Esempio n. 1
def to_Point32(*args, **kwargs):
    converts the input to a geometry_msgs/Point32 message
    supported input:
      - ROS Pose message (orientation ignored)
      - ROS PoseStamped message (orientation ignored)
      - ROS Point message
      - ROS PointStamped message
      - ROS Point32 message
      - ROS Transform message (orientation ignored)
      - ROS TransformStamped message (orientation ignored)
      - ROS Vector3 message
      - ROS Vector3Stamped message
      - kdl Frame (orientation ignored)
      - kdl Vector
      - tf transform (orientation ignored)
      - iterable of length 3 (list, tuple, np.array, ...)
      - individual x,y,z values
      - named x, y, z arguments.  (minimum of 1 can be specified)
      - no arguments will result in the zero point

    keyword args:
      - x, y, z

    Note: if more than 1 argument then they should be in the order they appear
    # get Point
    point = to_Point(*args, **kwargs)

    return geometry_msgs.Point32(point.x, point.y, point.z)
    def to_geometry_msg(self) -> geometry_msgs.Point:
        """To ROS geometry_msg.

            This point as a geometry_msgs/Point
        return geometry_msgs.Point32(x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z)
Esempio n. 3
 def _to_ros_msg(self):
     msg = m.Polygon()
     for x, y, z in self.value:
         p2 = m.Point32()
         p2.x = x
         p2.y = y
         p2.z = z
     return msg
 def generateTransparentObstacleMarkers(self):
     poly = msg.Polygon()
         transparent_obstacles = [e for e in self.getEntities() if isinstance(e, TranspanrentObstacle)]
         for to in transparent_obstacles:
             poly.points.extend([msg.Point32(p[0], p[1], 0.0) for p in to.getSegment().coords])
     except (AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError):
         rospy.loginfo("Encountered problem getting transparent obstacles. Skipping...")
     return poly
Esempio n. 5
    def make_goal(self, ud, goal):
        """ Create a goal for the action
        room_number = ud['room_number']
        segmented_map = ud['segmented_map']

        # We need an image containing only the room to explore, so we create an empty image with the same
        # properties as the original map, set to white (\xFF) all pixels that correspond to the given room
        # number in the segmented map, and set as black (\x00) te rest
        goal.input_map = ud['map_image'] = b''
        # segmented_map encoding is 32SC1, so 4 bytes, though just the first byte is enough up to 255 rooms
        for i in range(segmented_map.height):
            for j in range(segmented_map.width):
                idx = i * segmented_map.step + j * 4
                val =[idx:idx + 4]
                pixel = struct.unpack('<BBBB', val)[0]
                if pixel == room_number:
           += b'\xFF'
           += b'\x00'

        fov_points = rospy.get_param(
        goal.field_of_view_origin = TF2().transform_pose(
            None, 'kinect_rgb_frame', 'base_footprint').pose.position
        goal.field_of_view = [geometry_msgs.Point32(*pt) for pt in fov_points]
        goal.planning_mode = 2  # plan a path for coverage with the robot's field of view
        goal.starting_position = to_pose2d(
            ud['robot_pose'])  # we need to convert to Pose2D msg

        # use room center as starting point; theta is ignored by room exploration
        room_info = ud['room_information_in_meter'][room_number - 1]
        start_point = geometry_msgs.PointStamped()
        start_point.header.frame_id = 'map'
        start_point.point = room_info.room_center
        goal.starting_position.x = room_info.room_center.x
        goal.starting_position.y = room_info.room_center.y
        goal.starting_position.theta = 0.0  # it's ignored
        # provide the starting pose so we can move there before starting exploring
        ud['start_pose'] = create_2d_pose(room_info.room_center.x,
                                          room_info.room_center.y, 0.0, 'map')
        # IDEA: can use room_info.room_min_max to avoid points colliding with the walls

