Esempio n. 1
def get_R_der(x, y):
    Calculate the derivatives of the correlation matrix with respect
    to the Cartesian coordinates.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        Trial coordinates, dimensionality (number of atoms) x 3
    y : numpy.ndarray
        Target coordinates, dimensionalty must match trial coordinates

        u, w, i, j : 
        First two dimensions are (n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Second two dimensions are (3, 3), the elements of the R-matrix derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w
    x = x - np.mean(x, axis=0)
    y = y - np.mean(y, axis=0)
    # 3 x 3 x N_atoms x 3
    ADiffR = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 3, 3), dtype=float)
    for u in range(x.shape[0]):
        for w in range(3):
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    if i == w:
                        ADiffR[u, w, i, j] = y[u, j]
    fdcheck = False
    if fdcheck:
        h = 1e-4
        R0 = build_correlation(x, y)
        for u in range(x.shape[0]):
            for w in range(3):
                x[u, w] += h
                RPlus = build_correlation(x, y)
                x[u, w] -= 2 * h
                RMinus = build_correlation(x, y)
                x[u, w] += h
                FDiffR = (RPlus - RMinus) / (2 * h)
      "%i %i %12.6f\n" %
                            (u, w, np.max(np.abs(ADiffR[u, w] - FDiffR))))
    return ADiffR
Esempio n. 2
def get_R_der(x, y):
    Calculate the derivatives of the correlation matrix with respect
    to the Cartesian coordinates.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        Trial coordinates, dimensionality (number of atoms) x 3
    y : numpy.ndarray
        Target coordinates, dimensionalty must match trial coordinates

        u, w, i, j : 
        First two dimensions are (n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Second two dimensions are (3, 3), the elements of the R-matrix derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w
    x = x - np.mean(x,axis=0)
    y = y - np.mean(y,axis=0)
    # 3 x 3 x N_atoms x 3
    ADiffR = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 3, 3), dtype=float)
    for u in range(x.shape[0]):
        for w in range(3):
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    if i == w:
                        ADiffR[u, w, i, j] = y[u, j]
    fdcheck = False
    if fdcheck:
        h = 1e-4
        R0 = build_correlation(x, y)
        for u in range(x.shape[0]):
            for w in range(3):
                x[u, w] += h
                RPlus = build_correlation(x, y)
                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                RMinus = build_correlation(x, y)
                x[u, w] += h
                FDiffR = (RPlus-RMinus)/(2*h)
      "%i %i %12.6f\n" % (u, w, np.max(np.abs(ADiffR[u, w]-FDiffR))))
    return ADiffR
Esempio n. 3
def get_expmap_der(x, y, second=False, fdcheck=False, use_loops=False):
    Given trial coordinates x and target coordinates y, 
    return the derivatives of the exponential map that brings
    x into maximal coincidence (minimum RMSD) with y, with
    respect to the coordinates of x.

    x : numpy.ndarray
        Trial coordinates, dimensionality (number of atoms) x 3
    y : numpy.ndarray
        Target coordinates, dimensionalty must match trial coordinates
    second : bool
        If true, return the second derivative matrix as well.
