns) with open(args.log_fn, "w") as f: f.write("input_fn,output_fn,result\n") for i in range(len(fns)): f.write("%s,%s,%d\n" % (fns[i], results[i][0], results[i][1]))
def ogr_geom_build_from_edges_4(): if int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) < 1900: gdaltest.post_reason('would crash') return 'skip' if gdaltest.have_geos == 0: return 'skip' link_coll = ogr.Geometry(type=ogr.wkbGeometryCollection) wkt_array = [ 'LINESTRING EMPTY', 'LINESTRING (1 1,1 2)', 'LINESTRING EMPTY', 'LINESTRING (1 2,2 2)', 'LINESTRING (2 2,2 1)', 'LINESTRING (2 1,1 1)', 'LINESTRING (0 0,0 10)', 'LINESTRING (0 10,10 10)', 'LINESTRING (10 10,10 0)', 'LINESTRING (10 0,0 0)' ] for wkt in wkt_array: geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt) #print "geom is",geom link_coll.AddGeometry(geom) geom.Destroy() try: poly = ogr.BuildPolygonFromEdges(link_coll) if poly is None: return 'fail' wkt = poly.ExportToWkt() if wkt != 'POLYGON ((0 0,0 10,10 10,10 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))': print(wkt) return 'fail' poly.Destroy() except: return 'fail' return 'success'
def cog_validate(ds, check_tiled=True): """Check if a file is a (Geo)TIFF with cloud optimized compatible structure. Args: ds: GDAL Dataset for the file to inspect. check_tiled: Set to False to ignore missing tiling. Returns: A tuple, whose first element is an array of error messages (empty if there is no error), and the second element, a dictionary with the structure of the GeoTIFF file. Raises: ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException: Unable to open the file or the file is not a Tiff. """ if int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) < 2020000: raise ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException( 'GDAL 2.2 or above required') unicode_type = type(''.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8')) if isinstance(ds, str) or isinstance(ds, unicode_type): gdal.PushErrorHandler() ds = gdal.Open(ds) gdal.PopErrorHandler() if ds is None: raise ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException( 'Invalid file : %s' % gdal.GetLastErrorMsg()) if ds.GetDriver().ShortName != 'GTiff': raise ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException( 'The file is not a GeoTIFF') details = {} errors = [] filename = ds.GetDescription() main_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) ovr_count = main_band.GetOverviewCount() filelist = ds.GetFileList() if filelist is not None and filename + '.ovr' in filelist: errors += [ 'Overviews found in external .ovr file. They should be internal'] if main_band.XSize >= 512 or main_band.YSize >= 512: if check_tiled: block_size = main_band.GetBlockSize() if block_size[0] == main_band.XSize and block_size[0] > 1024: errors += [ 'The file is greater than 512xH or Wx512, but is not tiled'] if ovr_count == 0: errors += [ 'The file is greater than 512xH or Wx512, but has no overviews'] ifd_offset = int(main_band.GetMetadataItem('IFD_OFFSET', 'TIFF')) ifd_offsets = [ifd_offset] if ifd_offset not in (8, 16): errors += [ 'The offset of the main IFD should be 8 for ClassicTIFF ' 'or 16 for BigTIFF. It is %d instead' % ifd_offsets[0]] details['ifd_offsets'] = {} details['ifd_offsets']['main'] = ifd_offset for i in range(ovr_count): # Check that overviews are by descending sizes ovr_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(i) if i == 0: if (ovr_band.XSize > main_band.XSize or ovr_band.YSize > main_band.YSize): errors += [ 'First overview has larger dimension than main band'] else: prev_ovr_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(i-1) if (ovr_band.XSize > prev_ovr_band.XSize or ovr_band.YSize > prev_ovr_band.YSize): errors += [ 'Overview of index %d has larger dimension than ' 'overview of index %d' % (i, i-1)] if check_tiled: block_size = ovr_band.GetBlockSize() if block_size[0] == ovr_band.XSize and block_size[0] > 1024: errors += [ 'Overview of index %d is not tiled' % i] # Check