Esempio n. 1
def geom_area_diffs(**kwargs):
    """ Calculates the spatial difference between the first and the last
    version of the same area. Function requires at least two areas. """

    list_current = current_data(**kwargs)

    for current in list_current:

        if current.geom_type == 'multipolygons':

            features = session.query(Feature).filter(
                Feature.osm_id == current.osm_id).order_by(

            if len(features) < 2:
                result = str(0.0)


                area1 = session.query(func.ST_Area(func.ST_GeogFromText(
                        GeomMultiPolygon.feature_id == features[0].id).first()[0]

                area2 = session.query(func.ST_Area(func.ST_GeogFromText(
                        GeomMultiPolygon.feature_id == features[1].id).first()[0]

                result = str(area2 - area1)

            save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], current.osm_id, result)
Esempio n. 2
def geom_sum_dist(**kwargs):
    """ Calculates the cumulative distance accross points.
    Function requires at least three points. """

    list_current = current_data(**kwargs)

    for current in list_current:

        if current.geom_type == 'points':

            features = session.query(Feature).filter(
                Feature.osm_id == current.osm_id).order_by(

            result = 0.0

            if len(features) >= 3:
                for i, feature in enumerate(features):

                    if i != 0:
                        geog1 = session.query(func.ST_GeogFromText(
                            GeomPoint.feature_id == features[i - 1].id).first()[0]
                        geog2 = session.query(func.ST_GeogFromText(
                            GeomPoint.feature_id ==[0]

                        result += session.query(func.ST_Distance(
                            geog1, geog2, True)).first()[0]

            save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], current.osm_id, result)
Esempio n. 3
def geom_from_original(**kwargs):
    """ Calculates the distance from the first point.
    Function requires at least two points. """

    list_current = current_data(**kwargs)

    for current in list_current:

        if current.geom_type == 'points':

            features = session.query(Feature).filter(
                Feature.osm_id == current.osm_id).order_by(

            if len(features) < 2:
                result = '0'

                geog1 = session.query(func.ST_GeogFromText(func.ST_AsText(
                    GeomPoint.feature_id == features[0].id).first()[0]
                geog2 = session.query(func.ST_GeogFromText(func.ST_AsText(
                    GeomPoint.feature_id == features[-1].id).first()[0]
                result = session.query(
                    func.ST_Distance(geog1, geog2, True)).first()[0]

            save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], current.osm_id, str(result))
Esempio n. 4
def count_inserts(**kwargs):
    """ Counts the number of tag insertions. """

    # get current data
    list_current = current_data(**kwargs)

    for i, current in enumerate(list_current):

        # select all version of the feature
        features = session.query(Feature).filter(
            Feature.osm_id == current.osm_id).order_by(

        # initialize counter
        total = 0

        if len(features) >= 2:
            for i, feature in enumerate(features):

                if i != 0:
                    previous = features[i - 1]

                    if feature.all_tags != previous.all_tags:
                        # go through all tags
                        for key in feature.all_tags:
                            if not previous.all_tags.has_key(key):
                                total += 1

            # save results to the DB
            save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], current.osm_id, total)
Esempio n. 5
def count_geom_changes(**kwargs):
    """ Counts the number of geometric changes. """

    # get current data
    list_current = current_data(**kwargs)

    for i, current in enumerate(list_current):

        if current.osm_version >= kwargs['osm_version']:
            # select features based on the osm_id
            features = session.query(Feature).filter(
                Feature.osm_id == current.osm_id).order_by(

            # initialize counter
            total = 0

            if len(features) >= 2:
                for i, feature in enumerate(features):

                    if i != 0:
                        previous_geom = find_geom(features[i - 1])
                        current_geom = find_geom(feature)

                        if not previous_geom.almost_equals(current_geom):
                            total += 1

            # save results to the DB
            save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], current.osm_id, total)
Esempio n. 6
def count_updates(**kwargs):
    """ Counts the number of modified tags or the number of modifications to a
    certain tag of interest. """

    # get current data
    list_current = current_data(**kwargs)

    # find TOI
        tag = kwargs['tag_of_interest']
    except KeyError:
        tag = None

    for i, current in enumerate(list_current):