    fdcheck : bool
        If true, perform a finite difference check and return finite difference gradients
    use_loops : bool
        If true, use the slower reference implementation that uses for loops

        u, w, i: 
        First two dimensions are (n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Third dimension is 3, the elements of the exponential map derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w
    numpy.ndarray (if second=True)
        u, w, a, b, i: 
        First four dimensions are (n_atoms, 3, n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Fifth dimension is 3, the elements of the exponential map second derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w, atom a, dimension b
    # t0 = time.time()
    q = get_quat(x,y)
    v = get_expmap(x,y)
    if second:
        fac, dfac, dfac2 = calc_fac_dfac(q[0], second=True)
        fac, dfac = calc_fac_dfac(q[0])
    dvdq = np.zeros((4, 3), dtype=float)
    dvdq[0, :] = dfac*q[1:]
    for i in range(3):
        dvdq[i+1, i] = fac
    if second:
        dvdq2 = np.zeros((4, 4, 3), dtype=float)
        dvdq2[0, 0, :] = dfac2*q[1:]
        for i in range(3):
            dvdq2[0, i+1, i] = dfac
            dvdq2[i+1, 0, i] = dfac
    if fdcheck:
        h = 1e-6
        fac, _ = calc_fac_dfac(q[0])
        V0 = fac*q[1:]"-=# Now checking first derivatives of exponential map w/r.t. quaternion #=-\n")
        for p in range(4):
            # Do backwards difference only, because arccos of q[0] > 1 is undefined
            q[p] -= h
            fac, _ = calc_fac_dfac(q[0])
            VMinus = fac*q[1:]
            q[p] += h
            FDiffV = (V0-VMinus)/h
            maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dvdq[p]-FDiffV))
  "q %3i : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (i, maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
            #, dvdq[i], FDiffV, np.max(np.abs(dvdq[i]-FDiffV)))
        if second:
            h = 1e-5
  "-=# Now checking second derivatives of exponential map w/r.t. quaternion #=-\n")
            def V_(q_):
                fac_, _ = calc_fac_dfac(q_[0])
                return fac_*q_[1:]
            for p in range(4):
                for r in range(4):
                    if p == r:
                        FDiffV2 = V0.copy()
                        q[p] -= h
                        FDiffV2 -= 2*V_(q)
                        q[p] -= h
                        FDiffV2 += V_(q)
                        q[p] += 2*h
                        FDiffV2 = V0.copy()
                        q[p] -= h
                        q[r] -= h
                        FDiffV2 += V_(q)
                        q[r] += h
                        FDiffV2 -= V_(q)
                        q[r] -= h
                        q[p] += h
                        FDiffV2 -= V_(q)
                        q[r] += h
                    FDiffV2 /= h**2
                    maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dvdq2[p, r]-FDiffV2))
                    if maxerr > 1e-7:
              "q %3i %3i : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (p, r, maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-5 else ''))
                    #"q %3i %3i : analytic %s numerical %s maxerr = %.3e %s" % (i, j, str(dvdq2[i, j]), str(FDiffV2), maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-4 else ''))
    # Dimensionality: Number of atoms, number of dimensions (3), number of elements in q (4)
    if second:
        dqdx, dqdx2 = get_q_der(x, y, second=True)
        dqdx = get_q_der(x, y)
    # Dimensionality: Number of atoms, number of dimensions (3), number of elements in v (3)
    dvdx = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
    for u in range(x.shape[0]):
        for w in range(3):
            dqdx_uw = dqdx[u, w]
            for p in range(4):
                dvdx[u, w, :] += dvdq[p, :] * dqdx[u, w, p]
    if second:
        if use_loops:
            # Reference implementation using for loops
            dvdx2 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, x.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
            dvdqx = np.zeros((4, x.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
            for p in range(4):
                for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                    for w in range(3):
                        for i in range(3):
                            for r in range(4):
                                dvdqx[p, u, w, i] += dvdq2[p, r, i] * dqdx[u, w, r]
            for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                for w in range(3):
                    for a in range(x.shape[0]):
                        for b in range(3):
                            for i in range(3):
                                for p in range(4):
                                    dvdx2[u, w, a, b, i] += dvdqx[p, a, b, i] * dqdx[u, w, p]
                                    dvdx2[u, w, a, b, i] += dvdq[p, i] * dqdx2[u, w, a, b, p]
            dvdqx = np.einsum('pri,uwr->puwi', dvdq2, dqdx, optimize=True)
            dvdx2 = np.einsum('pabi,uwp->uwabi', dvdqx, dqdx, optimize=True)
            dvdx2 += np.einsum('pi,uwabp->uwabi', dvdq, dqdx2, optimize=True)
