def reverse_robot(): print "Reversing Robot\n" import time global vel_lin_buffer, vel_ang_buffer, reversing global cmd_vel_pub, restored_bump_pub reversing = True for l, a in zip(reversed(vel_lin_buffer), reversed(vel_ang_buffer)): lin_vec = Vector3(-l[0], -l[1], -l[2]) ang_vec = Vector3(-a[0], -a[1], -a[2]) time.sleep(0.1) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = lin_vec twist_msg.angular = ang_vec cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) for _ in range(10): time.sleep(0.05) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) reversing = False restored_bump_pub.publish(True)
def square(): pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('square', anonymous=True) pause = Twist() pause.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) pause.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) forward = Twist() forward.linear = Vector3(forward_velocity, 0, 0) forward.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) rotate = Twist() rotate.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) rotate.angular = Vector3(0, 0, rotate_velocity) cmds = [pause, forward, pause, rotate] * 4 + [pause] cmd_step = 0 sleep_times = {pause: 0.5, forward: 2, rotate: 0.5} while not rospy.is_shutdown() and cmd_step < len(cmds): cmd = cmds[cmd_step] sleep_time = sleep_times[cmd] # rospy.loginfo(cmd, sleep_time) pub.publish(cmd) rospy.sleep(sleep_time) cmd_step += 1
def publishVelocities(self, listOfVelocities): """ Input: takes a list of Velocities, alternating angular and linear. Output: publishes velocities for a certain amount of time to the rostopic """ r = rospy.Rate(20) r.sleep() for i in range(len(listOfVelocities)): print(listOfVelocities[i]) if (i % 2 == 1): output = Twist() output.linear = Vector3(listOfVelocities[i], 0, 0) output.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) now = rospy.get_time() while (now + 1.0 > rospy.get_time()) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): self.velpub.publish(output) r.sleep() else: if (listOfVelocities[i] != 0): output = Twist() if (listOfVelocities[i] > 3.14): listOfVelocities[i] = listOfVelocities[i] - 6.28 output.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) output.angular = Vector3(0, 0, -listOfVelocities[i]) now = rospy.get_time() while (now + 1.0 > rospy.get_time()) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): self.velpub.publish(output) r.sleep()
def turtle(cmd): print("cmd: ", cmd) # rostopic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -r 1 -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, -1.8]' # $ rostopic type /turtle1/cmd_vel # geometry_msgs/Twist # $ rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist # geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear # float64 x # float64 y # float64 z # geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular # float64 x # float64 y # float64 z pub_twist = Twist() pub_twist.linear = Vector3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0) pub_twist.angular = Vector3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0) if cmd == "顺时针旋转。": pub_twist.linear = Vector3(x=2.0, y=0.0, z=0.0) pub_twist.angular = Vector3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=-1.8) if cmd == "逆时针旋转。": pub_twist.linear = Vector3(x=2.0, y=0.0, z=0.0) pub_twist.angular = Vector3(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=1.8) pub_turtle.publish(pub_twist)
def robotDoLoop(): pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('robotDoLoop', anonymous=True) do_nothing = Twist() do_nothing.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) do_nothing.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) go_forward = Twist() go_forward.linear = Vector3(forward_velocity, 0, 0) go_forward.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) do_rotation = Twist() do_rotation.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) do_rotation.angular = Vector3(0, 0, rotate_velocity) cmds = [do_nothing, go_forward, do_nothing, do_rotation] * 4 + [do_nothing] cmd_step = 0 sleep_times = {do_nothing: 0.5, go_forward: 2.0, do_rotation: 0.5} # Wait 5 seconds, then run the loop rospy.sleep(5) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and cmd_step < len(cmds): cmd = cmds[cmd_step] sleep_time = sleep_times[cmd] # rospy.loginfo(cmd, sleep_time) pub.publish(cmd) rospy.sleep(sleep_time) cmd_step += 1
