def predict_tablature(self, mode = 'FromAnnos'): '''mode --> {From_Annos, FromCNN} first reads from annotations onset-pitch second estimates''' strings = [] if mode == 'FromCNN': onsets, midi_notes = self.predict_notes_onsets() self.temp_tablature = Tablature(onsets, midi_notes, []) estim_tab, probs = self.rnn_predict_strings() temp = [(x[1],1) for x in estim_tab] self.rnn_tablature_FromCNN = Tablature(onsets, midi_notes, temp) fin_tab, gen = genetic(estim_tab, probs, coeff) for s in fin_tab: strings.append((s[1],1)) self.predicted_tablature_FromCNN = Tablature(onsets, midi_notes, strings) elif mode == 'FromAnnos': self.temp_tablature = self.true_tablature estim_tab, probs = self.rnn_predict_strings() string_temp = [(x[1],max(p)) for x,p in zip(estim_tab,probs)] onset_temp = [(x[-2],1) for x in estim_tab] midi_temp = [(x[0],1) for x in estim_tab] self.rnn_tablature_FromAnnos = Tablature(onset_temp, midi_temp, string_temp) fin_tab, gen = genetic(estim_tab, probs, coeff) for s in fin_tab: strings.append((s[1],1)) self.predicted_tablature_FromAnnos = Tablature(onset_temp, midi_temp, strings)
def main(): im = im.load() im_gray = im.convert('L') # translate to gray map genrtic = genetic(im_gray) best_threshold = genrtic.get_threshold() #最佳切割阈值 threshold(best_threshold, im_gray)
def cv(results): for file_loc in glob.glob("DATA/Atlanta.tsp"): print(file_loc) for p in range(100, 1000, 150): for e in range(0, 20, 5): #for m in range(0,20,5): for m in range(1): m = 20 local_time = 0 local_qual = 0 for i in range(trials): start_time = time.time() random.seed(options["seed"]) params, cities = read_file(file_loc) g = genetic.genetic(params, cities, options["cutoff"], pop=p, elite=e / 100, mutate=m / 100) trace, quality, route = g.evolve() local_time = local_time + trace[-1][0] local_qual = local_qual + quality results.append([ p, e / 100, m / 100, local_time / trials, local_qual / trials ]) print(results)
def create_brain(network_params, fitness, evaluations): network = Network(NeuralBee.network_input_size(), network_params.hidden_neurons, network_params.outputs) def get_network_with(args): network.set_params(args) return network best_params = genetic(lambda x: fitness(get_network_with(x)), network.number_of_params()) return get_network_with(best_params)
def qrtd2(results2): for file_loc in ["DATA/NYC.tsp"]: for i in range(trials): temp = [] start_time = time.time() random.seed(options["seed"]) params, cities = read_file(file_loc) g = genetic.genetic(params, cities, 125) trace, quality, route = g.evolve() results2.append([quality]) print(results2)
def main(): # Create Graph Colouring Problem problem = GraphColouring() # Catch Initial Graph graph_structure = problem.get_initial_graph() # Calculate edges number from graph structure # edges number will be needed in evaluating graph state edges_number = 0 for x in graph_structure: edges_number += len(x.neighbours) edges_number /= 2 # Create Initial State with structure and edges number initial_state = State(graph_structure=graph_structure, edges_number=edges_number) # Perform Algorithms : algorithm = "GENETIC" if algorithm == "SIMPLE HILL CLIMBING": simple_hill_climbing(initial_state) if algorithm == "STOCHASTIC HILL CLIMBING": stochastic_hill_climbing(initial_state) if algorithm == "FIRST CHOICE HILL CLIMBING": first_choice_hill_climbing(initial_state) if algorithm == "RANDOM RESTART HILL CLIMBING": random_restart_hill_climbing(initial_state) if algorithm == "SIMULATED ANNEALING": simulated_annealing(initial_state=initial_state) if algorithm == "GENETIC": number_of_generations = 5000 population_size = 100 tournament_size = 5 mutation_rate = 0.05 genetic(initial_state=initial_state, number_of_generations=number_of_generations, population_size=population_size, tournament_size=tournament_size, mutation_rate=mutation_rate)
def runtime(results): for file_loc in glob.glob("DATA/*.tsp"): print(file_loc) local_time = 0 local_qual = 0 for i in range(trials): start_time = time.time() random.seed(options["seed"]) params, cities = read_file(file_loc) g = genetic.genetic(params, cities, options["cutoff"]) trace, quality, route = g.evolve() local_time = local_time + trace[-1][0] local_qual = local_qual + quality results.append([ file_loc.strip("DATA/"), local_time / trials, local_qual / trials ]) print(results)
