def return_obs_shear(lev1,lev2,obspath):
    # Load data from text file
    D = load_sounding_data(obspath)
    # Interpolate wspd and wdir for lev2 from sounding
    # Wdir interpolation might be rubbish if it crosses north...
    wspd2 = N.interp(lev2,D['hght'],D['sknt']*0.514444)
    wdir2 = N.interp(lev2,D['hght'],D['drct'])
    u2,v2 = generalmet.decompose_wind(wspd2,wdir2)

    if lev1 == 0:
        u1,v1 = generalmet.decompose_wind(D['sknt'][0]*0.514444,D['drct'][0])
    # Compute shear
    shear = N.sqrt((u1-v1)**2 + (u2-v2)**2)
    return shear
Esempio n. 2
# hrStr = ["%02d" %t for t in hrIter]
# dayStr = ["%02d" %t for t in dayIter]

# Create figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))

# Observational data
pres = D["obs"]["pres"] * 100  # hPa
temp = D["obs"]["temp"]
dewp = D["obs"]["dwpt"]
wspd = generalmet.convert_kt2ms(D["obs"]["sknt"])
uwind, vwind = generalmet.decompose_wind(wspd, D["obs"]["drct"])

# Thin out 5000m and less
thinme = N.where(D['obs']['obs0'] < 5000)[0][::5]
leaveme = N.where(D['obs']['obs0'] > 5000)
uwindlow = D['obs']['obs13'][thinme]
vwindlow = D['obs']['obs14'][thinme]
plow = pres[thinme]
uwindhigh = D['obs']['obs13'][leaveme]
vwindhigh = D['obs']['obs14'][leaveme]
phigh = pres[leaveme]
uwind = N.hstack((uwindlow, uwindhigh))
vwind = N.hstack((vwindlow, vwindhigh))
pthin = N.hstack((plow,phigh))
def xzPlot(nest,datetuple,XS,saveoutput=0):
    outdirxs = outdir + 'xs/'
    nc = openWRF(nest)
    time = convert_time(nest,datetuple) # JRL function to convert time stamp to time
    Nx,Ny,Nz,longitude,_lats,_dx,_dy,x_nr,y_nr = getDimensions(nc)
    lats = _lats.astype(N.float32)
    lons = longitude.astype(N.float32)
    # Create folder for plot if necessary
    for xs in XS.keys():
        # x-y position of start and end points
        stxy = getXYxs(lons[Ny/2,:],lats[:,Nx/2],XS[xs]['startll'])
        endxy = getXYxs(lons[Ny/2,:],lats[:,Nx/2],XS[xs]['endll'])
        # Joe Kington method for slice through data
        hyppts = int(N.hypot(endxy[0]-stxy[0], endxy[1]-stxy[1])) # Number of pts along hypotenuse
        xx = N.linspace(stxy[0],endxy[0],hyppts)
        yy = N.linspace(stxy[1],endxy[1],hyppts)
        xint, yint = xx.astype(int), yy.astype(int)
        angle = N.arctan((yy[-1]-yy[0])/(xx[-1]-xx[0])) # In radians

        # Get terrain heights?
        heightground_x,heighthalf_xz = _getHeight(nc,nest, time, yy, xx, Nz, hyppts)    
        # Set up plot
        # Length of hypotenus in km
        hlen = (1/1000.0) * N.sqrt((-1.0*hyppts*nc.DX*N.cos(angle))**2 + (hyppts*nc.DY*N.sin(angle))**2)
        # Hypotenuse grid length ticks: locs/labels along cross-section
        hgl_ticks = N.arange(0,hlen,hlen/hyppts)
        hgl_labels = [r"%3.0f" %x for x in hgl_ticks]
        grid = N.swapaxes(N.repeat(N.array(hgl_ticks).reshape(hyppts,1),Nz,axis=1),0,1)

        # PLOTTING 
        for v in XS[xs]['vars']:
            plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
            if nc.DX == nc.DY: # Make sure boxes are square...
                print r"Domain not square - fix me" 