def goalPub(): global currentGoal goalCount = 0 goalinworld = rospy.Publisher('robot_2/goal',Twist,queue_size=10) goal = Twist() goal.linear = Vector3(currentGoal.x,currentGoal.y,0.0) goal.angular = Vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0) rate = rospy.Rate(10.0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): result = goal2_client() if result.robot2_thereOrNot == 1: goalCount = goalCount + 1 if goalCount>=1: currentGoal.x = -13.0 currentGoal.y = -10.0 else: currentGoal.x = -13.0 currentGoal.y = -5.0 goal.linear = Vector3(currentGoal.x,currentGoal.y,0.0) goal.angular = Vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0) rospy.loginfo(goalCount) rospy.loginfo(goal.linear) goalinworld.publish(goal) rate.sleep()
def pub_movement(movement): if not isinstance(movement, type("")): return False move_msg = Twist() if movement == "stop": move_msg.angular = 0 move_msg.linear = 0 elif movement == "left": move_msg.angular = -robot_speed * 0.5 move_msg.linear = 0 elif movement == "right": move_msg.angular = robot_speed * 0.5 move_msg.linear = 0 elif movement == "forward": move_msg.angular = 0 move_msg.linear = robot_speed elif movement == "backward": move_msg.angular = 0 move_msg.linear = -robot_speed movement_pub.publish()
def turn180(self): print "Doing turn now!" trans, rot = self.tfFrames.lookupTransform('/odom','/base_link',rospy.Time(0)) Angle = euler_from_quaternion(rot) origAng = Angle[2] output = Twist() #print(euler_from_quaternion(rot)) output.linear = Vector3(0,0,0) output.angular = Vector3(0,0,self.roomba_turn_speed) trans, rot = self.tfFrames.lookupTransform('/odom','/base_link',rospy.Time(0)) Angle = euler_from_quaternion(rot) newAng = Angle[2] r = rospy.Rate(50) while(self.angle_diff(newAng,origAng) > -2.6) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): trans, rot = self.tfFrames.lookupTransform('/odom','/base_link',rospy.Time(0)) Angle = euler_from_quaternion(rot) newAng = Angle[2] r.sleep() #print(self.angle_diff(newAng,origAng)) output = Twist() output.linear = Vector3(self.roomba_speed,0,0) output.angular = Vector3(0,0,0)
def callback(data): rospy.loginfo("Recieved {0}".format( twist = Twist() if # If data present an object was detected, move forward twist.linear.x = .10; twist.linear.y = 0.0; twist.linear.z = 0.0; twist.angular. = 0.0; twist.angular.y = 0.0; twist.angular.z = 0.0; else #if not present, no object detected, spin twist.linear.x = 0.0; twist.linear.y = 0.0; twist.linear.z = 0.0; twist.angular. = 0.0; twist.angular.y = 0.0; twist.angular.z = .5; pub.publish(twist)
def roll(self, color, speed, heading, time=5): t = Twist() t.linear = Vector3(speed, 0, 0) t.angular = Vector3(0, 0, heading) self.pub_sphero_cmd_vel[color].publish(t) rospy.sleep(time) t = Twist() t.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) t.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.pub_sphero_cmd_vel[color].publish(t)
def _parse_joy(self, joy=None): if self._msg_type == 'twist': cmd = Twist() else: cmd = Accel() if joy is not None: # Linear velocities: l = Vector3(0, 0, 0) if self._axes['x'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['x']]) > self._deadzone: l.x += self._axes_gain['x'] * joy.axes[self._axes['x']] if self._axes['y'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['y']]) > self._deadzone: l.y += self._axes_gain['y'] * joy.axes[self._axes['y']] if self._axes['z'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['z']]) > self._deadzone: l.z += self._axes_gain['z'] * joy.axes[self._axes['z']] if self._axes['xfast'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['xfast']]) > self._deadzone: l.x += self._axes_gain['xfast'] * joy.axes[self._axes['xfast']] if self._axes['yfast'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['yfast']]) > self._deadzone: l.y += self._axes_gain['yfast'] * joy.axes[self._axes['yfast']] if self._axes['zfast'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['zfast']]) > self._deadzone: l.z += self._axes_gain['zfast'] * joy.axes[self._axes['zfast']] # Angular velocities: a = Vector3(0, 0, 0) if self._axes['roll'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['roll']]) > self._deadzone: a.x += self._axes_gain['roll'] * joy.axes[self._axes['roll']] if self._axes['rollfast'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['rollfast']]) > self._deadzone: a.x += self._axes_gain['rollfast'] * joy.axes[self._axes['rollfast']] if self._axes['pitch'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['pitch']]) > self._deadzone: a.y += self._axes_gain['pitch'] * joy.axes[self._axes['pitch']] if self._axes['pitchfast'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['pitchfast']]) > self._deadzone: a.y += self._axes_gain['pitchfast'] * joy.axes[self._axes['pitchfast']] if self._axes['yaw'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['yaw']]) > self._deadzone: a.z += self._axes_gain['yaw'] * joy.axes[self._axes['yaw']] if self._axes['yawfast'] > -1 and abs(joy.axes[self._axes['yawfast']]) > self._deadzone: a.z += self._axes_gain['yawfast'] * joy.axes[self._axes['yawfast']] cmd.linear = l cmd.angular = a else: cmd.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) cmd.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) return cmd