def main(): A = DataStructuur("voorbeeld.csv") # probeer verschillende algoritmes # brute force B = randomize(A) # iteratief C = hill_climber(A) # constructief D = breadth_first(A) # evolutionair E = genetic(A) print("score van random: {}\n" "score van hill_climber: {}\n" "score van breadth_first: {}\n" "score van genetisch algoritme1: {}\n".format( score(B), score(C), score(D), score(E)))
def __init__(self, parent_1=None, parent_2=None): """ Inits an individual. If it has parents, generate its genes via crossover operation. If not, generate its genes randomly. Args: parent_1: a parent. parent_2: another parent. """ self.genes = [] op = genetic() if parent_1 and parent_2: array = op.crossover3(parent_1, parent_2, TRI_NUM) self.generate_genes_from_array_with_mut(array, MUT_RATE) else: for i in xrange(TRI_NUM): self.genes.append(gene()) # set actual image = self.get_current_img() # calculate fitness = self.get_fitness(TARGET)
results = [] #for learning_rate in parameters.gradient_descent['learning_rate']: # for regularization_strength in parameters.gradient_descent['regularization_strength']: # train_loss, test_loss, hyperparameters = gradient_descent({'learning_rate': learning_rate, 'regularization_strength': regularization_strength, 'num_iterations': parameters.gradient_descent['num_iterations']}) for mutation_amplitude in parameters.genetic['mutation_amplitude']: for regularization_strength in parameters.genetic[ 'regularization_strength']: train_loss, test_loss, hyperparameters = genetic({ 'mutation_amplitude': mutation_amplitude, 'regularization_strength': regularization_strength, 'num_chromosomes': parameters.genetic['num_chromosomes'], 'num_generations': parameters.genetic['num_generations'], 'parent_proportion': parameters.genetic['parent_proportion'], 'random_gene_amplitude': parameters.genetic['random_gene_amplitude'] }) results.append({ 'train_loss': train_loss, 'test_loss': test_loss, 'last_test_loss': test_loss[-1], 'hyperparameters': hyperparameters }) results = sorted(results, key=lambda k: k['last_test_loss'])
for i in range(0, 25): prob.append(0.1) for i in range(25, MAX_LENGHT): prob.append(0.5) for i in range(0, 8): conjunto.append(choices(population=estant, k=randint(3, 7), weights=prob)) print(conjunto) start = [] for i in range(0, N_POB): start.append(generate_ind()) best, history = genetic(start, conjunto, hist=True) print(best) print("DONE") with open('../tests/fitness-test.csv', mode='w') as temp_file: writer = csv.writer(temp_file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) writer.writerow(['GEN', 'fitness']) for i in range(0, N_POB): writer.writerow([i, history[i]]) cost0 = [] cost1 = [] for orden in conjunto:
r = r + 1 if ((r % 2) == 0): new.append((node1.state)[i]) else: new.append((node2.state)[i]) y = node(new, None, 1) return y def mutation(self, node1): p = (1 / (self.number * 40)) a = [] for i in range(0, self.number): a.append((node1.state)[i]) for i in range(0, self.number): ran = random.uniform(0, 1) if (ran < (1 / p)): if (a[i] == 0): a[i] = 1 else: a[i] = 0 y = node(a, None, 1) return y x = p2() genetic.genetic(x)
plt.plot(numbers, excess) if __name__ == '__main__': Tests = TestList() Tests.testCreater("CSE624TESTSET.txt") x = 0 numbers = [] tabutimes = [] genetictimes = [] excessDifference = [] while (x < 100): resultGenetic = genetic(Tests.listOfTests[x]) print("Genetic Way -------- Test Case " + str(x) + ": " + explainBinary(resultGenetic[0]) + " with excess of " + str(resultGenetic[1])) #resultTabu=tabu(Tests.listOfTests[x]) #print("Tabu Way -------- Test Case "+str(x)+": "+explainBinary(resultTabu[0])+ " with excess of " + str(resultTabu[1])) #resultGreedy=greedy(Tests.listOfTests[x]) #print("Greedy Way --------- Test Case "+str(x)+": "+resultGreedy[0]+str(resultGreedy[1])) #resultBranch=branchandbound(Tests.listOfTests[x]) #print("BranchAndBound Way - Test Case "+str(x)+": "+explainBinary(resultBranch[1])+ " with excess of " + str(-1*resultBranch[3]) ) #resultSimulated=simulatedannealing(Tests.listOfTests[x])
