Esempio n. 1
def abb_irb6640_180_255_robot():
    """Return a Robot instance for the ABB IRB6640 180-255 robot"""

    x = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    y = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    z = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    a = np.array([0, 0, 0])

    H = np.array([z, y, y, x, y, x]).T
    P = np.array(
        [0.78 * z, 0.32 * x, 1.075 * z, 0.2 * z, 1.1425 * x, 0.2 * x, a]).T
    joint_type = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    joint_min = np.deg2rad(np.array([-170, -65, -180, -300, -120, -360]))
    joint_max = np.deg2rad(np.array([170, 85, 70, 300, 120, 360]))

    p_tool = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    R_tool = rox.rot([0, 1, 0], np.pi / 2.0)

    return rox.Robot(H,
Esempio n. 2
def puma260b_robot():
    """Returns an approximate Robot instance for a Puma 260B robot"""

    x = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    y = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    z = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    a = np.array([0, 0, 0])

    H = np.array([z, y, y, z, y, x]).T
    P = np.array(
        [13 * z, a,
         (-4.9 * y + 7.8 * x - 0.75 * z), -8.0 * z, a, a, 2.2 * x]).T * in_2_m
    joint_type = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    joint_min = np.deg2rad(np.array([-5, -256, -214, -384, -32, -267]))
    joint_max = np.deg2rad(np.array([313, 76, 34, 194, 212, 267]))

    return rox.Robot(H, P, joint_type, joint_min, joint_max)
    def create_robot_rox(self):
        chains = self.robot_info.chains  # Get RobotKinChainInfo
        self.H = chains[0].H  # Axes of the joints, 3xN
        self.P = chains[
            0].P  # P vectors between joint centers (Product of Exponenetials Convention)
        self.H_shaped = np.zeros((3, self.num_joints))
        itr = 0
        for i in self.H:
            self.H_shaped[:, itr] = (i[0], i[1], i[2])
            itr += 1

        self.P_shaped = np.zeros((3, self.num_joints + 1))
        itr = 0
        for i in self.P:
            self.P_shaped[:, itr] = (i[0], i[1], i[2])
            itr += 1

        # create the robot from toolbox
        # robot = rox.Robot(H,P,joint_types-1,joint_lower_limits,joint_upper_limits,joint_vel_limits,joint_acc_limits)
        self.robot_rox = rox.Robot(self.H_shaped, self.P_shaped,
                                   self.joint_types - 1)
Esempio n. 4
def _robot_from_urdf_robot(urdf_robot, root_link = None, tip_link = None):
    if root_link is not None:
        assert root_link in urdf_robot.link_map, "Invalid root_link specified"
        root_link = urdf_robot.get_root()
    tip_links = []
    for l1 in filter(lambda l: l not in urdf_robot.child_map, urdf_robot.link_map):
            chain = urdf_robot.get_chain(root_link, l1, True, False, True)
            if any(map(lambda c: urdf_robot.joint_map[c].joint_type == 'floating', chain)):
            if all(map(lambda c: urdf_robot.joint_map[c].joint_type == 'fixed', chain)):
        except KeyError:
    if tip_link is None:    
        assert len(tip_links) == 1, "Multiple robots detected, specify tip link of desired robot"
        tip_link = tip_links[0]
    chain = urdf_robot.get_chain(root_link, tip_link, True, False, True)
    assert len(chain) > 0, "Invalid robot chain found"        
    n = len(list(filter(lambda c: urdf_robot.joint_map[c].joint_type != 'fixed', chain)))
    P = np.zeros((3, n+1))
    H = np.zeros((3, n))
    joint_type = np.zeros(n)
    joint_lower_limit = [None]*n
    joint_upper_limit = [None]*n
    joint_vel_limit = [None]*n
    joint_effort_limit = [None]*n
    joint_names = [None]*n
    M = [None]*(n+1)
    i = 0
    for c in chain:
        j = urdf_robot.joint_map[c]
        if j.origin is not None:
            if is not None:
                P[:,i] +=
            if j.origin.rpy is not None:
                R =
        if urdf_robot.link_map[j.child].inertial is not None:
            M[i] = _append_inertia(M[i], _convert_inertial(urdf_robot.link_map[j.parent].inertial,R))
        if j.joint_type == 'fixed':
        elif j.joint_type == 'revolute' or j.joint_type == 'prismatic':            
            H[:,i] =
            joint_type[i] = 0 if j.joint_type == 'revolute' else 1
            if j.limit is not None:
                joint_lower_limit[i] = j.limit.lower
                joint_upper_limit[i] = j.limit.upper
                joint_vel_limit[i] = j.limit.velocity
                joint_effort_limit[i] = j.limit.effort
            joint_names[i] =
            i += 1            
            assert False, "Only revolute, prismatic, fixed, and floating joints supported"
    M[-1] = _append_inertia(M[-1],_convert_inertial(urdf_robot.link_map[j.child].inertial,R))