def reverse_robot(): global logger"Reversing Robot ...\n") import time global vel_lin_buffer, vel_ang_buffer, reversing global cmd_vel_pub, restored_bump_pub global curr_cam_data, save_pose_data, image_dir, save_img_seq reversing = True logger.debug("Posting cmd_vel messages backwards with a %.2f delay", utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) for l, a in zip(reversed(vel_lin_buffer), reversed(vel_ang_buffer)): lin_vec = Vector3(-l[0], -l[1], -l[2]) ang_vec = Vector3(-a[0], -a[1], -a[2]) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = lin_vec twist_msg.angular = ang_vec rospy.sleep(utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) # publish last twist message so the robot reverse a bit more for _ in range(5): rospy.sleep(utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting cmd_vel messages backwards ...\n") rospy.sleep(0.5) logger.debug("Posting zero cmd_vel messages with %.2f delay", utils.ZERO_VEL_PUBLISH_DELAY) for _ in range(100): rospy.sleep(utils.ZERO_VEL_PUBLISH_DELAY) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting zero cmd_vel messages ...\n") reversing = False restored_bump_pub.publish(True) if image_dir is not None: if save_img_seq: pickle.dump( curr_cam_data, open(image_dir + os.sep + 'images_' + str(episode) + '.pkl', 'wb')) curr_cam_data = [] pickle.dump( save_pose_data, open(image_dir + os.sep + 'pose_' + str(episode) + '.pkl', 'wb')) save_pose_data = []"Reverse finished ...\n")
def control_backup(self): v_pallet = self.pallet_position - self.robot_position distance = np.linalg.norm(v_pallet) if (distance < BACKUP_DISTANCE): cmd = Twist() cmd.linear = Vector3(-BACKUP_SPEED, 0, 0) cmd.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.wheel_cmd_publisher.publish(cmd) else: cmd = Twist() cmd.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) cmd.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.wheel_cmd_publisher.publish(cmd) self.state = CONTROL_STATE_DONE
def coordinate_to_action(self, msg): x = msg.x y = msg.y r = msg.z depth_proportion = -0.025 depth_intercept = 1.35 depth = r*depth_proportion + depth_intercept # print depth y_transform = self.frame_height/2 - y x_transform = x-self.frame_width/2 angle_diff = math.tan(x_transform/depth) print "x: ", x_transform print "y: ",y print "d: ", depth print "a: ", angle_diff twist = Twist() lin_proportion = 0#-(0.5-depth)*0.1 twist.linear = Vector3(lin_proportion, 0, 0) turn_proportion = 0*(angle_diff) twist.angular = Vector3(0, 0, turn_proportion) self.move_pub.publish(twist.linear, twist.angular)
def _move_tick(self, linear_vector=Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), angular_vector=Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = linear_vector twist_msg.angular = angular_vector self._base_publisher.publish(twist_msg)
def move_base(self, x, y, z): print "MOVING" twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(x, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, z) self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg)
def move_robot(distance): """ moves the robot straight on specified distance """ global pub global is_currently_moving is_currently_moving = True move_command = Twist() # no turning move_command.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # just moving forward move_command.linear = Vector3(SPEED, 0, 0) # moving forward for specified distance t_0 = current_distance = 0 while current_distance < distance and movement_is_ok(): pub.publish(move_command) t_1 = current_distance = SPEED*(t_1-t_0) move_command.linear = Vector3(0,0,0) pub.publish(move_command) is_currently_moving = False
def turn_towards_target(self, angle): current_yaw = get_yaw_from_pose(self.current_pose.pose.pose) # convert angle to radian value in [-pi, pi] angle = math.remainder(angle, 2 * np.pi) destination_yaw = current_yaw + angle if destination_yaw > np.pi: destination_yaw -= (2 * np.pi) elif destination_yaw < -np.pi: destination_yaw += (2 * np.pi) r = rospy.Rate(60) # turn until we face within 1 degree of destination angle while abs( get_yaw_from_pose(self.current_pose.pose.pose) - destination_yaw) > (np.pi / 180): # turn pi/12 rad/sec turn_msg = Twist() turn_vel = np.sign(destination_yaw - get_yaw_from_pose( self.current_pose.pose.pose)) * (np.pi / 12) turn_msg.angular = Vector3(0, 0, turn_vel) self.movement_pub.publish(turn_msg) r.sleep() print("{0}/{1}: {2}".format( str(get_yaw_from_pose(self.current_pose.pose.pose)), str(destination_yaw), str( abs( get_yaw_from_pose(self.current_pose.pose.pose) - destination_yaw)))) # Halt self.movement_pub.publish(Twist())
