def perception_publish(self, type, frame_id): try: (trans, rot) = tf_listener.lookupTransform(frame_id, "base_link", rospy.Time(0)) inFormat = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") zeroMerc = pyproj.Proj( "+proj=tmerc +lon_0={} +lat_0={} +units=m".format( -157.8901, 21.30996)) lon, lat = pyproj.transform(zeroMerc, inFormat, trans[0], trans[1]) message = GeoPoseStamped() message.pose.position.latitude = lat message.pose.position.longitude = lon message.header.frame_id = type p_pub.publish(message) print("PUBLISHED OBJECT") except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): return inFormat = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") zeroMerc = pyproj.Proj( "+proj=tmerc +lon_0={} +lat_0={} +units=m".format( -157.8901, 21.30996)) lon, lat = pyproj.transform(zeroMerc, inFormat, trans[0], trans[1]) message = GeoPoseStamped() message.pose.position.latitude = lat message.pose.position.longitude = lon message.header.frame_id = type p_pub.publish(message) print("PUBLISHED OBJECT")
def publish_landmark_lla_info(self, landmark_label, landmark_pose_lla, header): landmark_lla_msg = GeoPoseStamped() landmark_lla_msg.header = header landmark_lla_msg.header.frame_id = landmark_label landmark_lla_msg.pose.position.latitude = landmark_pose_lla[0] landmark_lla_msg.pose.position.longitude = landmark_pose_lla[1] landmark_lla_msg.pose.position.altitude = landmark_pose_lla[2] self.landmark_lla_pub.publish(landmark_lla_msg)
def execute(self, userdata): task = self.missionManager.getCurrentTask() if task is not None: if self.missionManager.planner == 'path_follower': goal = path_follower.msg.path_followerGoal() elif self.missionManager.planner == 'path_planner': goal = path_planner.msg.path_plannerGoal() goal.path.header.stamp = if task['type'] == 'goto': path = task['path'] if task['type'] == 'mission_plan': if task['transit_path'] is not None: path = task['transit_path'] else: path = task['current_path'] for s in path: #print s gpose = GeoPoseStamped() gpose.pose = s goal.path.poses.append(gpose) goal.speed = task['default_speed'] self.task_complete = False if self.missionManager.planner == 'path_follower': self.path_planner_client.cancel_goal() self.path_follower_client.wait_for_server() self.path_follower_client.send_goal( goal, self.path_follower_done_callback, self.path_follower_active_callback, self.path_follower_feedback_callback) elif self.missionManager.planner == 'path_planner': self.path_follower_client.cancel_goal() self.path_planner_client.wait_for_server() self.path_planner_client.send_goal( goal, self.path_follower_done_callback, self.path_follower_active_callback, self.path_follower_feedback_callback) while True: ret = self.missionManager.iterate('FollowPath') if ret is not None: if ret == 'cancelled': if self.missionManager.planner == 'path_follower': self.path_follower_client.cancel_goal() elif self.missionManager.planner == 'path_planner': self.path_planner_client.cancel_goal() return ret if self.task_complete: return 'done'
def inspect_wt(self, duration=rospy.Duration(900, 0)): """ UAV Inspection for a WT that involves flying close and parallel to each blade of a WT """ start = # position where drone is originated in one of the wps original = GeoPoseStamped() original.pose.position.latitude = self.global_pose.latitude original.pose.position.longitude = self.global_pose.longitude original.pose.position.altitude = self.rel_alt original.pose.orientation = self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation relative_altitude = self.rel_alt rospy.loginfo("Scan first blade...") first_blade = self.blade_inspect(original, relative_altitude, [0.000, 0.0006, 0.0000], duration) duration = duration - ( - start) start = rospy.loginfo("Scan second blade...") second_blade = self.blade_inspect(original, relative_altitude, [ 0.000, 0.0006 * np.cos(138. / 180.0 * np.pi), 85.6 * np.sin(138. / 180.0 * np.pi) ], duration) duration = duration - ( - start) start = rospy.loginfo("Scan third blade...") third_blade = self.blade_inspect(original, relative_altitude, [ 0.000, 0.0006 * np.cos(234. / 180.0 * np.pi), 85.6 * np.sin(234. / 180.0 * np.pi) ], duration) rospy.loginfo("Inspection is done...") return np.min([first_blade, second_blade, third_blade])