that the IFD of descending overviews are sorted by increasing # offsets ifd_offset = int(ovr_band.GetMetadataItem('IFD_OFFSET', 'TIFF')) ifd_offsets.append(ifd_offset) details['ifd_offsets']['overview_%d' % i] = ifd_offset if ifd_offsets[-1] < ifd_offsets[-2]: if i == 0: errors += [ 'The offset of the IFD for overview of index %d is %d, ' 'whereas it should be greater than the one of the main ' 'image, which is at byte %d' % (i, ifd_offsets[-1], ifd_offsets[-2])] else: errors += [ 'The offset of the IFD for overview of index %d is %d, ' 'whereas it should be greater than the one of index %d, ' 'which is at byte %d' % (i, ifd_offsets[-1], i-1, ifd_offsets[-2])] # Check that the imagery starts by the smallest overview and ends with # the main resolution dataset block_offset = main_band.GetMetadataItem('BLOCK_OFFSET_0_0', 'TIFF') if not block_offset: errors += ['Missing BLOCK_OFFSET_0_0'] data_offset = int(block_offset) if block_offset else None data_offsets = [data_offset] details['data_offsets'] = {} details['data_offsets']['main'] = data_offset for i in range(ovr_count): ovr_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(i) data_offset = int(ovr_band.GetMetadataItem('BLOCK_OFFSET_0_0', 'TIFF')) data_offsets.append(data_offset) details['data_offsets']['overview_%d' % i] = data_offset if data_offsets[-1] < ifd_offsets[-1]: if ovr_count > 0: errors += [ 'The offset of the first block of the smallest overview ' 'should be after its IFD'] else: errors += [ 'The offset of the first block of the image should ' 'be after its IFD'] for i in range(len(data_offsets)-2, 0, -1): if data_offsets[i] < data_offsets[i + 1]: errors += [ 'The offset of the first block of overview of index %d should ' 'be after the one of the overview of index %d' % (i - 1, i)] if len(data_offsets) >= 2 and data_offsets[0] < data_offsets[1]: errors += [ 'The offset of the first block of the main resolution image' 'should be after the one of the overview of index %d' % (ovr_count - 1)] return errors, details
def misc_12(): if int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) < 1900: gdaltest.post_reason('would crash') return 'skip' import test_cli_utilities gdal_translate_path = test_cli_utilities.get_gdal_translate_path() for i in range(gdal.GetDriverCount()): drv = gdal.GetDriver(i) #if drv.ShortName == 'ECW' or drv.ShortName == 'JP2ECW': # continue md = drv.GetMetadata() if 'DCAP_CREATECOPY' in md or 'DCAP_CREATE' in md: ext = '' if drv.ShortName == 'GTX': ext = '.gtx' elif drv.ShortName == 'RST': ext = '.rst' elif drv.ShortName == 'SAGA': ext = '.sdat' elif drv.ShortName == 'ECW': ext = '.ecw' elif drv.ShortName == 'KMLSUPEROVERLAY': ext = '.kmz' elif drv.ShortName == 'ADRG': ext = '/ABCDEF01.GEN' elif drv.ShortName == 'SRTMHGT': ext = '/N48E002.HGT' nbands = 1 if drv.ShortName == 'WEBP' or drv.ShortName == 'ADRG': nbands = 3 datatype = gdal.GDT_Byte if drv.ShortName == 'BT' or drv.ShortName == 'BLX': datatype = gdal.GDT_Int16 elif drv.ShortName == 'GTX' or drv.ShortName == 'NTv2' or drv.ShortName == 'Leveller': datatype = gdal.GDT_Float32 size = 1201 if drv.ShortName == 'BLX': size = 128 src_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create( '/vsimem/misc_12_src.tif', size, size, nbands, datatype) set_gt = (2, 1.0 / size, 0, 49, 0, -1.0 / size) src_ds.SetGeoTransform(set_gt) src_ds.SetProjection( 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328]]' ) # Test to detect crashes gdal.PushErrorHandler('CPLQuietErrorHandler') ds = drv.CreateCopy('/nonexistingpath/nonexistingfile' + ext, src_ds) gdal.PopErrorHandler() ds = None if gdal_translate_path is not None: # Test to detect memleaks ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT').CreateCopy( 'tmp/misc_12.vrt', src_ds) (out, err) = gdaltest.runexternal_out_and_err( gdal_translate_path + ' -of ' + drv.ShortName + ' tmp/misc_12.vrt /nonexistingpath/nonexistingfile' + ext, check_memleak=False) ds = None gdal.Unlink('tmp/misc_12.vrt') # If DEBUG_VSIMALLOC_STATS is defined, this is an easy way # to catch some memory leaks if out.find('VSIMalloc + VSICalloc - VSIFree') != -1 and \ out.find('VSIMalloc + VSICalloc - VSIFree : 0') == -1: if drv.ShortName == 'Rasterlite' and out.find( 'VSIMalloc + VSICalloc - VSIFree : 1') != -1: pass else: print('memleak detected for driver %s' % drv.ShortName) src_ds = None gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/misc_12_src.tif') return 'success'
