def run(num_tav, set_race): print(num_tav) tav_list = [] while num_tav != 0: propname, sex = tavern1 = open('tavnames1.txt') name1 = tavern1.readlines() name1 = random.choice(name1).strip() tavern2 = open('tavnames2.txt') name2 = tavern2.readlines() name2 = random.choice(name2).strip() tavern_name = 'The ' + name1 + ' ' + name2 sort = random.choice(config.tavern_sort) tav_list.append(tavern_name + '.\nThe inkeeper is a ' + sex + ' ' + set_race + " named " + propname + '. \nIt\'s a ' + sort + ' ' + 'located in the ' + random.choice(config.area) + ' part of town.\n') # tavwrite.append(tav_info) num_tav = num_tav - 1 tav_info = '\n'.join(tav_list) del tav_list[:] return tav_info print(tav_info)
def run(genstore, set_race): genstore_list = [] while genstore != 0: propname, sex = if sex == 'male': pronoun = 'his' else: #female pronoun = 'her' store = open('general_store' + '.txt') name1 = store.readlines() name1 = random.choice(name1).strip() genstore_list.append(propname + 'is the proprietor \"' + name1 + '\" a general store. \nA ' + random.choice(config.descriptors) + ' ' + set_race + ' ' + pronoun + ' store can be found in the ' + random.choice(config.area) + ' section of town.\n') genstore = genstore - 1 genstore_info = '\n'.join(genstore_list) return genstore_info
def run(num_smith, set_race): smith_list = [] while num_smith != 0: propname, sex = if sex == 'male': pronoun = 'his' else: #female pronoun = 'her' smith_list.append(propname + 'is a ' + random.choice(config.descriptors) + ' blacksmith ' + pronoun + ' forge can be found in the ' + random.choice(config.area) + ' part of town.\n') num_smith = num_smith - 1 smith_info = '\n'.join(smith_list) return smith_info
def run(num_lib, set_race): lib_list = [] while num_lib != 0: propname, sex = if sex == 'male': pronoun = 'He' else: #female pronoun = 'She' randlib = open('Library.txt') name1 = randlib.readlines() name1 = random.choice(name1).strip() lib_list.append(propname + 'is the head Librarian at The ' + name1 + '. The Library is found in the ' + random.choice(config.area) + ' dstrict.\n') num_lib -= 1 lib_info = '\n'.join(lib_list) return lib_info
def run(num_market, set_race): market_list = [] while num_market != 0: propname, sex = if sex == 'male': pronoun = 'His' else: #female pronoun = 'Her' randmarket = random.choice(config.rand_stores) store = open(randmarket + '.txt') name1 = store.readlines() name1 = random.choice(name1).strip() market_list.append(propname + 'is a ' + random.choice(config.descriptors) + ' ' + randmarket + '.\n' + pronoun + ' store, ' + name1 + ', is found towards the ' + random.choice(config.area) + ' part of town.\n\n') num_market = num_market - 1 market_info = '\n'.join(market_list) return market_info