default=100, help="Population of genepool") parser.add_argument("-e", "--elite", type=float, default=0.2, help="Elitism factor") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mutate", type=float, default=0.2, help="Probability of mutation") parser.add_argument("-s", "--silent", type=bool, default=False, help="True if no visualization needed") args = parser.parse_args() # Step 1 - Convert STL file to pointcloud (simulates 3D printer) pointcloud = pc.convert(args.filename, args.points) # Step 2 - Use Genetic Algorithm to transform pointcloud to array of Bezier control points opt = genetic.genetic(pointcloud, args.N, args.cutoff, args.gen, args.pop, args.elite, args.mutate) cp = opt.evolve() # Step 3 - Visualize Bezier surface if not args.silent: vis.plot(cp)
greedyResult = max(sum_array) #Compare results. print ("\noptimum result") print(optimumResult ) print ("\ngreedy result") print(greedyResult) # execute genetic algorithm array_after_genetic = [] sum_array= [] <<<<<<< HEAD array_after_genetic = genetic.genetic(array_of_processors, 3, optimumResult) #Drugi parametr to ilo sekund. ======= array_after_genetic = genetic.genetic(array_of_processors, 2) #Drugi parametr to ilość sekund. >>>>>>> cd61ee90b019bf5b38aef51a6b47dc9906318a6d for i in range(processorsNumber): sum_array.append(sum(array_after_genetic[i])) print( "wynik po genetycznym") print (max(sum_array)) <<<<<<< HEAD #DO usuniecia ======= for i in range(len(array_after_genetic)): print(sorted(array_after_genetic[i], reverse=True), sum(array_after_genetic[i]))
def solve(jobs): times_list = list(map(lambda job: job['times'], jobs['jobs'])) scheduled_times = genetic(times_list) scheduled_jobs = [jobs['jobs'][i - 1] for i in scheduled_times] return {'jobs': scheduled_jobs}
branch.main() quality = branch.minimum route = branch.bestSolution trace = branch.trace elif options.method == "Approx": trace, quality, route = construction_heuristic.nearest_neighbor( params, cities, options.cutoff) elif options.method == "LS1": s = SA.SimulatedAnnealing( cities, 0.00001) # the second argument is the cooling rate, default is 0.001. s.anneal(options.cutoff) quality = s.best_distance route = s.best_route trace = s.trace elif options.method == "LS2": g = genetic.genetic(params, cities, options.cutoff) trace, quality, route = g.evolve() #### ########## #### print(quality) for id in route: print(id, end=" ") print("") write(trace, quality, route, params, options) ######## ############## ########
greedy_solution = greedy(storage) if startswith in skip_genetic: solution = greedy_solution else: # injecting greedy solution to initial population of genetic algorithm _injections = ceil(params["pop_size"] * injection_multiplier) greedy_injection = [ copy(greedy_solution) for _ in range(_injections) ] solution = genetic( storage, params["no_generations"], params["pop_size"], elite, mutation_prob, no_mutations, greedy_injection, ) fitness([greedy_solution], storage) # print(f"{FILE} [greedy] score: {greedy_solution.score}") else: solution = genetic( storage, params["no_generations"], params["pop_size"], elite, mutation_prob, no_mutations,
fig.savefig("test.png") l = 0.35 D = np.array([5, 10, 15, 20]) for m in (1, 4): greedyData = [] geneticData = [] naiveData = [] for d in D: if l < 0.40: n = naive(data.get(l, m, delai=d)) naiveData += [n] g = greedy(data.get(l, m, delai=d)) greedyData += [g] ge = genetic(data.get(l, m, delai=d)) geneticData += [ge] naiveData = np.array(naiveData) greedyData = np.array(greedyData) geneticData = np.array(geneticData) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(D[:len(naiveData)], naiveData[:, 0], label='Naive') ax.plot(D[:len(greedyData)], greedyData[:, 0], label='Glouton') ax.plot(D[:len(geneticData)], geneticData[:, 0], label="Génétique") ax.set(xlabel='Le delai maximum [time slot]', ylabel='énergie [J]', title="Consommation d'énergie vs Le delai") legend = ax.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True, fontsize='x-large') save(fig, f'EvsD{m}', "eps")
print("Simulated annealing:") arr2 = copy.deepcopy(arr) anneal = FourPeaksAnneal(arr2, fitness) opt_arr, opt_fit = anneal.anneal() print(opt_arr) print(opt_fit) arr = [0 for i in range(l)] for i in range(2, l, 2): arr[i] = 1 print("Hill climbing") arr2 = copy.deepcopy(arr) opt_arr, opt_fit = climb(arr2, fitness) print(opt_arr) print(opt_fit) arr = [0 for i in range(l)] for i in range(2, l, 2): arr[i] = 1 print("Genetic algo:") arr2 = copy.deepcopy(arr) opt_arr, opt_fit = genetic(arr2, fitness_gen) print(convert(opt_arr)) print(opt_fit)