def versionNum(self): return int(gdal.VersionInfo("VERSION_NUM"))
def validate( # noqa pylint: disable=too-many-branches ds, check_tiled=True, full_check=False): """Check if a file is a (Geo)TIFF with cloud optimized compatible structure. Args: ds: GDAL Dataset for the file to inspect. check_tiled: Set to False to ignore missing tiling. full_check: Set to TRUe to check tile/strip leader/trailer bytes. Might be slow on remote files Returns: A tuple, whose first element is an array of error messages (empty if there is no error), and the second element, a dictionary with the structure of the GeoTIFF file. Raises: ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException: Unable to open the file or the file is not a Tiff. """ if int(gdal.VersionInfo("VERSION_NUM")) < 2020000: raise ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException( "GDAL 2.2 or above required") unicode_type = type("".encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8")) if isinstance(ds, (str, unicode_type)): gdal.PushErrorHandler() ds = gdal.Open(ds) gdal.PopErrorHandler() if ds is None: raise ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException( "Invalid file : %s" % gdal.GetLastErrorMsg()) if ds.GetDriver().ShortName != "GTiff": raise ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException( "The file is not a GeoTIFF") details = {} errors = [] warnings = [] filename = ds.GetDescription() main_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) ovr_count = main_band.GetOverviewCount() filelist = ds.GetFileList() if filelist is not None and filename + ".ovr" in filelist: errors += [ "Overviews found in external .ovr file. They should be internal" ] if main_band.XSize > 512 or main_band.YSize > 512: if check_tiled: block_size = main_band.GetBlockSize() if block_size[0] == main_band.XSize and block_size[0] > 1024: errors += [ "The file is greater than 512xH or Wx512, but is not tiled" ] if ovr_count == 0: warnings += [ "The file is greater than 512xH or Wx512, it is recommended " "to include internal overviews" ] ifd_offset = int(main_band.GetMetadataItem("IFD_OFFSET", "TIFF")) ifd_offsets = [ifd_offset] block_order_row_major = False block_leader_size_as_uint4 = False block_trailer_last_4_bytes_repeated = False mask_interleaved_with_imagery = False if ifd_offset not in (8, 16): # Check if there is GDAL hidden structural metadata f = gdal.VSIFOpenL(filename, "rb") if not f: raise ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException("Cannot open file") signature = struct.unpack("B" * 4, gdal.VSIFReadL(4, 1, f)) bigtiff = signature in ((0x49, 0x49, 0x2B, 0x00), (0x4D, 0x4D, 0x00, 0x2B)) if bigtiff: expected_ifd_pos = 16 else: expected_ifd_pos = 8 gdal.VSIFSeekL(f, expected_ifd_pos, 0) pattern = "GDAL_STRUCTURAL_METADATA_SIZE=%06d bytes\n" % 0 got = gdal.VSIFReadL(len(pattern), 1, f).decode("LATIN1") if len(got) == len(pattern) and got.startswith( "GDAL_STRUCTURAL_METADATA_SIZE="): size = int(got[len("GDAL_STRUCTURAL_METADATA_SIZE="):][0:6]) extra_md = gdal.VSIFReadL(size, 1, f).decode("LATIN1") block_order_row_major = "BLOCK_ORDER=ROW_MAJOR" in extra_md block_leader_size_as_uint4 = "BLOCK_LEADER=SIZE_AS_UINT4" in extra_md block_trailer_last_4_bytes_repeated = ( "BLOCK_TRAILER=LAST_4_BYTES_REPEATED" in extra_md) mask_interleaved_with_imagery = ( "MASK_INTERLEAVED_WITH_IMAGERY=YES" in extra_md) if "KNOWN_INCOMPATIBLE_EDITION=YES" in extra_md: errors += [ "KNOWN_INCOMPATIBLE_EDITION=YES is declared in the