Esempio n. 1
def getFutureDates(collection):
    futureDates = []
    today =

    for entry in collection:
        if getDate('Birthday', entry) > today:
            futureDates.append([entry['ID'], 'Birthday'])
                'US01', entry['ID'],
                ('Birthday %s occurs in the future.' % entry['Birthday']),
                entry['lines'][entry['ID'] + 'BIRT'])
        if getDate('Death', entry) > today:
            futureDates.append([entry['ID'], 'Death'])
                'US01', entry['ID'],
                ('Death %s occurs in the future.' % entry['Death']),
                entry['lines'][entry['ID'] + 'DEAT'])
        if getDate('Married', entry) > today:
            futureDates.append([entry['ID'], 'Married'])
                'US01', entry['ID'],
                ('Marriage date %s occurs in the future.' % entry['Married']),
                entry['lines'][entry['ID'] + 'MARR'])
        if getDate('Divorced', entry) > today:
            futureDates.append([entry['ID'], 'Divorced'])
                'US01', entry['ID'],
                ('Divorce date %s occurs in the future.' % entry['Divorced']),
                entry['lines'][entry['ID'] + 'MARR'])

    return futureDates
Esempio n. 2
def birthsBeforeAndAfterMarriage(individualCollection, familyCollection):
    invalidBirths = []
    for family in familyCollection:
        if family['Children']:
            for child in family['Children']:
                for individual in individualCollection:
                    if individual['ID'] == child:
                        birthday = getDate('Birthday', individual)
                        marriage = getDate('Married', family)
                        divorce = getDate('Divorced', family)
                        if birthday != None and (not marriage
                                                 or birthday < marriage):
                                'US08', child, 'Born before parents married',
                                individual['lines'][individual['ID'] + 'BIRT'])
                        elif birthday != None and (marriage and divorce
                                                   and birthday > divorce):
                            delta = birthday - divorce
                            if delta.days > 270:
                                    'US08', child,
                                    'Born more than 9 months after parents divorce',
                                    individual['lines'][individual['ID'] +

    return invalidBirths
Esempio n. 3
def getAgesOver150(individualCollection):
    over150 = []
    for individual in individualCollection:
        if individual['Age'] and individual['Age'] >= 150:
            gedcom.individualError('US07', individual['ID'], ('More than 150 years old - Birth date %s (%s years old)' % (individual['Birthday'], individual['Age'])), individual['lines'][individual['ID'] + 'BIRT'])

    return over150
Esempio n. 4
def getdb4b(collection):
    db4b = []
    for person in collection:
        if not person['Death'] == None:
            if getDate('Death', person) < getDate('Birthday', person):
                    'US03', person['ID'],
                    "This person's death is before their birth...",
                    person['lines'][person['ID'] + 'DEAT'])

    return db4b
Esempio n. 5
def getDb4M(people, fams):
    results = []
    for fam in fams:
        husbID = fam['Husband ID']
        wifeID = fam['Wife ID']
        marriageDate = getDate('Married', fam)
        for indi in people:
            if (indi['ID'] == husbID or indi['ID'] == wifeID):
                if not indi['Alive']:
                    if (getDate('Death', indi) and getDate('Death', indi) < marriageDate):
                        gedcom.individualError('US05', indi['ID'], 'Individual died before marriage to spouse', indi['lines'][indi['ID'] + 'DEAT'])
    return results
Esempio n. 6
def getNonUniqueIds(collection, colType):
    idPair = getIDs(collection, colType)
    nonUniqueIds = []
    ids = []
    for i in idPair:
        if i[0] and i[0] not in nonUniqueIds and ids.count(i[0]) != 1:
            msg = 'ID not unique, more than one occurence found.'
            if colType == 'individual':
                gedcom.individualError('US22', i[0], msg, i[1])
            elif colType == 'family':
                gedcom.familyError('US22', i[0], msg, i[1])

    return nonUniqueIds
Esempio n. 7
def getBirthsAfterDeathsOfParents(individualCollection, familyCollection):
    birthsAfterDeaths = []
    for family in familyCollection:
        parentIDs = {'mom': family['Wife ID'], 'dad': family['Husband ID']}
        childrenIDs = family['Children']
        momDeath = None
        dadDeath = None
        childBirths = []
        if childrenIDs:
            for individual in individualCollection:
                if individual['ID'] == parentIDs['mom']:
                    momDeath = getDate('Death', individual)

                if individual['ID'] == parentIDs['dad']:
                    dadDeath = getDate('Death', individual)

                if getDate('Birthday',
                           individual) and individual['ID'] in childrenIDs:
                        getDate('Birthday', individual),
                        individual['lines'][individual['ID'] + 'BIRT']

        for births in childBirths:
            if momDeath and births[1] and births[1] > momDeath:
                    'US09', births[0],
                    ('Child born %s after death of mother %s' %
                     (births[1], momDeath)), births[2])

            if dadDeath and births[1] and births[1] > dadDeath and (
                    births[1] - dadDeath).days > 270:
                gedcom.individualError('US09', births[0], (
                    'Child born %s more than 9 months after death of father %s'
                    % (births[1], dadDeath)), births[2])

    return birthsAfterDeaths
Esempio n. 8
def getBigamousIndividuals(individualCollection, familyCollection):
    bigamousIndividuals = []

    for individual in individualCollection:
        iid = individual['ID']
        families = individual['Spouse']
        dateTuples = getIndividualMarriageAndDivorceDates(
            iid, families, familyCollection)

        if dateTuples:
            index = 1
            while index < len(dateTuples):
                prevDates = dateTuples[index - 1]
                prevMarriage = prevDates[3]
                prevDivorce = prevDates[4]

