Esempio n. 1
 def create(self):
     # create an initial population with (# strings, len of strings, if binary)
     pop = gp.population(self.num_Strings, self.len_Strings, self.binary)
     # Once initialized gen_op will find the total sum, create the CDF, and create an intermediate generation
     self.genop = go.gen_op(pop, self.Pc, self.Pm,
     print "Initial Pop:"
Esempio n. 2
import TSP_lookup as tsp
import genetic_population as gp
import genetic_operators as go
import agents, time

# Variables
num_Strings	= 30			# Defines the population size
len_Strings	= 10			# Defines the length of each gene/string
binary 		= False		# Selects if the string will be bits or numbers from 1..len_String
Pc			= 0.75		# Defines the probability of crossover (how many strings will be selected for mating)
Pm			= 0.0125	# Defines the probability of mutation
generations	= 5000

# create an initial population with (# strings, len of strings, if binary)
pop =  gp.population(num_Strings,len_Strings,binary)

#print "Post"
# Once initialized gen_op will find the total sum, create the CDF, and create an intermediate generation
genop = go.gen_op(pop,Pc,Pm)
print "Initial Pop:"

for i in range(0, generations) :
	if (i + 1) % 500 == 0 :
		print "generation %s" % (i+1) 