def turn_towards_target(self, angle): #wait for first pose while (not self.seen_first_pose): time.sleep(1) current_yaw = get_yaw_from_pose(self.current_pose.pose.pose) # convert angle to radian value in [-pi, pi] angle = math.remainder(angle, 2 * np.pi) destination_yaw = current_yaw + angle if destination_yaw > np.pi: destination_yaw = -np.pi + (destination_yaw - np.pi) r = rospy.Rate(60) # turn until we face within 1 degree of destination angle while abs( get_yaw_from_pose(self.current_pose.pose.pose) - destination_yaw) > (np.pi / 180): # turn pi/16 rad/sec turn_msg = Twist() turn_vel = np.sign(destination_yaw - get_yaw_from_pose( self.current_pose.pose.pose)) * (np.pi / 16) turn_msg.angular = Vector3(0, 0, turn_vel) self.movement_pub.publish(turn_msg) r.sleep() # Halt self.movement_pub.publish(Twist())
def notifyClientUpdated(self, topic): #rank the votes and convert to a numpy array linearCandidates = self.getLinearCandidates() angularCandidates = self.getAngularCandidates() linearRankings, angularRankings = rankings = self.calculateRankings(rospy.get_rostime()) #sum the rankings of each candidate linearBordaCount = np.sum(linearRankings, axis=0) angularBordaCount = np.sum(angularRankings, axis=0) #highest ranked candidate bestLinearCandidateIndex = np.argmax(linearBordaCount) bestAngularCandidateIndex = np.argmax(angularBordaCount) bestLinearCandidate = linearCandidates[bestLinearCandidateIndex] bestAngularCandidate = angularCandidates[bestAngularCandidateIndex] #publish the best ranked action rospy.loginfo("aggregator realtime_weighted_borda_full: %s - %s",(bestLinearCandidate,bestAngularCandidate),self.weights) action=Twist() if bestLinearCandidate: action.linear = bestLinearCandidate.linear if bestAngularCandidate: action.angular = bestAngularCandidate.angular self.publish(action)
def talker_direct(self): self.motor_counter += 1 current_counter = self.motor_counter pub = rospy.Publisher('lego_robot/cmd_vel_med', Twist, queue_size=10) max_speed = 800 # running the robot at duty_cycle_sp of 100 gave me a speed of 880 something in the air # running on the ground it got like 800 publishFrequency = 60 rate = rospy.Rate(publishFrequency) # 60hz counter = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.stopped: if self.motor_counter != current_counter: return # print(counter) twist = Twist() angular = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() angular.x = math.radians(max_speed * self.duty_cycle_sp / 100) # angular.x = kwargs['speed_sp'] * math.pi / 180 counter += 1 twist.angular = angular twist.linear = linear # rospy.loginfo(twist) pub.publish(twist) rate.sleep() self.coast(pub, math.radians(max_speed * self.duty_cycle_sp / 100))
def talker_timed(self, kwargs): self.motor_counter += 1 current_counter = self.motor_counter pub = rospy.Publisher('lego_robot/cmd_vel_med', Twist, queue_size=10) publishFrequency = 60 rate = rospy.Rate(publishFrequency) # 60hz counter = 0 t_end = time.time() + kwargs['time_sp'] / 1000 while not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and not self.stopped and time.time() < t_end: if self.motor_counter != current_counter: return # print(counter) twist = Twist() angular = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() angular.x = math.radians(kwargs['speed_sp']) # angular.x = kwargs['speed_sp'] * math.pi / 180 counter += 1 twist.angular = angular twist.linear = linear # rospy.loginfo(twist) pub.publish(twist) rate.sleep() self.coast(pub, math.radians(kwargs['speed_sp']))
def coast(self, pub, currentSpeed): ''' The idea of this function is to simulate coasting. I've set it so that on coasting, the wheel slows down 0.5 radians ever 0.1 seconds. So that's 5 radians per second. ''' coastStep = 0.5 totalSteps = int(math.floor(currentSpeed / coastStep)) current_counter = self.motor_counter for i in range(0, totalSteps): if self.motor_counter != current_counter: return if i == totalSteps - 1: currentSpeed = 0 else: currentSpeed -= coastStep twist = Twist() angular = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() angular.x = currentSpeed twist.angular = angular twist.linear = linear # rospy.loginfo(twist) pub.publish(twist) time.sleep(0.1)