    # LPW 2019-03-09: Using einsum gives 166x speedup over for loops for trp-cage (200 atoms); 0.06 vs. 10.1 s
    # print(time.time()-t0)
    if fdcheck:
        h = 1e-3"-=# Now checking first derivatives of exponential map w/r.t. Cartesians #=-\n")
        FDiffV = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
        for u in range(x.shape[0]):
            for w in range(3):
                x[u, w] += h
                VPlus = get_expmap(x, y)
                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                VMinus = get_expmap(x, y)
                x[u, w] += h
                FDiffV[u, w] = (VPlus-VMinus)/(2*h)
                maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dvdx[u, w]-FDiffV[u, w]))
      "atom %3i %s : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (u, 'xyz'[w], maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
        dvdx = FDiffV
        if second:
  "-=# Now checking second derivatives of exponential map w/r.t. Cartesians #=-\n")
            FDiffV2 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, y.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
            for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                for w in range(3):
                    for a in range(x.shape[0]):
                        for b in range(3):
                            if a == u and b == w:
                                x[u, w] += h
                                VPlus = get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                                VMinus = get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] += h
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] = (VPlus+VMinus-2*V0)/h**2
                                x[u, w] += h
                                x[a, b] += h   # (+, +)
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] = get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= 2*h # (-, +)
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] -= get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[a, b] -= 2*h # (-, -)
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] += get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] += 2*h # (+, -)
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] -= get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= h
                                x[a, b] += h
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] /= (4*h**2)
                            maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dvdx2[u, w, a, b]-FDiffV2[u, w, a, b]))
                            if maxerr > 1e-8:
                      "atom %3i %s, %3i %s : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (u, 'xyz'[w], a, 'xyz'[b], maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
            dvdx2 = FDiffV2
    if second:
        return dvdx, dvdx2
        return dvdx
Esempio n. 4
def get_q_der(x, y, second=False, fdcheck=False, use_loops=False):
    Calculate the derivatives of the quaternion with respect
    to the Cartesian coordinates.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        Trial coordinates, dimensionality (number of atoms) x 3
    y : numpy.ndarray
        Target coordinates, dimensionalty must match trial coordinates
    second : bool
        If true, return the second derivative matrix as well.
    fdcheck : bool
        If true, perform a finite difference check and return finite difference gradients
    use_loops : bool
        If true, use the slower reference implementation that uses for loops (only in second derivs)

        u, w, i: 
        First two dimensions are (n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Third dimension is 4, the elements of the quaternion derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w
    numpy.ndarray (if second=True)
        u, w, a, b, i: 
        First four dimensions are (n_atoms, 3, n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Fifth dimension is 4, the elements of the quaternion second derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w, atom a, dimension b
    x = x - np.mean(x,axis=0)
    y = y - np.mean(y,axis=0)
    q, l = get_quat(x, y, eig=True)
    F = build_F(x, y)
    dF = get_F_der(x, y)
    mat = np.eye(4)*l - F
    # pinv = np.matrix(np.linalg.pinv(np.eye(4)*l - F))
    Minv = invert_svd(np.eye(4)*l - F, thresh=1e-6)
    dq = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=float)
    for u in range(x.shape[0]):
        for w in range(3):
            # dquw = Minv*np.matrix(dF[u, w])*np.matrix(q).T
            dquw = multi_dot([Minv,dF[u, w],q.T])
            dq[u, w] = np.array(dquw).flatten()

    if second:
        if use_loops:
            # Reference implementation using for loops
            dl = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3), dtype=float)
            dM = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4, 4), dtype=float)
            dq2 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, x.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=float)
            dinv = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4, 4), dtype=float)
            for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                for w in range(3):
