Esempio n. 1
 def pointOnsetCracking(self):
     '''return the calculated (strain,stress) point of the concrete diagram where cracking starts. It's obtained as 
     the intersection of the straight line thas reproduces the linear-elastic range in tension (before cracking) with
     the regression line  that approaches the exponential decay curve adopted for the post-cracking range
     rgLin = self.regresLine()
     r1 = geom.Recta2d(geom.Pos2d(rgLin['interceptX'], 0.),
                       geom.Pos2d(0, rgLin['interceptY']))
     r2 = geom.Recta2d(geom.Pos2d(0., 0.),
                       geom.Pos2d(self.f_ct / self.E_ct, self.f_ct))
     pInt = r1.getIntersectionWithLine(r2)[0]
     return {'eps_ct': pInt.x, 'ft': pInt.y}
Esempio n. 2
 def getFoundationPlane(self):
   ''' Returns the foundation plane.'''
   v= geom.Vector2d(0.0,-self.footingThickness/2.0)
   toeEndPos= self.getWFToeEndPosition()+v
   heelEndPos= self.getWFHeelEndPosition()+v
   return geom.Recta2d(toeEndPos,heelEndPos)
Esempio n. 3
 def getFootingMidPlane(self):
   ''' Returns the midplane of the footing.'''
   toeEndPos= self.getWFToeEndPosition()
   heelEndPos= self.getWFHeelEndPosition()
   return geom.Recta2d(toeEndPos,heelEndPos)