def daemon_worker(self): try: cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.config["cmd_vel"], Twist, queue_size=10) rospy.loginfo("Driver Daemon online") while not rospy.core.is_shutdown(): try: if self.flag == DriverStatus.PREEMPTING: cx, cy, cr = self.get_current_loc() tx, ty, _ = self.target_goal delta_angle = math.atan2(ty - cy, tx - cx) delta_distance = math.sqrt((ty - cy)**2 + (tx - cx)**2) ANG_vel = delta_angle - cr LIN_vel = delta_distance * self.GAIN_L # * Fix ANG_vel if ANG_vel > math.pi: ANG_vel -= 2 * math.pi elif ANG_vel < -math.pi: ANG_vel += 2 * math.pi ANG_vel *= self.GAIN_A rospy.logwarn_throttle( 0.2, "Da={:.3f} :: Dd={:.3f} :: Va={:.3f} :: Vl={:.3f}". format(delta_angle, delta_distance, ANG_vel, LIN_vel), ) msg = Twist() linear = Vector3() angular = Vector3() linear.x = LIN_vel linear.y = 0 linear.z = ANG_vel angular.x = 0 angular.y = 0 angular.z = 0 msg.linear = linear msg.angular = angular cmd_pub.publish(msg) except Exception: rospy.logerr("Error in Driver... Recovering.") exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, limit=2, file=sys.stdout) rospy.rostime.wallsleep(0.01) except Exception: rospy.logfatal("Driver Daemon crashed or halted!")
def positionUpdateCallback(self, position): # gets called whenever we receive a new position. It will then update the motorcomand if (not ( return #if we are not active we will return imediatly without doing anything angleX = position.angleX distance = position.distance rospy.loginfo('Angle: {}, Distance: {}, '.format(angleX, distance)) # call the PID controller to update it and get new speeds [uncliped_ang_speed, uncliped_lin_speed] = self.PID_controller.update([angleX, distance]) # clip these speeds to be less then the maximal speed specified above angularSpeed = np.clip(-uncliped_ang_speed, -self.max_speed, self.max_speed) linearSpeed = np.clip(-uncliped_lin_speed, -self.max_speed, self.max_speed) # create the Twist message to send to the cmd_vel topic velocity = Twist() velocity.linear = Vector3(linearSpeed, 0, 0.) velocity.angular = Vector3(0., 0., angularSpeed) rospy.loginfo('linearSpeed: {}, angularSpeed: {}'.format( linearSpeed, angularSpeed)) self.cmdVelPublisher.publish(velocity)
def talker_forever(self, kwargs): self.motor_counter += 1 current_counter = self.motor_counter pub = rospy.Publisher('lego_robot/cmd_vel_' + self.wheel, Twist, queue_size=10) publishFrequency = 60 rate = rospy.Rate(publishFrequency) # 60hz counter = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.stopped: if self.motor_counter != current_counter: return # print(counter, self.wheel, self.motor_counter) twist = Twist() angular = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() linear = geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3() angular.x = math.radians(kwargs['speed_sp']) counter += 1 twist.angular = angular twist.linear = linear # rospy.loginfo(twist) pub.publish(twist) rate.sleep() self.coast(pub, math.radians(kwargs['speed_sp']))
def positionUpdateCallback(self, twist): angleX= twist.angular.z distance = twist.linear.x dis_error = self.dis_setPoint - distance ang_error = self.ang_setPoint - angleX linearSpeed = -dis_error*self.dis_Kp - self.dis_last_error*self.dis_Kd angularSpeed = ang_error*self.ang_Kp + self.ang_last_error*self.ang_Kd if(linearSpeed>self.line_max_speed): linearSpeed=self.line_max_speed if(linearSpeed<-self.line_max_speed): linearSpeed=-self.line_max_speed if(angularSpeed>self.angular_max_speed): angularSpeed=self.angular_max_speed if(angularSpeed<-self.angular_max_speed): angularSpeed=-self.angular_max_speed if(angleX==0): angularSpeed=0.0 if(distance==0): linearSpeed=0.0 self.dis_last_error = dis_error self.ang_last_error = ang_error # create the Twist message to send to the cmd_vel topic velocity = Twist() velocity.linear = Vector3(linearSpeed,0,0.) velocity.angular= Vector3(0., 0.,angularSpeed) rospy.loginfo('linearSpeed: {}, angularSpeed: {}'.format(linearSpeed, angularSpeed)) self.cmdVelPublisher.publish(velocity)
def coordinate_to_action(self, msg): x = msg.x y = msg.y r = msg.z depth_proportion = -0.025 depth_intercept = 1.35 depth = r*depth_proportion + depth_intercept # print depth y_transform = self.frame_height/2 - y x_transform = x-self.frame_width/2 angle_diff = x_transform print angle_diff if (angle_diff-10) < 0 and (angle_diff + 10) > 0: angle_diff = 0 if depth-.05<0.5 and depth+.05>0.5: depth = 0.5 # print "x: ", x_transform # print "y: ",y # print "d: ", depth # print "a: ", angle_diff twist = Twist() lin_proportion = -(0.5-depth)*0.07 twist.linear = Vector3(lin_proportion, 0, 0) turn_proportion = -0.0005*(angle_diff) twist.angular = Vector3(0, 0, turn_proportion) self.move_pub.publish(twist.linear, twist.angular)
