def main():

  if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    print sys.argv[0] + " <genepred> <genome fasta> <output fasta> <(optional) 'directionless' for no RC>"
  genepred_filename = sys.argv[1]
  genome_filename = sys.argv[2]
  output_filename = sys.argv[3]
  dodirectionless = 0
  if len(sys.argv) == 5:
    dodirectionless = 1
  if dodirectionless == 1:
def main():

    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
        print sys.argv[
            0] + " <genepred> <genome fasta> <output fasta> <(optional) 'directionless' for no RC>"
    genepred_filename = sys.argv[1]
    genome_filename = sys.argv[2]
    output_filename = sys.argv[3]
    dodirectionless = 0
    if len(sys.argv) == 5:
        dodirectionless = 1
    if dodirectionless == 1:
            genepred_filename, genome_filename, output_filename)
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 6:
        print sys.argv[
            0] + ' <genome> <uniquely named short reads file> <transcriptome file> <output file> <temp directory>'

    genome_filename = sys.argv[1]
    sruniq_filename = sys.argv[2]
    transcriptome_filename = sys.argv[3]
    output_file = sys.argv[4]
    temp_foldername = sys.argv[5]
    genome_bowtie2_index = ''
    if len(sys.argv) >= 7: genome_bowtie2_index = sys.argv[6]
    transcriptome_bowtie2_index = ''
    if len(sys.argv) == 8: transcriptome_bowtie2_index = sys.argv[7]

    if not os.path.isdir(temp_foldername):
        print "Error:  Expecting a temporary folder that already exists."
        print temp_foldername + " does not exist."

    #1. Make a sub-directory to do our work in
    local_temp_foldername = temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/uniqueness'
    if not os.path.isdir(local_temp_foldername):
        print "Creating subdirectory " + local_temp_foldername
        os.system("mkdir " + local_temp_foldername)

    #2. map reads to the genome fasta
    genome_base_name = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/genome'
    sam_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/genome.sam'
    map_reads_to_fasta(genome_filename, sruniq_filename, genome_base_name,

    #3.  count number of times we observe reads
    read_counts = read_map_count(sruniq_filename, sam_filename)

    #4.  get unmapped reads into a fasta
    unmapped_read_names = get_unmapped_read_names(read_counts)
    unmapped_sruniq_filename = make_unmapped_short_read_file(
        sruniq_filename, unmapped_read_names, local_temp_foldername)

    #4. Make a fasta based on a transcriptome genepred file
    # first ensure the assumption that the genepred file contains only unqiuely named transcripts
    transcriptome_uniquename_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip(
        '/') + '/txn_uniq.gpd'
        transcriptome_filename, transcriptome_uniquename_filename)
    transcriptome_fa = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/txn.fa'
        transcriptome_uniquename_filename, genome_filename, transcriptome_fa)

    #5. Mapping previously unmapped reads to the transcriptome
    txn_base_name = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/txn'
    txn_sam_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/txn.sam'
    map_reads_to_fasta(transcriptome_fa, unmapped_sruniq_filename,
                       txn_base_name, transcriptome_bowtie2_index)

    #6. Convert coordinates of the mapped reads back to reference
    #   Note these coordinates are zero indexed for both start and end coordiantes.
    txn_map_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/'
        txn_sam_filename, transcriptome_uniquename_filename, txn_map_filename)

    #7. Consolidate repetative read mapping due to repeats junctions among isoforms
    txn_uniq_map_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/'
    # we are only interested in the unique coordinate sets for each entry
    os.system("cat " + txn_map_filename + " | cut -f 1,3 | sort | uniq > " +

    #8. Add transcriptome mapping counts
    transcriptome_read_counts = get_transcriptome_read_counts(
    #add those transcriptome_read_counts to our previous read counts
    for name in transcriptome_read_counts:
        read_counts[name] += transcriptome_read_counts[name]

    #9. finished!  Now we can print the reads and their counts
    ofile = open(output_file, 'w')
    for name in read_counts:
        ofile.write(name + "\t" + str(read_counts[name]) + "\n")
def main():
  if len(sys.argv) != 5:
    print sys.argv[0]+' <long reads fasta> <reference genome> <transcriptome genepred>'
  longreadfname = sys.argv[1]
  genomefname = sys.argv[2]
  usergenepredfname = sys.argv[3]
  outbase = sys.argv[4]

