def make_skel_from_json(json_path: str): """ Creates a skeleton object from the binary targets of the data sources in json Args: json_path: the path of the data source json file Returns: skel: the skeleton object """ data_sources_dict = WkwData.convert_ds_to_dict( WkwData.read_short_ds_json(json_path=json_path)) # Init with empty skeleton empty_skel_name = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'NML', 'empty_skel.nml') skel = wkskel.Skeleton(nml_path=empty_skel_name) # Loop over each bbox keys = list(data_sources_dict.keys()) num_nodes_perTree = 5 for idx, key in tqdm(enumerate(keys), desc='Making bbox nml', total=len(keys)): # Get minimum and maximum node id min_id = (num_nodes_perTree * idx) + 1 max_id = num_nodes_perTree * (idx + 1) # Encode the target in the tree name cur_target = data_sources_dict[key]['target_class'] cur_name = f'{key}, Debris: {cur_target[0]}, Myelin: {cur_target[1]}' # add current tree add_bbox_tree(skel=skel, bbox=data_sources_dict[key]['input_bbox'], tree_name=cur_name, node_id_min_max=[min_id, max_id]) return skel
def WkwDataSetConstructor(): """ Construsts a WkwData[set] from fixed parameters. These parameters can also be explored for further testing""" # Get data source from example json json_dir = gpath.get_data_dir() datasources_json_path = os.path.join(json_dir, 'datasource_20X_980_980_1000bboxes.json') data_sources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) # Only pick the first two bboxes for faster epoch data_sources = data_sources[0:2] data_split = DataSplit(train=0.70, validation=0.00, test=0.30) # input, output shape input_shape = (28, 28, 1) output_shape = (28, 28, 1) # flags for memory and storage caching cache_RAM = True cache_HDD = True # HDD cache directory connDataDir = '/conndata/alik/genEM3_runs/VAE/' cache_root = os.path.join(connDataDir, '.cache/') dataset = WkwData( input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, data_sources=data_sources, data_split=data_split, normalize=False, transforms=ToZeroOneRange(minimum=0, maximum=255), cache_RAM=cache_RAM, cache_HDD=cache_HDD, cache_HDD_root=cache_root ) return dataset
def wkw_create_write(data, wkw_root, wkw_bbox, compress=False): if compress: wkw_block_type= 2 else: wkw_block_type = 1 if not os.path.exists(wkw_root): os.makedirs(wkw_root) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(wkw_root, 'header.wkw')): WkwData.wkw_create(wkw_root, data.dtype, wkw_block_type) WkwData.wkw_write(wkw_root, wkw_bbox, data)
def __init__(self, wkw_dataset: WkwData, subset_indices: List[np.int64], fraction_debris: float, artefact_dim: int, verbose: bool = False): self.wkw_dataset = wkw_dataset self.subset_indices = subset_indices self.frac_clean_debris = np.asarray( [1 - fraction_debris, fraction_debris]) self.artefact_dim = artefact_dim # Get the target (debris vs. clean) for each sample total_sample_range = iter(subset_indices) self.index_set = set(subset_indices) # check uniqueness of indices assert len(self.index_set) == len(self.subset_indices) self.target_class = np.asarray([ wkw_dataset.get_target_from_sample_idx(sample_idx) for sample_idx in total_sample_range ], dtype=np.int64) self.artefact_targets = self.target_class[:, artefact_dim] if verbose: self.report_original_numbers() # Use the inverse of the number of samples as weight to create balance self.class_sample_count = np.array([ len(np.where(self.artefact_targets == t)[0]) for t in np.unique(self.artefact_targets) ]) # Subset dataset self.sub_dataset = Subset(wkw_dataset, subset_indices)
def update_data_source_targets( dataset: WkwData, target_index_tuple_list: Sequence[Tuple[int, float]]): """ Create an updated list of datasources from a wkwdataset and a list of sample index, target_class pair """ list_source_idx = [ dataset.get_source_idx_from_sample_idx(sample_idx) for (sample_idx, _) in target_index_tuple_list ] source_list = [] for cur_target_tuple in target_index_tuple_list: cur_target = cur_target_tuple[1] sample_idx = cur_target_tuple[0] s_index = list_source_idx[sample_idx] s = dataset.data_sources[s_index] source_list.append( DataSource(, input_path=s.input_path, input_bbox=s.input_bbox, input_mean=s.input_mean, input_std=s.input_std, target_path=s.target_path, target_bbox=s.target_bbox, target_class=cur_target, target_binary=s.target_binary)) return source_list