test_anneal = [] clf.coefs_ = [] clf.intercepts_ = [] #anneal(clf, hid_layers, x_train, y_train) #uses simulated annealing to find the optimal weights anneal = NNAnneal(clf, hid_layers, x_train, y_train) ([clf.coefs_, clf.intercepts_]), e = anneal.anneal() print(accuracy_score(clf.predict(x_train), y_train)) print(accuracy_score(clf.predict(x_val), y_val)) print(accuracy_score(clf.predict(x_test), y_test)) # acc_anneal.append(accuracy_score(clf.predict(x_val), y_val)) # test_anneal.append(accuracy_score(clf.predict(x_test), y_test)) # print(acc_anneal) # print(test_anneal) print("Hill climbing:") clf.coefs_ = [] clf.intercepts_ = [] climb(clf, hid_layers, x_train, y_train) print(accuracy_score(clf.predict(x_train), y_train)) print(accuracy_score(clf.predict(x_val), y_val)) print(accuracy_score(clf.predict(x_test), y_test)) print("Genetic algorithm:") clf.coefs_ = [] clf.intercepts_ = [] genetic(clf, hid_layers, x_train, y_train)
arr2.append(int(round(i))) return arr2 def fitness_gen(arr): return fitness(convert(arr)) print("Simulated annealing:") edges2 = copy.deepcopy(edges) colors2 = copy.deepcopy(colors) anneal = KColorAnneal(colors2, k, edges2, fitness) anneal.steps = 5000 opt_colors, opt_fit = anneal.anneal() print(opt_colors) print(opt_fit) print("Hill climbing:") edges2 = copy.deepcopy(edges) colors2 = copy.deepcopy(colors) opt_colors, opt_fit = climb(colors2, k, edges2, fitness) print(opt_colors) print(opt_fit) print("Genetic algo:") edges2 = copy.deepcopy(edges) colors2 = copy.deepcopy(colors) opt_colors, opt_fit = genetic(colors2, k, fitness_gen) print(convert(opt_colors)) print(opt_fit)
# menampilkan algoritma yg akan digunakan print ("Daftar algoritma:") print ("1 : Hill Climbing") print ("2 : Simulated Annealing") print ("3 : Genetic Algoritthm") # menerima masukan algoritma yg akan digunakan nama = int(input("Algoritma yang akan digunakan : ")) print("\nSOAL:") soal = help.getListRandomized() help.printResult(soal) print (help.totalConflictSesama(soal), help.totalConflictLawan(soal)) print("\nJAWABAN:") answer = [] if nama == 1: answer = hill(soal, 1000) elif nama == 2: answer = annealing(soal, 10000, 100, 5) elif nama == 3: answer = genetic() help.printResult(answer) result = [] result = help.totalConflict(answer) print (result[0], result[1])
l = 0.45 lam = np.arange(0.25, 3.001, 0.20) lam = np.insert(lam, 1, [0.30, 0.35]) for m in (1, 4): greedyData = [] geneticData = [] naiveData = [] for l in lam: if l < 0.40: n = naive(data.get(l)) naiveData += [n] g = greedy(data.get(l, m)) greedyData += [g] ge = genetic(data.get(l, m)) geneticData += [ge] # print(g) # print(ge) naiveData = np.array(naiveData) greedyData = np.array(greedyData) geneticData = np.array(geneticData) # Energie vs Lambda fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(lam[:len(naiveData)], naiveData[:, 0], label='Naive') ax.plot(lam[:len(greedyData)], greedyData[:, 0], label='Glouton') ax.plot(lam[:len(geneticData)], geneticData[:, 0], label="Génétique") ax.set(xlabel='La charge du système [requetes / time slot]', ylabel='énergie [J]',
import random random.seed(33) from genetic import genetic if __name__ == "__main__": best_result = genetic() for index, move in enumerate(best_result): print "Move", 1+index for feature, function in move.iteritems(): print "\t",feature, "=", function
generations, iterations) writefile = open(sys.argv[3], 'a') writefile.write(f"Generations: {str(generations)}\n") writefile.write(f"Iterations: {str(iterations)}\n") for country in list_of_countries_with_costs: print(country[0], country[1]) print(country[2]) print() writefile.write(f"Cost: {str(country[1])}\n") writefile.write(f"Cost list: {country[2]}\n") graph_string = "".join(country[0]) writefile.write(f"Graph: {graph_string}\n") if sys.argv[1] == "genetic": from genetic import genetic generation = genetic(full_transmitter_list[:5], countrylist, 200, 5000, 10) print() for i in generation[:3]: print(i) print(cost(i, full_transmitter_list, transmitter_cost_list[0])) print() for list_position in range(0, len(generation)): wrong_neighbors = 0 for country in range(len(generation[list_position])): for neighbor in countrylist[country]: country = generation[list_position][country] neighbor = generation[list_position][neighbor] if country == neighbor: wrong_neighbors += 1 print(f"Wrong neighbors of position \