def move_robot(distance, speed=0.2): """ moves the robot straight on specified distance An imitation of code used in ros wiki @param distance distance to move in feet @param speed speed in which to move (default= 0.2) """ # convert entered distance to meter distance = 0.3048 * distance pub = MovementCommands.__get_publisher() move_command = Twist() # no turning move_command.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # just moving forward move_command.linear = Vector3(speed, 0, 0) # moving forward for specified distance t_0 = current_distance = 0 while current_distance < distance and MovementCommands.is_cleared_to_go( ): pub.publish(move_command) t_1 = current_distance = speed * (t_1 - t_0) move_command.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) pub.publish(move_command) pub.unregister()
def doCommand(load_location, drop_location): waypoints = loadWaypoints(load_location, drop_location) print "Waypoints loaded: " print waypoints currentTargetIndex = 0 rate = rospy.Rate(10) keepDriving = True while not rospy.is_shutdown() and keepDriving: try: currentWaypoint = waypoints[currentTargetIndex] currentPosDiff, currentRotDiff = goToLocation( getWaypointName(currentWaypoint)) if abs(currentPosDiff[0]) < tolerance and abs( currentPosDiff[1]) < tolerance: print "Either something broke, or we're there!" currentTargetIndex += 1 keepDriving = currentTargetIndex < len(waypoints) except: print(sys.exc_info()) continue # continue message = Twist() message.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) message.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) zumy_pub.publish(message) print "We should be stopping."
def getMsgFromTransform(trans, rot): omega, theta = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(np.array(rot)) omega = np.reshape(omega, (3, 1)) v = eqf.find_v(omega, theta, trans) twist = np.vstack((v, omega)) linear = Vector3() computeScale = lambda x, y, z, target: (float(target) / (x * x + y * y + z * z))**(0.5) a = computeScale(v[0], v[1], v[2], speed) print "Scale", a linear.x = v[0] * a linear.y = v[1] * a linear.z = v[2] * a angular = Vector3() angular.x = omega[0] * theta / 2 angular.y = omega[1] * theta / 2 angular.z = omega[2] * theta / 2 message = Twist() message.linear = linear message.angular = angular return message
def drive(publisher, x, rz): """ moves zumy to the goal Args: publisher: zumy publisher x: desired x velocity rz: desired z angular velocity Returns: """ twistMessage = Twist() l = Vector3() l.x = x l.y = 0 l.z = 0 twistMessage.linear = l v = Vector3() v.x = 0 v.y = 0 v.z = rz twistMessage.angular = v # print(twistMessage) publisher.publish(twistMessage)
def drive_1m(): """Drive the simulated robot one meter forward""" # Get the current position of the robot and 1m in front x = get_current_position()[0] wanted_x = x + 1 # Set the current node to publish to the cmd_vel topic speed_publisher = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=10) # Create the node rospy.init_node("distance_controller", anonymous=True) # Set the rate to update the topic update_rate = rospy.Rate(10) # While ROS is running and the current X is less than the one we want to reach keep driving forward while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub_data = Twist() if x < wanted_x: pub_data.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) pub_data.linear = Vector3(0.2, 0, 0) speed_publisher.publish(pub_data) x = get_current_position()[0] update_rate.sleep() # If not stop the robot announce the maneuver is done then break out of the loop else: pub_data.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) speed_publisher.publish(pub_data) print("Maneuver Complete") break
def positionUpdateCallback(self, position): if ( angleX = position.angleX distance = position.distance rospy.logwarn('Angle: {}, Distance: {}, '.format(angleX, distance)) #CALLING PID CONTROLLER to update it and get new vectors of velocity [uncliped_ang_speed, uncliped_lin_speed ] = self.PID_controller.update([angleX, distance]) # clip these speeds to be less then the maximal speed specified above angularSpeed = np.clip(-uncliped_ang_speed, -self.max_speed, self.max_speed) linearSpeed = np.clip(-uncliped_lin_speed, -self.max_speed, self.max_speed) # create the Twist message to send to the cmd_vel topic velocity = Twist() velocity.linear = Vector3(linearSpeed, 0, 0.) velocity.angular = Vector3(0., 0., angularSpeed) rospy.loginfo('linearSpeed: {}, angularSpeed: {}'.format( linearSpeed, angularSpeed)) self.cmd_vel_Publisher.publish(velocity)