    if None in joint_lower_limit or None in joint_upper_limit:
        joint_lower_limit = None
        joint_upper_limit = None
        joint_lower_limit = np.array(joint_lower_limit)
        joint_upper_limit = np.array(joint_upper_limit)
    if None in joint_vel_limit:
        joint_vel_limit = None
        joint_vel_limit = np.array(joint_vel_limit)
    if np.allclose(np.zeros((3,3)), R, atol=1e-5):
        R_tool = None
        p_tool = None
        R_tool = R
        p_tool = np.zeros((3,))             
    if any([True for m1 in M if m1 is None]):
        M = None
    robot = rox.Robot(H, P, joint_type, joint_lower_limit, joint_upper_limit, \
                        joint_vel_limit, R_tool=R_tool, p_tool=p_tool, \
                        joint_names = joint_names, root_link_name = root_link, \
                        tip_link_name = tip_link, M = M )

    # Tack on joint_effort_limit if available
    if not None in joint_effort_limit:
        robot.joint_effort_limit = joint_effort_limit
    return robot
Esempio n. 5
    def robot_info_to_rox_robot(self, robot_info, chain_number):
                    f"could not find kinematic chain number {chain_number}")
        if chain_number >= len(robot_info.chains):
            raise RR.InvalidArgumentException(
                f"invalid kinematic chain number {chain_number}")

        chain = robot_info.chains[chain_number]
        joint_count = len(chain.joint_numbers)
        for i in range(1, joint_count):
            if chain.joint_numbers[i - 1] >= chain.joint_numbers[i]:
                raise RR.InvalidArgumentException(
                    f"joint numbers must be increasing in chain number {chain_number}"

            if chain.joint_numbers[i] >= len(robot_info.joint_info):
                raise RR.InvalidArgumentException(
                    f"joint number out of bounds in chain number {chain_number}"

                    f"invalid shape for H in chain number {chain_number}",
                    f"invalid shape for P in chain number {chain_number}",
                    joint_count + 1)

        H = np.zeros((3, joint_count), dtype=np.float64)
        for i in range(joint_count):
            H[0, i] = chain.H[i]["x"]
            H[1, i] = chain.H[i]["y"]
            H[2, i] = chain.H[i]["z"]

        P = np.zeros((3, joint_count + 1), dtype=np.float64)
        for i in range(joint_count + 1):
            P[0, i] = chain.P[i]["x"]
            P[1, i] = chain.P[i]["y"]
            P[2, i] = chain.P[i]["z"]

        joint_type = [0] * joint_count
        joint_lower_limit = np.zeros((joint_count, ), dtype=np.float64)
        joint_upper_limit = np.zeros((joint_count, ), dtype=np.float64)
        joint_vel_limit = np.zeros((joint_count, ), dtype=np.float64)
        joint_acc_limit = np.zeros((joint_count, ), dtype=np.float64)
        joint_names = [None] * joint_count

        for i in range(joint_count):
            j = robot_info.joint_info[i]
            if j.joint_type == 1:
                # Revolute joint
                joint_type[i] = 0
            elif j.joint_type == 3:
                # Prismatic joint
                joint_type[i] = 1
                raise RR.InvalidArgumentException(
                    f"invalid joint type: {j.joint_type}")

            if j.joint_limits is None:
                raise RR.InvalidArgumentException(
                    "joint_limits must not be null")
            joint_lower_limit[i] = j.joint_limits.lower
            joint_upper_limit[i] = j.joint_limits.upper
            joint_vel_limit[i] = j.joint_limits.velocity
            joint_acc_limit[i] = j.joint_limits.acceleration
            if j.joint_identifier is not None:
                joint_names[i] =
                joint_names[i] = ""

