Esempio n. 1
def inline_temporaries(expressions, ops):
    """Inline temporaries which could be inlined without blowing up
    the code.

    :arg expressions: a multi-root GEM expression DAG, used for
                      reference counting
    :arg ops: ordered list of Impero terminals
    :returns: a filtered ``ops``, without the unnecessary
    refcount = collect_refcount(expressions)

    candidates = set()  # candidates for inlining
    for op in ops:
        if isinstance(op, imp.Evaluate):
            expr = op.expression
            if expr.shape == () and refcount[expr] == 1:

    # Prevent inlining that pulls expressions into inner loops
    for node in traversal(expressions):
        for child in node.children:
            if child in candidates and set(child.free_indices) < set(node.free_indices):

    # Filter out candidates
    return [op for op in ops if not (isinstance(op, imp.Evaluate) and op.expression in candidates)]
Esempio n. 2
def inline_temporaries(expressions, ops):
    """Inline temporaries which could be inlined without blowing up
    the code.

    :arg expressions: a multi-root GEM expression DAG, used for
                      reference counting
    :arg ops: ordered list of Impero terminals
    :returns: a filtered ``ops``, without the unnecessary
    refcount = collect_refcount(expressions)

    candidates = set()  # candidates for inlining
    for op in ops:
        if isinstance(op, imp.Evaluate):
            expr = op.expression
            if expr.shape == () and refcount[expr] == 1:

    # Prevent inlining that pulls expressions into inner loops
    for node in traversal(expressions):
        for child in node.children:
            if child in candidates and set(child.free_indices) < set(node.free_indices):

    # Filter out candidates
    return [op for op in ops if not (isinstance(op, imp.Evaluate) and op.expression in candidates)]
Esempio n. 3
def emit_operations(assignments, get_indices, emit_return_accumulate=True):
    """Makes an ordering of operations to evaluate a multi-root
    expression DAG.

    :arg assignments: Iterable of (variable, expression) pairs.
                      The value of expression is written into variable
                      upon execution.
    :arg get_indices: mapping from GEM nodes to an ordering of free
    :arg emit_return_accumulate: emit ReturnAccumulate nodes? Set to
                      False if the output variables are not guaranteed
                      zero on entry to the kernel.
    :returns: list of Impero terminals correctly ordered to evaluate
              the assignments
    # Prepare reference counts
    refcount = collect_refcount([e for v, e in assignments])

    # Stage return operations
    staging = []
    for variable, expression in assignments:
        if emit_return_accumulate and \
                refcount[expression] == 1 and isinstance(expression, gem.IndexSum) \
                and set(variable.free_indices) == set(expression.free_indices):
            staging.append(impero.ReturnAccumulate(variable, expression))
            refcount[expression] -= 1
            staging.append(impero.Return(variable, expression))

    # Prepare data structures
    def push_node(node):
        queue.insert(get_indices(node), node)

    def push_op(op):
        queue.insert(op.loop_shape(get_indices), op)

    ops = []

    stager = ReferenceStager(refcount, push_node)
    queue = Queue(functools.partial(handle, ops, push_op, stager.decref))

    # Enqueue return operations
    for op in staging:

    # Schedule operations

    # Assert that nothing left unprocessed
    assert stager.empty()

    # Return
    return ops
Esempio n. 4
def emit_operations(assignments, get_indices):
    """Makes an ordering of operations to evaluate a multi-root
    expression DAG.

    :arg assignments: Iterable of (variable, expression) pairs.
                      The value of expression is written into variable
                      upon execution.
    :arg get_indices: mapping from GEM nodes to an ordering of free
    :returns: list of Impero terminals correctly ordered to evaluate
              the assignments
    # Prepare reference counts
    refcount = collect_refcount([e for v, e in assignments])

    # Stage return operations
    staging = []
    for variable, expression in assignments:
        if refcount[expression] == 1 and isinstance(expression, gem.IndexSum) \
                and set(variable.free_indices) == set(expression.free_indices):
            staging.append(impero.ReturnAccumulate(variable, expression))
            refcount[expression] -= 1
            staging.append(impero.Return(variable, expression))

    # Prepare data structures
    def push_node(node):
        queue.insert(get_indices(node), node)

    def push_op(op):
        queue.insert(op.loop_shape(get_indices), op)

    ops = []

    stager = ReferenceStager(refcount, push_node)
    queue = Queue(functools.partial(handle, ops, push_op, stager.decref))

    # Enqueue return operations
    for op in staging:

    # Schedule operations

    # Assert that nothing left unprocessed
    assert stager.empty()

    # Return
    return ops
Esempio n. 5
def pprint(expression_dags, context=global_context):
    refcount = collect_refcount(expression_dags)

    def force(node):
        if isinstance(node, gem.Variable):
            return False
        if node.shape:
            return True
        if isinstance(node, (gem.Constant, gem.Indexed, gem.FlexiblyIndexed)):
            return False
        return refcount[node] > 1

    for node in post_traversal(expression_dags):
        if force(node):

        name = context.expression(node)
        if name is not None:
            print(make_decl(node, name, context), '=',
                  to_str(node, context, top=True))

    for i, root in enumerate(expression_dags):
        name = "#%d" % (i + 1)
        print(make_decl(root, name, context), '=', to_str(root, context))