file" ] expected_ifd_pos += len(pattern) + size expected_ifd_pos += (expected_ifd_pos % 2 ) # IFD offset starts on a 2-byte boundary gdal.VSIFCloseL(f) if expected_ifd_pos != ifd_offsets[0]: errors += [ "The offset of the main IFD should be %d. It is %d instead" % (expected_ifd_pos, ifd_offsets[0]) ] details["ifd_offsets"] = {} details["ifd_offsets"]["main"] = ifd_offset for i in range(ovr_count): # Check that overviews are by descending sizes ovr_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(i) if i == 0: if ovr_band.XSize > main_band.XSize or ovr_band.YSize > main_band.YSize: errors += [ "First overview has larger dimension than main band" ] else: prev_ovr_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(i - 1) if (ovr_band.XSize > prev_ovr_band.XSize or ovr_band.YSize > prev_ovr_band.YSize): errors += [ "Overview of index %d has larger dimension than " "overview of index %d" % (i, i - 1) ] if check_tiled: block_size = ovr_band.GetBlockSize() if block_size[0] == ovr_band.XSize and block_size[0] > 1024: errors += ["Overview of index %d is not tiled" % i] # Check that the IFD of descending overviews are sorted by increasing # offsets ifd_offset = int(ovr_band.GetMetadataItem("IFD_OFFSET", "TIFF")) ifd_offsets.append(ifd_offset) details["ifd_offsets"]["overview_%d" % i] = ifd_offset if ifd_offsets[-1] < ifd_offsets[-2]: if i == 0: errors += [ "The offset of the IFD for overview of index %d is %d, " "whereas it should be greater than the one of the main " "image, which is at byte %d" % (i, ifd_offsets[-1], ifd_offsets[-2]) ] else: errors += [ "The offset of the IFD for overview of index %d is %d, " "whereas it should be greater than the one of index %d, " "which is at byte %d" % (i, ifd_offsets[-1], i - 1, ifd_offsets[-2]) ] # Check that the imagery starts by the smallest overview and ends with # the main resolution dataset def get_block_offset(band): blockxsize, blockysize = band.GetBlockSize() for y in range(int((band.YSize + blockysize - 1) / blockysize)): for x in range(int((band.XSize + blockxsize - 1) / blockxsize)): block_offset = band.GetMetadataItem( "BLOCK_OFFSET_%d_%d" % (x, y), "TIFF") if block_offset: return int(block_offset) return 0 block_offset = get_block_offset(main_band) data_offsets = [block_offset] details["data_offsets"] = {} details["data_offsets"]["main"] = block_offset for i in range(ovr_count): ovr_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(i) block_offset = get_block_offset(ovr_band) data_offsets.append(block_offset) details["data_offsets"]["overview_%d" % i] = block_offset if data_offsets[-1] != 0 and data_offsets[-1] < ifd_offsets[-1]: if ovr_count > 0: errors += [ "The offset of the first block of the smallest overview " "should be after its IFD" ] else: errors += [ "The offset of the first block of the image should be after its IFD" ] for i in range(len(data_offsets) - 2, 0, -1): if data_offsets[i] != 0 and data_offsets[i] < data_offsets[i + 1]: errors += [ "The offset of the first block of overview of index %d should " "be after the one of the overview of index %d" % (i - 1, i) ] if (len(data_offsets) >= 2 and data_offsets[0] != 0 and data_offsets[0] < data_offsets[1]): errors += [ "The offset of the first block of the main resolution image " "should be after the one of the overview of index %d" % (ovr_count - 1) ] if full_check and (block_order_row_major or block_leader_size_as_uint4 or block_trailer_last_4_bytes_repeated or mask_interleaved_with_imagery): f = gdal.VSIFOpenL(filename, "rb") if not f: raise ValidateCloudOptimizedGeoTIFFException("Cannot open file") full_check_band( f, "Main resolution image", main_band, errors, block_order_row_major, block_leader_size_as_uint4, block_trailer_last_4_bytes_repeated, mask_interleaved_with_imagery, ) if (main_band.GetMaskFlags() == gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET and (filename + ".msk") not in ds.GetFileList()): full_check_band( f, "Mask band of main resolution