                    dl[u, w] = multi_dot([q, dF[u, w], q.T])
                    dM[u, w] = np.eye(4)*dl[u, w] - dF[u, w]
                    term1 = -multi_dot([Minv, dM[u, w], Minv])
                    term2 = multi_dot([Minv, Minv.T, dM[u, w].T, (np.eye(4), Minv))])
                    term3 = multi_dot([(np.eye(4), mat)), dM[u, w].T, Minv.T, Minv])
                    dinv[u, w] = term1 + term2 + term3
                    for a in range(x.shape[0]):
                        for b in range(3):
                            dq2[u, w, a, b] += multi_dot([dinv[u, w], dF[a, b], q])
                            dq2[u, w, a, b] += multi_dot([Minv, dF[a, b], dq[u, w]])
            # t0 = time.time()
            # LPW 2019-03-09: Setting optimize=True gives a 15x speedup for trp-cage (200 atoms, 0.02 vs. 0.3 s)
            dl = np.einsum('p,uwpr,r->uw', q, dF, q, optimize=True)
            dM = np.einsum('uw,pr->uwpr', dl, np.eye(4), optimize=True) - dF
            dinv = -np.einsum('ps,uwst,tr->uwpr', Minv, dM, Minv, optimize=True)
            dinv += np.einsum('ps,ts,uwvt,vr->uwpr', Minv, Minv, dM, np.eye(4),Minv), optimize=True)
            dinv += np.einsum('ps,uwts,vt,vr->uwpr', np.eye(4), mat), dM, Minv, Minv, optimize=True)
            dq2 = np.einsum('uwpr,abrs,s->uwabp', dinv, dF, q, optimize=True)
            dq2 += np.einsum('pr,abrs,uws->uwabp', Minv, dF, dq, optimize=True)
            # print(time.time()-t0)
    if fdcheck:
        # If fdcheck = True, then return finite difference derivatives
        h = 1e-6"-=# Now checking first derivatives of superposition quaternion w/r.t. Cartesians #=-\n")
        FDiffQ = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=float)
        for u in range(x.shape[0]):
            for w in range(3):
                x[u, w] += h
                QPlus = get_quat(x, y)
                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                QMinus = get_quat(x, y)
                x[u, w] += h
                FDiffQ[u, w] = (QPlus-QMinus)/(2*h)
                maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dq[u, w]-FDiffQ[u, w]))
      "atom %3i %s : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (u, 'xyz'[w], maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
        dq = FDiffQ
        if second:
            h = 1.0e-3
  "-=# Now checking second derivatives of superposition quaternion w/r.t. Cartesians #=-\n")
            Q0 = get_quat(x, y)
            FDiffQ2 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, y.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=float)
            for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                for w in range(3):
                    for a in range(x.shape[0]):
                        for b in range(3):
                            if a == u and b == w:
                                x[u, w] += h
                                QPlus = get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                                QMinus = get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] += h
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] = (QPlus+QMinus-2*Q0)/h**2
                                x[u, w] += h
                                x[a, b] += h   # (+, +)
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] = get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= 2*h # (-, +)
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] -= get_quat(x, y)
                                x[a, b] -= 2*h # (-, -)
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] += get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] += 2*h # (+, -)
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] -= get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= h
                                x[a, b] += h
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] /= (4*h**2)
                            maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dq2[u, w, a, b]-FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b]))
                            if maxerr > 1e-8:
                      "atom %3i %s, %3i %s : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (u, 'xyz'[w], a, 'xyz'[b], maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
            dq2 = FDiffQ2
    if second:
        return dq, dq2
        return dq
Esempio n. 5
def get_F_der(x, y):
    Calculate the derivatives of the F-matrix with respect
    to the Cartesian coordinates.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        Trial coordinates, dimensionality (number of atoms) x 3
    y : numpy.ndarray
        Target coordinates, dimensionalty must match trial coordinates

        u, w, i, j : 
        First two dimensions are (n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Second two dimensions are (4, 4), the elements of the R-matrix derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w
    x = x - np.mean(x,axis=0)
    y = y - np.mean(y,axis=0)
    dR = get_R_der(x, y)
    dF = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4, 4),dtype=float)
    for u in range(x.shape[0]):
        for w in range(3):
            dR11 = dR[u,w,0,0]
            dR12 = dR[u,w,0,1]