        # visualize explore map and fov on RViz
        fov = geometry_msgs.PolygonStamped()
        fov.header.frame_id = 'kinect_rgb_frame'
        fov.polygon.points = goal.field_of_view
        if not self.fov_pub_timer:
            self.fov_pub_timer = rospy.Timer(
                rospy.Duration(0.1), lambda e: self.fov_pub.publish(fov))
Esempio n. 6
 def _to_ros_msg(self):
     msg = m.PolygonStamped()
     for x, y, z in self.value:
         p2 = m.Point32()
         p2.x = x
         p2.y = y
         p2.z = z
     msg.header = self._get_header()
     return msg
Esempio n. 7
def np_to_pointcloud(points_mat, frame):
    pc = sm.PointCloud()
    pc.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
    pc.header.frame_id = frame
    for i in range(points_mat.shape[1]):
        p32 = gm.Point32()
        p32.x = points_mat[0, i]
        p32.y = points_mat[1, i]
        p32.z = points_mat[2, i]
    return pc
    def to_geometry_msg(self):
        """To ROS geometry_msg.

            This polygon as a geometry_msgs.Polygon.
        msg = geometry_msgs.Polygon()
        msg.points = [
            geometry_msgs.Point32(*p.to_numpy()) for p in self.get_points()
        return msg
def update_map(data):
    global numScans
    global map_ready
    global obstacles
    global obstacles_prev
    points = filter_laser_scan(data, 0, 0)
    scan_filtered = sensors.PointCloud()

    for i in range(0, len(points)):
        new_point = geometries.Point32()
        new_point.x = points[i][0]
        new_point.y = points[i][1]

    if not map_ready:
        if numScans > 50:
            map_ready = True
            print "Map ready!"
            print "Number of scans: " + str(numScans)
            obstacles = distance_cluster(points)
            obstacle1 = geometries.Pose2D()
            obstacle1.theta = 0
            obstacle1.x = obstacles[0][0]
            obstacle1.y = obstacles[0][1]

            obstacle2 = geometries.Pose2D()
            obstacle2.theta = 0
            obstacle2.x = obstacles[1][0]
            obstacle2.y = obstacles[1][1]
            if not close_enough(obstacles_prev[0],
                                obstacles[0]) and not close_enough(
                                    obstacles_prev[1], obstacles[1]):
                numScans = 0
                obstacles_prev = obstacles

    if map_ready:
        #print "localization using map..."
        obstacle1 = geometries.Pose2D()
        obstacle1.theta = 0
        obstacle1.x = obstacles[0][0]
        obstacle1.y = obstacles[0][1]

        obstacle2 = geometries.Pose2D()
        obstacle2.theta = 0
        obstacle2.x = obstacles[1][0]
        obstacle2.y = obstacles[1][1]
    numScans = numScans + 1
Esempio n. 10
def main():

    #Read ROS parameter arguments, if present
    # ros_params = rospy.get_param('~')

    # #Read command line options
    # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # parser.add_argument('server_ip')
    # parser.add_argument('-f', '--framerate', default=1, type=float, help='Desired framerate')
    # args = parser.parse_args()

    #Initialize the ROS node
    pub = rospy.Publisher('mocap_point_cloud', sensor_msgs.PointCloud)

    #Load the mocap stream
    ip = rospy.get_param('phasespace/ip', '')
    with load_mocap.PhasespaceMocapSource(ip, num_points=10,
                                          framerate=480).get_stream() as mocap:

        #Play the points from the mocap stream
        #Loop until the node is killed with Ctrl+C
        frame_num = 0
        while 1:
            frame =[0].squeeze()
            if rospy.is_shutdown():

            print('STREAMING: Frame ' + str(frame_num), end='\r')

            #Construct and publish the message
            message = sensor_msgs.PointCloud()
            message.header = std_msgs.Header()
            message.header.frame_id = 'world'  #'mocap'
            #message.header.time = rospy.get_rostime()
            message.points = []
            for i in range(frame.shape[0]):
                point = geometry_msgs.Point32()
                point.x = frame[i, 0] / 1000
                point.y = -frame[i, 2] / 1000
                point.z = frame[i, 1] / 1000
            frame_num += 1

    print('\rSTOPPED: Frame ' + str(frame_num))
Esempio n. 11
def laser_scan_to_point_cloud(laser_scan_msg, density=100):
        Change type 