        root_link_name = None
        if chain.link_identifiers is not None and len(
        ) > 0 and chain.link_identifiers[0] is not None:
            root_link_name = chain.link_identifiers[0].name

        tip_link_name = None
        if chain.flange_identifier is not None:
            tip_link_name =

        flange_q = chain.flange_pose["orientation"]
        flange_p = chain.flange_pose["position"]

        r_tool = rox.q2R(self._node.NamedArrayToArray(flange_q).flatten())
        p_tool = np.array(self._node.NamedArrayToArray(flange_p).flatten())

        rox_robot = rox.Robot(H, P, joint_type, joint_lower_limit,
                              joint_upper_limit, joint_vel_limit,
                              joint_acc_limit, None, r_tool, p_tool,
                              joint_names, root_link_name, tip_link_name)

        return rox_robot
async def client_drive():
    # rr+ws : WebSocket connection without encryption
    # url ='rr+ws://localhost:58653?service=sawyer'
    url = 'rr+ws://'
    # url ='rr+ws://' # sawyer in lab

    # url ='rr+ws://localhost:58655?service=robot' #ABB
    # url ='rr+ws://' #ABB

    # url = 'rr+ws://localhost:23333?service=robot' # Dr.Wasons's Robot

    print_div('Program started, please wait..<br>')

        #Connect to the service
        global d  # d is the robot object from RR
        d = await RRN.AsyncConnectService(url, None, None, None, None)
        # d.async_reset_errors(None)

        # Define Robot modes
        global robot_const, halt_mode, jog_mode, position_mode, trajectory_mode
        robot_const = RRN.GetConstants("com.robotraconteur.robotics.robot", d)
        halt_mode = robot_const["RobotCommandMode"]["halt"]
        jog_mode = robot_const["RobotCommandMode"]["jog"]
        position_mode = robot_const["RobotCommandMode"]["velocity_command"]
        trajectory_mode = robot_const["RobotCommandMode"]["trajectory"]

        # Import Necessary Structures
        global JointTrajectoryWaypoint, JointTrajectory
        JointTrajectoryWaypoint = RRN.GetStructureType(
        JointTrajectory = RRN.GetStructureType(
            "com.robotraconteur.robotics.trajectory.JointTrajectory", d)

        # Put robot to jogging mode
        await d.async_set_command_mode(halt_mode, None, 5)
        await RRN.AsyncSleep(0.1, None)
        await d.async_set_command_mode(jog_mode, None, 5)
        await RRN.AsyncSleep(0.1, None)

        # # Put the robot to velocity conrol mode
        # await d.async_set_command_mode(halt_mode,None,5)
        # await RRN.AsyncSleep(1,None)
        # await d.async_set_command_mode(position_mode,None,5)
        # await RRN.AsyncSleep(1,None)

        # # Put robot to trajectory mode
        # await d.async_set_command_mode(halt_mode,None,5)
        # await RRN.AsyncSleep(0.1,None)
        # await d.async_set_command_mode(trajectory_mode,None,5)
        # await RRN.AsyncSleep(0.1,None)


        global d_q
        # Get the current joint positions
        d_q = await update_joint_info(
        )  # Joint angles in radian ndarray, N x 1

        global num_joints, joint_types, joint_lower_limits, joint_upper_limits, joint_vel_limits, joint_acc_limits, joint_names
        # Get the number of Joints, Joint Types, Limits etc in the robot.
        num_joints, joint_types, joint_lower_limits, joint_upper_limits, joint_vel_limits, joint_acc_limits, joint_names = await update_num_info(

        global H, P
        # Get the kinematics info, P and H in product of exponentials convention
        H, P = await update_kin_info()

        # print_div_end_info(str(H))

        global robot  # Robotics Toolbox Robot Object (NOT THE RR ROBOT OBJECT, IT IS d)
        # Now we are ready to create the robot from toolbox
        robot = rox.Robot(H, P, joint_types - 1, joint_lower_limits,
                          joint_upper_limits, joint_vel_limits,
        # robot = rox.Robot(H,P,joint_types-1)

        global pose  # Current pose object from Robotics Toolbox of the end effector
        # UPdate the end effector pose info
        pose = await update_end_info()