def line_string_to_geo_path(cls, line_string: LineString) -> GeoPath: geo_path = GeoPath() for point in line_string.coords: geo_pose_stamped = GeoPoseStamped() geo_pose_stamped.pose.position = cls.tuple_to_geo_point(point) geo_path.poses.append(geo_pose_stamped) return geo_path
def utm_to_wgs84_pose(utm_pose, vehicle_gps_fix): zone, band = gridZone(vehicle_gps_fix.latitude, vehicle_gps_fix.longitude) utm_point = UTMPoint(utm_pose.pose.position.x, utm_pose.pose.position.y, utm_pose.pose.position.z, zone, band) geo_pose = GeoPoseStamped() geo_pose.header.stamp = utm_pose.header.stamp geo_pose.header.frame_id = "wgs84" geo_pose.pose.position = utm_point.toMsg() geo_pose.pose.orientation = utm_pose.pose.orientation return geo_pose
def blade_inspect(self, original, relative_altitude, target_position, duration=rospy.Duration(300, 0)): """ Inspecting the blade given the [original] pose to return to and end [target] position to scan """ start = reached_original = self.ACTION_FAIL # position where drone is supposed to be quaternion = [ self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation.x, self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation.y, self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation.z, self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation.w ] uav_orientation = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion, axes='sxyz') latitude = self.global_pose.latitude + ( target_position[0] * np.sin(uav_orientation[2]) + target_position[1] * np.cos(uav_orientation[2])) longitude = self.global_pose.longitude + ( target_position[0] * np.cos(uav_orientation[2]) + target_position[1] * np.sin(uav_orientation[2])) altitude = self.rel_alt + target_position[2] target = GeoPoseStamped() target.header.seq = 1 target.header.stamp = target.header.frame_id = 'map' target.pose.position.latitude = latitude target.pose.position.longitude = longitude target.pose.position.altitude = altitude target.pose.orientation = self.odometry.pose.pose.orientation duration = duration - ( - start) start = reached_target = self.goto_coordinate(target, duration) rospy.loginfo("Return to %3.5f, %3.5f position..." % (original.pose.position.latitude, original.pose.position.longitude)) if reached_target == self.ACTION_SUCCESS: original.header.seq = 1 original.header.stamp = original.header.frame_id = 'map' duration = duration - ( - start) start = reached_original = self.goto_coordinate(original, duration) if abs(self._rel_alt[-1] - relative_altitude) > 0.1: original.pose.position.altitude = ( original.pose.position.altitude + relative_altitude - self._rel_alt[-1]) reached_original = self.goto_coordinate(original, duration) return np.min([reached_target, reached_original])
def cb(data): for i in data.objects: #Create a new geopose to publish gp = GeoPoseStamped() gp.header.stamp = gp.header.frame_id = allowed_strings[i.best_guess] latlon = convertToLatLon(data.position.pose) gp.pose.orientation = i.pose.orientation gp.pose.position.latitude = latlon['latitude'] gp.pose.position.longitude = latlon['longitude'] gp.pose.position.altitude = latlon['altitude'] pub.publish(gp)
def testAutoOriginFromCustom(self): rospy.init_node('test_auto_origin_from_custom') custom_pub = rospy.Publisher('pose', GeoPoseStamped, queue_size=2, latch=True) origin_sub = self.subscribeToOrigin() self.test_stamp = True custom_msg = GeoPoseStamped() custom_msg.pose.position.latitude = swri['latitude'] custom_msg.pose.position.longitude = swri['longitude'] custom_msg.pose.position.altitude = swri['altitude'] custom_msg.header.frame_id = "/far_field" custom_msg.header.stamp = msg_stamp custom_pub.publish(custom_msg) rospy.spin() self.assertTrue(self.got_origin)