image", main_band.GetMaskBand(), errors, block_order_row_major, block_leader_size_as_uint4, block_trailer_last_4_bytes_repeated, False, ) for i in range(ovr_count): ovr_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(i) full_check_band( f, "Overview %d" % i, ovr_band, errors, block_order_row_major, block_leader_size_as_uint4, block_trailer_last_4_bytes_repeated, mask_interleaved_with_imagery, ) if (ovr_band.GetMaskFlags() == gdal.GMF_PER_DATASET and (filename + ".msk") not in ds.GetFileList()): full_check_band( f, "Mask band of overview %d" % i, ovr_band.GetMaskBand(), errors, block_order_row_major, block_leader_size_as_uint4, block_trailer_last_4_bytes_repeated, False, ) gdal.VSIFCloseL(f) return warnings, errors, details
def main(): #### Set Up Arguments parent_parser, pos_arg_keys = ortho_functions.buildParentArgumentParser() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[parent_parser], description="Run/Submit batch pansharpening in parallel") parser.add_argument("--pbs", action='store_true', default=False, help="submit tasks to PBS") parser.add_argument("--slurm", action='store_true', default=False, help="submit tasks to SLURM") parser.add_argument( "--parallel-processes", type=int, default=1, help="number of parallel processes to spawn (default 1)") parser.add_argument( "--qsubscript", help= "submission script to use in PBS/SLURM submission (PBS default is, " "SLURM default is, in script root folder)") parser.add_argument( "-l", help="PBS resources requested (mimicks qsub syntax, PBS only)") parser.add_argument("--dryrun", action="store_true", default=False, help="print actions without executing") #### Parse Arguments args = parser.parse_args() scriptpath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) src = os.path.abspath(args.src) dstdir = os.path.abspath(args.dst) #### Validate Required Arguments if os.path.isdir(src): srctype = 'dir' elif os.path.isfile(src) and os.path.splitext(src)[1].lower() == '.txt': srctype = 'textfile' elif os.path.isfile(src) and os.path.splitext( src)[1].lower() in ortho_functions.exts: srctype = 'image' elif os.path.isfile(src.replace('msi', 'blu')) and os.path.splitext( src)[1].lower() in ortho_functions.exts: srctype = 'image' else: parser.error( "Error arg1 is not a recognized file path or file type: {}".format( src)) if not os.path.isdir(dstdir): parser.error("Error arg2 is not a valid file path: {}".format(dstdir)) # Verify qsubscript if args.pbs or args.slurm: if args.qsubscript is None: if args.pbs: qsubpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(scriptpath), '') if args.slurm: qsubpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(scriptpath), '') else: qsubpath = os.path.abspath(args.qsubscript) if not os.path.isfile(qsubpath): parser.error("qsub script path is not valid: {}".format(qsubpath)) ### Verify processing options do not conflict if args.pbs and args.slurm: parser.error("Options --pbs and --slurm are mutually exclusive") if (args.pbs or args.slurm) and args.parallel_processes > 1: parser.error( "HPC Options (--pbs or --slurm) and --parallel-processes > 1 are mutually exclusive" ) #### Verify EPSG try: spatial_ref = utils.SpatialRef(args.epsg) except RuntimeError as e: parser.error(e) ## Check GDAL version (2.1.0 minimum) gdal_version = gdal.VersionInfo() try: if int(gdal_version) < 2010000: parser.error( "gdal_pansharpen requires GDAL version 2.1.0 or higher") except ValueError: parser.error("Cannot parse GDAL version: {}".format(gdal_version)) #### Set up console logging handler lso = logging.StreamHandler() lso.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s- %(message)s', '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') lso.