def check_dim(t, dim): if check_type(t, [torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]) and check_type(dim, [int]): assert t.dim( ) == dim, f'tensor should be {dim} dimensional, tensor dimension is {t.dim()}' else: raise TypeError( f'the tensor type is {type(t)}. accepted types are torch.Tensor and numpy.ndarray' )
def assertDefaultScale(obj=None): '''Assert obj has default scale of 1 Attributes: obj -- Object to check. dt.Transform ''' general.check_type(obj, 'obj', [pm.nt.Transform]) return obj.getScale() == [1, 1, 1]
def assertZeroRots(obj=None): '''Assert obj has zero rotations Attributes: obj -- Object to check. dt.Transform ''' general.check_type(obj, 'obj', [pm.nt.Transform]) return obj.getRotation() == pm.dt.EulerRotation([0, 0, 0])
def assertZeroTrans(obj=None): '''Assert obj has zero translations Attributes: obj -- Object to check. dt.Transform ''' general.check_type(obj, 'obj', [pm.nt.Transform]) return obj.getTranslation() == pm.dt.Vector([0, 0, 0])
def check_shape(t, last_dim_shape): if check_type(t, [torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]) and check_type( last_dim_shape, [int]): assert t.shape[-1] == last_dim_shape, ( f'tensor last dimension be {last_dim_shape},' + f'tensor last dimension is {t.shape[-1]}') else: raise TypeError( f'the tensor type is {type(t)}. accepted types are torch.Tensor and numpy.ndarray' )
def assertLocationIs(obj=None, pos=None): '''Assert obj is located at position pos Attributes: obj -- Object to check. (pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint) pos -- pm.dt.Point=(x, y, z) ''' general.check_type(obj, 'obj', [pm.nt.Transform]) general.check_type(pos, 'pos', [pm.dt.Point]) return general.assertAlmostEquals( pm.dt.Point(pm.xform(obj, q=1, ws=1, t=1)), pos, 3)
def assertParentIs(obj=None, prnt=None): '''Assert prnt is the paprent of obj Attributes: obj -- Object that is to be checked prnt -- Expected parent of obj ''' general.check_type(obj, 'obj', [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint]) general.check_type(prnt, 'prnt', [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint]) if obj.getParent() == prnt: return True return False
def assertLocationsMatch(a=None, b=None): '''Assert a and b locations match Attributes: a -- Object a. [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint] b -- Object b. [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint ''' general.check_type(a, 'a', [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint]) general.check_type(b, 'b', [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint]) pos_a = pm.xform(a, q=1, ws=1, rp=1) pos_b = pm.xform(b, q=1, ws=1, rp=1) return general.assertAlmostEquals(pos_a, pos_b, 2)
def assertLocationIs(obj=None, pos=None): '''Assert obj is located at position pos Attributes: obj -- Object to check. (pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint) pos -- pm.dt.Point=(x, y, z) ''' general.check_type(obj, 'obj', [pm.nt.Transform]) general.check_type(pos, 'pos', [pm.dt.Point]) return general.assertAlmostEquals(pm.dt.Point(pm.xform(obj, q=1, ws=1, t=1)), pos, 3)
def assertAllZero(obj=None): '''Assert obj has zero translations/rotations/scale Attributes: obj -- Object to check. dt.Transform ''' general.check_type(obj, 'obj', [pm.nt.Transform]) expected = pm.dt.TransformationMatrix([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) if obj.getTransformation() != expected: return False return True
def assertOrientationMatches(a=None, b=None): '''Check that axises and position match for a and b Attributes: a -- Object to check against b. [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint] a -- Object to check against a. [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint] ''' def makeLoc(obj=None): # Place locator as child to jnt and zero it loc = pm.spaceLocator() pm.parent(loc, obj) loc.setTranslation(0) loc.setRotation([0, 0, 0]) return loc def moveLoc(loc=None, axis=None, amount=None): # Move loc along axis by amount, return position if axis == 'x': loc.tx.set(amount) if axis == 'y': loc.ty.set(amount) if axis == 'z': return pm.xform(loc, q=1, ws=1, rp=1) general.check_type(a, 'a', [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint]) general.check_type(b, 'b', [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint]) a_pos = [] b_pos = [] for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z']: # Make locators loc_a = makeLoc(a) loc_b = makeLoc(b) a_pos.append(moveLoc(loc_a, axis, 5)) b_pos.append(moveLoc(loc_b, axis, 5)) pm.delete(loc_a) pm.delete(loc_b) return general.assertAlmostEquals(a_pos, b_pos)
