Esempio n. 1
def test_inplace_v_not():
    """Test that client can copy a dictionary in which keys are BaseEntity objects."""
    spec = ProcessSpec("A process spec", uids={'id': str(uuid4()), 'auto': str(uuid4())})
    run1 = ProcessRun("A process run", spec=spec, uids={'id': str(uuid4()), 'auto': str(uuid4())})
    run2 = ProcessRun("Another process run", spec=spec, uids={'id': str(uuid4())})
    process_dict = {spec: [run1, run2]}

    subbed = substitute_links(process_dict)
    assert subbed != process_dict  # This is true because the hashes change, even if objects equal
    substitute_links(process_dict, inplace=True)
    assert subbed == process_dict
Esempio n. 2
def test_scope_substitution():
    """Test that the native id gets serialized, when specified."""
    native_id = 'id1'
    # Create measurement and material with two ids
    mat = MaterialRun("A material", uids={
        native_id: str(uuid4()), "an_id": str(uuid4()), "another_id": str(uuid4())})
    meas = MeasurementRun("A measurement", material=mat, uids={
        "some_id": str(uuid4()), native_id: str(uuid4()), "an_id": str(uuid4())})

    # Turn the material pointer into a LinkByUID using native_id
    subbed = substitute_links(meas, scope=native_id)
    assert subbed.material == LinkByUID.from_entity(mat, scope=native_id)

    # Put the measurement into a list and convert that into a LinkByUID using native_id
    measurements_list = [meas]
    subbed = substitute_links(measurements_list, scope=native_id)
    assert subbed == [LinkByUID.from_entity(meas, scope=native_id)]
Esempio n. 3
def test_object_key_substitution():
    """Test that client can copy a dictionary in which keys are BaseEntity objects."""
    spec = ProcessSpec("A process spec", uids={'id': str(uuid4()), 'auto': str(uuid4())})
    run1 = ProcessRun("A process run", spec=spec, uids={'id': str(uuid4()), 'auto': str(uuid4())})
    run2 = ProcessRun("Another process run", spec=spec, uids={'id': str(uuid4())})
    process_dict = {spec: [run1, run2]}

    subbed = substitute_links(process_dict, scope='auto')
    for key, value in subbed.items():
        assert key == LinkByUID.from_entity(spec, scope='auto')
        assert LinkByUID.from_entity(run1, scope='auto') in value
        assert LinkByUID.from_entity(run2) in value

    reverse_process_dict = {run2: spec}
    subbed = substitute_links(reverse_process_dict, scope='auto')
    for key, value in subbed.items():
        assert key == LinkByUID.from_entity(run2)
        assert value == LinkByUID.from_entity(spec, scope='auto')
Esempio n. 4
def test_signature():
    """Exercise various permutations of the substitute_links sig."""
    spec = ProcessSpec("A process spec", uids={'my': 'spec'})

    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        run1 = ProcessRun("First process run", uids={'my': 'run1'}, spec=spec)
        assert isinstance(substitute_links(run1, native_uid='my').spec, LinkByUID)

    run2 = ProcessRun("Second process run", uids={'my': 'run2'}, spec=spec)
    assert isinstance(substitute_links(run2, scope='my').spec, LinkByUID)

    run3 = ProcessRun("Third process run", uids={'my': 'run3'}, spec=spec)
    assert isinstance(substitute_links(run3, 'my').spec, LinkByUID)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # Test deprecated auto-population
        run4 = ProcessRun("Fourth process run", uids={'my': 'run4'}, spec=spec)
        assert isinstance(substitute_links(run4, 'other', allow_fallback=False).spec, LinkByUID)

    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # Test deprecated auto-population
            run5 = ProcessRun("Fifth process run", uids={'my': 'run4'}, spec=spec)
            assert isinstance(substitute_links(run5, scope="my", native_uid="my").spec, LinkByUID)
Esempio n. 5
def test_substitution_without_id():
    """Test that trying to substitute links if uids haven't been assigned throws an error."""
    mat = MaterialRun("A material with no id")
    meas = MeasurementRun("A measurement with no id", material=mat)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        substitute_links(meas), "subbed = substitute_links should fail if objects don't have uids"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        substitute_links([meas, mat]), \
            "subbed = substitute_links should fail if objects don't have uids"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        substitute_links(meas.as_dict()), \
            "subbed = substitute_links should fail if objects don't have uids"

    # Create a dictionary in which either the key or value is missing a uid
    meas.add_uid('id', str(uuid4()))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        substitute_links({mat: meas}), \
            "subbed = substitute_links should fail if objects don't have uids"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        substitute_links({meas: mat}), \
            "subbed = substitute_links should fail if objects don't have uids"
Esempio n. 6
def test_material_soft_link():
    """Test that a measurement run can link to a material run, and that it survives serde."""
    dye = MaterialRun("rhodamine",
                      file_links=FileLink(filename='a.csv', url='/a/path'))
    assert dye.measurements == [], "default value of .measurements should be an empty list"

    # The .measurements member should not be settable
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        dye.measurements = [MeasurementRun("Dummy")]

    absorbance = MeasurementRun(name="Absorbance",
                                uids={'id': str(uuid4())},
                                    Property(name='Abs at 500 nm',
                                             value=NominalReal(0.1, ''))
    assert absorbance.material is None, "Measurements should have None as the material by default"
    absorbance.material = dye
    assert absorbance.material == dye, "Material not set correctly for measurement"
    assert dye.measurements == [
    ], "Soft-link from material to measurement not created"

    fluorescence = MeasurementRun(name="Fluorescence",
                                  uids={'id': str(uuid4())},
                                      Property(name='PL counts at 550 nm',
                                               value=NominalReal(30000, ''))

    assert fluorescence.material == dye, "Material not set correctly for measurement"
    assert dye.measurements == [absorbance, fluorescence], \
        "Soft-link from material to measurements not created"

    assert loads(dumps(absorbance)) == absorbance, \
        "Measurement should remain unchanged when serialized"
    assert loads(dumps(fluorescence)) == fluorescence, \
        "Measurement should remain unchanged when serialized"

    assert 'measurements' in repr(dye)
    assert 'material' in repr(fluorescence)
    assert 'material' in repr(absorbance)

    subbed = substitute_links(dye)
    assert 'measurements' in repr(subbed)
Esempio n. 7
 def body(obj: BaseEntity):
     copy = substitute_links(loads(dumps(obj)))