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(lso) #### Get args ready to pass to task handler arg_keys_to_remove = ('l', 'qsubscript', 'dryrun', 'pbs', 'slurm', 'parallel_processes') arg_str_base = taskhandler.convert_optional_args_to_string( args, pos_arg_keys, arg_keys_to_remove) ## Identify source images if srctype == 'dir': image_list1 = utils.find_images(src, False, ortho_functions.exts) elif srctype == 'textfile': image_list1 = utils.find_images(src, True, ortho_functions.exts) else: image_list1 = [src] pair_list = [] for srcfp in image_list1: #print(srcfp) try: image_pair = ImagePair(srcfp, spatial_ref) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error(e) else:"Image: %s, Sensor: %s", image_pair.mul_srcfn, image_pair.sensor) pair_list.append(image_pair)'Number of src image pairs: %i', len(pair_list)) ## Build task queue i = 0 task_queue = [] for image_pair in pair_list: bittype = utils.get_bit_depth(args.outtype) pansh_dstfp = os.path.join( dstdir, "{}_{}{}{}_pansh.tif".format( os.path.splitext(image_pair.mul_srcfn)[0], bittype, args.stretch, args.epsg)) if not os.path.isfile(pansh_dstfp): i += 1 task = taskhandler.Task( image_pair.mul_srcfn, 'Psh{:04g}'.format(i), 'python', '{} {} {} {}'.format(scriptpath, arg_str_base, image_pair.mul_srcfp, dstdir), exec_pansharpen, [image_pair, pansh_dstfp, args]) task_queue.append(task)'Number of incomplete tasks: %i', i) ## Run tasks if len(task_queue) > 0:"Submitting Tasks") if args.pbs: l = "-l {}".format(args.l) if args.l else "" try: task_handler = taskhandler.PBSTaskHandler(qsubpath, l) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error(e) else: if not args.dryrun: task_handler.run_tasks(task_queue) elif args.slurm: try: task_handler = taskhandler.SLURMTaskHandler(qsubpath) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error(e) else: if not args.dryrun: task_handler.run_tasks(task_queue) elif args.parallel_processes > 1: try: task_handler = taskhandler.ParallelTaskHandler( args.parallel_processes) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error(e) else:"Number of child processes to spawn: %i", task_handler.num_processes) if not args.dryrun: task_handler.run_tasks(task_queue) else: results = {} lfh = None for task in task_queue: src, dstfp, task_arg_obj = task.method_arg_list #### Set up processing log handler logfile = os.path.splitext(dstfp)[0] + ".log" lfh = logging.FileHandler(logfile) lfh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s- %(message)s', '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') lfh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(lfh) if not args.dryrun: results[] = task.method(src, dstfp, task_arg_obj) #### remove existing file handler logger.removeHandler(lfh) #### remove existing file handler logger.removeHandler(lfh) #### Print Images with Errors for k, v in results.items(): if v != 0: logger.warning("Failed Image: %s", k)"Done") else:"No images found to process")
def version(self): return Version(gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME"))
def test_travis(self): print('Django', django.VERSION) print('Python', sys.version_info) print('GDAL', gdal.VersionInfo())
if gdaltest.msg != 'test': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' return 'success' gdaltest_list = [ basic_test_1, basic_test_2, basic_test_3, basic_test_4, basic_test_5, basic_test_6, basic_test_7, basic_test_8, basic_test_9, basic_test_10 ] if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == "LICENSE": if sys.argv[2] == '0': gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_DATA', '/foo') else: gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_DATA', 'tmp') gdal.VersionInfo('LICENSE') print(gdal.VersionInfo('LICENSE')) import testnonboundtoswig testnonboundtoswig.GDALDestroyDriverManager() sys.exit(0) gdaltest.setup_run('basic_test') gdaltest.run_tests(gdaltest_list) gdaltest.summarize()
