def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): # Write a basic index file showing that we are here if vars.getvalue('php', '0') == '1': php = True path = os.path.join(path, 'htdocs') os.mkdir(path) c = nginx.loadf(os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', name)) for x in c.servers: if x.filter('Key', 'root'): x.filter('Key', 'root')[0].value = path nginx.dumpf(c, os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', name)) else: php = False if php: phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') phpctl.enable_mod('xcache') if php and dbinfo and dbinfo['engine'] == 'MariaDB': phpctl.enable_mod('mysql') f = open(os.path.join(path, 'index.'+('php' if php is True else 'html')), 'w') f.write( '<html>\n' '<body>\n' '<h1>Genesis - Custom Site</h1>\n' '<p>Your site is online and available at '+path+'</p>\n' '<p>Feel free to paste your site files here</p>\n' '</body>\n' '</html>\n' ) f.close() # Give access to httpd shell('chown -R http:http '+path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): # Write a basic index file showing that we are here if vars.getvalue('php', '0') == '1': php = True path = os.path.join(path, 'htdocs') os.mkdir(path) c = nginx.loadf(os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', name)) for x in c.servers: if x.filter('Key', 'root'): x.filter('Key', 'root')[0].value = path nginx.dumpf(c, os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', name)) else: php = False if php: phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') phpctl.enable_mod('xcache') if php and dbinfo and dbinfo['engine'] == 'MariaDB': phpctl.enable_mod('mysql') f = open( os.path.join(path, 'index.' + ('php' if php is True else 'html')), 'w') f.write('<html>\n' '<body>\n' '<h1>Genesis - Custom Site</h1>\n' '<p>Your site is online and available at ' + path + '</p>\n' '<p>Feel free to paste your site files here</p>\n' '</body>\n' '</html>\n') f.close() # Give access to httpd shell('chown -R http:http ' + path)
def setup(self, addr, port): # Make sure Radicale is installed and ready pyctl = apis.langassist('Python') users = UsersBackend( if not pyctl.is_installed('Radicale'): pyctl.install('radicale') # due to packaging bugs, make extra sure perms are readable st = os.stat('/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radicale') for r, d, f in os.walk('/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radicale'): for x in d: os.chmod(os.path.join(r, x), st.st_mode & stat.S_IROTH & stat.S_IRGRP) for x in f: os.chmod(os.path.join(r, x), st.st_mode & stat.S_IROTH & stat.S_IRGRP) if not os.path.exists('/etc/radicale/config'): if not os.path.isdir('/etc/radicale'): os.mkdir('/etc/radicale') open('/etc/radicale/config', 'w').write(self.default_config) if not os.path.isdir('/usr/lib/radicale'): os.mkdir('/usr/lib/radicale') # Add the site process users.add_user('radicale') users.add_group('radicale') users.add_to_group('radicale', 'radicale') wsgi_file = 'import radicale\n' wsgi_file += 'radicale.log.start()\n' wsgi_file += 'application = radicale.Application()\n' open('/etc/radicale/radicale.wsgi', 'w').write(wsgi_file) os.chmod('/etc/radicale/radicale.wsgi', 0766) s = apis.orders('supervisor') if s: s[0].order('new', 'radicale', 'program', [ ('directory', '/etc/radicale'), ('user', 'radicale'), ('command', 'uwsgi -s /tmp/radicale.sock -C --plugin python2 --wsgi-file radicale.wsgi' ), ('stdout_logfile', '/var/log/radicale.log'), ('stderr_logfile', '/var/log/radicale.log') ]) block = [ nginx.Location( '/', nginx.Key('auth_basic', '"Genesis Calendar Server (Radicale)"'), nginx.Key('auth_basic_user_file', '/etc/radicale/users'), nginx.Key('include', 'uwsgi_params'), nginx.Key('uwsgi_pass', 'unix:///tmp/radicale.sock'), ) ] if not os.path.exists('/etc/radicale/users'): open('/etc/radicale/users', 'w').write('') os.chmod('/etc/radicale/users', 0766) WebappControl('radicale', '/usr/lib/radicale', addr, port, block) apis.networkcontrol( ('radicale', 'ReverseProxy', port)) c = c.first_run_complete = True
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') # Create Lychee automatic configuration file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'data', 'config.php'), 'w') f.write( '<?php\n' ' if(!defined(\'LYCHEE\')) exit(\'Error: Direct access is allowed!\');\n' ' $dbHost = \'localhost\';\n' ' $dbUser = \'' + dbinfo['user'] + '\';\n' ' $dbPassword = \'' + dbinfo['passwd'] + '\';\n' ' $dbName = \'' + dbinfo['name'] + '\';\n' ' $dbTablePrefix = \'\';\n' '?>\n' ) f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'mysqli', 'gd', 'zip', 'exif', 'json', 'mbstring') # Rename lychee index.html to index.php to make it work with our default nginx config os.rename(os.path.join(path, "index.html"), os.path.join(path, "index.php")) # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Lychee # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chown -R http:http %s' % path) return "Lychee has been installed. Login with a blank username and password the first time to set your credentials."