def readWkwFromCenter(wkwdir, coordinates, dimensions): """ Returns a collection of images given their coordinate and dimensions (numpy arrays)""" # Get the bounding boxes from coordinates and dimensions for the cropping bboxes = bboxesFromArray(coordinates, dimensions) # read the wkwdata into a numpy array readWk = lambda bbox: WkwData.wkw_read(wkwdir, bbox) images = np.apply_along_axis(readWk, 1, bboxes).squeeze(4).astype('double') return images
def merge_json_from_data_dir(fnames: Sequence[str], output_fname: str): """ Function concatenates the data directory to the list of file names and concatenats the related jsons """ # Test concatenating jsons full_fnames = [] for fname in fnames: full_fname = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), fname) full_fnames.append(full_fname) # Concatenate the test and training data sets full_output_name = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), output_fname) all_ds = WkwData.concat_datasources(json_paths_in=full_fnames, json_path_out=full_output_name) return all_ds
def display_example(index: int, dataset: WkwData, margin: int = 35, roi_size: int = 140): """ Display an image with a central rectangle for the roi """ _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) ax.imshow(dataset.get_ordered_sample(index)['input'].squeeze(), cmap='gray') rectangle = plt.Rectangle((margin, margin), roi_size, roi_size, fill=False, ec="red") ax.add_patch(rectangle) ax.axis('off')
def filter_sparse_cube_3d(self, wkw_bbox, filter_kernel, compress_output=False): data = WkwData.wkw_read(self.input_wkw_root, wkw_bbox).squeeze(axis=0) pred_inds_sparse = np.where(~np.isnan(data)) pred_inds_dense = [stats.rankdata(pis, method='dense') - 1 for pis in pred_inds_sparse] data_dense = np.zeros((max(pred_inds_dense[0]+1), max(pred_inds_dense[1])+1, max(pred_inds_dense[2])+1), dtype=np.float32) for i, (xd, yd, zd) in enumerate(zip(*pred_inds_dense)): xs, ys, zs = [pis[i] for pis in pred_inds_sparse] data_dense[xd, yd, zd] = data[xs, ys, zs] data_dense_conv = ndimage.filters.convolve(data_dense, weights=filter_kernel) data_dense_conv = data_dense_conv/data_dense_conv.max() data_dense_conv[data_dense_conv < 0] = 0 for i, (xs, ys, zs) in enumerate(zip(*pred_inds_sparse)): xd, yd, zd = [pid[i] for pid in pred_inds_dense] data[xs, ys, zs] = data_dense_conv[xd, yd, zd] data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=0) self.wkw_create_write(data=data, wkw_root=self.output_wkw_root, wkw_bbox=wkw_bbox, compress=compress_output)
def patch_source_list_from_dataset(dataset: WkwData, margin: int = 35, roi_size: int = 140): """ Return two data_sources from the image patches contained in a dataset. One data source has a larger bbox for annotations """ corner_xy_index = [0, 1] length_xy_index = [3, 4] large_bboxes_idx = [] bboxes_idx = [] for idx in range(len(dataset)): (source_idx, original_cur_bbox) = dataset.get_bbox_for_sample_idx(idx) bboxes_idx.append((source_idx, original_cur_bbox)) cur_bbox = np.asarray(original_cur_bbox) cur_bbox[corner_xy_index] = cur_bbox[corner_xy_index] - margin cur_bbox[length_xy_index] = cur_bbox[length_xy_index] + margin * 2 # large bbox append large_bboxes_idx.append((source_idx, cur_bbox.tolist())) assert len(large_bboxes_idx) == len(dataset) == len(bboxes_idx) large_source_list = update_data_source_bbox(dataset, large_bboxes_idx) patch_source_list = update_data_source_bbox(dataset, bboxes_idx) return {'original': patch_source_list, 'large': large_source_list}
skeletons = [Skeleton(skel_dir) for skel_dir in skel_dirs] print(f'Time to read skeleton: {time.time() - start}') # Read the coordinates and target class of all three skeletons into the volume data frame volume_df = get_volume_df(skeletons=skeletons) # Get the ingredients for making the datasources bboxes = bboxesFromArray(volume_df[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) input_dir = '/tmpscratch/webknossos/Connectomics_Department/2018-11-13_scMS109_1to7199_v01_l4_06_24_fixed_mag8_artifact_pred/color/1' target_class = volume_df['class'].values.astype(np.float) target_binary = 1 target_dir = input_dir input_mean = 148.0 input_std = 36.0 # Create a list of data sources source_list = [] for i, cur_bbox in enumerate(bboxes): cur_target = target_class[i] source_list.append( DataSource(id=str(i), input_path=input_dir, input_bbox=cur_bbox.tolist(), input_mean=input_mean, input_std=input_std, target_path=target_dir, target_bbox=cur_bbox.tolist(), target_class=cur_target, target_binary=target_binary)) # Json name json_name = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'test_data_three_bboxes.json') # Write to json file WkwData.datasources_to_json(source_list, json_name)
