def expose_c(self, widget, event): x, y, w, h = self.area_a.get_allocation() self.space_a = CartesianSpace(w, h) x, y, w, h = self.area_c.get_allocation() self.space_c = CartesianSpace(w, h) cr = self.area_c.window.cairo_create() cr.set_source_rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.8) cr.rectangle(0, 0, w, h) cr.fill() cr.set_line_width(9) cr.set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.2, 0.0) if self.cursor_position_c is not None: cursor_dims = (40, 40) cr.move_to(self.cursor_position_c[0] - cursor_dims[0] / 2, self.cursor_position_c[1]) cr.line_to(self.cursor_position_c[0] + cursor_dims[0] / 2, self.cursor_position_c[1]) cr.move_to(self.cursor_position_c[0], self.cursor_position_c[1] - cursor_dims[1] / 2) cr.line_to(self.cursor_position_c[0], self.cursor_position_c[1] + cursor_dims[1] / 2) cr.stroke()
def get_draw_queue(self, width, height, alpha=1.0): app = get_app() if app.dmf_device: d = DrawQueue() x, y, device_width, device_height = app.dmf_device.get_bounding_box() self.svg_space = CartesianSpace(device_width, device_height, offset=(x, y)) padding = 20 if width/device_width < height/device_height: drawing_width = width - 2 * padding drawing_height = drawing_width * (device_height / device_width) drawing_x = padding drawing_y = (height - drawing_height) / 2 else: drawing_height = height - 2 * padding drawing_width = drawing_height * (device_width / device_height) drawing_x = (width - drawing_width) / 2 drawing_y = padding self.drawing_space = CartesianSpace(drawing_width, drawing_height, offset=(drawing_x, drawing_y)) scale = np.array(self.drawing_space.dims) / np.array( self.svg_space.dims) d.translate(*self.drawing_space._offset) d.scale(*scale) d.translate(*(-np.array(self.svg_space._offset))) for id, electrode in app.dmf_device.electrodes.iteritems(): if self.electrode_color.keys().count(id): r, g, b = self.electrode_color[id] self.draw_electrode(electrode, d, (b, g, r, alpha)) return d
def draw_b(self, cairo_context): x, y, w, h = self.area_a.get_allocation() padding = (self.padding * w, self.padding * h) self.space_b = CartesianSpace(w - 2 * padding[0], h - 2 * padding[1], offset=(padding[0], padding[1])) cairo_context.rectangle(*(self.space_b._offset + self.space_b.dims)) cairo_context.stroke()
class DmfDeviceView(GtkVideoView): ''' Slave view for DMF device view. This view contains a canvas where video is overlayed with a graphical rendering of the device. The video can optionally be registered to align it to the device rendering. The signal 'transform-changed' is emitted whenever a video registration has been completed. The signal 'channel-state-changed' is emitted whenever the state of a channel has changed as a result of interaction with the device view. ''' builder_path = base_path().joinpath('gui', 'glade', '') gsignal('channel-state-changed', object) gsignal('transform-changed', object) def __init__(self, dmf_device_controller, name): self.controller = dmf_device_controller self.last_frame_time = self.last_frame = None self.video_offset = (0, 0) self.display_offset = (0, 0) self.electrode_color = {} self.background = None self.overlay_opacity = None self.pixmap = None self._proxy = None self._set_window_title = False self.svg_space = None self.view_space = None self.drawing_space = None self.popup = ElectrodeContextMenu(self) self.popup.connect('registration-request', self.on_register) self.force_aspect_ratio = False self.sink = None self.window_xid = None SlaveView.__init__(self) def create_ui(self, *args, **kwargs): self.widget = self.device_area def grab_frame(self): #return self.play_bin.grab_frame() return None def update_draw_queue(self): if self.window_xid and self._proxy: if self.controller.video_enabled: overlay_opacity = self.overlay_opacity / 100. else: overlay_opacity = 1. x, y, width, height = self.device_area.get_allocation() draw_queue = self.get_draw_queue(width, height, overlay_opacity) self._proxy.set_draw_queue(draw_queue) def get_draw_queue(self, width, height, alpha=1.0): app = get_app() if app.dmf_device: d = DrawQueue() x, y, device_width, device_height = app.dmf_device.get_bounding_box() self.svg_space = CartesianSpace(device_width, device_height, offset=(x, y)) padding = 20 if width/device_width < height/device_height: drawing_width = width - 2 * padding drawing_height = drawing_width * (device_height / device_width) drawing_x = padding drawing_y = (height - drawing_height) / 2 else: drawing_height = height - 2 * padding drawing_width = drawing_height * (device_width / device_height) drawing_x = (width - drawing_width) / 2 drawing_y = padding self.drawing_space = CartesianSpace(drawing_width, drawing_height, offset=(drawing_x, drawing_y)) scale = np.array(self.drawing_space.dims) / np.array( self.svg_space.dims) d.translate(*self.drawing_space._offset) d.scale(*scale) d.translate(*(-np.array(self.svg_space._offset))) for id, electrode in app.dmf_device.electrodes.iteritems(): if self.electrode_color.keys().count(id): r, g, b = self.electrode_color[id] self.draw_electrode(electrode, d, (b, g, r, alpha)) return d def draw_electrode(self, electrode, cr, color=None): p = electrode.path if color is None: color = [v / 255. for