Esempio n. 1
def make_mesh_2d_indiv(all_lines, corners_XYZ, O, R, g, n_points_w=None):
    box_XYZ = Crop.from_points(corners_XYZ[:2]).expand(0.01)
    if lib.debug: print('box_XYZ:', box_XYZ)

    if n_points_w is None:
        # 90th percentile line width a good guess
        n_points_w = 1.2 * np.percentile(np.array([line.width() for line in all_lines]), 90)
    mesh_XYZ_x = np.linspace(box_XYZ.x0, box_XYZ.x1, 400)
    mesh_XYZ_z = g(mesh_XYZ_x)
    mesh_XYZ_xz_arc, total_arc = arc_length_points(mesh_XYZ_x, mesh_XYZ_z,
    mesh_XYZ_x_arc, _ = mesh_XYZ_xz_arc

    # TODO: think more about estimation of aspect ratio for mesh
    n_points_h = n_points_w * box_XYZ.h / total_arc
    # n_points_h = n_points_w * 1.7

    mesh_XYZ_y = np.linspace(box_XYZ.y0, box_XYZ.y1, n_points_h)
    mesh_XYZ = make_mesh_XYZ(mesh_XYZ_x_arc, mesh_XYZ_y, g)
    mesh_2d = gcs_to_image(mesh_XYZ, O, R)
    if lib.debug: print('mesh:', Crop.from_points(mesh_2d))

    # make sure meshes are not reversed
    if mesh_2d[0, :, 0].mean() > mesh_2d[0, :, -1].mean():
        mesh_2d = mesh_2d[:, :, ::-1]

    if mesh_2d[1, 0].mean() > mesh_2d[1, -1].mean():
        mesh_2d = mesh_2d[:, ::-1, :]

    return mesh_2d.transpose(1, 2, 0)
Esempio n. 2
 def crop(self):
     if self.underlines:
         return Crop.union(
             Crop.union_all([l.crop() for l in self.letters]),
             Crop.union_all([u.crop() for u in self.underlines]),
         return Crop.union_all([l.crop() for l in self.letters])
Esempio n. 3
def make_mesh_2d(all_lines, O, R, g, n_points_w=None):
    all_letters = np.concatenate([line.letters for line in all_lines])
    corners_2d = np.concatenate([letter.corners() for letter in all_letters]).T
    assert corners_2d.shape[0] == 2 and corners_2d.shape[1] == 4 * len(all_letters)
    corners = image_to_focal_plane(corners_2d, O)
    assert corners.shape[0] == 3
    t0s = np.full((corners.shape[1],), np.inf, dtype=np.float64)
    # Get the (X,Y,Z) on the GCS surface
    corners_t, corners_XYZ = newton.t_i_k(R, g, corners, t0s)

    corners_X, _, corners_Z = corners_XYZ
    relative_Z_error = np.abs(g(corners_X) - corners_Z) / corners_Z
    # Only leave corners that are not weird
    # such as: |g(X) - Z| should be close, |Z| should not be extremely large, t < 0 (the GCS should be in front of the camera)
    corners_XYZ = corners_XYZ[:, np.logical_and(relative_Z_error <= 0.02,
                                                abs(corners_Z) < 1e6,
                                                corners_t < 0)]
    corners_X, _, _ = corners_XYZ

    debug_print_points('corners.png', corners_2d)

    if lib.debug:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            ax = plt.axes()
            box_XY = Crop.from_points(corners_XYZ[:2]).expand(0.01)
            x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = box_XY

            for y in np.linspace(y_min, y_max, 3):
                xs = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 200)
                ys = np.full(200, y)
                zs = g(xs)
                points = np.stack([xs, ys, zs])
                points_r = inv(R).dot(points) + Of[:, newaxis]
                ax.plot(points_r[0], points_r[2])

            base_xs = np.array([corners[0].min(), corners[0].max()])
            base_zs = np.array([-3270.5, -3270.5])
            ax.plot(base_xs, base_zs)
        except Exception as e:
            import IPython