def update(self, path, pkg, ver): # General update procedure nodectl = apis.langassist('NodeJS') s = out = shell('unzip -o -d %s %s' % (path, pkg), stderr=True) shell('chown -R ghost '+path) nodectl.install_from_package(path, 'production', {'sqlite': '/usr/bin', 'python': '/usr/bin/python2'}) s.restart('ghost', 'supervisor')
def setup(self, addr, port): # Make sure Radicale is installed and ready pyctl = apis.langassist('Python') users = UsersBackend( if not pyctl.is_installed('Radicale'): pyctl.install('radicale') # due to packaging bugs, make extra sure perms are readable st = os.stat('/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radicale') for r, d, f in os.walk('/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radicale'): for x in d: os.chmod(os.path.join(r, x), st.st_mode | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IRGRP) for x in f: os.chmod(os.path.join(r, x), st.st_mode | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IRGRP) if not os.path.exists('/etc/radicale/config'): if not os.path.isdir('/etc/radicale'): os.mkdir('/etc/radicale') open('/etc/radicale/config', 'w').write(self.default_config) if not os.path.isdir('/usr/lib/radicale'): os.mkdir('/usr/lib/radicale') # Add the site process users.add_user('radicale') users.add_group('radicale') users.add_to_group('radicale', 'radicale') wsgi_file = 'import radicale\n' wsgi_file += 'radicale.log.start()\n' wsgi_file += 'application = radicale.Application()\n' open('/etc/radicale/radicale.wsgi', 'w').write(wsgi_file) os.chmod('/etc/radicale/radicale.wsgi', 0766) s = s.edit('radicale', { 'stype': 'program', 'directory': '/etc/radicale', 'user': '******', 'command': 'uwsgi -s /tmp/radicale.sock -C --plugin python2 --wsgi-file radicale.wsgi', 'stdout_logfile': '/var/log/radicale.log', 'stderr_logfile': '/var/log/radicale.log' } ) s.enable('radicale', 'supervisor') block = [ nginx.Location('/', nginx.Key('auth_basic', '"Genesis Calendar Server (Radicale)"'), nginx.Key('auth_basic_user_file', '/etc/radicale/users'), nginx.Key('include', 'uwsgi_params'), nginx.Key('uwsgi_pass', 'unix:///tmp/radicale.sock'), ) ] if not os.path.exists('/etc/radicale/users'): open('/etc/radicale/users', 'w').write('') os.chmod('/etc/radicale/users', 0766) WebappControl('radicale', '/usr/lib/radicale', addr, port, block) apis.networkcontrol('radicale', 'ReverseProxy', port)) c = c.first_run_complete = True
def post_install(self, name, path, vars): # Write a basic index file showing that we are here if vars.getvalue('php', '0') == '1': php = True path = os.path.join(path, 'htdocs') os.mkdir(path) c = nginx.loadf(os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', name)) for x in c.servers: if x.filter('Key', 'root'): x.filter('Key', 'root')[0].value = path nginx.dumpf(c, os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', name)) else: php = False # Create a database if the user wants one if php: phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') if vars.getvalue('ws-dbsel', 'None') != 'None': dbtype = vars.getvalue('ws-dbsel', '') dbname = vars.getvalue('ws-dbname', '') passwd = vars.getvalue('ws-dbpass', '') dbase = apis.databases( if hasattr(dbase, 'connect'): conn = apis.databases( dbase.add(dbname, conn) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd, conn) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant', conn) else: dbase.add(dbname) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant') if php: phpctl.enable_mod('mysql') f = open( os.path.join(path, 'index.' + ('php' if php is True else 'html')), 'w') f.write('<html>\n' '<body>\n' '<h1>Genesis - Custom Site</h1>\n' '<p>Your site is online and available at ' + path + '</p>\n' '<p>Feel free to paste your site files here</p>\n' '</body>\n' '</html>\n') f.close() # Give access to httpd shell('chown -R http:http ' + path) # Enable xcache if PHP is set if php: phpctl.enable_mod('xcache')
def post_install(self, name, path, vars): # Write a basic index file showing that we are here if vars.getvalue('php', '0') == '1': php = True path = os.path.join(path, 'htdocs') os.mkdir(path) c = nginx.loadf(os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', name)) for x in c.servers: if x.filter('Key', 'root'): x.filter('Key', 'root')[0].value = path nginx.dumpf(c, os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', name)) else: php = False # Create a database if the user wants one if php: phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') if vars.getvalue('ws-dbsel', 'None') != 'None': dbtype = vars.getvalue('ws-dbsel', '') dbname = vars.getvalue('ws-dbname', '') passwd = vars.getvalue('ws-dbpass', '') dbase = apis.databases( if hasattr(dbase, 'connect'): conn = apis.databases( dbase.add(dbname, conn) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd, conn) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant', conn) else: dbase.add(dbname) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant') if php: phpctl.enable_mod('mysql') f = open(os.path.join(path, 'index.'+('php' if php is True else 'html')), 'w') f.write( '<html>\n' '<body>\n' '<h1>Genesis - Custom Site</h1>\n' '<p>Your site is online and available at '+path+'</p>\n' '<p>Feel free to paste your site files here</p>\n' '</body>\n' '</html>\n' ) f.close() # Give access to httpd shell('chown -R http:http '+path) # Enable xcache if PHP is set if php: phpctl.enable_mod('xcache')
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() # Use the WordPress key generators as first option # If connection fails, use the secret_key as fallback try: keysection = urllib.urlopen('').read() except: keysection = '' if not 'define(\'AUTH_KEY' in keysection: keysection = ( 'define(\'AUTH_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' 'define(\'SECURE_AUTH_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' 'define(\'LOGGED_IN_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' 'define(\'NONCE_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' ) # Write a standard WordPress config file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'wp-config.php'), 'w') f.write('<?php\n' 'define(\'DB_NAME\', \''+dbinfo['name']+'\');\n' 'define(\'DB_USER\', \''+dbinfo['user']+'\');\n' 'define(\'DB_PASSWORD\', \''+dbinfo['passwd']+'\');\n' 'define(\'DB_HOST\', \'localhost\');\n' 'define(\'DB_CHARSET\', \'utf8\');\n' 'define(\'SECRET_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' '\n' 'define(\'WP_CACHE\', true);\n' 'define(\'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN\', false);\n' '\n' +keysection+ '\n' '$table_prefix = \'wp_\';\n' '\n' '/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */\n' 'if ( !defined(\'ABSPATH\') )\n' ' define(\'ABSPATH\', dirname(__FILE__) . \'/\');\n' '\n' '/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */\n' 'require_once(ABSPATH . \'wp-settings.php\');\n' ) f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'xcache') # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Wordpress # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chown -R http:http '+path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() # Use the WordPress key generators as first option # If connection fails, use the secret_key as fallback try: keysection = urllib.urlopen( '').read() except: keysection = '' if not 'define(\'AUTH_KEY' in keysection: keysection = ('define(\'AUTH_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' 'define(\'SECURE_AUTH_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' 'define(\'LOGGED_IN_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' 'define(\'NONCE_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n') # Write a standard WordPress config file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'wp-config.php'), 'w') f.write('<?php\n' 'define(\'DB_NAME\', \'' + dbinfo['name'] + '\');\n' 'define(\'DB_USER\', \'' + dbinfo['user'] + '\');\n' 'define(\'DB_PASSWORD\', \'' + dbinfo['passwd'] + '\');\n' 'define(\'DB_HOST\', \'localhost\');\n' 'define(\'DB_CHARSET\', \'utf8\');\n' 'define(\'SECRET_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' '\n' 'define(\'WP_CACHE\', true);\n' 'define(\'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN\', false);\n' '\n' + keysection + '\n' '$table_prefix = \'wp_\';\n' '\n' '/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */\n' 'if ( !defined(\'ABSPATH\') )\n' ' define(\'ABSPATH\', dirname(__FILE__) . \'/\');\n' '\n' '/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */\n' 'require_once(ABSPATH . \'wp-settings.php\');\n') f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'xcache') # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Wordpress # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chown -R http:http ' + path)
def setup(self, addr, port): # Make sure Radicale is installed and ready pyctl = apis.langassist('Python') users = UsersBackend( if not pyctl.is_installed('radicale'): pyctl.install('radicale') if not pyctl.is_installed('uWSGI'): pyctl.install('uwsgi') if not os.path.exists('/etc/radicale/config'): if not os.path.isdir('/etc/radicale'): os.mkdir('/etc/radicale') open('/etc/radicale/config', 'w').write(self.default_config) if not os.path.isdir('/usr/lib/radicale'): os.mkdir('/usr/lib/radicale') # Add the site process users.add_user('radicale') users.add_group('radicale') users.add_to_group('radicale', 'radicale') wsgi_file = 'import radicale\n' wsgi_file += 'radicale.log.start()\n' wsgi_file += 'application = radicale.Application()\n' open('/etc/radicale/radicale.wsgi', 'w').write(wsgi_file) s = apis.orders('supervisor') if s: s[0].order('new', 'radicale', 'program', [('directory', '/etc/radicale'), ('user', 'radicale'), ('command', 'uwsgi -s /tmp/radicale.sock -C --wsgi-file radicale.wsgi'), ('stdout_logfile', '/var/log/radicale.log'), ('stderr_logfile', '/var/log/radicale.log')]) block = [ nginx.Location('/', nginx.Key('auth_basic', '"Genesis Calendar Server (Radicale)"'), nginx.Key('auth_basic_user_file', '/etc/radicale/users'), nginx.Key('include', 'uwsgi_params'), nginx.Key('uwsgi_pass', 'unix:///tmp/radicale.sock'), ) ] if not os.path.exists('/etc/radicale/users'): open('/etc/radicale/users', 'w').write('') WebappControl('radicale', '/usr/lib/radicale', addr, port, block) apis.networkcontrol('radicale', 'ReverseProxy', port)) c = c.first_run_complete = True
def pre_remove(self, site): datadir = '' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(site.path, 'config', 'config.php')): f = open(os.path.join(site.path, 'config', 'config.php'), 'r') for line in f.readlines(): if 'datadirectory' in line: data = line.split("'")[1::2] datadir = data[1] f.close() elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(site.path, 'config', 'autoconfig.php')): f = open(os.path.join(site.path, 'config', 'autoconfig.php'), 'r') for line in f.readlines(): if 'directory' in line: data = line.split('"')[1::2] datadir = data[1] f.close() if datadir: shutil.rmtree(datadir) phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') phpctl.open_basedir('del', datadir)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): nodectl = apis.langassist('NodeJS') users = UsersBackend( d = json.loads(open(os.path.join(path, 'config.js'), 'r').read()) if d["storage"]["type"] == "redis": d["storage"]["type"] = "file" d["storage"]["path"] = "./data" if d["storage"].has_key("host"): del d["storage"]["host"] if d["storage"].has_key("port"): del d["storage"]["port"] if d["storage"].has_key("db"): del d["storage"]["db"] if d["storage"].has_key("expire"): del d["storage"]["expire"] open(os.path.join(path, 'config.js'), 'w').write(json.dumps(d)) nodectl.install_from_package(path) users.add_user('haste') s = s.edit('haste', { 'stype': 'program', 'directory': path, 'user': '******', 'command': 'node %s'%os.path.join(path, 'server.js'), 'autostart': 'true', 'autorestart': 'true', 'environment': 'NODE_ENV="production"', 'stdout_logfile': '/var/log/haste.log', 'stderr_logfile': '/var/log/haste.log' } ) s.enable('haste', 'supervisor') # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Haste # can save its files properly. shell('chown -R haste ' + path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): UsersBackend('etherpad') # Create/Edit the config file cfg = { "title": "Etherpad", "favicon": "favicon.ico", "ip": "", "port": "2369", "sessionKey": hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest(), "dbType": "mysql", "dbSettings": { "user": dbinfo['user'], "host": "localhost", "password": dbinfo['passwd'], "database": dbinfo['name'] }, "defaultPadText": ( "Welcome to Etherpad on arkOS!\n\nThis pad text is " "synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page " "sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly " "on documents!\n\nGet involved with Etherpad at " ", or with arkOS at\n" ), "requireSession": False, "editOnly": False, "minify": True, "maxAge": 60 * 60 * 6, "abiword": None, "requireAuthentication": False, "requireAuthorization": False, "trustProxy": True, "disableIPlogging": False, "socketTransportProtocols": [ "xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile" ], "loglevel": "INFO", "logconfig": { "appenders": [ {"type": "console"} ] }, "users": { vars.getvalue('ether_admin'): { "password": vars.getvalue('ether_pass'), "is_admin": True }, }, } with open(os.path.join(path, 'settings.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(cfg, f, indent=4) # Install selected plugins mods = list( # e.g. "ep_plugin/ep_adminpads" str(var).split("/")[1] # ^^^^^^^^^^^^ for var in vars if var.startswith('ep_plugin/') and int(vars.getvalue(var)) ) if mods: mod_inst_path = os.path.join(path, "node_modules") if not os.path.exists(mod_inst_path): os.mkdir(mod_inst_path) nodectl = apis.langassist('NodeJS') nodectl.install(*mods, install_path=mod_inst_path) # node-gyp needs the HOME variable to be set with open(os.path.join(path, 'bin/')) as f: run_script = f.readlines() # this is a hack. supervisor does not kill node when stopping ep. run_script.insert(1, 'killall node\n') run_script.insert(1, 'export HOME=%s\n' % path) with open(os.path.join(path, 'bin/'), 'w') as f: f.writelines(run_script) # Change owner of everything in the etherpad path shell('chown -R etherpad:etherpad ' + path) # Make supervisor entry s = s.edit('etherpad', { 'stype': 'program', 'directory': path, 'user': '******', 'command': 'bash bin/', 'autostart': 'true', 'autorestart': 'false', 'stdout_logfile': '/var/log/etherpad.log', 'stderr_logfile': '/var/log/etherpad.log' } ) s.enable('etherpad', 'supervisor')