def create_modelstate_message(coords, yaw, model_name='/'): """ Create a model state message for husky robot """ pose = Pose() p = Point() p.x = coords[0] p.y = coords[1] p.z = coords[2] pose.position = p qua = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw) q = Quaternion() q.x = qua[0] q.y = qua[1] q.z = qua[2] q.w = qua[3] pose.orientation = q twist = Twist() twist.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) twist.angular = Vector3(0, 0, 0) ms = ModelState() ms.model_name = model_name ms.pose = pose ms.twist = twist ms.reference_frame = 'sand_mine' return ms
def drive(self, lin_vel, ang_vel): """Publishes specified linear and angular command velocities""" # Note: for the Neato platforms, only x-linear and z-rotational motion is possible twist = Twist() twist.linear = Vector3(lin_vel,0,0) twist.angular = Vector3(0,0,ang_vel), twist.angular)
def center_flag(self, flag): if not self.is_centered(flag): print "gotta align" print "angle is currently " + str(flag.angle) msg = Twist() msg.linear = Vector3(0, 0, 0) msg.angular = Vector3(0, 0, flag.angle) self.velocity_publisher.publish(msg)
def reverse_robot(): global logger"Reversing Robot ...\n") import time global vel_lin_buffer,vel_ang_buffer,reversing global cmd_vel_pub,restored_bump_pub global curr_cam_data,save_pose_data,image_dir,save_img_seq reversing = True logger.debug("Posting cmd_vel messages backwards with a %.2f delay",utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) for l,a in zip(reversed(vel_lin_buffer),reversed(vel_ang_buffer)): lin_vec = Vector3(-l[0],-l[1],-l[2]) ang_vec = Vector3(-a[0],-a[1],-a[2]) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = lin_vec twist_msg.angular = ang_vec rospy.sleep(utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) # publish last twist message so the robot reverse a bit more for _ in range(5): rospy.sleep(utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting cmd_vel messages backwards ...\n") rospy.sleep(0.5) logger.debug("Posting zero cmd_vel messages with %.2f delay",utils.ZERO_VEL_PUBLISH_DELAY) for _ in range(100): rospy.sleep(utils.ZERO_VEL_PUBLISH_DELAY) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0,0,0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0,0,0) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting zero cmd_vel messages ...\n") reversing = False restored_bump_pub.publish(True) if image_dir is not None: if save_img_seq: pickle.dump(curr_cam_data,open(image_dir+os.sep+'images_'+str(episode)+'.pkl','wb')) curr_cam_data=[] pickle.dump(save_pose_data,open(image_dir+os.sep+'pose_'+str(episode)+'.pkl','wb')) save_pose_data=[]"Reverse finished ...\n")
def do_GET(self): global publisher query_string = urlparse.urlparse(self.path).query parameters = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string) if 'type' not in parameters: try: if self.path == "/": self.path = "/index.html" elif self.path == "favicon.ico": return elif self.path == "map.gif": # Draw robot position on map and send image back draw_map() return fname,ext = os.path.splitext(self.path) print "Loading file", self.path with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),self.path[1:])) as f: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', types_map[ext]) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write( return except IOError: self.send_error(404) return command_type = parameters['type'][0] if command_type == 'base': base_x = 0.0 if 'x' in parameters: base_x = float(parameters['x'][0]) base_y = 0.0 if 'y' in parameters: base_y = float(parameters['y'][0]) base_z = 0.0 if 'z' in parameters: base_z = float(parameters['z'][0]) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(base_x, base_y, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, base_z) mobile_base_velocity.publish(twist_msg) elif command_type == 'speak': text = parameters['say'][0] sr = SoundRequest() sr.sound = -3 #Say text sr.command = 1 #Play once sr.arg = text publisher.publish(sr) #os.system("espeak -s 155 -a 200 '" + text + "' ") # response self.send_response(204) return
def base_action(self, x, y, z, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z): topic_name = '/base_controller/command' base_publisher = rospy.Publisher(topic_name, Twist) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(x, y, z) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(theta_x, theta_y, theta_z) base_publisher.publish(twist_msg)
def stop_uav(pub): """ Tells the UAV to hold at its current position. """ zero = Vector3(0,0,0) msg = Twist() msg.linear = zero msg.angular = zero pub.publish(msg)