num_workers = 0 kernel_size = 3 stride = 1 n_fmaps = 16 n_latent = 2048 input_size = 140 output_size = input_size model = AE_Encoder_Classifier( Encoder_4_sampling_bn_1px_deep_convonly_skip(input_size, kernel_size, stride, n_latent=n_latent), Classifier(n_latent=n_latent)) datasources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) dataset = WkwData(input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, data_sources=datasources, stride=(70, 70, 1), cache_HDD=True, cache_RAM=True, cache_HDD_root=cache_HDD_root) prediction_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) checkpoint = torch.load(state_dict_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) state_dict = checkpoint['model_state_dict']
from genEM3.util.path import get_data_dir from import WkwData import os # Test concatenating jsons test_json_path = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'test_data_three_bboxes.json') train_json_path = os.path.join( get_data_dir(), 'debris_clean_added_bboxes2_wiggle_datasource.json') # Concatenate the test and training data sets output_name = os.path.join all_ds = WkwData.concat_datasources([train_json_path, test_json_path], os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'train_test_combined.json')) assert len(all_ds) == len(WkwData.datasources_from_json(test_json_path)) + len( WkwData.datasources_from_json(train_json_path))
[27500, 22000, 3889, 560, 560, 5], [27500, 22000, 3902, 560, 560, 20], [27500, 22000, 3930, 560, 560, 19], [27500, 22000, 3969, 560, 560, 16], [27500, 22000, 4021, 560, 560, 9], [27500, 22000, 4065, 560, 560, 12], [27500, 22000, 4163, 560, 560, 9], [27500, 22000, 4255, 560, 560, 11]] num_samples = sum([bbox[5] for bbox in bboxes_add]) * 560 * 560 / 140 / 140 target_binary_add = 1 target_class_add = 0.0 input_mean_add = 148.0 input_std_add = 36.0 path_add = "/tmpscratch/webknossos/Connectomics_Department/2018-11-13_scMS109_1to7199_v01_l4_06_24_fixed_mag8/color/1" data_sources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) data_sources_max_id = max( [int( for data_source in data_sources]) data_sources_out = data_sources for bbox_idx, bbox_add in enumerate(bboxes_add): data_source_out = DataSource(id=str(data_sources_max_id + bbox_idx + 1), input_path=path_add, input_bbox=bbox_add, input_mean=input_mean_add, input_std=input_std_add, target_path=path_add, target_bbox=bbox_add, target_class=target_class_add, target_binary=target_binary_add) data_sources_out.append(data_source_out)
# Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend. matplotlib.use('Agg') # Data settings run_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) input_shape = (140, 140, 1) output_shape = (140, 140, 1) data_split = DataSplit(train=0.70, validation=0.15, test=0.15) cache_RAM = False cache_HDD = False batch_size = 1024 num_workers = 0 # Data sources json_name = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'combined', 'combined_20K_patches.json') data_sources = WkwData.read_short_ds_json(json_path=json_name) transformations = WkwData.get_common_transforms() # Data set dataset = WkwData( input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, data_sources=data_sources, data_split=data_split, transforms=transformations, cache_RAM=cache_RAM, cache_HDD=cache_HDD) # Data loaders data_loader_params = {'dataset': dataset, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'num_workers': num_workers, 'collate_fn': dataset.collate_fn} data_loaders = data_loaders_split(params=data_loader_params) # Model initialization
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label from wkskel import Skeleton, Parameters, Nodes from import WkwData, DataSource from import Metrics from genEM3.util.path import get_runs_dir path_in = os.path.join(get_runs_dir(), 'inference/ae_classify_11_parallel/test_center_filt') cache_HDD_root = os.path.join(path_in, '.cache/') path_datasources = os.path.join(path_in, 'datasources.json') path_nml_in = os.path.join(path_in, 'bbox_annotated.nml') input_shape = (140, 140, 1) target_shape = (1, 1, 1) stride = (35, 35, 1) datasources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(path_datasources) dataset = WkwData(input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=target_shape, data_sources=datasources, stride=stride, cache_HDD=False, cache_RAM=True) skel = Skeleton(path_nml_in) pred_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'tree_idx', 'tree_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'xi', 'yi', 'class', 'explicit', 'cluster_id', 'prob' ]) group_ids = np.array(skel.group_ids) input_path = datasources[0].input_path