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() dbengine = 'mysql' if dbinfo['engine'] == 'MariaDB' else 'sqlite' # Write a standard Wallabag config file shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/')) ic = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'r').readlines() f = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'w') oc = [] for l in ic: if 'define (\'SALT\'' in l: l = 'define (\'SALT\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE\', \''+dbengine+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_SQLITE\'' in l and dbengine == 'sqlite': l = 'define (\'STORAGE_SQLITE\', \'/var/lib/sqlite3/'+dbinfo['name']+'.db\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_DB\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = 'define (\'STORAGE_DB\', \''+dbinfo['name']+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_USER\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = 'define (\'STORAGE_USER\', \''+dbinfo['user']+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = 'define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\', \''+dbinfo['passwd']+'\');\n' oc.append(l) else: oc.append(l) f.writelines(oc) f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'pdo_mysql' if dbengine == 'mysql' else 'pdo_sqlite', 'zip', 'tidy', 'xcache', 'openssl') # Set up Composer and install the proper modules phpctl.composer_install(path) # Set up the database then delete the install folder if dbengine == 'mysql': dbase = apis.databases(['engine']) conn = apis.databases(['engine']) dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], open(os.path.join(path, 'install/mysql.sql')).read(), conn) else: shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'install/poche.sqlite'), '/var/lib/sqlite3/%s.db' % dbinfo['name']) phpctl.open_basedir('add', '/var/lib/sqlite3') shell('chown http:http /var/lib/sqlite3/%s.db' % dbinfo['name']) shell('chmod 755 /var/lib/sqlite3/%s.db' % dbinfo['name']) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, 'install')) # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Poche # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chmod -R 755 '+os.path.join(path, 'assets/')+' ' +os.path.join(path, 'cache/')+' ' +os.path.join(path, 'db/')) shell('chown -R http:http '+path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') datadir = '' secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() username = vars.getvalue('oc-username') logpasswd = vars.getvalue('oc-logpasswd') # Set ownership as necessary if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'data')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, 'data')) shell('chown -R http:http '+path) # If there is a custom path for the data directory, do the magic if vars.getvalue('oc-ddir', '') != '': datadir = vars.getvalue('oc-ddir') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(datadir if datadir else path, 'data')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(datadir if datadir else path, 'data')) shell('chown -R http:http '+os.path.join(datadir if datadir else path, 'data')) phpctl.open_basedir('add', datadir) # Create ownCloud automatic configuration file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'config', 'autoconfig.php'), 'w') f.write( '<?php\n' ' $AUTOCONFIG = array(\n' ' "adminlogin" => "'+username+'",\n' ' "adminpass" => "'+logpasswd+'",\n' ' "dbtype" => "mysql",\n' ' "dbname" => "'+dbinfo['name']+'",\n' ' "dbuser" => "'+dbinfo['user']+'",\n' ' "dbpass" => "'+dbinfo['passwd']+'",\n' ' "dbhost" => "localhost",\n' ' "dbtableprefix" => "",\n' ' "directory" => "'+os.path.join(datadir if datadir else path, 'data')+'",\n' ' );\n' '?>\n' ) f.close() shell('chown http:http '+os.path.join(path, 'config', 'autoconfig.php')) # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'pdo_mysql', 'zip', 'gd', 'iconv', 'openssl', 'xcache') # Make sure xcache has the correct settings, otherwise ownCloud breaks f = open('/etc/php/conf.d/xcache.ini', 'w') oc = ['\n', 'xcache.size=64M\n', 'xcache.var_size=64M\n', 'xcache.admin.enable_auth = Off\n', 'xcache.admin.user = "******"\n', 'xcache.admin.pass = "******"\n'] f.writelines(oc) f.close() # Return an explicatory message if in ['BeagleBone Black,' 'Raspberry Pi']: return ('ownCloud takes a long time to set up on this platform. ' 'Once you open the page for the first time, it may take 5-10 ' 'minutes for the content to appear. Please do not refresh the ' 'page.')
def on_submit(self, event, params, vars = None): if params[0] == 'dlgSettings': if vars.getvalue('action', '') == 'OK': size = vars.getvalue('uplsize', '10') f = open('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() if 'client_max_body_size' in ''.join(data): for x in enumerate(data): if "client_max_body_size" in x[1]: data[x[0]] = "\tclient_max_body_size %sM;\n" % size else: for x in enumerate(data): if 'http {' in x[1]: data.insert(x[0]+1, '\tclient_max_body_size %sM;\n' % size) phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') if phpctl: phpctl.upload_size(size) open('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'w').writelines(data) self.mgr.nginx_reload() self.put_message("success", "Settings saved successfully") self._settings = None if params[0] == 'dlgAdd': if vars.getvalue('action', '') == 'OK': self._setup = self._current self._add = None if params[0] == 'dlgEdit': if vars.getvalue('action', '') == 'OK': name = vars.getvalue('cfgname', '') addr = vars.getvalue('cfgaddr', '') port = vars.getvalue('cfgport', '') vaddr = True for site in self.sites: if addr == site.addr and port == site.port: vaddr = False if name == '': self.put_message('err', 'Must choose a name') elif'\.|-|`|\\\\|\/|^test$|[ ]', name): self.put_message('err', 'Site name must not contain spaces, dots, dashes or special characters') elif addr == '': self.put_message('err', 'Must choose an address') elif port == '': self.put_message('err', 'Must choose a port (default 80)') elif port =='genesis', 'bind_port', ''): self.put_message('err', 'Can\'t use the same port number as Genesis') elif not vaddr: self.put_message('err', 'Site must have either a different domain/subdomain or a different port') elif self._edit.ssl and port == '80': self.put_message('err', 'Cannot set an HTTPS site to port 80') elif not self._edit.ssl and port == '443': self.put_message('err', 'Cannot set an HTTP-only site to port 443') else: w = Webapp() = name w.stype = self._edit.stype w.path = self._edit.path w.addr = addr w.port = port w.ssl = self._edit.ssl w.php = self._edit.php try: self.mgr.nginx_edit(self._edit, w) except ReloadError, e: self.put_message("warn", str(e)) else: self.ncops.change_webapp(self._edit, w) self.put_message('success', 'Site edited successfully')
def pre_install(self, name, vars): rubyctl = apis.langassist('Ruby') rubyctl.install_gem('jekyll', 'rdiscount')