def iou(b1, b2, f='c'): """calculate the `IOU` of 2 boxes namely b1 and b2. Args: b1: first box b2: second box f: box format. `c` for corner, `m` for midpoint. both b1 and b2 should be of type `torch.Tensor` or `numpy.ndarray`. """ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ type checking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # known_types = [torch.Tensor, np.ndarray] if not check_type(b1, known_types): raise TypeError( f'the b1 has a type of {type(b1)}. accepted types are torch.Tensor and numpy.ndarray' ) if not check_type(b2, known_types): raise TypeError( f'the b1 has a type of {type(b2)}. accepted types are torch.Tensor and numpy.ndarray' ) if isinstance(b1, np.ndarray): b1 = torch.from_numpy(b1) if isinstance(b2, np.ndarray): b2 = torch.from_numpy(b2) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ coordinate conversion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # if f == 'm': b1 = midpoint_to_corner(b1) b2 = midpoint_to_corner(b2) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IOU calculation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # b1_area = box_area(b1) b2_area = box_area(b2) intersection = calculate_intersection(b1, b2) return intersection / (b1_area + b2_area - intersection + 1e-6)
def nms(boxes, iou_threshold, prob_threshold): # input format [[class,probability,x1,y1,x2,y2]] shape is (N,6) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ type checking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # known_types = [torch.Tensor, np.ndarray] if not check_type(boxes, known_types): raise TypeError( f'the b1 has a type of {type(boxes)}. accepted types are torch.Tensor and numpy.ndarray' ) if isinstance(boxes, np.ndarray): boxes = torch.from_numpy(boxes) check_shape(boxes, 6) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # remove all the boxes below prob_threshold boxes = boxes[boxes[..., 1] > prob_threshold] # get the all unique classes classes = torch.unique(boxes[..., 0]) check_dim(classes, 1) bounding_boxes = [] # for each classes calculate nms for c in classes: b = boxes[boxes[..., 0] == c] check_dim(b, 2) if b.shape[0] > 1: # sort the boxes based on the probability torch.sort(b, 0) # taking the max box out max_box = b[0].unsqueeze(0) b = b[1:] check_dim(max_box, 2) bounding_boxes.append(max_box) # calculate the iou ious = iou(max_box[..., 2:], b[..., 2:]).squeeze(-1) check_dim(ious, 1) # apply nms b = b[ious > iou_threshold] if b.shape[0] != 0: bounding_boxes.append(b) else: bounding_boxes.append(b) bounding_boxes =, dim=0) check_dim(bounding_boxes, 2) check_shape(bounding_boxes, 6) return bounding_boxes
def assertAimingAt(a=None, b=None, axis=None, log=False): '''Assert a aims at b along axis Attributes: a -- Object a. [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint] b -- Object b. [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint] axis -- axis aiming at b. 'x' 'y' or 'z' ''' general.check_type(a, 'a', [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint]) general.check_type(b, 'b', [pm.nt.Transform, pm.nt.Joint]) general.check_type(axis, 'axis', [str]) if axis not in ['x', 'y', 'z']: raise errors.InputError(axis, 'axis', ['x', 'y', 'z']) pos_a = pm.dt.Vector(pm.xform(a, q=1, ws=1, rp=1)) pos_b = pm.dt.Vector(pm.xform(b, q=1, ws=1, rp=1)) vec = pos_b - pos_a if not vec.length() > 0: raise errors.ObjectError(a, 'Different position than b', 'Same position as b') loc = pm.spaceLocator() pm.parent(loc, a) loc.setTranslation(0) loc.setRotation([0, 0, 0]) if axis == 'x': loc.tx.set(vec.length()) elif axis == 'y': loc.ty.set(vec.length()) elif axis == 'z': pos_loc = pm.dt.Vector(pm.xform(loc, q=1, ws=1, rp=1)) pm.delete(loc) if log: str_1 = 'pos_a: ', pos_a str_2 = 'pos_b: ', pos_b str_3 = 'pos_loc: ', pos_loc general.logging.debug(str_1) general.logging.debug(str_2) general.logging.debug(str_3) return general.assertAlmostEquals(pos_loc, pos_b, 3)