    if g.split():
        meshes = [
            make_mesh_2d_indiv(all_lines, corners_XYZ[:, corners_X <= g.T], O, R, g, n_points_w=n_points_w),
            make_mesh_2d_indiv(all_lines, corners_XYZ[:, corners_X > g.T], O, R, g, n_points_w=n_points_w),
        meshes = [make_mesh_2d_indiv(all_lines, corners_XYZ, O, R, g, n_points_w=n_points_w)]

    for i, mesh in enumerate(meshes):
        # debug_print_points('mesh{}.png'.format(i), mesh, step=20)

    return meshes
Esempio n. 4
def make_mesh_2d_indiv(all_lines, corners_XYZ, O, R, g, n_points_w=None):
    # Bound the text region by min and max over x, y axis and then expand the axis-aligned bounding boxes a little bit
    box_XYZ = Crop.from_points(corners_XYZ[:2]).expand(0.01)
    if lib.debug: print('box_XYZ:', box_XYZ)

    # n_points_w == how many discrete points for width
    if n_points_w is None:
        # 90th percentile line width a good guess
        n_points_w = 1.2 * np.percentile(np.array([line.width() for line in all_lines]), 90)
        n_points_w = max(n_points_w, 1800)
    mesh_XYZ_x = np.linspace(box_XYZ.x0, box_XYZ.x1, 400)
    mesh_XYZ_z = g(mesh_XYZ_x)
    # total_arc will be the true page width (computed from integration using finite difference method)
    mesh_XYZ_xz_arc, total_arc = arc_length_points(mesh_XYZ_x, mesh_XYZ_z,
    # we actually only need x, because z can be easily computed from g (i.e. g(x) = z)
    mesh_XYZ_x_arc, _ = mesh_XYZ_xz_arc
    assert len(mesh_XYZ_x_arc) == int(n_points_w)

    # TODO: think more about estimation of aspect ratio for mesh
    # compute the discrete points for height (show follow the aspect ratio (i.e. box_XYZ.h / total_arc)
    n_points_h = int(n_points_w * box_XYZ.h / total_arc)
    # n_points_h = n_points_w * 1.7

    mesh_XYZ_y = np.linspace(box_XYZ.y0, box_XYZ.y1, n_points_h)
    # (3, n_points_h, n_points_w)
    mesh_XYZ = make_mesh_XYZ(mesh_XYZ_x_arc, mesh_XYZ_y, g)
    assert mesh_XYZ.shape[0] == 3
    # mesh_2d[:, i, j] == a coordinate (x, y) on the original image
    mesh_2d = gcs_to_image(mesh_XYZ, O, R)
    if lib.debug: print('mesh:', Crop.from_points(mesh_2d))

    # make sure meshes are not reversed
    # (Note: I think the upside down issue is caused by rotation)
    # fix left-right reversed (I think it will happen why rotation axis is (0, 1, 0) and rotation degree is pi)
    # by making sure the first x coordinate is bigger than
    if mesh_2d[0, :, 0].mean() > mesh_2d[0, :, -1].mean():
        mesh_2d = mesh_2d[:, :, ::-1]

    # fix upside down
    if mesh_2d[1, 0].mean() > mesh_2d[1, -1].mean():
        mesh_2d = mesh_2d[:, ::-1, :]

    return mesh_2d.transpose(1, 2, 0) # height, width, 2(x,y)
Esempio n. 5
def kim2014(orig, O=None, split=False, n_points_w=None, n_tries=30):
    lib.debug_imwrite('gray.png', binarize.grayscale(orig))
    im = binarize.binarize(orig, algorithm=lambda im: binarize.sauvola_noisy(im, k=0.1))
    global bw
    bw = im

    im_h, im_w = im.shape

    AH, lines, _ = get_AH_lines(im)

    if O is None:
        O = np.array((im_w / 2.0, im_h / 2.0))

    if split:
        # Test if line start distribution is bimodal.
        line_xs = np.array([line.left() for line in lines])
        bimodal = line_xs.std() / im_w > 0.10
        dual = bimodal and im_w > im_h
        dual = False