            if (v == 'parawind'):
                u_xz = nc.variables['U'][time,:,yint,xint]
                v_xz = nc.variables['V'][time,:,yint,xint]
                cfdata = (N.cos(angle)*u_xz) - (N.sin(angle)*v_xz)
                cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, cfdata, alpha=0.6, levels=u_wind_levels,cmap=jet_sw,norm=Unorm,extend='both')
                #varCBlabel = 'Rotated zonal wind speed (ms${-1}$)'
                varCBlabel = r'Wind speed (ms$^{-1}$)'
            if (v == 'perpwind'): # Currently reversed to give negative wind for easterly.
                u_xz = nc.variables['U'][time,:,yint,xint]
                v_xz = nc.variables['V'][time,:,yint,xint]
                cfdata = (N.cos(angle)*v_xz) + (N.sin(angle)*u_xz)
                cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, cfdata*-1, alpha=0.6, levels=u_wind_levels,cmap=jet_sw,norm=Unorm,extend='both')
                #varCBlabel = 'Rotated perpendicular wind speed (ms${-1}$)'
                varCBlabel = r'Wind speed (ms$^{-1}$)'
            if (v == 'windmag'):
                u_xz = nc.variables['U'][time,:,yint,xint]
                v_xz = nc.variables['V'][time,:,yint,xint]
                cfdata = N.sqrt(u_xz**2 + v_xz**2)
                cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, cfdata, alpha=0.6, levels=xz_wind_levels,cmap=jet_sw,norm=Unorm)
            if (v == 'uwind'):
                u_xz = nc.variables['U'][time,:,yint,xint]
                jet_sw = M.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('jet_sw',customcmaps.jet_sw,256)
                Unorm = M.colors.BoundaryNorm(u_wind_levels,256)
                cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, u_xz, alpha=0.6, levels=u_wind_levels,cmap=jet_sw,norm=Unorm,extend='both')
                varCBlabel = r'Wind speed (ms${-1}$)'
            if (v == 'uwind_sr'):
                u_xz = nc.variables['U'][time,:,yint,xint]
                storm_spd,storm_dir = XS[xs]['storm_motion'] # Get u-component from this
                zonal_storm_motion, dummy = generalmet.decompose_wind(storm_spd,storm_dir)
                u_sr = u_xz - zonal_storm_motion
                jet_sw = M.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('jet_sw',customcmaps.jet_sw,256)
                Unorm = M.colors.BoundaryNorm(u_wind_levels,256)
                cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, u_sr, alpha=0.6, levels=u_wind_levels,cmap=jet_sw,norm=Unorm,extend='both')
                varCBlabel = r'Storm-relative wind speed (ms${-1}$)'
            if (v == 'vwind'):
                v_xz = nc.variables['V'][time,:,yint,xint]
            if (v == 'W'):
                cfdata = nc.variables['W'][time,:-1,yint,xint]
                Wnorm = M.colors.BoundaryNorm(w_wind_levels,256)
                w_jet_sw = M.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('w_jet_sw',customcmaps.w_jet_sw,256)
                cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, cfdata, alpha=0.6, levels=w_wind_levels,cmap=w_jet_sw,norm=Wnorm,extend='both')
                varCBlabel = r'Vertical wind speed (ms${-1}$)'
            if (v == 'T'):
                #cfdata = nc.variables['T'][time,:-1,yint,xint]
            if (v == 'RH'):
                #cfdata = nc.variables['W'][time,:-1,yint,xint]
            if (v == 'theta'):
                theta = nc.variables['T'][time,:,yint,xint] + T_base 
                theta_int = N.arange(260.0,400.0,2.0)
                cs = plt.contour(grid, heighthalf_xz, theta, theta_int, colors='black')
                plt.clabel(cs, inline=1,  fmt='%3.0f', fontsize=12, colors='black')
            if (v == 'pertpres'):
                pertpres = nc.variables['P'][time,:,yint,xint]
                #cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, cfdata, alpha=0.6, levels=w_wind_levels,cmap=w_jet_sw,norm=Wnorm,extend='both') 
                cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, pertpres) 
                varCBlabel = r'Perturbation pressure (Pa)'

            if (v == 'qvapor'):
                qvapor = nc.variables['QVAPOR'][time,:,yint,xint]
                #cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, cfdata, alpha=0.6, levels=w_wind_levels,cmap=w_jet_sw,norm=Wnorm,extend='both') 
                cf = plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, qvapor) 
                varCBlabel = r'Water vapor mixing ratio (kg kg$^{-1}$)'

            labeldelta = 15
            plt.yticks(N.arange(z_min,z_max+dz,dz)) # JRL: edited in z_min
            plt.xlabel(r'Distance along cross-section (km)')
            plt.ylabel(r'Height above sea level (m)')
            fname = '_'.join(('xs',xs,v,"%02d" %datetuple[1],"%02d" %datetuple[2],"%02d" %datetuple[3],"%02d" %datetuple[4])) + '.png'
            # Draw colorbar the first time through
                with open(outdirxs+v+'CB.png'): pass
            except IOError:
                # Plot colorbar
                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
                cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.15,0.05,0.7,0.02])
                cb = plt.colorbar(cf,cax=cbar_ax,orientation='horizontal')
            # Save all data to pickle file
            if saveoutput:
                D = {'day':datetuple[2], 'hour':datetuple[3], 'theta':theta,
                    'grid':grid, 'heighthalf_xz':heighthalf_xz, 'hgl_ticks':hgl_ticks,
                    'heightground_x':heightground_x, 'hyppts':hyppts, 'hgl_labels':hgl_labels,
                    'xs':xs, 'v':v, 'data':cfdata, 'DX':nc.DX}
                pickledir = '/uufs/' + ens + '/'
                fname = '_'.join(('data',xs,v,str(datetuple[1]),str(datetuple[2]),str(datetuple[3]))) + '.p'
                with open(pickledir+fname,'wb') as p: