Esempio n. 1
 def shoot_em(self, tank):
     my_position = Point(tank.x, tank.y)
     for enemy in self.enemies:
         enemy_position = Point(enemy.x, enemy.y)
         if my_position.distance(enemy_position) <= 50:
             theta = self.fields.angle(tank,enemy)
             if theta < 1.5 and theta > -1.5:
                 line_to_enemy = Line(my_position, enemy_position)
                 safe = True
                 for teamMate in self.mytanks:
                     if teamMate.index == tank.index:
                     teamMate_position = Point(teamMate.x, teamMate.y)
                     cp2 = teamMate_position.closestPointOnLine(line_to_enemy)
                     teamMate_enemy_line = Line(teamMate_position, cp2)
                     if teamMate_position.distance(cp2) < 10:
                         safe = False
                 if safe == True:
                     return True
     return False                    
Esempio n. 2
 def tick(self):
     self.commands = []
     curtime = time.time()
     self.mytanks = self.bzrc.get_mytanks()
     for tank in self.mytanks:
         curLocation = Point(tank.x, tank.y)
         target = self.locationList[tank.index]
         if curLocation.distance(target) < 10:
             target = self.getRandomCoordinate(tank.index)
             while self.grid.get(target.x, target.y) > .95:
                 target = self.getRandomCoordinate(tank.index)
             self.locationList[tank.index] = target
         self.oldlocation[tank.index] = curLocation
         self.goToPoint(tank, target)
     if(curtime - self.time > 4.25 ):
         for tank in self.mytanks:
             command = Command(tank.index,0,0,False)
             self.commands = []
             self.commands = []
         self.time = time.time()
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, bzrc, tank, job):
        self.updatecounts = 0
        self.tank = tank
        self.bzrc = bzrc
        self.fields = fields.Calculations()
        self.throttle = .15
        self.commands = []
        self.constants = self.bzrc.get_constants()
        self.job = job
        self.base = bzrc.get_bases()[self.getFlagIndex()]
        c1 = Point(self.base.corner1_x, self.base.corner1_y)
        c3 = Point(self.base.corner3_x, self.base.corner3_y)
        line = Line(c1, c3)
        self.base = line.getMidpoint()
        flags = bzrc.get_flags()
        for flag in flags:
            if flag.color == self.constants['team']:
                self.flag = flag

        self.obstacles = []
        #the .07125 comes from the 4 Ls world where 7.125% of the world was occupied
        self.time = time.time()
        self.locationList = []
        self.oldlocation = []

        self.startTime = time.time()

        self.mytanks = self.bzrc.get_mytanks()
Esempio n. 4
def question_22_17(query):
    VertexB = Point(Fraction(1), Fraction(-2), "B")
    VertexC = Point(Fraction(-2), Fraction(-1), "C")
    EdgeA = Line.get_line_contains_points(VertexB, VertexC)
    p1 = Point(Fraction(2), Fraction(0), "p1")
    p2 = Point(Fraction(2), Fraction(1), "p2")
    EdgeC = Line.get_line_contains_points(VertexB, p1)
    EdgeB = Line.get_line_contains_points(VertexC, p2)
    del p1, p2

    BisectorAngleA = Line.get_bisectors_for_2lines(EdgeB, EdgeC)[0]
    VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeA = EdgeA.get_cross_point(BisectorAngleA)

    EageOfTargetRhombusParallelsToEdgeC = Line.get_line_parallel_to(EdgeC, VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeA)
    EageOfTargetRhombusParallelsToEdgeB = Line.get_line_parallel_to(EdgeB, VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeA)
    VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeB = Line.get_cross_point(EageOfTargetRhombusParallelsToEdgeC, EdgeB)
    VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeC = Line.get_cross_point(EageOfTargetRhombusParallelsToEdgeB, EdgeC)

    TriangleEdges = {(EdgeA.a, EdgeA.b, EdgeA.c), (EdgeB.a, EdgeB.b, EdgeB.c), (EdgeC.a, EdgeC.b, EdgeC.c)}
    init_figure, grid_size = common.INIT_FIGURE(), common.GRID_SIZE()

    resolution_vertex_in_edge_a = query.query_point_by_symmetry(VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeA, init_figure)
    resolution_vertex_in_edge_b = query.query_point_by_symmetry(VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeB, init_figure)
    resolution_vertex_in_edge_c = query.query_point_by_symmetry(VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeC, init_figure)

    resolution_product = itertools.product(resolution_vertex_in_edge_a,
    solution_for_all = [frozenset((set(r[0]) | set(r[1]) | set(r[2]))) for r in resolution_product]

    targets = (VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeA, VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeB, VertexOfTargetRhombusInsideEdgeC)
    for r in solution_for_all:
        draw_resolution(r, targets, init_figure, grid_size)
Esempio n. 5
    def doKalman(self, X, Y):
        self.Kfilter = Kalman(X, Y)
        Mu, Sigma = self.Kfilter.runKalman(self.bzrc)

        enemyX = Mu.item((0, 0))
        enemyY = Mu.item((3, 0))

        distance = Point(self.tank.x,
                         self.tank.y).distance(Point(enemyX, enemyY))

        if distance > 450:

        pred = (distance / float(self.constants['shotspeed'])) * (1.0 / t)
        pred = int(pred + 1)
        MuPred, garbage = self.Kfilter.predictiveKalman(Mu, Sigma, pred)
        targetX, targetY = MuPred.item((0, 0)), MuPred.item((3, 0))
        deltaX, deltaY = self.getDeltaXY(self.tank, Point(targetX, targetY))

        theta = math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX)
        theta = self.normalize_angle(theta - self.tank.angle)

        #distance = Point(tank.x, tank.y).distance(Point(targetX,targetY))

        if distance <= 390 and (theta < 0.2 and theta > -0.2):
            shoot = True
            shoot = False

        self.kalmanCommand(deltaX, deltaY, theta, shoot, self.tank)
Esempio n. 6
    def sendCommand(self, totalX, totalY, tank):
        othertanks = self.bzrc.get_othertanks()
        me = Point(tank.x, tank.y)

        cur = 100000
        mins = 100000
        enemy = Point(0, 0)
        for other in othertanks:
            cur = Point(other.x, other.y).distance(me)
            if (cur < mins):
                mins = cur
                enemy = other

        if mins <= 200:
            self.doKalman(enemy.x, enemy.y)


            theta = math.atan2(totalY, totalX)
            theta = self.normalize_angle(theta - tank.angle)

            speed = math.sqrt(totalY**2 + totalX**2)

            self.commands = []
            command = Command(tank.index, .15 * speed, .85 * theta, False)
            self.commands = []
Esempio n. 7
    def tick(self):
        if(self.ticks < 10):
        if self.tank.status == "dead":
        self.commands = []
        curtime = time.time()
        curLocation = Point(self.tank.x, self.tank.y)
        target = self.locationList[self.tank.index]
        if curLocation.distance(target) < 10:
            target = self.getRandomCoordinate(self.tank.index)
            while self.grid.get(target.x, target.y) > .95:
                target = self.getRandomCoordinate(self.tank.index)
            self.locationList[self.tank.index] = target
        self.oldlocation[self.tank.index] = curLocation
        self.goToPoint(self.tank, target)
        if(curtime - self.time > 2.25 ):

            command = Command(self.tank.index,0,0,False)
            self.commands = []
            self.commands = []
            self.time = time.time()
Esempio n. 8
    def getDeltaXY(self, tank, enemy):
        theta = self.angle(tank, enemy)
        distance = Point(tank.x, tank.y).distance(Point(enemy.x, enemy.y))

        deltaX = distance * math.cos(theta)
        deltaY = distance * math.sin(theta)

        return deltaX, deltaY
Esempio n. 9
    def get_distance(self):
        corner1, corner2 = self.bounding_box()

        p1 = Point.from_latlon(*corner1)
        p2 = Point.from_latlon(*corner2)
        dist = geo.distance(p1, p2)

        dist_param = round(dist**self.distance_harshness)
        print(, dist_param)
        return dist_param
Esempio n. 10
    def tick(self):      
        mytanks, othertanks, flags, shots = self.bzrc.get_lots_o_stuff()
        ''' list of teammates with velocities and position and flag posession etc. '''
        self.mytanks = self.bzrc.get_mytanks()
        ''' positions and angle of othertanks '''
        self.othertanks = othertanks

        self.enemies = [tank for tank in othertanks if tank.color !=

        self.commands = []
        tank = self.bzrc.get_mytanks()[0]
        if(self.enemies[0].status == 'dead'):
        '''do a predictive filter here maybe, before they shoot'''
        Mu,Sigma = self.Kfilter.runKalman(self.bzrc)
        enemyX = Mu.item((0,0))
        enemyY = Mu.item((3,0))
        distance = Point(tank.x, tank.y).distance(Point(enemyX,enemyY))
        if distance > 450:
        pred = (distance/float(self.constants['shotspeed']))*(1.0/t)
        pred = int(pred+1)
        MuPred,SigmaPred = self.Kfilter.predictiveKalman(Mu,Sigma,pred)
        targetX,targetY = MuPred.item((0,0)),MuPred.item((3,0))
        deltaX, deltaY = self.getDeltaXY(tank,Point(targetX,targetY))
        theta = math.atan2(deltaY,deltaX)
        theta = self.normalize_angle(theta-tank.angle)
        #distance = Point(tank.x, tank.y).distance(Point(targetX,targetY))
        if distance <= 390 and (theta < 0.1 and theta > -0.1):
            shoot = True
            shoot = False
        self.sendCommand(deltaX, deltaY, theta, shoot, tank)
        '''call gnuplot here'''
        sigmaX,sigmaY,rho = self.Kfilter.covarianceMatrix(self.bzrc,Mu,Sigma)
        #print "sigmaX and Y", sigmaX,sigmaY
        #print "rho" , rho
        return True                    
Esempio n. 11
    def shoot_em(self, tank):
        my_position = Point(tank.x, tank.y)

        for enemy in self.enemies:
            enemy_position = Point(enemy.x, enemy.y)

            if my_position.distance(enemy_position) <= 50:
                theta = self.fields.angle(tank, enemy)

                if theta < 1.5 and theta > -1.5:
                    line_to_enemy = Line(my_position, enemy_position)

                    safe = True
                    for teamMate in self.mytanks:
                        if teamMate.index == tank.index:

                        teamMate_position = Point(teamMate.x, teamMate.y)
                        cp2 = teamMate_position.closestPointOnLine(
                        teamMate_enemy_line = Line(teamMate_position, cp2)

                        if teamMate_position.distance(cp2) < 10:
                            safe = False

                    if safe == True:
                        return True

        return False
Esempio n. 12
def question_16_15(query):
    line1 = Line.get_line_contains_points(Point(-2, 0), Point(0, 1))
    line2 = Line.get_line_contains_points(Point(0, -1), Point(1, 1))
    line = Line.get_bisectors_for_2lines(line1, line2)[0]
    A = line1.get_cross_point(line2)

    # query and show it(them)
    init_figure, grid_size = common.INIT_FIGURE(), common.GRID_SIZE()
    init_figure.extend(((line1.a, line1.b, line1.c), (line2.a, line2.b, line2.c)))
    solution = query.query_line_by_symmetry(line, (A,), init_figure)

    points = set([s[0] for s in solution])
    for r in solution[:4]:
        p, fig = r
        draw_resolution(fig, points, init_figure, grid_size)
Esempio n. 13
 def __init__ (self,enemyx,enemyy):
     self.enemy = Point(enemyx,enemyy)
     self.F = np.matrix([[1,t,(.5*(t**2)),0,0,0],
     self.SigmaS = np.matrix([[.1,0,0,0,0,0],
     self.H = np.matrix([[1,0,0,0,0,0],
     self.SigmaE = np.matrix([[25,0],[0,25]])
     self.FTrans = self.F.transpose()
     self.HTrans = self.H.transpose()
     self.MuKnot = np.matrix([[enemyx],[0],[0],[enemyy],[0],[0]])
     self.SigmaKnot = np.matrix([[100,0,0,0,0,0],
     self.SigmaCurrent = self.SigmaKnot
     self.SigmaPrev = self.SigmaKnot
     self.MuCurrent = self.MuKnot
     self.MuPrev = self.MuKnot
Esempio n. 14
def parse_xml(xml):
    cities = []
    for node in xml:
        if node.tag == "node":
            lon = float(node.attrib["lon"])
            lat = float(node.attrib["lat"])
            id_ = node.attrib["id"]
            city = {
                "name": id_,
                "pos": Point(lon, lat),
                "population": 0,
                "zipcode": "UNKNOWN"
            ctable = {
                "name": "name",
                "population": "population",
                "ref:INSEE": "zipcode"
            for data in node:
                if data.tag == "tag":
                    key, value = data.attrib["k"], data.attrib["v"]
                    if key in ctable:
                        new_key = ctable[key]
                        city[new_key] = value
            city["population"] = int(city["population"])
            # Not a 'node' tag
    return cities
Esempio n. 15
 def __init__(self, vid, length, width, height, weight, cat, axles, doublemount, studs, fuel, cc, maxspeed, maxdecel, maxaccel,
                    position = Point(0.0,0.0,0.0), direction = Direction(0.0,0.0), speed = 0.0, acceleration = 0.0):
   # unique vehicle ID
   self._vid          = vid
   # size properties
   self._length       = length       # in m
   self._width        = width        # in m
   self._height       = height       # in m
   self._weight       = weight       # in kg
   # emission related properties
   self._cat          = cat          # emission category (usually an integer), to be interpreted by the emission models
   self._axles        = axles        # integer, number of axles of vehicle
   self._doublemount  = doublemount  # boolean, true for double-mounted tires (for trucks)
   self._studs        = studs        # boolean, true if the vehicle has winter tires
   self._fuel         = fuel         # the type of fuel the vehicle uses (string, e.g. 'petrol', 'diesel', 'electric')
   self._cc           = cc           # the cilinder capacity (cc)
   # kinematic properties
   self._maxspeed     = maxspeed     # in km/h
   self._maxdecel     = maxdecel     # in m/s^2 (negative value)
   self._maxaccel     = maxaccel     # in m/s^2
   # dynamic properties
   self._position     = position     # position Point(x,y,z) - center of bottom plane - in m
   self._direction    = direction    # Direction(bearing,gradient) of the vehicle, in degrees (0-360)
   self._speed        = speed        # velocity (km/h)
   self._acceleration = acceleration # acceleration (m/s^2)
Esempio n. 16
    def query_point_by_symmetry(self, point, init_fig=None):
        # init_fig: will be subtracted from each result item
        if init_fig is None:
            init_fig = set()
        init_fig = set(init_fig)

        point_vector = (point.x.numerator, point.x.denominator,
                        point.y.numerator, point.y.denominator)

        mat_table = common.get_symmetry_matrix_table()
        result = []
        for mat in mat_table:
            p = common.apply_mat_on_point(point_vector, mat)
            p0 = Point(Fraction(p[0], p[1]), Fraction(p[2], p[3]))
            fig_list = self.query_point(p0)
            for fig in fig_list:
                fig0 = common.apply_mat_on_figure(
                    fig, common.inv_for_symmetry_mat(mat))
                result.append(tuple(set(fig0) - init_fig))

        shortest = min(map(len, result))
        result = [r for r in result if len(r) == shortest]

        result = list(set(result))
        return result
Esempio n. 17
    def kalmanCommand(self, totalX, totalY, theta, shoot, tank):
        p = Point(tank.x, tank.y)
        for obstacle in self.obstacles:
            if (p.distance(obstacle) < 50):
                deltaX, deltaY = self.fields.getTangentialField2(
                    self.tank, obstacle, 100, 40, "CW")
                totalX = deltaX
                totalY = deltaY
                theta = math.atan2(totalY, totalX)
                theta = self.normalize_angle(theta - tank.angle)

        speed = math.sqrt(totalY**2 + totalX**2)
        self.commands = []
        command = Command(tank.index, .15 * speed, 1.15 * theta, True)
        self.commands = []
Esempio n. 18
 def getRandomCoordinate(self, tankIndex):
     #1 and 2: quadrant 1 (x,y)
     if tankIndex == 1 or tankIndex == 2:
         rval = Point(random.randrange(0,400), random.randrange(0,400))
     #3 and 4: quadrant 2 (x,-y)
     elif tankIndex == 3 or tankIndex == 4:
         rval = Point(random.randrange(0,400), random.randrange(-400,0))
     #5 and 6: quadrant 3 (-x,-y)
     elif tankIndex == 5 or tankIndex == 6:
         rval = Point(random.randrange(-400,0), random.randrange(-400,0))
     #7 and 8: quadrant 4 (-x, y)
     elif tankIndex == 7 or tankIndex == 8:
         rval = Point(random.randrange(-400,0), random.randrange(0,400))
     #9 and 10: middle ([-200,200],[-200,200])
         rval = Point(random.randrange(-200,200), random.randrange(-200,200))
     return rval
Esempio n. 19
    def __init__(self, bzrc, enemy):
        self.bzrc = bzrc
        self.constants = self.bzrc.get_constants()
        self.commands = []
        self.throttle = .15
        self.obstacles = []
        self.fields = Calculations()
        self.flagIndex = self.getIndex()
        self.base = bzrc.get_bases()[self.flagIndex]
        self.enemyFlag = int(enemy)
        c1 = Point(self.base.corner1_x, self.base.corner1_y)
        c3 = Point(self.base.corner3_x, self.base.corner3_y)
        line = Line(c1, c3)
        self.base = line.getMidpoint()

        for obs in bzrc.get_obstacles():
Esempio n. 20
 def build_list(self, difficulty=1):
     if not self.ranking_available():
         difficulty = 1.1
     min_rank = max(10, difficulty * max(self.ranks))
     return {((clean_city(city), hint), Point(lon, lat))
             for city, hint, lon, lat, rank in zip(
                 self.places, self.hints, self.lons, self.lats, self.ranks)
             if rank <= min_rank}
Esempio n. 21
 def add(self, source):
     """ add the effect of a single source to the noise map """
     for i in range(len(self.recx)):
         for j in range(len(self.recy)):
             receiver = Receiver(
                 position=Point(self.recx[i], self.recy[j], self.recz))
             level = pmodel.immission(
                 source, receiver).laeq()  # A-weighted SPL at receiver
   [i, j] += fromdB(level)
Esempio n. 22
    def get_latlng_from_tile_at(self, bounds, x, y):
        scale = self.size / float(self.zoom_scale)
        ne = bounds.getNorthEast()
        sw = bounds.getSouthWest()
        top_right = projection.fromLatLngToPoint(ne)
        bottom_left = projection.fromLatLngToPoint(sw)
        point = Point(float(x) * scale + bottom_left.x, float(y) * scale + top_right.y)