            dR13 = dR[u,w,0,2]
            dR21 = dR[u,w,1,0]
            dR22 = dR[u,w,1,1]
            dR23 = dR[u,w,1,2]
            dR31 = dR[u,w,2,0]
            dR32 = dR[u,w,2,1]
            dR33 = dR[u,w,2,2]
            dF[u,w,0,0] = dR11 + dR22 + dR33
            dF[u,w,0,1] = dR23 - dR32
            dF[u,w,0,2] = dR31 - dR13
            dF[u,w,0,3] = dR12 - dR21
            dF[u,w,1,0] = dR23 - dR32
            dF[u,w,1,1] = dR11 - dR22 - dR33
            dF[u,w,1,2] = dR12 + dR21
            dF[u,w,1,3] = dR13 + dR31
            dF[u,w,2,0] = dR31 - dR13
            dF[u,w,2,1] = dR12 + dR21
            dF[u,w,2,2] = dR22 - dR33 - dR11
            dF[u,w,2,3] = dR23 + dR32
            dF[u,w,3,0] = dR12 - dR21
            dF[u,w,3,1] = dR13 + dR31
            dF[u,w,3,2] = dR23 + dR32
            dF[u,w,3,3] = dR33 - dR22 - dR11
    fdcheck = False
    if fdcheck:
        h = 1e-4
        F0 = build_F(x, y)
        for u in range(x.shape[0]):
            for w in range(3):
                x[u, w] += h
                FPlus = build_F(x, y)
                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                FMinus = build_F(x, y)
                x[u, w] += h
                FDiffF = (FPlus-FMinus)/(2*h)
      "%i %i %12.6f\n" % (u, w, np.max(np.abs(dF[u, w]-FDiffF))))
    return dF
Esempio n. 6
def get_expmap_der(x, y, second=False, fdcheck=False, use_loops=False):
    Given trial coordinates x and target coordinates y, 
    return the derivatives of the exponential map that brings
    x into maximal coincidence (minimum RMSD) with y, with
    respect to the coordinates of x.

    x : numpy.ndarray
        Trial coordinates, dimensionality (number of atoms) x 3
    y : numpy.ndarray
        Target coordinates, dimensionalty must match trial coordinates
    second : bool
        If true, return the second derivative matrix as well.
    fdcheck : bool
        If true, perform a finite difference check and return finite difference gradients
    use_loops : bool
        If true, use the slower reference implementation that uses for loops

        u, w, i: 
        First two dimensions are (n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Third dimension is 3, the elements of the exponential map derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w
    numpy.ndarray (if second=True)
        u, w, a, b, i: 
        First four dimensions are (n_atoms, 3, n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Fifth dimension is 3, the elements of the exponential map second derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w, atom a, dimension b
    # t0 = time.time()
    q = get_quat(x,y)
    v = get_expmap(x,y)
    if second:
        fac, dfac, dfac2 = calc_fac_dfac(q[0], second=True)
        fac, dfac = calc_fac_dfac(q[0])
    dvdq = np.zeros((4, 3), dtype=float)
    dvdq[0, :] = dfac*q[1:]
    for i in range(3):
        dvdq[i+1, i] = fac
    if second:
        dvdq2 = np.zeros((4, 4, 3), dtype=float)
        dvdq2[0, 0, :] = dfac2*q[1:]
        for i in range(3):
            dvdq2[0, i+1, i] = dfac
            dvdq2[i+1, 0, i] = dfac
    if fdcheck:
        h = 1e-6
        fac, _ = calc_fac_dfac(q[0])
        V0 = fac*q[1:]"-=# Now checking first derivatives of exponential map w/r.t. quaternion #=-\n")
        for p in range(4):
            # Do backwards difference only, because arccos of q[0] > 1 is undefined
            q[p] -= h
            fac, _ = calc_fac_dfac(q[0])
            VMinus = fac*q[1:]
            q[p] += h
            FDiffV = (V0-VMinus)/h
            maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dvdq[p]-FDiffV))
  "q %3i : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (i, maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
            #, dvdq[i], FDiffV, np.max(np.abs(dvdq[i]-FDiffV)))
        if second:
            h = 1e-5
  "-=# Now checking second derivatives of exponential map w/r.t. quaternion #=-\n")
            def V_(q_):
                fac_, _ = calc_fac_dfac(q_[0])
                return fac_*q_[1:]
            for p in range(4):
                for r in range(4):
                    if p == r:
                        FDiffV2 = V0.copy()
                        q[p] -= h
                        FDiffV2 -= 2*V_(q)
                        q[p] -= h
                        FDiffV2 += V_(q)
                        q[p] += 2*h
                        FDiffV2 = V0.copy()
                        q[p] -= h
                        q[r] -= h
                        FDiffV2 += V_(q)
                        q[r] += h
                        FDiffV2 -= V_(q)
                        q[r] -= h
                        q[p] += h
                        FDiffV2 -= V_(q)
                        q[r] += h
                    FDiffV2 /= h**2
                    maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dvdq2[p, r]-FDiffV2))
                    if maxerr > 1e-7:
              "q %3i %3i : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (p, r, maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-5 else ''))
                    #"q %3i %3i : analytic %s numerical %s maxerr = %.3e %s" % (i, j, str(dvdq2[i, j]), str(FDiffV2), maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-4 else ''))