import rasterio import boto3 import urllib import botocore def PrintException(): # Honestly not sure how to use this yet :) exc_type, exc_obj, tb = sys.exc_info() f = tb.tb_frame lineno = tb.tb_lineno filename = f.f_code.co_filename linecache.checkcache(filename) line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno, f.f_globals) print('EXCEPTION IN ({}, LINE {} "{}"): {}'.format(filename, lineno, line.strip(), exc_obj)) gdal.UseExceptions() print("GDAL version:" + str(int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')))) else: homepath = "/Ranch-Climate-Weather/" os.chdir(homepath) from flask_caching import Cache # This works on Linux but not Windows :) # In[]: Libraries import copy import dash from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State, Event import datetime import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import dash_table_experiments as dt import gc import glob
try: import pandas as pa print "pandas version: ", pa.__version__ except ImportError: print "pandas not installed" try: import netCDF4 as nc print "netCDF4 version: ", nc.__version__ except ImportError: print "netCDF4 not installed" try: import scipy print "scipy version: ", scipy.__version__ except ImportError: print "scipy not installed" try: import gdal print "gdal version: ", gdal.VersionInfo() except ImportError: print "gdal not installed" try: import statsmodels.api as sm print "statsmodels version: ", sm.__version__ except ImportError: print "statsmodels not installed"
gdal.CE_Warning: 'Warning', gdal.CE_Failure: 'Failure', gdal.CE_Fatal: 'Fatal' } err_msg = err_msg.replace('\n', ' ') err_class = errtype.get(err_class, 'None') print 'Error Number: %s' % (err_num) print 'Error Type: %s' % (err_class) print 'Error Message: %s' % (err_msg) try: import ogr import osr import gdal version_num = int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) if version_num >= 2000000: has_ogr = True gdal.PushErrorHandler(gdal_error_handler) else: print 'GDAL version >= 2.0 is required:' has_ogr = False except Exception as e: print 'GDAL is not available:' print e has_ogr = False class TestRun(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for (non-scalar) LagrangianArray""" def make_OceanDrift_object(self):
def main(argv=None): #%% Check argv if argv == None: argv = sys.argv start = time.time() ver = '1.0.2' date = 20201028 author = "Y. Morishita" print("\n{} ver{} {} {}".format(os.path.basename(argv[0]), ver, date, author), flush=True) print("{} {}".format(os.path.basename(argv[0]), ' '.join(argv[1:])), flush=True) ### For paralell processing global files #%% Set default infile = [] outdir = [] zmin = 5 zmax = [] tms_flag = True try: n_para = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) except: n_para = multi.cpu_count() #%% Read options try: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv[1:], "hi:o:", ["help", "zmin=", "zmax=", "xyz", "n_para="]) except getopt.error as msg: raise Usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == '-h' or o == '--help': print(__doc__) return 0 elif o == '-i': infile = a elif o == '-o': outdir = a elif o == '--zmin': zmin = int(a) elif o == '--zmax': zmax = int(a) elif o == '--xyz': tms_flag = False elif o == '--n_para': n_para = int(a) if not infile: raise Usage('No input file given, -i is not optional!') elif not os.path.exists(infile): raise Usage('No {} exists!'.format(infile)) elif gdal.Open(infile) is None: raise Usage('{} is not GeoTIFF!'.format(infile)) except Usage as err: print("\nERROR:", file=sys.stderr, end='') print(" " + str(err.msg), file=sys.stderr) print("\nFor help, use -h or --help.\n", file=sys.stderr) return 2 #%% Parameter setting if not outdir: outdir = 'tiles_' + infile.replace('.tif', '').replace('.', '_') if os.path.exists(outdir): print('\n{} already exists. Remove and overwrite.'