for idx, curBbox in enumerate(bboxes_debris): # convert bbox to normal python list and integer. numpy arrays are not serializable curBbox = [int(num) for num in curBbox] curSource = DataSource(id=str(idx), input_path=getMag8DatasetDir(), input_bbox=curBbox, input_mean=148.0, input_std=36.0, target_path=getMag8DatasetDir(), target_bbox=curBbox, target_class=1.0, target_binary=1) dataSources.append(curSource) # Append clean locations for idx, curBbox in enumerate(bboxes_clean): # The initial 600 Indices are taken by the debris locations idx = idx + numTrainingExamples curSource = DataSource(id=str(idx), input_path=getMag8DatasetDir(), input_bbox=curBbox, input_mean=148.0, input_std=36.0, target_path=getMag8DatasetDir(), target_bbox=curBbox, target_class=0.0, target_binary=1) dataSources.append(curSource) # write to JSON file jsonPath = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'debris_clean_datasource.json') WkwData.datasources_to_json(dataSources, jsonPath)
sample_pos_x = np.random.randint(wkw_lims[0], wkw_lims[0] + wkw_lims[3] - sample_dims[0], num_samples) sample_pos_y = np.random.randint(wkw_lims[1], wkw_lims[1] + wkw_lims[4] - sample_dims[1], num_samples) sample_pos_z = np.random.randint(wkw_lims[2], wkw_lims[2] + wkw_lims[5] - sample_dims[2], num_samples) for id in range(num_samples): input_bbox = [ int(sample_pos_x[id]), int(sample_pos_y[id]), int(sample_pos_z[id]), sample_dims[0], sample_dims[1], sample_dims[2] ] target_bbox = input_bbox datasource = DataSource(id=str(id + bboxes_positive.shape[0]), input_path=wkw_path, input_bbox=input_bbox, input_mean=input_mean, input_std=input_std, target_path=target_path, target_bbox=input_bbox, target_class=0, target_binary=1) datasources.append(datasource) WkwData.datasources_to_json(datasources, json_path)
cache_HDD_root = os.path.join(run_root, '../../../data/.cache/') datasources_json_path = os.path.join( run_root, '../../../data/debris_clean_added_bboxes2_wiggle_datasource.json') state_dict_path = '/u/flod/code/genEM3/runs/training/ae_v05_skip/.log/epoch_60/model_state_dict' input_shape = (140, 140, 1) output_shape = (140, 140, 1) data_split = DataSplit(train=0.85, validation=0.15, test=0.00) cache_RAM = True cache_HDD = True cache_root = os.path.join(run_root, '.cache/') batch_size = 256 num_workers = 8 data_sources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.RandomFlip(p=0.5, flip_plane=(1, 2)), transforms.RandomFlip(p=0.5, flip_plane=(2, 1)), transforms.RandomRotation90(p=1.0, mult_90=[0, 1, 2, 3], rot_plane=(1, 2)) ]) dataset = WkwData(input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, data_sources=data_sources, data_split=data_split, transforms=transforms, cache_RAM=cache_RAM, cache_HDD=cache_HDD, cache_HDD_root=cache_HDD_root)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convolutional VAE for 3D electron microscopy data') parser.add_argument('--result_dir', type=str, default='.log', metavar='DIR', help='output directory') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=256, metavar='N', help='input batch size for training (default: 256)') parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=100, metavar='N', help='number of epochs to train (default: 100)') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1, metavar='S', help='random seed (default: 1)') parser.add_argument('--resume', default='', type=str, metavar='PATH', help='path to latest checkpoint (default: None') # model options # Note(AK): with the AE models from genEM3, the 2048 latent size and 16 fmaps are fixed parser.add_argument('--latent_size', type=int, default=2048, metavar='N', help='latent vector size of encoder') parser.add_argument('--max_weight_KLD', type=float, default=1.0, metavar='N', help='Weight for the KLD part of loss') args = parser.parse_args() print('The command line argument:\n') print(args) # Make the directory for the result output if not os.path.isdir(args.result_dir): os.makedirs(args.result_dir) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) # Parameters warmup_kld = True connDataDir = '/conndata/alik/genEM3_runs/VAE/' json_dir = gpath.get_data_dir() datasources_json_path = os.path.join(json_dir, 'datasource_20X_980_980_1000bboxes.json') input_shape = (140, 140, 1) output_shape = (140, 140, 1) data_sources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) # # Only pick the first bboxes for faster epoch # data_sources = [data_sources[0]] data_split = DataSplit(train=0.80, validation=0.00, test=0.20) cache_RAM = True cache_HDD = True cache_root = os.path.join(connDataDir, '.cache/') gpath.mkdir(cache_root) # Set up summary writer for tensorboard constructedDirName = ''.join([f'weightedVAE_{args.max_weight_KLD}_warmup_{warmup_kld}_', gpath.gethostnameTimeString()]) tensorBoardDir = os.path.join(connDataDir, constructedDirName) writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tensorBoardDir) launch_tb(logdir=tensorBoardDir, port='7900') # Set up data loaders num_workers = 8 dataset = WkwData( input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, data_sources=data_sources, data_split=data_split, normalize=False, transforms=ToStandardNormal(mean=148.0, std=36.0), cache_RAM=cache_RAM, cache_HDD=cache_HDD, cache_HDD_root=cache_root ) # Data loaders for training and test train_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(dataset.data_train_inds) train_loader = dataset=dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, sampler=train_sampler, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn) test_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(dataset.data_test_inds) test_loader = dataset=dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=num_workers, sampler=test_sampler, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn) # Model and optimizer definition input_size = 140 output_size = 140 kernel_size = 3 stride = 1 # initialize with the given value of KLD (maximum value in case of a warmup scenario) weight_KLD = args.max_weight_KLD model = ConvVAE(latent_size=args.latent_size, input_size=input_size, output_size=output_size, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, weight_KLD=weight_KLD).to(device) # Add model to the tensorboard as graph add_graph(writer=writer, model=model, data_loader=train_loader, device=device) # print the details of the model print_model = True if print_model: model.summary(input_size=input_size, device=device.type) # set up optimizer optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3) start_epoch = 0 best_test_loss = np.finfo('f').max # optionally resume from a checkpoint if args.resume: if os.path.isfile(args.resume): print('=> loading checkpoint %s' % args.resume) checkpoint = torch.load(args.resume) start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1 best_test_loss = checkpoint['best_test_loss'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) print('=> loaded checkpoint %s' % args.resume) else: print('=> no checkpoint found at %s' % args.resume) # Training loop for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs): # warmup the kld error linearly if warmup_kld: = torch.Tensor([((epoch+1) / args.epochs) * args.max_weight_KLD]).to(device) train_loss, train_lossDetailed = train(epoch, model, train_loader, optimizer, args, device=device) test_loss, test_lossDetailed = test(epoch, model, test_loader, writer, args, device=device) # logging, TODO: Use better tags for the logging cur_weight_KLD = model.weight_KLD.detach().item() writer.add_scalar('loss_train/weight_KLD', cur_weight_KLD, epoch) writer.add_scalar('loss_train/total', train_loss, epoch) writer.add_scalar('loss_test/total', test_loss, epoch) writer.add_scalars('loss_train', train_lossDetailed, global_step=epoch) writer.add_scalars('loss_test', test_lossDetailed, global_step=epoch) # add the histogram of weights and biases plus their gradients for name, param in model.named_parameters(): writer.add_histogram(name, param.detach().cpu().data.numpy(), epoch) # weight_KLD is a parameter but does not have a gradient. It creates an error if one # tries to plot the histogram of a None variable if param.grad is not None: writer.add_histogram(name+'_gradient', param.grad.cpu().numpy(), epoch) # plot mu and logvar for latent_prop in ['cur_mu', 'cur_logvar']: latent_val = getattr(model, latent_prop) writer.add_histogram(latent_prop, latent_val.cpu().numpy(), epoch) # flush them to the output writer.flush() print('Epoch [%d/%d] loss: %.3f val_loss: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, args.epochs, train_loss, test_loss)) is_best = test_loss < best_test_loss best_test_loss = min(test_loss, best_test_loss) save_directory = os.path.join(tensorBoardDir, '.log') save_checkpoint({'epoch': epoch, 'best_test_loss': best_test_loss, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict()}, is_best, save_directory) with torch.no_grad(): # Image 64 random sample from the prior latent space and decode sample = torch.randn(64, args.latent_size).to(device) sample = model.decode(sample).cpu() sample_uint8 = undo_normalize(sample, mean=148.0, std=36.0) img = make_grid(sample_uint8) writer.add_image('sampling', img, epoch)