        # Element references
        # Joint Space Control Buttons
        button_stop = document.getElementById("stop_btn")

        button_j1_pos = document.getElementById("j1_pos_btn")
        button_j1_neg = document.getElementById("j1_neg_btn")

        button_j2_pos = document.getElementById("j2_pos_btn")
        button_j2_neg = document.getElementById("j2_neg_btn")

        button_j3_pos = document.getElementById("j3_pos_btn")
        button_j3_neg = document.getElementById("j3_neg_btn")

        button_j4_pos = document.getElementById("j4_pos_btn")
        button_j4_neg = document.getElementById("j4_neg_btn")

        button_j5_pos = document.getElementById("j5_pos_btn")
        button_j5_neg = document.getElementById("j5_neg_btn")

        button_j6_pos = document.getElementById("j6_pos_btn")
        button_j6_neg = document.getElementById("j6_neg_btn")

        button_j7_pos = document.getElementById("j7_pos_btn")
        button_j7_neg = document.getElementById("j7_neg_btn")

        button_angles_submit = document.getElementById("j_angles_submit_btn")

        # Task Space Control Buttons
        button_X_pos = document.getElementById("X_pos_btn")
        button_X_neg = document.getElementById("X_neg_btn")

        button_Y_pos = document.getElementById("Y_pos_btn")
        button_Y_neg = document.getElementById("Y_neg_btn")

        button_Z_pos = document.getElementById("Z_pos_btn")
        button_Z_neg = document.getElementById("Z_neg_btn")

        button_theta_X_pos = document.getElementById("theta_X_pos_btn")
        button_theta_X_neg = document.getElementById("theta_X_neg_btn")

        button_theta_Y_pos = document.getElementById("theta_Y_pos_btn")
        button_theta_Y_neg = document.getElementById("theta_Y_neg_btn")

        button_theta_Z_pos = document.getElementById("theta_Z_pos_btn")
        button_theta_Z_neg = document.getElementById("theta_Z_neg_btn")

        # Move robot to a certain default position
        # move_to_angles_func(None)

        # Playback Poses Buttons
        button_save_cur_pose = document.getElementById("save_pose_btn")
        button_go_sel_pose = document.getElementById("go_sel_pose_btn")
        button_playback_poses = document.getElementById("playback_poses_btn")

        button_stop.addEventListener("click", stop_func)
        button_j1_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", j1_pos_func)
        button_j1_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", j1_neg_func)

        button_j2_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", j2_pos_func)
        button_j2_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", j2_neg_func)

        button_j3_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", j3_pos_func)
        button_j3_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", j3_neg_func)

        button_j4_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", j4_pos_func)
        button_j4_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", j4_neg_func)

        button_j5_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", j5_pos_func)
        button_j5_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", j5_neg_func)

        button_j6_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", j6_pos_func)
        button_j6_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", j6_neg_func)

        button_j7_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", j7_pos_func)
        button_j7_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", j7_neg_func)

        button_angles_submit.addEventListener("click", move_to_angles_func)

        button_X_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", X_pos_func)
        button_X_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", X_neg_func)

        button_Y_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", Y_pos_func)
        button_Y_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", Y_neg_func)

        button_Z_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", Z_pos_func)
        button_Z_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", Z_neg_func)

        button_theta_X_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", tX_pos_func)
        button_theta_X_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", tX_neg_func)

        button_theta_Y_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", tY_pos_func)
        button_theta_Y_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", tY_neg_func)

        button_theta_Z_pos.addEventListener("mousedown", tZ_pos_func)
        button_theta_Z_neg.addEventListener("mousedown", tZ_neg_func)

        button_save_cur_pose.addEventListener("click", save_cur_pose_func)
        button_go_sel_pose.addEventListener("click", go_sel_pose_func)
        button_playback_poses.addEventListener("click", playback_poses_func)

        global is_jogging
        is_jogging = False

        global is_mousedown
        is_mousedown = False

        document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup_func)

        global is_gamepadbuttondown
        is_gamepadbuttondown = False

        global is_gamepadaxisactive
        is_gamepadaxisactive = False

        while True:

            # Update joint angles
            d_q = await update_joint_info()  # Joint angles in radian ndarray

            # UPdate the end effector pose info
            pose = await update_end_info()

            await update_state_flags()

        import traceback