    # Dimensionality: Number of atoms, number of dimensions (3), number of elements in q (4)
    if second:
        dqdx, dqdx2 = get_q_der(x, y, second=True)
        dqdx = get_q_der(x, y)
    # Dimensionality: Number of atoms, number of dimensions (3), number of elements in v (3)
    dvdx = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
    for u in range(x.shape[0]):
        for w in range(3):
            dqdx_uw = dqdx[u, w]
            for p in range(4):
                dvdx[u, w, :] += dvdq[p, :] * dqdx[u, w, p]
    if second:
        if use_loops:
            # Reference implementation using for loops
            dvdx2 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, x.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
            dvdqx = np.zeros((4, x.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
            for p in range(4):
                for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                    for w in range(3):
                        for i in range(3):
                            for r in range(4):
                                dvdqx[p, u, w, i] += dvdq2[p, r, i] * dqdx[u, w, r]
            for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                for w in range(3):
                    for a in range(x.shape[0]):
                        for b in range(3):
                            for i in range(3):
                                for p in range(4):
                                    dvdx2[u, w, a, b, i] += dvdqx[p, a, b, i] * dqdx[u, w, p]
                                    dvdx2[u, w, a, b, i] += dvdq[p, i] * dqdx2[u, w, a, b, p]
            dvdqx = np.einsum('pri,uwr->puwi', dvdq2, dqdx, optimize=True)
            dvdx2 = np.einsum('pabi,uwp->uwabi', dvdqx, dqdx, optimize=True)
            dvdx2 += np.einsum('pi,uwabp->uwabi', dvdq, dqdx2, optimize=True)
    # LPW 2019-03-09: Using einsum gives 166x speedup over for loops for trp-cage (200 atoms); 0.06 vs. 10.1 s
    # print(time.time()-t0)
    if fdcheck:
        h = 1e-3"-=# Now checking first derivatives of exponential map w/r.t. Cartesians #=-\n")
        FDiffV = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
        for u in range(x.shape[0]):
            for w in range(3):
                x[u, w] += h
                VPlus = get_expmap(x, y)
                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                VMinus = get_expmap(x, y)
                x[u, w] += h
                FDiffV[u, w] = (VPlus-VMinus)/(2*h)
                maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dvdx[u, w]-FDiffV[u, w]))
      "atom %3i %s : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (u, 'xyz'[w], maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
        dvdx = FDiffV
        if second:
  "-=# Now checking second derivatives of exponential map w/r.t. Cartesians #=-\n")
            FDiffV2 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, y.shape[0], 3, 3), dtype=float)
            for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                for w in range(3):
                    for a in range(x.shape[0]):
                        for b in range(3):
                            if a == u and b == w:
                                x[u, w] += h
                                VPlus = get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                                VMinus = get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] += h
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] = (VPlus+VMinus-2*V0)/h**2
                                x[u, w] += h
                                x[a, b] += h   # (+, +)
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] = get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= 2*h # (-, +)
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] -= get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[a, b] -= 2*h # (-, -)
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] += get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] += 2*h # (+, -)
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] -= get_expmap(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= h
                                x[a, b] += h
                                FDiffV2[u, w, a, b] /= (4*h**2)
                            maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dvdx2[u, w, a, b]-FDiffV2[u, w, a, b]))
                            if maxerr > 1e-8:
                      "atom %3i %s, %3i %s : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (u, 'xyz'[w], a, 'xyz'[b], maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
            dvdx2 = FDiffV2
    if second:
        return dvdx, dvdx2
        return dvdx
Esempio n. 7
def get_q_der(x, y, second=False, fdcheck=False, use_loops=False):
    Calculate the derivatives of the quaternion with respect
    to the Cartesian coordinates.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        Trial coordinates, dimensionality (number of atoms) x 3
    y : numpy.ndarray
        Target coordinates, dimensionalty must match trial coordinates
    second : bool
        If true, return the second derivative matrix as well.