import os import time import pickle import itertools from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import WkwData, DataSource from genEM3.util.path import get_data_dir import as annotation # %% Prepare for annotation # Loaded the json file for the dataset json_dir = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'debris_clean_added_bboxes2_wiggle_datasource.json') config = WkwData.config_wkwdata(json_dir) dataset = WkwData.init_from_config(config) # Get a set of data sources with the normal bounding boxes to create a patch wise detaset and a larger bounding box for annotation margin = 35 roi_size = 140 source_dict = annotation.patch_source_list_from_dataset(dataset=dataset, margin=margin, roi_size=roi_size) dataset_dict = dict.fromkeys(source_dict) for key in source_dict: cur_source = source_dict[key] cur_patch_shape = tuple(cur_source[0].input_bbox[3:6]) cur_config = WkwData.config_wkwdata(datasources_json_path=None, input_shape=cur_patch_shape,
import os from import WkwData from genEM3.util.path import get_data_dir # Read the data json_name = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'combined', 'combined_20K_patches.json') data_sources = WkwData.read_short_ds_json(json_path=json_name) # Read an old json for comparison old_json_name = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'dense_3X_10_10_2_um/original_merged_double_binary_v01.json') old_example = WkwData.datasources_from_json(old_json_name) # Write a copy [with some modifications] ouput_name = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'combined', 'copyTest_20K_patches.json') WkwData.write_short_ds_json(datasources=data_sources, json_path=ouput_name, convert_to_short=True)
import os from import WkwData from genEM3.util.path import get_data_dir # Read Json file json_names = ['dense_3X_10_10_2_um/original_merged_double_binary_v01.json', '10x_test_bboxes/10X_9_9_1_um_double_binary_v01.json'] ds_names = [os.path.join(get_data_dir(), j_name) for j_name in json_names] data_sources = [] dataset_path = '/tmpscratch/webknossos/Connectomics_Department/2018-11-13_scMS109_1to7199_v01_l4_06_24_fixed_mag8_artifact_pred/color/1' for ds in ds_names: cur_ds = WkwData.datasources_from_json(json_path=ds) cur_ds_dict = WkwData.convert_ds_to_dict(cur_ds) # all pathes use the artifact_pred dataset for s in cur_ds_dict: cur_source = cur_ds_dict[s] cur_source['input_path'] = dataset_path cur_source['target_path'] = dataset_path cur_ds_dict[s] = cur_source # Write out the jsons cur_ds_corrected_list = WkwData.convert_ds_to_list(datasources_dict=cur_ds_dict) WkwData.datasources_to_json(datasources=cur_ds_corrected_list, json_path=ds)
wkw_root = '/tmpscratch/webknossos/Connectomics_Department/' \ '2018-11-13_scMS109_1to7199_v01_l4_06_24_fixed_mag8/color/1' cache_root = os.path.join(run_root, '.cache/') # path for the datasource JSON datasources_json_path = os.path.join(json_root, 'datasources.json') assert os.path.exists(datasources_json_path) # other parameterss data_strata = {'training': [1, 2], 'validate': [3], 'test': []} input_shape = (302, 302, 1) output_shape = (302, 302, 1) norm_mean = 148.0 norm_std = 36.0 # Run data_sources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) # With Caching (cache filled) dataset = WkwData( data_sources=data_sources, data_strata=data_strata, input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, norm_mean=norm_mean, norm_std=norm_std, cache_root=cache_root, cache_size=10240, # MiB cache_dim=2, cache_range=8) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=24, shuffle=False, num_workers=16)