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() dbengine = 'mysql' if dbinfo['engine'] == 'MariaDB' else 'sqlite' # Write a standard Wallabag config file shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/')) ic = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'r').readlines() f = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'w') oc = [] for l in ic: if 'define (\'SALT\'' in l: l = '@define (\'SALT\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE\'' in l: l = '@define (\'STORAGE\', \'' + dbengine + '\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_SQLITE\'' in l and dbengine == 'sqlite': l = '@define (\'STORAGE_SQLITE\', \'/var/lib/sqlite3/' + dbinfo[ 'name'] + '.db\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_DB\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = '@define (\'STORAGE_DB\', \'' + dbinfo['name'] + '\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_USER\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = '@define (\'STORAGE_USER\', \'' + dbinfo['user'] + '\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = '@define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\', \'' + dbinfo[ 'passwd'] + '\');\n' oc.append(l) else: oc.append(l) f.writelines(oc) f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql' if dbengine == 'mysql' else 'sqlite3', 'pdo_mysql' if dbengine == 'mysql' else 'pdo_sqlite', 'zip', 'tidy', 'xcache', 'openssl') # Set up Composer and install the proper modules phpctl.composer_install(path) # Set up the database then delete the install folder if dbengine == 'mysql': dbase = apis.databases(['engine']) conn = apis.databases(['engine']) dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], open(os.path.join(path, 'install/mysql.sql')).read(), conn) else: shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'install/poche.sqlite'), '/var/lib/sqlite3/%s.db' % dbinfo['name']) phpctl.open_basedir('add', '/var/lib/sqlite3') shell('chown http:http /var/lib/sqlite3/%s.db' % dbinfo['name']) shell('chmod 755 /var/lib/sqlite3/%s.db' % dbinfo['name']) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, 'install')) # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Wallabag # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chmod -R 755 ' + os.path.join(path, 'assets/') + ' ' + os.path.join(path, 'cache/') + ' ' + os.path.join(path, 'db/')) shell('chown -R http:http ' + path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars): phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') dbase = apis.databases('MariaDB') conn = apis.databases('MariaDB') if vars.getvalue('oc-dbname', '') == '': dbname = name else: dbname = vars.getvalue('oc-dbname') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() if vars.getvalue('oc-dbpasswd', '') == '': passwd = secret_key[0:8] else: passwd = vars.getvalue('oc-dbpasswd') username = vars.getvalue('oc-username') logpasswd = vars.getvalue('oc-logpasswd') # Request a database and user to interact with it dbase.add(dbname, conn) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd, conn) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant', conn) # Set ownership as necessary os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, 'data')) shell('chown -R http:http '+os.path.join(path, 'apps')) shell('chown -R http:http '+os.path.join(path, 'data')) shell('chown -R http:http '+os.path.join(path, 'config')) # Create ownCloud automatic configuration file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'config', 'autoconfig.php'), 'w') f.write( '<?php\n' ' $AUTOCONFIG = array(\n' ' "adminlogin" => "'+username+'",\n' ' "adminpass" => "'+logpasswd+'",\n' ' "dbtype" => "mysql",\n' ' "dbname" => "'+dbname+'",\n' ' "dbuser" => "'+dbname+'",\n' ' "dbpass" => "'+passwd+'",\n' ' "dbhost" => "localhost",\n' ' "dbtableprefix" => "",\n' ' "directory" => "'+os.path.join(path, 'data')+'",\n' ' );\n' '?>\n' ) f.close() shell('chown http:http '+os.path.join(path, 'config', 'autoconfig.php')) # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'pdo_mysql', 'zip', 'gd', 'iconv', 'openssl', 'xcache') # Make sure xcache has the correct settings, otherwise ownCloud breaks f = open('/etc/php/conf.d/xcache.ini', 'w') oc = ['\n', 'xcache.size=64M\n', 'xcache.var_size=64M\n', 'xcache.admin.enable_auth = Off\n', 'xcache.admin.user = "******"\n', 'xcache.admin.pass = "******"\n'] f.writelines(oc) f.close() # Return an explicatory message return 'ownCloud takes a long time to set up on the RPi. Once you open the page for the first time, it may take 5-10 minutes for the content to appear. Please do not refresh the page.'
def post_install(self, name, path, vars): # Get the database object, and determine proper values phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') dbase = apis.databases('MariaDB') conn = apis.databases('MariaDB') if vars.getvalue('wp-dbname', '') == '': dbname = name else: dbname = vars.getvalue('wp-dbname') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() if vars.getvalue('wp-dbpasswd', '') == '': passwd = secret_key[0:8] else: passwd = vars.getvalue('wp-dbpasswd') # Request a database and user to interact with it dbase.add(dbname, conn) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd, conn) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant', conn) # Use the WordPress key generators as first option # If connection fails, use the secret_key as fallback try: keysection = urllib.urlopen( '').read() except: keysection = '' if not 'define(\'AUTH_KEY' in keysection: keysection = ('define(\'AUTH_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' 'define(\'SECURE_AUTH_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' 'define(\'LOGGED_IN_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' 'define(\'NONCE_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n') # Write a standard WordPress config file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'wp-config.php'), 'w') f.write('<?php\n' 'define(\'DB_NAME\', \'' + dbname + '\');\n' 'define(\'DB_USER\', \'' + dbname + '\');\n' 'define(\'DB_PASSWORD\', \'' + passwd + '\');\n' 'define(\'DB_HOST\', \'localhost\');\n' 'define(\'DB_CHARSET\', \'utf8\');\n' 'define(\'SECRET_KEY\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' '\n' 'define(\'WP_CACHE\', true);\n' 'define(\'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN\', false);\n' '\n' + keysection + '\n' '$table_prefix = \'wp_\';\n' '\n' '/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */\n' 'if ( !defined(\'ABSPATH\') )\n' ' define(\'ABSPATH\', dirname(__FILE__) . \'/\');\n' '\n' '/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */\n' 'require_once(ABSPATH . \'wp-settings.php\');\n') f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'xcache') # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Wordpress # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chown -R http:http ' + path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars): # Get the database object, and determine proper values phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') dbase = apis.databases('MariaDB') conn = apis.databases('MariaDB') if vars.getvalue('wb-dbname', '') == '': dbname = name else: dbname = vars.getvalue('wb-dbname') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() if vars.getvalue('wb-dbpasswd', '') == '': passwd = secret_key[0:8] else: passwd = vars.getvalue('wb-dbpasswd') # Request a database and user to interact with it dbase.add(dbname, conn) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd, conn) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant', conn) # Write a standard Wallabag config file shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/')) ic = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'r').readlines() f = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'w') oc = [] for l in ic: if 'define (\'SALT\'' in l: l = 'define (\'SALT\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE\', \'mysql\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_DB\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE_DB\', \''+dbname+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_USER\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE_USER\', \''+dbname+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\', \''+passwd+'\');\n' oc.append(l) else: oc.append(l) f.writelines(oc) f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'pdo_mysql', 'zip', 'tidy', 'xcache', 'openssl') # Set up Composer and install the proper modules phpctl.composer_install(path) # Finish setting up the database then delete the install folder dbase.execute(dbname, open(os.path.join(path, 'install/mysql.sql')).read(), conn) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, 'install')) # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Poche # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chmod -R 755 '+os.path.join(path, 'assets/')+' ' +os.path.join(path, 'cache/')+' ' +os.path.join(path, 'db/')) shell('chown -R http:http '+path)
def pre_install(self, name, vars): rubyctl = apis.langassist('Ruby') rubyctl.install_gem('gollum', 'redcarpet', 'wikicloth')
def post_install(self, name, path, vars): # Get the database object, and determine proper values phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') dbase = apis.databases('MariaDB') conn = apis.databases('MariaDB') if vars.getvalue('wb-dbname', '') == '': dbname = name else: dbname = vars.getvalue('wb-dbname') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() if vars.getvalue('wb-dbpasswd', '') == '': passwd = secret_key[0:8] else: passwd = vars.getvalue('wb-dbpasswd') # Request a database and user to interact with it dbase.add(dbname, conn) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd, conn) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant', conn) # Write a standard Wallabag config file shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/')) ic = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'r').readlines() f = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'w') oc = [] for l in ic: if 'define (\'SALT\'' in l: l = 'define (\'SALT\', \'' + secret_key + '\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE\', \'mysql\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_DB\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE_DB\', \'' + dbname + '\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_USER\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE_USER\', \'' + dbname + '\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\'' in l: l = 'define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\', \'' + passwd + '\');\n' oc.append(l) else: oc.append(l) f.writelines(oc) f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'pdo_mysql', 'zip', 'tidy', 'xcache', 'openssl') # Set up Composer and install the proper modules phpctl.composer_install(path) # Finish setting up the database then delete the install folder dbase.execute(dbname, open(os.path.join(path, 'install/mysql.sql')).read(), conn) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, 'install')) # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Poche # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chmod -R 755 ' + os.path.join(path, 'assets/') + ' ' + os.path.join(path, 'cache/') + ' ' + os.path.join(path, 'db/')) shell('chown -R http:http ' + path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() dbengine = 'mysql' if dbinfo['engine'] == 'MariaDB' else 'sqlite' username = vars.getvalue("wb-username", "wallabag") passwd = vars.getvalue("wb-passwd", "wallabag") + username + secret_key passwd = hashlib.sha1(passwd).hexdigest() # Write a standard Wallabag config file shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/')) ic = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'r').readlines() f = open(os.path.join(path, 'inc/poche/'), 'w') oc = [] for l in ic: if 'define (\'SALT\'' in l: l = '@define (\'SALT\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE\'' in l: l = '@define (\'STORAGE\', \''+dbengine+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_SQLITE\'' in l and dbengine == 'sqlite': l = '@define (\'STORAGE_SQLITE\', \'/var/lib/sqlite3/'+dbinfo['name']+'.db\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_DB\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = '@define (\'STORAGE_DB\', \''+dbinfo['name']+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_USER\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = '@define (\'STORAGE_USER\', \''+dbinfo['user']+'\');\n' oc.append(l) elif 'define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\'' in l and dbengine == 'mysql': l = '@define (\'STORAGE_PASSWORD\', \''+dbinfo['passwd']+'\');\n' oc.append(l) else: oc.append(l) f.writelines(oc) f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql' if dbengine == 'mysql' else 'sqlite3', 'pdo_mysql' if dbengine == 'mysql' else 'pdo_sqlite', 'zip', 'tidy', 'xcache', 'openssl') # Set up Composer and install the proper modules phpctl.composer_install(path) # Set up the database then delete the install folder if dbengine == 'mysql': dbase = apis.databases(['engine']) conn = apis.databases(['engine']) dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], open(os.path.join(path, 'install/mysql.sql')).read(), conn) dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], "INSERT INTO users (username, password, name, email) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '');" % (username, passwd, username), conn, commit=True) lid = int(conn.insert_id()) dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], "INSERT INTO users_config (user_id, name, value) VALUES (%s, 'pager', '10');" % lid, conn, commit=True) dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], "INSERT INTO users_config (user_id, name, value) VALUES (%s, 'language', 'en_EN.UTF8');" % lid, conn, commit=True) else: dbase = apis.databases(['engine']) dbase.chkpath() shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, 'install/poche.sqlite'), '/var/lib/sqlite3/%s.db' % dbinfo['name']) phpctl.open_basedir('add', '/var/lib/sqlite3') shell('chown :sqlite3 /var/lib/sqlite3/%s.db' % dbinfo['name']) dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], "INSERT INTO users (username, password, name, email) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '');" % (username, passwd, username)) dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], "INSERT INTO users_config (user_id, name, value) VALUES (1, 'pager', '10');") dbase.execute(dbinfo['name'], "INSERT INTO users_config (user_id, name, value) VALUES (1, 'language', 'en_EN.UTF8');") shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, 'install')) # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Wallabag # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chmod -R 755 '+os.path.join(path, 'assets/')+' ' +os.path.join(path, 'cache/')+' ' +os.path.join(path, 'db/')) shell('chown -R http:http '+path)