        return projection.fromPointToLatLng(point)
Esempio n. 23
 def kalmanCommand(self,totalX,totalY,theta,shoot,tank):
     p = Point(tank.x,tank.y)
     for obstacle in self.obstacles:
         if(p.distance(obstacle) < 50):
             deltaX,deltaY = self.fields.getTangentialField2(self.tank,obstacle, 100, 40,"CW")
             totalX = deltaX
             totalY = deltaY
             theta = math.atan2(totalY,totalX)
             theta = self.normalize_angle(theta-tank.angle)
     speed = math.sqrt(totalY**2+totalX**2)
     self.commands = []
     command = Command(tank.index,.15*speed,1.15*theta,True)
     self.commands = []
Esempio n. 24
 def receivers(self):
     """ construct a list of receivers based on the stored parameters """
     if not hasattr(self, '_receivers'):
         locs = self.get('receivers-locations').strip()
         if len(locs) == 0:
             self._receivers = []
             points = [Point(x) for x in locs.split(';')]
             self._receivers = [Receiver(p) for p in points]
     return self._receivers
Esempio n. 25
 def clear(self):
     """ clear the simulation """
     self._t = 0.0
     self._passbys = []  # list with vehicle passbys (at the origin)
     self._passbytimes = {1: [], 3: []}
     self._history = []  # history of vehicles at each timestep
     self._factory = VehicleFactory(fleet=self._fleet,
                                    position=Point(self._xmin, 0.0, 0.0),
Esempio n. 26
def read_track(fname, max_points=None):
    k = read_kml(fname)
    track = extract_track(k)
    name =
    points = []
    for line in track.geometry.geoms:
        for lon, lat, alt in line.coords:
            points.append(Point(lon, lat))
            if max_points is not None and len(points) == max_points:
                return points, name
    return points, name
Esempio n. 27
def question_27_14(query):
    total = []
    total.append(centroid_of_2x2_grid(-2, +2, (True, True, True, False)))
    total.append(centroid_of_2x2_grid(+2, +2, (True, True, False, True)))
    total.append(centroid_of_2x2_grid(-2, -2, (True, False, True, True)))
    total.append(centroid_of_2x2_grid(+2, -2, (True, True, True, False)))
    x, y, w = centroid_of_iter(total)
    point_target = Point(x, y, "Target")
    solution = query.query_point_by_symmetry(point_target)
    init_figure, grid_size = common.INIT_FIGURE(), common.GRID_SIZE()
    for r in solution:
        draw_resolution(r, [point_target], init_figure, grid_size)
Esempio n. 28
def question_24_6(query):
    A = Point(1, -2)
    B = Point(0, 1)
    line1 = Line.get_line_contains_points(A, B)
    line2 = Line.get_line_by_point_slope(A, Fraction(4))

    tan_alpha = Fraction(1, 4)
    tan_beta = Fraction(1, 3)
    tan_theta = tan_of_add(tan_of_double(tan_beta), tan_alpha)
    slope = tan_of_neg(tan_of_complementary(tan_theta))

    line = Line.get_line_by_point_slope(A, slope)
    # query and show it(them)
    init_figure, grid_size = common.INIT_FIGURE(), common.GRID_SIZE()
    init_figure.extend(((line1.a, line1.b, line1.c), (line2.a, line2.b, line2.c)))
    solution = query.query_line_by_symmetry(line, (A,), init_figure)

    points = set([s[0] for s in solution])
    for r in solution[:4]:
        p, fig = r
        draw_resolution(fig, points, init_figure, grid_size)
Esempio n. 29
def question_14_8(query):
    # get Point B
    line1 = Line.get_line_contains_points(Point(-3, -1), Point(3, -3))
    line_tmp = Line(1, 0, -2)
    B = line1.get_cross_point(line_tmp)

    # get Point A
    line2 = Line.get_line_contains_points(Point(-3, 1), Point(2, 2))
    line_tmp = Line(1, 0, 1)
    A = line2.get_cross_point(line_tmp)
    line = Line.get_line_contains_points(A, B)

    point_target = A.middle(B)

    # query and show it(them)
    init_figure, grid_size = common.INIT_FIGURE(), common.GRID_SIZE()
    for ll in (line, line1, line2):
        init_figure.append((ll.a, ll.b, ll.c))
    solution = query.query_point_by_symmetry(point_target, init_figure)
    for r in solution[:4]:
        draw_resolution(r, [point_target], init_figure, grid_size)
Esempio n. 30
 def sources(self, vehicle, road = ReferenceRoadsurface()):
   # calculate position of sources
   pos = vehicle.position()
   h = {1: (0.01, 0.30), 2: (0.01, 0.75), 3: (0.01, 0.75), 4: (0.30, 0.30), 5: (0.30, 0.30)}[]
   lopos = Point(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] + h[0])
   hipos = Point(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] + h[1])
   # calculate rolling and propulsion noise
   r = fromdB(self.rollingNoise(vehicle, road))
   p = fromdB(self.propulsionNoise(vehicle, road))
   # calculate low and high noise
   lonoise = 10.0*numpy.log10(0.8*r + 0.2*p)
   hinoise = 10.0*numpy.log10(0.2*r + 0.8*p)
   # construct sources
   return [Source(position = lopos,
                  direction = asDirection(vehicle.direction()),
                  emission = TertsBandSpectrum(lonoise),
                  directivity = ImagineDirectivity(cat =, h = h[0])),
           Source(position = hipos,
                  direction = asDirection(vehicle.direction()),
                  emission = TertsBandSpectrum(hinoise),
                  directivity = ImagineDirectivity(cat =, h = h[1]))]
Esempio n. 31
def question_14_9(query):
    # get Point B
    line1 = Line.get_line_contains_points(Point(-3, 1), Point(3, 3))
    line2 = Line(1, 0, -2)
    B = line1.get_cross_point(line2)
    # get Point A
    line1 = Line.get_line_contains_points(Point(2, -3), Point(3, 0))
    line2 = Line(0, 1, -1)
    A = line1.get_cross_point(line2)
    del line1, line2

    # get the midpoint
    target_point_x = (A.x + B.x) / 2
    target_point_y = (A.y + B.y) / 2
    point_target = Point(target_point_x, target_point_y, "Target")

    # query and show it(them)
    solution = query.query_point_by_symmetry(point_target)
    init_figure, grid_size = common.INIT_FIGURE(), common.GRID_SIZE()
    for r in solution:
        draw_resolution(r, [point_target], init_figure, grid_size)
Esempio n. 32
 def createVehicle(self, tokens):
   """ create a Vehicle object based on the supplied logger line tokens """
   # fetch vehicle parameters
   vID = int(tokens[0])
   vLength = float(tokens[1])
   vPosition = Point(float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3]))
   vDirection = Direction(bearing = float(tokens[4]))
   vSpeed = float(tokens[5])
   vAcceleration = float(tokens[6])
   # simple check between light and heavy vehicles
   vClass = {False: LightVehicle, True: HeavyVehicle}[(vLength>10.0)]
   return vClass(vid = vID, position = vPosition, direction = vDirection, speed = vSpeed, acceleration = vAcceleration)
Esempio n. 33
 def getTangentialObstacleField(self, tank, target, oldTank, elapsedTime):
     deltaX = 0.0
     deltaY = 0.0
     tankPosition = Point(tank.x, tank.y)
     closestPoint = tankPosition.closestPointOnLine(target.p1, target.p2)
     if self.distance(tankPosition, closestPoint) < target.spread:
         lineToTarget = Line(tankPosition, closestPoint)
         if target.isPerpendicular(lineToTarget):
             midpoint = target.getMidpoint()
             if closestPoint.x < midpoint.x:
                 deltaX = -1.0
             elif closestPoint.x > midpoint.x:
                 deltaX = 1.0
                 deltaX = 0.0
             if closestPoint.y < midpoint.y:
                 if target.getSlope() == 0.0:
                     deltaY = 0.0
                 elif target.getSlope() == None:
                     deltaY = -1.0
                     deltaY = -1.0 * target.getSlope()
             elif closestPoint.y > midpoint.y:
                 if target.getSlope() == 0:
                     deltaY = 0.0
                 elif target.getSlope() == None:
                     deltaY = 1.0
                     deltaY = 1.0 * target.getSlope()
                 deltaY = 0.0
     return deltaX, deltaY