import os import time import torch import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from import DataLoader from import WkwData from genEM3.model.autoencoder2d import AE, Encoder_4_sampling_bn, Decoder_4_sampling_bn from import Trainer # Parameters run_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) datasources_json_path = os.path.join(run_root, 'datasources.json') input_shape = (302, 302, 1) output_shape = (302, 302, 1) data_sources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) # With Caching (cache filled) dataset = WkwData(input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, data_sources=data_sources) stats = dataset.get_datasource_stats(1) print(stats) for i, example in enumerate(dataLoader_debris): plt.imshow(np.squeeze(example[0].numpy()), cmap='gray') # Running model ae_v03 on the data run_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) datasources_json_path = os.path.join(run_root, 'datasources_distributed.json') # setting for the clean data loader batch_size = 5 input_shape = (140, 140, 1) output_shape = (140, 140, 1) num_workers = 0 # construct clean data loader from json file datasources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) dataset = WkwData( input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, data_sources=datasources, cache_HDD=False, cache_RAM=True, ) clean_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) # settings for the model to be loaded # (Is there a way to save so that you do not need to specify model again?) state_dict_path = os.path.join(run_root, './.log/torch_model') device = 'cpu' kernel_size = 3
# Parameters run_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) wkw_root = '/tmpscratch/webknossos/Connectomics_Department/' \ '2018-11-13_scMS109_1to7199_v01_l4_06_24_fixed_mag8/color/1' cache_root = os.path.join(run_root, '.cache/') datasources_json_path = os.path.join(run_root, 'datasources.json') data_strata = {'training': [1, 2], 'validate': [3], 'test': []} input_shape = (302, 302, 1) output_shape = (302, 302, 1) norm_mean = 148.0 norm_std = 36.0 # Run data_sources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) # With Caching (cache filled) dataset = WkwData( data_sources=data_sources, data_strata=data_strata, input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, norm_mean=norm_mean, norm_std=norm_std, cache_RAM=True, cache_HDD=True, cache_HDD_root=cache_root, ) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=24, shuffle=False, num_workers=0)
import os from import WkwData from genEM3.util.path import get_data_dir # Read Json file json_names = [ 'dense_3X_10_10_2_um/original_merged_double_binary_v01.json', '10x_test_bboxes/10X_9_9_1_um_double_binary_v01.json' ] ds_names = [os.path.join(get_data_dir(), j_name) for j_name in json_names] data_sources = WkwData.concat_datasources(ds_names) # Get the short version of the data sources output_name = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'combined', 'combined_20K_patches.json') short_ds = WkwData.convert_to_short_ds(data_sources=data_sources) # Write combined data source json file WkwData.write_short_ds_json(datasources=short_ds, json_path=output_name)
from import WkwData, DataSource # Parameters run_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) wkw_root = '/gaba/tmpscratch/webknossos/Connectomics_Department/' \ '2018-11-13_scMS109_1to7199_v01_l4_06_24_fixed_mag8/color/1' cache_root = os.path.join(run_root, '.cache/') datasources_json_path = os.path.join(run_root, 'datasources.json') data_strata = {'training': [1, 2], 'validate': [3], 'test': []} input_shape = (250, 250, 5) output_shape = (125, 125, 3) # Run data_sources = WkwData.datasources_from_json(datasources_json_path) # No Caching dataset = WkwData( data_sources=data_sources, data_strata=data_strata, input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=output_shape, cache_root=None, cache_wipe=True, cache_size=1024, #MiB cache_dim=2, cache_range=8) t0 = time.time() for sample_idx in range(8):
import os from import WkwData from genEM3.util.path import get_data_dir # Read the two jsons target_names = ['Debris', 'Myelin'] json_names = ['combined_20K_patches.json', 'combined_20K_patches_v2.json'] full_names = [ os.path.join(get_data_dir(), 'combined', f_name) for f_name in json_names ] ds_list = [WkwData.read_short_ds_json(name) for name in full_names] ds_dict = [WkwData.convert_ds_to_dict(ds) for ds in ds_list] # Get the difference between the two data sources from jsons diff_sources = WkwData.compare_ds_targets(two_datasources=ds_dict, source_names=json_names, target_names=target_names) print(diff_sources)