def cb(data): for i in data.objects: #lookup relative to map position,q=listener.lookupTransform(i.frame_id,"map",rospy.Time(0)) #Create a new geopose to publish gp=GeoPoseStamped() gp.header.frame_id=allowed_strings[i.best_guess] latlon=convertToLatLon(position)# OR i.pose.position if that works without transform gp.pose.orientation=i.pose.orientation gp.pose.position.latitude=latlon['latitude'] gp.pose.position.longitude=latlon['longitude'] gp.pose.position.altitude=latlon['altitude'] pub.publish(gp)
def __init__(self, mav_name): self.rate = rospy.Rate(60) self.desired_state = "" self.drone_pose = PoseStamped() self.goal_pose = PoseStamped() self.pose_target = PositionTarget() self.goal_vel = TwistStamped() self.drone_state = State() self.battery = BatteryState() self.global_pose = NavSatFix() self.gps_target = GeoPoseStamped() ############# Services ################## self.arm = rospy.ServiceProxy(mavros_arm, CommandBool) self.set_mode_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(mavros_set_mode, SetMode) ############### Publishers ############## self.local_position_pub = rospy.Publisher(mavros_local_position_pub, PoseStamped, queue_size = 20) self.velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher(mavros_velocity_pub, TwistStamped, queue_size=5) self.target_pub = rospy.Publisher(mavros_pose_target_sub, PositionTarget, queue_size=5) self.global_position_pub = rospy.Publisher(mavros_set_global_pub, GeoPoseStamped, queue_size= 20) ########## Subscribers ################## self.local_atual = rospy.Subscriber(mavros_local_atual, PoseStamped, self.local_callback) self.state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(mavros_state_sub, State, self.state_callback, queue_size=10) self.battery_sub = rospy.Subscriber(mavros_battery_sub, BatteryState, self.battery_callback) self.global_position_sub = rospy.Subscriber(mavros_global_position_sub, NavSatFix, self.global_callback) self.extended_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(extended_state_sub, ExtendedState, self.extended_state_callback, queue_size=2) self.LAND_STATE = ExtendedState.LANDED_STATE_UNDEFINED # landing state ''' LANDED_STATE_UNDEFINED = 0 LANDED_STATE_ON_GROUND = 1 LANDED_STATE_IN_AIR = 2 LANDED_STATE_TAKEOFF = 3 LANDED_STATE_LANDING = 4 ''' service_timeout = 30 rospy.loginfo("waiting for ROS services") try: rospy.wait_for_service('mavros/param/get', service_timeout) rospy.wait_for_service('mavros/cmd/arming', service_timeout) rospy.wait_for_service('mavros/set_mode', service_timeout) rospy.loginfo("ROS services are up") except rospy.ROSException: rospy.logerr("failed to connect to services")
def announce_object(self, obj_id, classification, position_enu, boat_position_enu): if classification == 'UNKNOWN': self.send_feedback('Ignoing UNKNOWN object {}'.format(obj_id)) defer.returnValue(False) if obj_id in self.announced: defer.returnValue(False) if np.linalg.norm(position_enu - boat_position_enu) < 3.5: self.send_feedback('Ignoring {} b/c its too close'.format(obj_id)) defer.returnValue(False) geo_point = yield self.enu_position_to_geo_point(position_enu) msg = GeoPoseStamped() msg.header.frame_id = classification msg.pose.position = geo_point self.perception_landmark.publish(msg) defer.returnValue(True)
def setUp(self): super(MavrosOffboardPosctl, self).setUp() self.pos = GeoPoseStamped() self.pos_setpoint_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'mavros/setpoint_position/global', GeoPoseStamped, queue_size=1) # send setpoints in seperate thread to better prevent failsafe self.pos_thread = Thread(target=self.send_pos, args=()) self.pos_thread.daemon = True self.pos_thread.start() self.wait_for_topics(60) self.wait_for_landed_state(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_LANDED_STATE_ON_GROUND, 10, -1) self.set_mode("OFFBOARD", 5) self.set_arm(True, 5) rospy.loginfo("setup complete")