                curIndex = index

                while curIndex < len(dateTuples):
                    curDates = dateTuples[curIndex]
                    curMarriage = curDates[3]
                    curDivorce = curDates[4]
                    marriedWhileMarried = curMarriage > prevMarriage
                    marriedBeforeDivorce = (prevDivorce and curMarriage
                                            and prevDivorce > curMarriage)
                    if marriedWhileMarried or marriedBeforeDivorce:
                            (iid, prevDates[2], curDates[2]))
                        msg = 'Individual is bigamous, married to %s before divorce to %s' % (
                            curDates[2], prevDates[2])
                            'US11', iid, msg,
                            curDates[5][curDates[0] + 'MARR'])

                    curIndex = curIndex + 1

                index = index + 1

    return bigamousIndividuals
Esempio n. 9
def getInconsistencies(individualCollection, familyCollection):
    CHILDOF = 0
    CHILDREN = 0
    SPOUSE = 1
    GENDER = 2
    HUSB = 1
    WIFE = 2

    indis = {}
    fams = {}

    inconChildOf = []
    inconChildren = []
    inconSpouse = []
    inconHusband = []
    inconWife = []

    for indi in individualCollection:
        iid = indi['ID']
        gender = indi['Gender']
        childOf = indi['Child']
        spouseOf = indi['Spouse']
        lines = indi['lines']

        except KeyError:
            indis[iid] = (childOf, spouseOf, gender, lines)

    for fam in familyCollection:
        fid = fam['ID']
        children = fam['Children']
        husband = fam['Husband ID']
        wife = fam['Wife ID']
        lines = fam['lines']

        except KeyError:
            fams[fid] = (children, husband, wife, lines)

    for iid, iinfo in indis.items():
        childOf = iinfo[CHILDOF]
        spouseOf = iinfo[SPOUSE]
        gender = iinfo[GENDER]
        lines = iinfo[3]

        if childOf != None:
            for fid in childOf:
                    fam = fams[fid]
                    children = fam[CHILDREN]

                    if children == None or iid not in children:
                        inconChildOf.append((iid, fid))
                        gedcom.individualError('US26', iid, (
                            'Individual is child of %s, but the family has no entry for individual'
                            % fid), lines[fid + 'FAMC'])
                except KeyError:
                    inconChildOf.append((iid, fid))
                    gedcom.individualError('US26', iid, (
                        'Individual is child to family %s which doesn\'t exist'
                        % fid), lines[fid + 'FAMC'])

        if spouseOf != None:
            for fid in spouseOf:
                    fam = fams[fid]
                    husband = fam[HUSB]
                    wife = fam[WIFE]
                    if gender == 'M':
                        if husband == None or iid != husband:
                            inconSpouse.append((iid, fid))
                            gedcom.individualError('US26', iid, (
                                'Individual is husband of %s, but the family has no entry for individual'
                                % fid), lines[fid + 'FAMS'])
                    elif gender == 'F':
                        if wife == None or iid != wife:
                            inconSpouse.append((iid, fid))
                            gedcom.individualError('US26', iid, (
                                'Individual is wife of %s, but the family has no entry for individual'
                                % fid), lines[fid + 'FAMS'])
                except KeyError:
                    inconSpouse.append((iid, fid))
                    gedcom.individualError('US26', iid, (
                        'Individual is spouse in family %s which doesn\'t exist'
                        % fid), lines[fid + 'FAMS'])

    for fid, finfo in fams.items():
        children = finfo[CHILDREN]
        husband = finfo[HUSB]
        wife = finfo[WIFE]
        lines = finfo[3]

        if children != None:
            for iid in children:
                    indi = indis[iid]
                    childOf = indi[CHILDOF]
                    if childOf == None or fid not in childOf:
                        inconChildren.append((fid, iid))
                        gedcom.familyError('US26', fid, (
                            'Family has child %s listed, but individual has no entry for family'
                            % iid), lines[iid + 'CHIL'])
                except KeyError:
                    inconChildren.append((fid, iid))
                        'US26', fid,
                        ('Family has child %s that doesn\'t exist' % iid),
                        lines[iid + 'CHIL'])

        if husband != None:
                indi = indis[husband]
                spouses = indi[SPOUSE]
                if spouses != None:
                    for spouse in spouses:
                        if spouse == None or spouse != fid:
                            inconHusband.append((fid, husband))
                            gedcom.familyError('US26', fid, (
                                'Family has husband %s listed, but individual has no entry for family'
                                % husband), lines[fid + 'HUSB'])
                    inconHusband.append((fid, husband))
                    gedcom.familyError('US26', fid, (
                        'Family has husband %s listed, but individual has no entry for family'
                        % husband), lines[fid + 'HUSB'])

            except KeyError:
                inconHusband.append((fid, husband))
                    'US26', fid,
                    ('Family has husband %s that doesn\'t exist' % husband),
                    lines[fid + 'HUSB'])

        if wife != None:
                indi = indis[wife]
                spouses = indi[SPOUSE]
                if spouses != None:
                    for spouse in spouses:
                        if spouse == None or spouse != fid:
                            inconWife.append((fid, wife))
                            gedcom.familyError('US26', fid, (
                                'Family has wife %s listed, but individual has no entry for family'
                                % wife), lines[fid + 'WIFE'])
                    inconWife.append((fid, wife))
                    gedcom.familyError('US26', fid, (
                        'Family has husband %s listed, but individual has no entry for family'
                        % wife), lines[fid + 'WIFE'])
            except KeyError:
                inconWife.append((fid, wife))
                    'US26', fid,
                    ('Family has wife %s that doesn\'t exist' % wife),
                    lines[fid + 'WIFE'])

    return inconChildOf, inconSpouse, inconChildren, inconHusband, inconWife