        :param sensor_msgs.LaserScan laser_scan_msg: laser scans data (r, theta) type
        :param int intensity: laser scans data (r, theta) type

    point_cloud = sensor_msgs.PointCloud()
    point_cloud.header.frame_id = laser_scan_msg.header.frame_id

    for idx in range(0, len(laser_scan_msg.ranges), 100/density):
        point = geometry_msgs.Point32()
        a = laser_scan_msg.angle_min + laser_scan_msg.angle_increment * idx
        point.x = laser_scan_msg.ranges[idx] * cos(a)
        point.y = laser_scan_msg.ranges[idx] * sin(a)
    return point_cloud
    def test_point_init(self):
        """Test if the point class can be initialize."""

        # Basic
        p1 = Point(1, 3)
        self.assertListEqual([p1.x, p1.y, p1.z], [1, 3, 0])

        examples = [
            ([-1, -2], [-1, -2, 0]),
            (np.array([1, 2, 4]), [1, 2, 4]),
            (np.array([1, 2]), [1, 2, 0]),
            (g_msgs.Point32(1, 3, 4), [1, 3, 4]),

        for example in examples:
            # Point initialization
            point = Point(example[0])
            self.assertListEqual([point.x, point.y, point.z], example[1])

        self.assertEqual(Point(math.sqrt(2), math.sqrt(2)), Point(r=2, phi=math.pi / 4))
Esempio n. 13
def point32_to_ros(p):
    return gm.Point32(x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z)
Esempio n. 14
    def test_point_extract(self):
        p1 = Point(1, 3, 2)

        self.assertEqual(p1.to_geometry_msg(), g_msgs.Point32(1, 3, 2))
Esempio n. 15
def to_PointCloud(*args, **kwargs):
    converts the input to a sensor_msgs/PointCloud message

    supported input:
      - ROS PointCloud messages
      - iterable of ROS Point messages
      - iterable of kdl Vectors
      - iterable of iterables
      - numpy array Nx3 or 3xN (if N == 3 then it is assumed Nx3)
      - no arguments will result in an empty PointCloud

    keyword args:
      - frame_id 
      - stamp

    NOTE: mixing types is not supported
    if (len(args) > 0 and type(args[0]) == sensor_msgs.PointCloud):
        return copy.deepcopy(args[0])

    pc = sensor_msgs.PointCloud()
    if (len(args) > 0):
        pts = args[0]
        # numpy array
        if (type(pts) == np.ndarray):
            # 3xN (N > 3)
            if (max(pts.shape) > 3 and pts.shape[1] > pts.shape[0]):
                pts = pts.T
            # Nx3 or 3xN (N < 3)
            elif (pts.shape != (3, 3) and pts.shape[0] == 3):
                pts = pts.T
            pc.points = [geometry_msgs.Point32(p[0], p[1], p[2]) for p in pts]

        elif (hasattr(pts, '__iter__') and len(args[0]) > 0):
            # Point32
            if (type(pts[0]) == geometry_msgs.Point32):
                pc.points = copy.deepcopy(pts)
            # Point
            elif (type(pts[0]) == geometry_msgs.Point):
                pc.points = [
                    geometry_msgs.Point32(p.x, p.y, p.z) for p in pts
            # kdl Vector
            elif (type(pts[0]) == kdl.Vector):
                pc.points = [
                    geometry_msgs.Point32(p.x(), p.y(), p.z()) for p in pts
            # iterable
            elif hasattr(pts[0], '__iter__'):
                pc.points = [
                    geometry_msgs.Point32(p[0], p[1], p[2]) for p in pts

    if ('frame_id' in kwargs.keys()):
        pc.header.frame_id = kwargs['frame_id']

    if ('stamp' in kwargs.keys()):
        pc.header.stamp = kwargs['stamp']

    return pc