v in p.color] if len(color) < 4: color += [1.] * (len(color) - 4) cr.set_source_rgba(*color) for loop in p.loops: cr.move_to(*loop.verts[0]) for v in loop.verts[1:]: cr.line_to(*v) cr.close_path() cr.fill() cr.restore() def _initialize_video(self, device, caps_str, bitrate=None, record_path=None): # Connect to JSON-RPC server and request to run the pipeline self._proxy = WindowServiceProxy(59000) self._proxy.window_xid(self.window_xid) x, y, width, height = self.widget.get_allocation() draw_queue = self.get_draw_queue(width, height) self._proxy.create(device, caps_str, bitrate=bitrate, record_path=record_path, draw_queue=draw_queue, with_scale=True, with_warp=True) self._proxy.scale(width, height) self._proxy.start() self.update_draw_queue() def destroy_video_proxy(self): if self._proxy is not None: print '[destroy_video_proxy]' try: self._proxy.stop() print ' \->SUCCESS' except: print ' \->ERROR' import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: self._proxy.close() self._proxy = None print ' --- CLOSED ---' def on_device_area__realize(self, widget, *args): self.on_realize(widget) def on_device_area__size_allocate(self, *args): ''' Called when the device DrawingArea widget has been realized. Here, we need to reset the CartesianSpace instance representing the drawing area. ''' x, y, width, height = self.device_area.get_allocation() self.view_space = CartesianSpace(width, height) def on_device_area__destroy(self, *args): self.destroy_video_proxy() def get_clicked_electrode(self, event): app = get_app() if self.svg_space and self.drawing_space: # Get the click coordinates, normalized to the bounding box of the # DMF device drawing (NOT the entire device drawing area) normalized_coords = self.drawing_space.normalized_coords( *event.get_coords()) # Conduct a point query in the SVG space to see which electrode (if # any) was clicked. Note that the normalized coordinates are # translated to get the coordinates relative to the SVG space. shape = self.svg_space.translate_normalized(*normalized_coords)) if shape: return app.dmf_device.get_electrode_from_body(shape.body) return None def on_device_area__button_press_event(self, widget, event): ''' Modifies state of channel based on mouse-click. ''' self.widget.grab_focus() # Determine which electrode was clicked (if any) electrode = self.get_clicked_electrode(event) if electrode: self.on_electrode_click(electrode, event) return True def on_electrode_click(self, electrode, event): options = self.controller.get_step_options() state = options.state_of_channels if event.button == 1: if len(electrode.channels): for channel in electrode.channels: if state[channel] > 0: state[channel] = 0 else: state[channel] = 1 self.emit('channel-state-changed', electrode.channels[:]) else: logger.error("No channel assigned to electrode.") elif event.button == 3: self.popup.popup(state, electrode, event.button, event.time, register_enabled=self.controller.video_enabled) return True def on_register(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._proxy is not None: self._proxy.request_frame() def process_frame(self): #draw_queue = self.get_draw_queue(*self.view_space.dims) frame = self._proxy.get_frame() if frame is not None: cv_im = cv.CreateMat(frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1], cv.CV_8UC3) cv.SetData(cv_im, frame.tostring(), frame.shape[1] * frame.shape[2]) cv_scaled = cv.CreateMat(500, 600, cv.CV_8UC3) cv.Resize(cv_im, cv_scaled) self._on_register_frame_grabbed(cv_scaled) return False return True gtk.timeout_add(10, process_frame, self) def _on_register_frame_grabbed(self, cv_img): x, y, width, height = self.device_area.get_allocation() # Create a cairo surface to draw device on surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) cr = cairo.Context(surface) draw_queue = self.get_draw_queue(width, height) draw_queue.render(cr) size = (width, height) # Write cairo surface to cv image in RGBA format alpha_image = cv.CreateImageHeader(size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4) cv.SetData(alpha_image, surface.get_data(), 4 * width) # Convert RGBA image (alpha_image) to RGB image (device_image) device_image = cv.CreateImage(size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.CvtColor(alpha_image, device_image, cv.CV_RGBA2RGB) video_image = cv.CreateImage(size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.Resize(cv_img, video_image) def do_device_registration(): # Since this function may have been called from outside the main # thread, we need to surround GTK code with threads_enter/leave() dialog = DeviceRegistrationDialog(device_image, video_image) results = if results: array = np.fromstring(results.tostring(), dtype='float32', count=results.width * results.height) # If the transform matrix is the default, set it to the # identity matrix. This will simply reset the transform. if array.flatten()[-1] == 1 and array.sum() == 1: array = np.identity(results.width, dtype=np.float32) array.shape = (results.width, results.height) self.emit('transform-changed', array) return False gtk.threads_enter() do_device_registration() gtk.threads_leave() def on_device_area__key_press_event(self, widget, data=None): pass