def on_submit(self, event, params, vars = None): if params[0] == 'dlgSettings': if vars.getvalue('action', '') == 'OK': size = vars.getvalue('uplsize', '10') snhash = vars.getvalue('snhash', '32') f = open('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() if 'client_max_body_size' in ''.join(data): for x in enumerate(data): if "client_max_body_size" in x[1]: data[x[0]] = "\tclient_max_body_size %sM;\n" % size else: for x in enumerate(data): if 'http {' in x[1]: data.insert(x[0]+1, '\tclient_max_body_size %sM;\n' % size) if 'server_names_hash_bucket_size' in ''.join(data): for x in enumerate(data): if "server_names_hash_bucket_size" in x[1]: data[x[0]] = "\tserver_names_hash_bucket_size %s;\n" % snhash else: for x in enumerate(data): if 'http {' in x[1]: data.insert(x[0]+1, '\tserver_names_hash_bucket_size %s;\n' % snhash) phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') if phpctl: phpctl.upload_size(size) open('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'w').writelines(data) self.mgr.nginx_reload() self.put_message("success", "Settings saved successfully") self._settings = None if params[0] == 'dlgAdd': if vars.getvalue('action', '') == 'OK': self._setup = self._current self._add = None if params[0] == 'dlgEdit': if vars.getvalue('action', '') == 'OK': name = vars.getvalue('cfgname', '') addr = vars.getvalue('cfgaddr', '') port = vars.getvalue('cfgport', '') vaddr = True for site in self.sites: if addr == site.addr and port == site.port: vaddr = False if name == '': self.put_message('err', 'Must choose a name') elif'\.|-|`|\\\\|\/|^test$|[ ]', name): self.put_message('err', 'Site name must not contain spaces, dots, dashes or special characters') elif addr == '': self.put_message('err', 'Must choose an address') elif port == '': self.put_message('err', 'Must choose a port (default 80)') elif port =='genesis', 'bind_port', ''): self.put_message('err', 'Can\'t use the same port number as Genesis') elif not vaddr and (self._edit.addr != addr or self._edit.port != port): self.put_message('err', 'Site must have either a different domain/subdomain or a different port') elif self._edit.ssl and port == '80': self.put_message('err', 'Cannot set an HTTPS site to port 80') elif not self._edit.ssl and port == '443': self.put_message('err', 'Cannot set an HTTP-only site to port 443') else: w = Webapp() = name w.stype = self._edit.stype w.path = self._edit.path w.addr = addr w.port = port w.ssl = self._edit.ssl w.php = self._edit.php try: self.mgr.nginx_edit(self._edit, w) except ReloadError, e: self.put_message("warn", str(e)) else: self.ncops.change_webapp(self._edit, w) self.put_message('success', 'Site edited successfully')
def post_install(self, name, path, vars): nodectl = apis.langassist('NodeJS') users = UsersBackend( if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/python') and os.path.exists('/usr/bin/python'): os.symlink('/usr/bin/python2', '/usr/bin/python') # A bug in 0.4.1 prevents [email protected] from installing properly. # Fallback to 2.1.15 d = json.loads(open(os.path.join(path, 'package.json'), 'r').read()) d['dependencies']['sqlite3'] = '2.1.15' open(os.path.join(path, 'package.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(d)) nodectl.install_from_package(path, 'production') users.add_user('ghost') s = apis.orders('supervisor') if s: s[0].order('new', 'ghost', 'program', [('directory', path), ('user', 'ghost'), ('command', 'node %s'%os.path.join(path, 'index.js')), ('autostart', 'true'), ('autorestart', 'true'), ('environment', 'NODE_ENV="production"'), ('stdout_logfile', '/var/log/ghost.log'), ('stderr_logfile', '/var/log/ghost.log')]) addr = vars.getvalue('addr', 'localhost') port = vars.getvalue('port', '80') # Get Mail settings mail_settings = { 'transport' : vars.getvalue('ghost-transport', ''), 'service' : vars.getvalue('ghost-service', ''), 'mail_user' : vars.getvalue('ghost-mail-user', ''), 'mail_pass' : vars.getvalue('ghost-mail-pass', ''), 'from_address' : vars.getvalue('ghost-from-address', '') } # Create/Edit the Ghost config file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'config.example.js'), 'r').read() with open(os.path.join(path, 'config.js'), 'w') as config_file: f = f.replace('', 'http://'+addr+(':'+port if port != '80' else'')) if len(set(mail_settings.values())) != 1 and\ mail_settings['transport'] != '': # If the mail settings exist, add them f = f.replace( "mail: {},",\ 'mail: {\n' "\tfromaddress: '" + mail_settings['from_address'] + "',\n" "\ttransport: '" + mail_settings['transport'] + "',\n" "\t\toptions: {\n" "\t\t\tservice: '" + mail_settings['service'] + "',\n" "\t\t\tauth: {\n" "\t\t\t\tuser: '******'mail_user'] + "',\n" "\t\t\t\tpass: '******'mail_pass'] + "'\n" "\t\t\t}\n" "\t\t}\n" "},\n" ) config_file.write(f) config_file.close() # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Ghost # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chown -R ghost ' + path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): nodectl = apis.langassist('NodeJS') users = UsersBackend( if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/python') and os.path.exists( '/usr/bin/python'): os.symlink('/usr/bin/python2', '/usr/bin/python') d = json.loads(open(os.path.join(path, 'package.json'), 'r').read()) del d['dependencies']['bcryptjs'] d['dependencies']['bcrypt'] = '0.7.8' open(os.path.join(path, 'package.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(d)) d = open(os.path.join(path, 'core/server/models/user.js'), 'r').read() d = d.replace('bcryptjs', 'bcrypt') open(os.path.join(path, 'core/server/models/user.js'), 'w').write(d) nodectl.install_from_package(path, 'production', { 'sqlite': '/usr/bin', 'python': '/usr/bin/python2' }) users.add_user('ghost') s = s.edit( 'ghost', { 'stype': 'program', 'directory': path, 'user': '******', 'command': 'node %s' % os.path.join(path, 'index.js'), 'autostart': 'true', 'autorestart': 'true', 'environment': 'NODE_ENV="production"', 'stdout_logfile': '/var/log/ghost.log', 'stderr_logfile': '/var/log/ghost.log' }) s.enable('ghost', 'supervisor') addr = vars.getvalue('addr', 'localhost') port = vars.getvalue('port', '80') # Get Mail settings mail_settings = { 'transport': vars.getvalue('ghost-transport', ''), 'service': vars.getvalue('ghost-service', ''), 'mail_user': vars.getvalue('ghost-mail-user', ''), 'mail_pass': vars.getvalue('ghost-mail-pass', ''), 'from_address': vars.getvalue('ghost-from-address', '') } # Create/Edit the Ghost config file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'config.example.js'), 'r').read() with open(os.path.join(path, 'config.js'), 'w') as config_file: f = f.replace( '', 'http://' + addr + (':' + port if port != '80' else '')) if len(set(mail_settings.values())) != 1 and\ mail_settings['transport'] != '': # If the mail settings exist, add them f = f.replace( "mail: {},",\ 'mail: {\n' "\tfromaddress: '" + mail_settings['from_address'] + "',\n" "\ttransport: '" + mail_settings['transport'] + "',\n" "\t\toptions: {\n" "\t\t\tservice: '" + mail_settings['service'] + "',\n" "\t\t\tauth: {\n" "\t\t\t\tuser: '******'mail_user'] + "',\n" "\t\t\t\tpass: '******'mail_pass'] + "'\n" "\t\t\t}\n" "\t\t}\n" "},\n" ) config_file.write(f) config_file.close() # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Ghost # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chown -R ghost ' + path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): UsersBackend('etherpad') # Create/Edit the config file cfg = { "title": "Etherpad", "favicon": "favicon.ico", "ip": "", "port": "2369", "sessionKey": hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest(), "dbType": "mysql", "dbSettings": { "user": dbinfo['user'], "host": "localhost", "password": dbinfo['passwd'], "database": dbinfo['name'] }, "defaultPadText": ("Welcome to Etherpad on arkOS!