    fdcheck : bool
        If true, perform a finite difference check and return finite difference gradients
    use_loops : bool
        If true, use the slower reference implementation that uses for loops (only in second derivs)

        u, w, i: 
        First two dimensions are (n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Third dimension is 4, the elements of the quaternion derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w
    numpy.ndarray (if second=True)
        u, w, a, b, i: 
        First four dimensions are (n_atoms, 3, n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Fifth dimension is 4, the elements of the quaternion second derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w, atom a, dimension b
    x = x - np.mean(x,axis=0)
    y = y - np.mean(y,axis=0)
    q, l = get_quat(x, y, eig=True)
    F = build_F(x, y)
    dF = get_F_der(x, y)
    mat = np.eye(4)*l - F
    # pinv = np.matrix(np.linalg.pinv(np.eye(4)*l - F))
    Minv = invert_svd(np.eye(4)*l - F, thresh=1e-6)
    dq = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=float)
    for u in range(x.shape[0]):
        for w in range(3):
            # dquw = Minv*np.matrix(dF[u, w])*np.matrix(q).T
            dquw = multi_dot([Minv,dF[u, w],q.T])
            dq[u, w] = np.array(dquw).flatten()

    if second:
        if use_loops:
            # Reference implementation using for loops
            dl = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3), dtype=float)
            dM = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4, 4), dtype=float)
            dq2 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, x.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=float)
            dinv = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4, 4), dtype=float)
            for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                for w in range(3):
                    dl[u, w] = multi_dot([q, dF[u, w], q.T])
                    dM[u, w] = np.eye(4)*dl[u, w] - dF[u, w]
                    term1 = -multi_dot([Minv, dM[u, w], Minv])
                    term2 = multi_dot([Minv, Minv.T, dM[u, w].T, (np.eye(4), Minv))])
                    term3 = multi_dot([(np.eye(4), mat)), dM[u, w].T, Minv.T, Minv])
                    dinv[u, w] = term1 + term2 + term3
                    for a in range(x.shape[0]):
                        for b in range(3):
                            dq2[u, w, a, b] += multi_dot([dinv[u, w], dF[a, b], q])
                            dq2[u, w, a, b] += multi_dot([Minv, dF[a, b], dq[u, w]])
            # t0 = time.time()
            # LPW 2019-03-09: Setting optimize=True gives a 15x speedup for trp-cage (200 atoms, 0.02 vs. 0.3 s)
            dl = np.einsum('p,uwpr,r->uw', q, dF, q, optimize=True)
            dM = np.einsum('uw,pr->uwpr', dl, np.eye(4), optimize=True) - dF
            dinv = -np.einsum('ps,uwst,tr->uwpr', Minv, dM, Minv, optimize=True)
            dinv += np.einsum('ps,ts,uwvt,vr->uwpr', Minv, Minv, dM, np.eye(4),Minv), optimize=True)
            dinv += np.einsum('ps,uwts,vt,vr->uwpr', np.eye(4), mat), dM, Minv, Minv, optimize=True)
            dq2 = np.einsum('uwpr,abrs,s->uwabp', dinv, dF, q, optimize=True)
            dq2 += np.einsum('pr,abrs,uws->uwabp', Minv, dF, dq, optimize=True)
            # print(time.time()-t0)
    if fdcheck:
        # If fdcheck = True, then return finite difference derivatives
        h = 1e-6"-=# Now checking first derivatives of superposition quaternion w/r.t. Cartesians #=-\n")
        FDiffQ = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=float)
        for u in range(x.shape[0]):
            for w in range(3):
                x[u, w] += h
                QPlus = get_quat(x, y)
                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                QMinus = get_quat(x, y)
                x[u, w] += h
                FDiffQ[u, w] = (QPlus-QMinus)/(2*h)
                maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dq[u, w]-FDiffQ[u, w]))
      "atom %3i %s : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (u, 'xyz'[w], maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