        # select features based on the osm_id
        features = session.query(Feature).filter(
            Feature.osm_id == current.osm_id).order_by(

        # initialize counter
        total = 0

        if len(features) >= 2:
            for i, feature in enumerate(features):

                if i != 0:
                    previous = features[i - 1]

                    # if no tag was specified
                    if not tag:
                        for key in feature.all_tags:
                            # go through all tags
                            if previous.all_tags.has_key(key) and \
                                    feature.all_tags.has_key(key) and \
                                    previous.all_tags[key] != feature.all_tags[key]:
                                total += 1

                    # if a tag was specified
                        # check the specified tag
                        if previous.all_tags.has_key(tag) and \
                                feature.all_tags.has_key(tag) and \
                                previous.all_tags[tag] != feature.all_tags[tag]:
                            total += 1

            # save results to the DB
            save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], current.osm_id, total)
Esempio n. 7
def currency_coefficient(**kwargs):
    """ Assigns a currency coefficient to each feature. The larger the
    coefficient, the greater the need for updating the object. """

    # get current data
    features = current_data(**kwargs)

    # find the temporal boundary of the specified group of OSM features
    ts_boundary = time_boundary(**kwargs)

    for feature in features:
        # the result is the timestamp difference in days
        result = (ts_boundary - convert_timestamp(feature.osm_timestamp)).days

        # save results to the DB
        save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], feature.osm_id, result)
Esempio n. 8
def count_deletions(**kwargs):
    """ Counts the number of deleted tags. """

    # get current data
    list_current = current_data(**kwargs)

    # check if any specific tag was specified
        tag = kwargs['tag_of_interest']
    except KeyError:
        tag = None

    for i, current in enumerate(list_current):

        # select features based on the osm_id
        features = session.query(Feature).filter(
            Feature.osm_id == current.osm_id).order_by(

        # initialize counter
        total = 0

        if len(features) >= 2:

            for i, feature in enumerate(features):

                if i != 0:
                    previous = features[i - 1]

                    # if no tag was specified
                    if tag == None:
                        # go through all tags
                        for key in previous.all_tags:
                            if previous.all_tags.has_key(key) == True and \
                                    feature.all_tags.has_key(key) == False:
                                total += 1

                    # if a tag was specified
                        # check the specified tag
                        if previous.all_tags.has_key(tag) == True and \
                                feature.all_tags.has_key(tag) == False:
                            total += 1

            # save results to the DB
            save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], current.osm_id, total)
Esempio n. 9
def currency_revision_needed(**kwargs):
    """ Marks features in need of revision. """

    # get current data
    features = current_data(**kwargs)

    # find the temporal boundary of the specified group of OSM features
    ts_boundary = time_boundary(**kwargs)

    for feature in features:

        # revision is not needed yet
        if convert_timestamp(feature.osm_timestamp) >= ts_boundary:
            result = 0

        # revision is needed
            result = 1

        # save results to the DB
        save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], feature.osm_id, result)
Esempio n. 10
def geom_length_diffs(**kwargs):
    """ Calculates the spatial difference between the first and the last
    version of the same line. Function requires at least two lines. """

    list_current = current_data(**kwargs)

    for current in list_current:

        if (current.geom_type == 'lines'
                or current.geom_type == 'multilinestrings'):

            features = session.query(Feature).filter(
                Feature.osm_id == current.osm_id).order_by(

            if len(features) < 2:
                result = str(0.0)

                if current.geom_type == 'lines':
                    length1 = session.query(func.ST_Length(func.ST_GeogFromText(
                            GeomLine.feature_id == features[0].id).first()[0]

                    length2 = session.query(func.ST_Length(func.ST_GeogFromText(
                            GeomLine.feature_id == features[1].id).first()[0]

                    length1 = session.query(func.ST_Length(func.ST_GeogFromText(
                            GeomMultiLine.feature_id == features[0].id).first()[0]

                    length2 = session.query(func.ST_Length(func.ST_GeogFromText(
                            GeomMultiLine.feature_id == features[1].id).first()[0]

                result = str(length2 - length1)

            save_result(kwargs['job_op_id'], current.osm_id, result)