    if dual:
        print('Bimodal! Splitting page!')
        pages = crop.split_lines(lines)

        n_points_w = 1.2 * np.percentile(np.array([line.width() for line in lines]), 90)
        n_points_w = max(n_points_w, 1800)

        if lib.debug:
            debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
            for page in pages:
                page_crop = Crop.from_lines(page).expand(0.005)
                # print(page_crop)
            lib.debug_imwrite('split.png', debug)

        page_crops = [Crop.from_lines(page) for page in pages]
        if len(page_crops) == 2:
            [c0, c1] = page_crops
            split_x = (c0.x1 + c1.x0) / 2
            page_crops = [
                c0.union(Crop(0, 0, split_x, im_h)),
                c1.union(Crop(split_x, 0, im_w, im_h))

        result = []
        for i, (page, page_crop) in enumerate(zip(pages, page_crops)):
            print('==== PAGE {} ===='.format(i))

            page_image = page_crop.apply(orig)
            page_bw = page_crop.apply(im)
            page_AH, page_lines, _ = get_AH_lines(page_bw)
            new_O = O - np.array((page_crop.x0, page_crop.y0))
            lib.debug_imwrite('precrop.png', im)
            lib.debug_imwrite('page.png', page_image)

            bw = page_bw
            dewarper = Kim2014(page_image, page_bw, page_lines, [page_lines],
                               new_O, page_AH, n_points_w)


        return result
        dewarper = Kim2014(orig, im, lines, [lines], O, AH, n_points_w)
        return dewarper.run_retry(n_tries=n_tries)
Esempio n. 6
def process_image(original, dpi=None):
    original_rot90 = original

    for i in range(args.rotate / 90):
        original_rot90 = np.rot90(original_rot90)

    # original_rot90 = cv2.resize(original_rot90, (0, 0), None, 1.5, 1.5)
    im_h, im_w = original_rot90.shape[:2]
    # image height should be about 10 inches. round to 100
    if not dpi:
        dpi = int(round(im_h / 1100.0) * 100)
        print('detected dpi:', dpi)

    split = im_w > im_h # two pages

    cropped_images = []
    if args.dewarp:
        dewarped_images = dewarp.kim2014(original_rot90)
        for im in dewarped_images:
            bw = binarize.binarize(im, algorithm=binarize.sauvola, resize=1.0)
            _, [lines] = crop(im, bw, split=False)
            c = Crop.from_lines(lines)
            if c.nonempty():
        bw = binarize.binarize(original_rot90, algorithm=binarize.adaptive_otsu, resize=1.0)
        debug_imwrite('thresholded.png', bw)
        AH, line_sets = crop(original_rot90, bw, split=split)

        for lines in line_sets:
            c = Crop.from_lines(lines)
            if c.nonempty():
                lib.debug = False
                bw_cropped = c.apply(bw)
                orig_cropped = c.apply(original_rot90)
                angle = algorithm.skew_angle(bw_cropped, original_rot90, AH, lines)
                if not np.isfinite(angle): angle = 0.
                rotated = algorithm.safe_rotate(orig_cropped, angle)

                rotated_bw = binarize.binarize(rotated, algorithm=binarize.adaptive_otsu)
                _, [new_lines] = crop(rotated, rotated_bw, split=False)

                # dewarped = algorithm.fine_dewarp(rotated, new_lines)
                # _, [new_lines] = crop(rotated, rotated_bw, split=False)
                new_crop = Crop.union_all([line.crop() for line in new_lines])

                if new_crop.nonempty():
                    # cropped = new_crop.apply(dewarped)
                    cropped = new_crop.apply(rotated)

    out_images = []
    for i, cropped in enumerate(cropped_images):
        if lib.is_bw(original_rot90):

    return dpi, out_images
Esempio n. 7
 def crop(self):
     return Crop(self.x, self.y, self.x + self.w, self.y + self.h)