.format(outdir), flush=True) shutil.rmtree(outdir) print('\nOutput dir: {}'.format(outdir), flush=True) if not zmax: geotiff = gdal.Open(infile) lon_w, dlon, _, lat_n, _, dlat = geotiff.GetGeoTransform() ### Approx pixel spacing in meter dlat_m = abs(dlat * 40000000 / 360) ## deg -> meter dlon_m = abs(dlon * 40000000 / 360 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat_n))) ## deg -> meter pixsp = dlat_m if dlat_m < dlon_m else dlon_m ## Use smaller one if pixsp <= 5: zmax = 17 elif pixsp <= 10: zmax = 16 elif pixsp <= 20: zmax = 15 elif pixsp <= 40: zmax = 14 elif pixsp <= 80: zmax = 13 elif pixsp <= 160: zmax = 12 else: zmax = 11 print('\nZoom levels: {} - {}'.format(zmin, zmax), flush=True) gdalver = gdal.VersionInfo() ## e.g., 3.1.1 -> 3010100, str #%% gdal2ties call = [ "", "-z", "{}-{}".format(zmin, zmax), "--no-kml", "-w", "leaflet", infile, outdir ] if int(gdalver[0]) >= 3: ## -x option (Exclude transparent tiles) available in ver>=3 call.insert(1, "-x") if int(gdalver[0:3]) >= 203: ## --processes option available in ver>=2.3 call.insert(1, "--processes={}".format(n_para)) if not tms_flag and int(gdalver[0:3]) >= 301: ## --xyz option available ver>=3.1 call.insert(1, "--xyz") print('', flush=True) print(' '.join(call), flush=True) p = subp.Popen(call, stdout=subp.PIPE, stderr=subp.STDOUT) for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): print(line.rstrip().decode("utf8"), flush=True) #%% Remove transparent tiles if gdal<3 if int(gdalver[0]) < 3: print('\nRemove transparent tiles...', flush=True) call = ["find", outdir, "-size", "334c", "|", "xargs", "rm", "-f"]' '.join(call), shell=True) #%% Invert y if XYZ tiles and gdal<3.1 if not tms_flag and int(gdalver[0:3]) < 301: print('\nInvert Y with {} parallel processing...'.format(n_para), flush=True) files = glob.glob('{}/*/*/*.png'.format(outdir)) p = multi.Pool(n_para), range(len(files))) p.close() #%% Edit leaflet.html with open(os.path.join(outdir, 'leaflet.html'), 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() ### Add GSImaps gsi = ' // .. GSIMaps\n var gsi = L.tileLayer(\'{z}/{x}/{y}.png\', {attribution: \'<a href="" target="_blank">地理院タイル</a>\'});\n' gsi2 = '"GSIMaps": gsi, ' gsi_photo = ' // .. GSIMaps photo\n var gsi_photo = L.tileLayer(\'{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg\', {attribution: \'<a href="" target="_blank">地理院タイル</a>\'});\n' gsi_photo2 = '"GSIMaps Photo": gsi_photo, ' ### XYZ or TMS tms = 'true' if tms_flag else 'false' ### Replace lines2 = [ s + gsi + gsi_photo if '// Base layers\n' in s else s.replace('= {', '= {' + gsi2 + gsi_photo2) if 'var basemaps =' in s else s.replace('true', tms) if 'tms: true' in s else s for s in lines ] with open(os.path.join(outdir, 'leaflet2.html'), 'w') as f: f.writelines(lines2) #%% Create layers.txt for GSIMaps # url = 'file://' + os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir), '{z}', '{x}', '{y}.png') url = os.path.join('http://', 'XXX', outdir, '{z}', '{x}', '{y}.png') with open(os.path.join(outdir, 'layers.txt'), 'w') as f: f.writelines(layers_txt(outdir, url, zmin, zmax, tms)) #%% Finish elapsed_time = time.time() - start hour = int(elapsed_time / 3600) minite = int(np.mod((elapsed_time / 60), 60)) sec = int(np.mod(elapsed_time, 60)) print("\nElapsed time: {0:02}h {1:02}m {2:02}s".format(hour, minite, sec)) print('\n{} Successfully finished!!\n'.format(os.path.basename(argv[0]))) print('Output: {}'.format(outdir), flush=True) print('')
### Verify processing options do not conflict if args.pbs and args.slurm: parser.error("Options --pbs and --slurm are mutually exclusive") if (args.pbs or args.slurm) and args.parallel_processes > 1: parser.error( "HPC Options (--pbs or --slurm) and --parallel-processes > 1 are mutually exclusive" ) #### Verify EPSG try: spatial_ref = utils.SpatialRef(args.epsg) except RuntimeError, e: parser.error(e) ## Check GDAL version (2.1.0 minimum) gdal_version = gdal.VersionInfo() try: if int(gdal_version) < 2010000: parser.error( "gdal_pansharpen requires GDAL version 2.1.0 or higher") except ValueError, e: parser.error("Cannot parse GDAL version: {}".format(gdal_version)) #### Set up console logging handler lso = logging.StreamHandler() lso.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s- %(message)s', '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') lso.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(lso)