        dq = FDiffQ
        if second:
            h = 1.0e-3
  "-=# Now checking second derivatives of superposition quaternion w/r.t. Cartesians #=-\n")
            Q0 = get_quat(x, y)
            FDiffQ2 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, y.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=float)
            for u in range(x.shape[0]):
                for w in range(3):
                    for a in range(x.shape[0]):
                        for b in range(3):
                            if a == u and b == w:
                                x[u, w] += h
                                QPlus = get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                                QMinus = get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] += h
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] = (QPlus+QMinus-2*Q0)/h**2
                                x[u, w] += h
                                x[a, b] += h   # (+, +)
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] = get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= 2*h # (-, +)
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] -= get_quat(x, y)
                                x[a, b] -= 2*h # (-, -)
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] += get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] += 2*h # (+, -)
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] -= get_quat(x, y)
                                x[u, w] -= h
                                x[a, b] += h
                                FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b] /= (4*h**2)
                            maxerr = np.max(np.abs(dq2[u, w, a, b]-FDiffQ2[u, w, a, b]))
                            if maxerr > 1e-8:
                      "atom %3i %s, %3i %s : maxerr = %.3e %s\n" % (u, 'xyz'[w], a, 'xyz'[b], maxerr, 'X' if maxerr > 1e-6 else ''))
            dq2 = FDiffQ2
    if second:
        return dq, dq2
        return dq
Esempio n. 8
def get_F_der(x, y):
    Calculate the derivatives of the F-matrix with respect
    to the Cartesian coordinates.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        Trial coordinates, dimensionality (number of atoms) x 3
    y : numpy.ndarray
        Target coordinates, dimensionalty must match trial coordinates

        u, w, i, j : 
        First two dimensions are (n_atoms, 3), the variables being differentiated
        Second two dimensions are (4, 4), the elements of the R-matrix derivatives with respect to atom u, dimension w
    x = x - np.mean(x,axis=0)
    y = y - np.mean(y,axis=0)
    dR = get_R_der(x, y)
    dF = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 3, 4, 4),dtype=float)
    for u in range(x.shape[0]):
        for w in range(3):
            dR11 = dR[u,w,0,0]
            dR12 = dR[u,w,0,1]
            dR13 = dR[u,w,0,2]
            dR21 = dR[u,w,1,0]
            dR22 = dR[u,w,1,1]
            dR23 = dR[u,w,1,2]
            dR31 = dR[u,w,2,0]
            dR32 = dR[u,w,2,1]
            dR33 = dR[u,w,2,2]
            dF[u,w,0,0] = dR11 + dR22 + dR33
            dF[u,w,0,1] = dR23 - dR32
            dF[u,w,0,2] = dR31 - dR13
            dF[u,w,0,3] = dR12 - dR21
            dF[u,w,1,0] = dR23 - dR32
            dF[u,w,1,1] = dR11 - dR22 - dR33
            dF[u,w,1,2] = dR12 + dR21
            dF[u,w,1,3] = dR13 + dR31
            dF[u,w,2,0] = dR31 - dR13
            dF[u,w,2,1] = dR12 + dR21
            dF[u,w,2,2] = dR22 - dR33 - dR11
            dF[u,w,2,3] = dR23 + dR32
            dF[u,w,3,0] = dR12 - dR21
            dF[u,w,3,1] = dR13 + dR31
            dF[u,w,3,2] = dR23 + dR32
            dF[u,w,3,3] = dR33 - dR22 - dR11
    fdcheck = False
    if fdcheck:
        h = 1e-4
        F0 = build_F(x, y)
        for u in range(x.shape[0]):
            for w in range(3):
                x[u, w] += h
                FPlus = build_F(x, y)
                x[u, w] -= 2*h
                FMinus = build_F(x, y)
                x[u, w] += h
                FDiffF = (FPlus-FMinus)/(2*h)
      "%i %i %12.6f\n" % (u, w, np.max(np.abs(dF[u, w]-FDiffF))))
    return dF