\n\nThis pad text is " "synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page " "sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly " "on documents!\n\nGet involved with Etherpad at " ", or with arkOS at\n"), "requireSession": False, "editOnly": False, "minify": True, "maxAge": 60 * 60 * 6, "abiword": None, "requireAuthentication": False, "requireAuthorization": False, "trustProxy": True, "disableIPlogging": False, "socketTransportProtocols": ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"], "loglevel": "INFO", "logconfig": { "appenders": [{ "type": "console" }] }, "users": { vars.getvalue('ether_admin'): { "password": vars.getvalue('ether_pass'), "is_admin": True }, }, } with open(os.path.join(path, 'settings.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(cfg, f, indent=4) # node-gyp needs the HOME variable to be set with open(os.path.join(path, 'bin/')) as f: run_script = f.readlines() run_script.insert(1, "export HOME=%s" % path) with open(os.path.join(path, 'bin/'), 'w') as f: f.writelines(run_script) # Install deps right away if not shell(os.path.join(path, 'bin/') + ' || exit 1'): raise RuntimeError("Etherpad dependencies could not be installed.") # Install selected plugins mods = list( # e.g. "ep_plugin/ep_adminpads" str(var).split("/")[1] # ^^^^^^^^^^^^ for var in vars if var.startswith('ep_plugin/') and int(vars.getvalue(var))) if mods: mod_inst_path = os.path.join(path, "node_modules") if not os.path.exists(mod_inst_path): os.mkdir(mod_inst_path) nodectl = apis.langassist('NodeJS') nodectl.install(*mods, install_path=mod_inst_path) # Make supervisor entry s = s.edit( 'etherpad', { 'stype': 'program', 'directory': path, 'user': '******', 'command': os.path.join(path, 'bin/'), 'autostart': 'true', 'autorestart': 'true', 'stdout_logfile': '/var/log/etherpad.log', 'stderr_logfile': '/var/log/etherpad.log' }) s.enable('etherpad', 'supervisor') # Change owner of everything in the etherpad path shell('chown -R etherpad ' + path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars): # Get the database object, and determine proper values phpctl = apis.langassist('PHP') dbase = apis.databases('MariaDB') conn = apis.databases('MariaDB') if vars.getvalue('wp-dbname', '') == '': dbname = name else: dbname = vars.getvalue('wp-dbname') secret_key = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() if vars.getvalue('wp-dbpasswd', '') == '': passwd = secret_key[0:8] else: passwd = vars.getvalue('wp-dbpasswd') # Request a database and user to interact with it dbase.add(dbname, conn) dbase.usermod(dbname, 'add', passwd, conn) dbase.chperm(dbname, dbname, 'grant', conn) # Use the WordPress key generators as first option # If connection fails, use the secret_key as fallback try: keysection = urllib.urlopen('').read() except: keysection = '' if not 'define(\'AUTH_KEY' in keysection: keysection = ( 'define(\'AUTH_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' 'define(\'SECURE_AUTH_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' 'define(\'LOGGED_IN_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' 'define(\'NONCE_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' ) # Write a standard WordPress config file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'wp-config.php'), 'w') f.write('<?php\n' 'define(\'DB_NAME\', \''+dbname+'\');\n' 'define(\'DB_USER\', \''+dbname+'\');\n' 'define(\'DB_PASSWORD\', \''+passwd+'\');\n' 'define(\'DB_HOST\', \'localhost\');\n' 'define(\'DB_CHARSET\', \'utf8\');\n' 'define(\'SECRET_KEY\', \''+secret_key+'\');\n' '\n' 'define(\'WP_CACHE\', true);\n' 'define(\'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN\', false);\n' '\n' +keysection+ '\n' '$table_prefix = \'wp_\';\n' '\n' '/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */\n' 'if ( !defined(\'ABSPATH\') )\n' ' define(\'ABSPATH\', dirname(__FILE__) . \'/\');\n' '\n' '/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */\n' 'require_once(ABSPATH . \'wp-settings.php\');\n' ) f.close() # Make sure that the correct PHP settings are enabled phpctl.enable_mod('mysql', 'xcache') # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Wordpress # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chown -R http:http '+path)
def post_install(self, name, path, vars, dbinfo={}): nodectl = apis.langassist('NodeJS') users = UsersBackend( if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/python') and os.path.exists('/usr/bin/python'): os.symlink('/usr/bin/python2', '/usr/bin/python') d = json.loads(open(os.path.join(path, 'package.json'), 'r').read()) del d['dependencies']['bcryptjs'] d['dependencies']['bcrypt'] = '0.7.8' open(os.path.join(path, 'package.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(d)) d = open(os.path.join(path, 'core/server/models/user.js'), 'r').read() d = d.replace('bcryptjs', 'bcrypt') open(os.path.join(path, 'core/server/models/user.js'), 'w').write(d) nodectl.install_from_package(path, 'production') users.add_user('ghost') s = s.edit('ghost', { 'stype': 'program', 'directory': path, 'user': '******', 'command': 'node %s'%os.path.join(path, 'index.js'), 'autostart': 'true', 'autorestart': 'true', 'environment': 'NODE_ENV="production"', 'stdout_logfile': '/var/log/ghost.log', 'stderr_logfile': '/var/log/ghost.log' } ) s.enable('ghost', 'supervisor') addr = vars.getvalue('addr', 'localhost') port = vars.getvalue('port', '80') # Get Mail settings mail_settings = { 'transport' : vars.getvalue('ghost-transport', ''), 'service' : vars.getvalue('ghost-service', ''), 'mail_user' : vars.getvalue('ghost-mail-user', ''), 'mail_pass' : vars.getvalue('ghost-mail-pass', ''), 'from_address' : vars.getvalue('ghost-from-address', '') } # Create/Edit the Ghost config file f = open(os.path.join(path, 'config.example.js'), 'r').read() with open(os.path.join(path, 'config.js'), 'w') as config_file: f = f.replace('', 'http://'+addr+(':'+port if port != '80' else'')) if len(set(mail_settings.values())) != 1 and\ mail_settings['transport'] != '': # If the mail settings exist, add them f = f.replace( "mail: {},",\ 'mail: {\n' "\tfromaddress: '" + mail_settings['from_address'] + "',\n" "\ttransport: '" + mail_settings['transport'] + "',\n" "\t\toptions: {\n" "\t\t\tservice: '" + mail_settings['service'] + "',\n" "\t\t\tauth: {\n" "\t\t\t\tuser: '******'mail_user'] + "',\n" "\t\t\t\tpass: '******'mail_pass'] + "'\n" "\t\t\t}\n" "\t\t}\n" "},\n" ) config_file.write(f) config_file.close() # Finally, make sure that permissions are set so that Ghost # can make adjustments and save plugins when need be. shell('chown -R ghost ' + path)
def pre_install(self, name, vars): rubyctl = apis.langassist("Ruby") rubyctl.install_gem("jekyll", "rdiscount")