  #get read count
  readcount = 0
  with open(longreadfname) as f:
    for line in f:
      if re.match('^>',line): readcount+=1

  tdir = FileBasics.make_tempdir2('weirathe','annlong')

  # 1. Make sure the transcriptome is uniquely named uniquely mapped entries
  genepredfname = tdir+'/txn.gpd'
  print 'made unique genepred file'

  # 2.  Make a transcriptome to align to.
  transcriptomefasta = tdir+'/txn.fa'
  print 'made transcriptome fasta'

  # 3.  Make a bed file of junction locations in that transcriptome.
  junctionbedfname = tdir+'/junction.bed'
  junction_counts = make_junction_bed_file(genepredfname,junctionbedfname)
  print 'made junction bed file'

  # 4.  Build a gmap index of the transcriptome
  transcriptomeindex = tdir+'/gmap_txn'
  print 'made gmap index of transcriptome'

  # 5.  Align the long reads to the transcriptome with gmap
  alignmentfname = tdir+'/reads.psl'
  print 'made gmap alignment of reads to transcriptome'

  # 6.  Generate get the genepred of the long reads on the transcriptome coordinates.
  #     Smooth that genepred by a smoothing factor
  #     And make a bed file of the best alignment.  see function for specifications
  bestalignmentbedfname = tdir+'/reads.bed'
  print 'made best continuous alignment bed file'

  # 10.  Print per-gene count info
  genenames = genepred_basics.get_transcript_to_gene_name_dictionary(genepredfname)
  print 'got gene name conversions'  

  # 7.  Make a report of all prefilter alignments  
  bestprefilter = tdir+'/prefilter.txt'
  prefilter_alignments = make_best_alignment_summary(bestalignmentbedfname,junctionbedfname,junction_counts,bestprefilter)
  print 'made best alignment prefilter summary'

  report_file = tdir +'/report.txt'
  orep = open(report_file,'w')
  orep.write('Temp directory:'+"\t"+tdir+"\n")
  orep.write('Long Read Count:'+"\t"+str(readcount)+"\n")
  # 8.  Filter the full length alignments 
  full_length_alignments = filter_alignments(prefilter_alignments,'full')
  full_length_alignment_file = tdir+'/full_length_alignment.txt'
  [full_length_read_count, full_length_transcript_count] = write_alignments(full_length_alignments,full_length_alignment_file,genenames)
  orep.write('Read count - full length reads mapped:'+"\t" +str(len(full_length_alignments))+"\n")
  orep.write('Transcript count - full length reads mapped:'+"\t" +str(full_length_transcript_count)+"\n")
  unambiguous_full_length_alignment_file = tdir+'/unambiguous_full_length_alignment.txt'
  unambiguous_full_length_alignments = filter_unambiguous_alignments(full_length_alignments)
  [unambiguous_full_length_read_count, unambiguous_full_length_transcript_count] = write_alignments(unambiguous_full_length_alignments,unambiguous_full_length_alignment_file,genenames)
  orep.write('Read count - full length reads mapped with unambiguous matches:'+"\t"+str(len(unambiguous_full_length_alignments))+"\n")
  orep.write('Transcript count - full length reads mapped with unambiguous matches:'+"\t"+str(unambiguous_full_length_transcript_count)+"\n")

  # 9.  Filter the full length alignments 
  prepartial_alignments = filter_alignments(prefilter_alignments,'partial')
  prepartial_alignment_file = tdir+'/prepartial_alignment.txt'
  partial_alignments = filter_by_priority_alignments(prepartial_alignments)
  partial_alignment_file = tdir+'/partial_alignment.txt'
  [partial_read_count, partial_transcript_count] = write_alignments(partial_alignments,partial_alignment_file,genenames)
  orep.write('Read count - reads mapped with partial hits best junction and length matches:'+"\t" + str(len(partial_alignments))+"\n")
  orep.write('Transcript count - reads mapped with partial hits best junction and length matches:'+"\t" + str(partial_transcript_count)+"\n")
  unambiguous_partial_alignments = filter_unambiguous_alignments(partial_alignments)
  unambiguous_partial_alignment_file = tdir + '/unambiguous_partial_alignments.txt'
  [unambiguous_partial_read_count, unambiguous_partial_transcript_count] = write_alignments(unambiguous_partial_alignments,unambiguous_partial_alignment_file,genenames)
  orep.write('Read count - reads mapped with partial hits unambiguous matches:'+"\t"+str(len(unambiguous_partial_alignments))+"\n")
  orep.write('Transcript count - reads mapped with partial hits unambiguous matches:'+"\t"+str(unambiguous_partial_transcript_count)+"\n")

  partial_gene_counts = get_uniquely_mappable_gene_counts(partial_alignments,genenames)
  partial_gene_counts_file = tdir+'/partial_match_uniquely_mappable_gene_counts.txt'

  full_gene_counts = get_uniquely_mappable_gene_counts(full_length_alignments,genenames)
  full_gene_counts_file = tdir+'/full_length_match_uniquely_mappable_gene_counts.txt'

  orep.write('Gene count - full length matches uniquely mapped:'+"\t"+str(len(full_gene_counts))+"\n")
  orep.write('Gene count - partial matches uniquely mapped:'+"\t"+str(len(partial_gene_counts))+"\n")
def main():
  if len(sys.argv) < 6:
    print sys.argv[0] + ' <genome> <uniquely named short reads file> <transcriptome file> <output file> <temp directory>'

  genome_filename = sys.argv[1]
  sruniq_filename = sys.argv[2]
  transcriptome_filename = sys.argv[3]
  output_file = sys.argv[4]
  temp_foldername = sys.argv[5]
  genome_bowtie2_index = ''
  if len(sys.argv) >= 7:  genome_bowtie2_index = sys.argv[6]
  transcriptome_bowtie2_index = ''
  if len(sys.argv) == 8: transcriptome_bowtie2_index = sys.argv[7]

  if not os.path.isdir(temp_foldername):
    print "Error:  Expecting a temporary folder that already exists."
    print temp_foldername + " does not exist."

  #1. Make a sub-directory to do our work in
  local_temp_foldername = temp_foldername.rstrip('/')+'/uniqueness'
  if not os.path.isdir(local_temp_foldername):
    print "Creating subdirectory "+local_temp_foldername
    os.system("mkdir "+local_temp_foldername)

  #2. map reads to the genome fasta
  genome_base_name = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/')+'/genome'
  sam_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/')+'/genome.sam'
  #3.  count number of times we observe reads 
  read_counts = read_map_count(sruniq_filename, sam_filename)

  #4.  get unmapped reads into a fasta
  unmapped_read_names = get_unmapped_read_names(read_counts)
  unmapped_sruniq_filename = make_unmapped_short_read_file(sruniq_filename,unmapped_read_names,local_temp_foldername)

  #4. Make a fasta based on a transcriptome genepred file
  # first ensure the assumption that the genepred file contains only unqiuely named transcripts
  transcriptome_uniquename_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/')+'/txn_uniq.gpd'  
  transcriptome_fa = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/')+'/txn.fa'

  #5. Mapping previously unmapped reads to the transcriptome
  txn_base_name = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/')+'/txn'
  txn_sam_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/')+'/txn.sam'
  #6. Convert coordinates of the mapped reads back to reference
  #   Note these coordinates are zero indexed for both start and end coordiantes.
  txn_map_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/'
  sam_basics.convert_directionless_gpd_alignment_to_reference(txn_sam_filename, transcriptome_uniquename_filename,txn_map_filename)
  #7. Consolidate repetative read mapping due to repeats junctions among isoforms
  txn_uniq_map_filename = local_temp_foldername.rstrip('/') + '/'
  # we are only interested in the unique coordinate sets for each entry
  os.system("cat "+txn_map_filename+" | cut -f 1,3 | sort | uniq > "+txn_uniq_map_filename)

  #8. Add transcriptome mapping counts
  transcriptome_read_counts = get_transcriptome_read_counts(txn_uniq_map_filename)
  #add those transcriptome_read_counts to our previous read counts
  for name in transcriptome_read_counts: read_counts[name]+=transcriptome_read_counts[name]

  #9. finished!  Now we can print the reads and their counts
  ofile = open(output_file,'w')
  for name in read_counts:
    ofile.write(name + "\t" + str(read_counts[name])+"\n")