def set_up(self, uav_id=-1): rospy.init_node('offboard', anonymous=True) super(MultiMavrosOffboardPosctl, self).set_up(uav_id) if uav_id != -1: self.namespace = 'uav' + str(uav_id) + '/' else: self.namespace = '' self.pos = GeoPoseStamped() self.pos_setpoint_pub = rospy.Publisher( self.namespace + 'mavros/setpoint_position/global', GeoPoseStamped, queue_size=1) # send setpoints in seperate thread to better prevent failsafe self.pos_thread = Thread(target=self.send_pos, args=()) self.pos_thread.daemon = True self.pos_thread.start()
def setUp(self): super(MavrosOffboardPosctl, self).setUp() # Socket receive readings from the server. context = zmq.Context() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB, ) rospy.loginfo("connecting to server") self.socket.connect("tcp://{}:{}".format(IP_ADDRESS, PORT)) self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"") self.recv_attempts = 0 self.pos = GeoPoseStamped() self.radius = 1 self.pos_setpoint_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'mavros/setpoint_position/global', GeoPoseStamped, queue_size=1) # send setpoints in seperate thread to better prevent failsafe self.pos_thread = Thread(target=self.send_pos, args=()) self.pos_thread.daemon = True self.pos_thread.start()
import rospy from geographic_msgs.msg import GeoPoseStamped if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('waypoint_pub') way_pub = rospy.Publisher('/waypoints', GeoPoseStamped, queue_size = 1) waypoint_lat = 44.566881 waypoint_lon = -123.275972 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pose = GeoPoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() pose.header.frame_id = 'world' pose.pose.position.latitude = waypoint_lat pose.pose.position.longitude = waypoint_lon pose.pose.position.altitude = float('NaN') way_pub.publish(pose) waypoint_lat += 0.0001 waypoint_lon += 0.0001 rospy.sleep(0.5)
def publish(self, object): #print("perception_PUBLISHER HAS OBJECT") message = GeoPoseStamped() message.header.frame_id = object.best_guess print("PUBLISHED OBJECT")
import actionlib import rospy from geographic_msgs.msg import GeoPoseStamped from mimree_executive.msg import FindTurbineOdomGoal, FindTurbineOdomAction # print("FINISHED IMPORTS") minute = 60 if __name__ == '__main__': print("INITIATING") rospy.init_node('find_turbine_odom_client') client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('find_turbine_odom', FindTurbineOdomAction) client.wait_for_server() print("SERVER CONNECTED") goal = FindTurbineOdomGoal() goal.turbine_estimated_position = GeoPoseStamped() # Test coordinates, flies near turbine # latitude: 43.7993805 # longitude: 28.5936549 # altitude: 90.0 goal.turbine_estimated_position.pose.position.latitude = 43.7993805 goal.turbine_estimated_position.pose.position.longitude = 28.5936549 goal.turbine_estimated_position.pose.position.altitude = 90 goal.turbine_estimated_position.pose.orientation.z = 0.70710678 goal.turbine_estimated_position.header.frame_id = 'map' goal.turbine_estimated_position.header.stamp.secs = 8070 goal.turbine_estimated_position.header.stamp.nsecs = 0 goal.turbine_estimated_position.header.seq = 1 goal.uav_namespace = 'hector' print("GOAL CREATED: ", goal)
space key, s : force stop CTRL-C to quit """ e = """ Communications Failed """ """ global variable """ gps_curr = NavSatFix() gps_pub_msg = GlobalPositionTarget() gps_pub_geo_msg = GeoPoseStamped() local_curr_pose = PoseStamped() uav_state = State() ismove = Bool() gps_list = list() xy_list = list() gps_xy_file = open("/home/wzy/catkin_ws/src/gps_control/scripts/gps_xy_file.txt", "a", buffering=1000) ismove = False def getKey(): if == 'nt': return msvcrt.getch() tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) rlist, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1) if rlist:
def parseTask(self,task): response = TriggerResponse() # IF THIS IS A PLAN THAT REQUIRES SUPERVISION if self._aware: # if the task isn't the starting task. if task.action!='START': # if the energy cost mu or std = 0, then this task is buggy. if task.cost_mu==0 or task.cost_std ==0: rospy.logwarn("Buggy task, skipping. {}".format(task)) self.plan.skipTask() return self.parseTask(self.plan.getTask()) # GET WAYPOINT COMPONENTS READY TO SEND TO THE GUIDANCE NODE geo_msg = GeoPoseStamped() geo_msg.header.frame_id="utm" geo_msg.header.stamp = self.checkValidTask(task) # Look at the action property and decide on what to do from there: if task.action == "WP": # waypoint task, configure for AP mode to a GPS waypoint. if self.changeMode("/tau_com/AP"): geo_msg.pose.position.altitude=-1[0][1] geo_msg.pose.orientation = Quaternion(0,0,0,1) self.task_pub.publish(geo_msg) # turn off the timing lock self._timing_lock = False response.success = True response.message = "Waypoint Task Selected, executing" return response else: response.success = False response.message = "Mode not configured to AP." return response elif task.action == "HP": # hold position task, configure DP mode at a GPS waypoint and orientation for a set time. if self.changeMode("/tau_com/DP"): geo_msg.pose.position.altitude=0[0][1] geo_msg.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*tf.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,[2])) self.hptime =[3] self.hptask = True self.task_pub.publish(geo_msg) # turn off the timing lock self._timing_lock = False response.success = True response.message ="Hold Pose Task Selected, executing." return response else: response.success = False response.message = "Mode not configured to DP." return response elif task.action == "ROOT": # root task reached, notify the operator that the mission is complete. if self.changeMode("__none"): self.mode="idle" self._timing_lock = False self.status_pub.publish("ASV currently in mode: {}".format(self.mode)) rospy.loginfo("Final task completed, now idling.") response.success = True response.message = "Final task completed, now idling." return response else: rospy.logerr("Couldn't disable output topic, but mission complete.") response.success = False response.message = "Couldn't Idle for some reason?" return response elif task.action == "START": # start task, is a waypoint task to move the vehicle to the starting position. if self.changeMode("/tau_com/AP"): self._start_flag = True geo_msg.pose.position.altitude=-1[0][1] geo_msg.pose.orientation = Quaternion(0,0,0,1) self.task_pub.publish(geo_msg) self._timing_lock = False rospy.loginfo("Moving to starting waypoint of plan.") response.success = True response.message = "AP mode to starting point." return response else: rospy.logerr("Couldn't configure to AP mode.") response.success = False response.message = "Couldn't configure to AP mode." return response elif task.action == "HOME": # home task, is a waypoint task to move the vehicle to the starting position. if self.changeMode("/tau_com/AP"): geo_msg.pose.position.altitude=-1[0][1] geo_msg.pose.orientation = Quaternion(0,0,0,1) self.task_pub.publish(geo_msg) self._timing_lock = False rospy.loginfo("Moving to rendezvous point.") response.success = True response.message = "AP mode to home point." return response else: rospy.logerr("Couldn't configure to AP mode.") response.success = False response.message = "Couldn't configure to AP mode." return response else: rospy.logerr("Task of type {} is not supported, getting next task.".format(task.action)) self.plan.skipTask() return self.parseTask(self.plan.getTask())
def run_test(self, filename): lines = [] index = 0 obstacles = [] map_file = "" start = [] self.stats["time_limit"] = self.default_time_limit parameter_file_names = [] try: with open(filename, "r") as testfile: for line in testfile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("line"): lines.append([float(f) for f in line.split(" ")[1:]]) print("Read line ", lines[-1]) assert len(lines[-1] ) == 4 # should be startX startY endX endY elif line.startswith("start"): start = [float(f) for f in line.split(" ")[1:]] start[2] = math.radians(start[2]) # assert len(start) == 4 # x y heading speed # assume speed is zero? elif line.startswith("obstacle"): obs = [float(f) for f in line.split(" ")[1:]] if len(obs) == 4: obs.append(5) obs.append(20) obstacles.append(obs) # ignore test-defined time limit (deprecated) # elif line.startswith("time_limit"): # self.stats["time_limit"] = float(line[10:]) elif line.startswith("map_file"): map_file = line[8:].strip() elif line.startswith("parameter_file"): parameter_file_names.append(line[15:]) except IOError as err: print("Couldn't find file: " + filename) return try: # Convert to lat long lines = [self.convert_line(line) for line in lines] except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print("Map to LatLong service did not process request: " + str(exc)) # # wait until clock is initialized # while rospy.get_time() == 0: # pass if rospy.get_time() == 0: print("Simulation does not appear to be running yet. Exiting.") return # load parameters and update dynamic reconfigure self.load_parameters(parameter_file_names) # load map file, if any if map_file: current_path = os.getcwd() self.path_planner_parameter_client.update_configuration( {"planner_geotiff_map": current_path + "/" + map_file}) else: self.path_planner_parameter_client.update_configuration( {"planner_geotiff_map": ""}) self.test_name = filename # create results directory now = results_dir_path = "../results/" + now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d/%H:%M:%S_" + self.test_name) if not os.path.exists(results_dir_path): os.makedirs(results_dir_path) # initialize bag self.bag_lock.acquire() self.bag = rosbag.Bag(results_dir_path + "/logs.bag", 'w') self.bag_lock.release() self.piloting_mode_publisher.publish("autonomous") # Set up set_pose request if start: gps = GeoPointStamped() gps.position = self.convert_point(start[0], start[1]) h = NavEulerStamped() h.orientation.heading = start[2] self.set_pose(gps, h) else: print("Warning: no start state read; using default start state") self.reset_publisher.publish(True) rospy.sleep(0.2) # Let simulator reset # finish setting up obstacles for o in obstacles: o.append(rospy.get_time()) o[2] = math.radians(o[2]) self.start_time = rospy.get_time() self.end_time = self.start_time + self.stats["time_limit"] # set up both path_planner goal and display for lines goal = path_planner.msg.path_plannerGoal() goal.path.header.stamp = display_item = GeoVizItem() = "current_path" for line in lines: # now sending all lines at once, so points are to be read in pairs display_points = GeoVizPointList() display_points.color.r = 1.0 display_points.color.a = 1.0 display_points.size = 5.0 for p in line: pose = GeoPoseStamped() pose.pose.position = p goal.path.poses.append(pose) display_points.points.append(p) # TODO! -- goal.speed? display_item.lines.append(display_points) self.display_publisher.publish(display_item) self.test_running = True self.path_planner_client.wait_for_server() self.path_planner_client.send_goal(goal, self.done_callback, self.active_callback, self.feedback_callback) # Spin and publish obstacle updates every 0.5s self.spin_until_done(obstacles) print("Test %s complete in %s seconds." % (self.test_name, (rospy.get_time() - self.start_time))) # remove line from display if display_item: display_item.lines = [] self.display_publisher.publish(display_item) self.piloting_mode_publisher.publish("standby") # reporting self.write_results(results_dir_path) self.reset_stats() self.bag_lock.acquire() self.bag.close() self.bag = None self.bag_lock.release()