def reverse_robot(): global logger"Reversing Robot ...\n") import time global vel_lin_buffer,vel_ang_buffer,reversing global cmd_vel_pub,restored_bump_pub global curr_cam_data,save_pose_data,image_dir,save_img_seq reversing = True logger.debug("Posting cmd_vel messages backwards with a %.2f delay",utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) for l,a in zip(reversed(vel_lin_buffer),reversed(vel_ang_buffer)): lin_vec = Vector3(-l[0],-l[1],-l[2]) ang_vec = Vector3(-a[0],-a[1],-a[2]) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = lin_vec twist_msg.angular = ang_vec rospy.sleep(utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) # publish last twist message so the robot reverse a bit more for _ in range(5): rospy.sleep(utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting cmd_vel messages backwards ...\n") rospy.sleep(0.5) logger.debug("Posting zero cmd_vel messages with %.2f delay",utils.ZERO_VEL_PUBLISH_DELAY) for _ in range(100): rospy.sleep(utils.ZERO_VEL_PUBLISH_DELAY) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0,0,0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0,0,0) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting zero cmd_vel messages ...\n") reversing = False restored_bump_pub.publish(True)"Reverse finished ...\n") #save_img_seq_thread = threading.Thread(target=save_img_sequence_pose_threading()) #save_img_seq_thread.start() save_img_sequence_pose()'Saving images finished...')
def gui_bridge(): #setup ROS node rospy.init_node('gui_bridge') pub = rospy.Publisher('/golfcart_pilot/abs_cmd', Twist) #setup socket HOST = '' PORT = 50012 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((HOST, PORT)) print 'Waiting for connection on port ', PORT s.listen(1) conn, addr = s.accept() print 'Connected by', addr rospy.sleep(0.5) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: data = conn.recv(1024) if data.count("{") > 1: data = data.split("}{") data = "{"+data[len(data)-1] guiCmd = eval(data) print guiCmd wheel_angle = float(guiCmd['wheel']) * 0.0174532925 # d2r speed = float(guiCmd['speed']) command = Twist() command.linear = Vector3 (speed,0,0) command.angular = Vector3 (0,wheel_angle,0) pub.publish(command) rospy.sleep(0.2) # 5Hz except socket.error: command = Twist() command.linear = Vector3 (0,0,0) command.angular = Vector3 (0,0,0) pub.publish(command) print 'gui_bridge: SOCKET ERROR OCCURED, STOPPING DRIVE OPERATIONS' break s.close()
def send_cmd_msg(self): msg = Twist() msg.linear = Vector3() msg.angular = Vector3() msg.linear.x = self.x msg.linear.y = 0 msg.linear.z = 0 msg.angular.x = 0 msg.angular.y = 0 msg.angular.z = self.publisher.publish(msg)
def send_cmd_msg(self, speed, omega): #print('receieved odometry') msg = Twist() msg.linear = Vector3() msg.angular = Vector3() msg.linear.x = speed msg.linear.y = 0 msg.linear.z = 0 msg.angular.x = 0 msg.angular.y = 0 msg.angular.z = omega self.publisher.publish(msg)
def stop_robot(): import time global cmd_vel_pub global logger logger.debug("Posting 0 cmd_vel data ....") for _ in range(100): rospy.sleep(0.01) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0,0,0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0,0,0) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting 0 cmd_vel data ...\n")
def move_base(): topic_name = '/base_controller/command' base_publisher = rospy.Publisher(topic_name, Twist) twist_msg = Twist() if(self.direction == Base.FORWARD): twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) elif(self.direction == Base.BACKWARD): twist_msg.linear = Vector3(-0.5, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) elif(self.direction == Base.LEFT): twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.5, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) elif(self.direction == Base.RIGHT): twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, -0.5, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) elif(self.direction == Base.COUNTER): twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.5) elif(self.direction == Base.CLOCKWISE): twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -0.5) base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) self.gui.show_text_in_rviz("Base!")
def reverse_robot(): global logger"Reversing Robot ...\n") import time global vel_lin_buffer,vel_ang_buffer,reversing global cmd_vel_pub,restored_bump_pub reversing = True logger.debug("Posting cmd_vel messages backwards with a %.2f delay",utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) for l,a in zip(reversed(vel_lin_buffer),reversed(vel_ang_buffer)): lin_vec = Vector3(-l[0],-l[1],-l[2]) ang_vec = Vector3(-a[0],-a[1],-a[2]) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = lin_vec twist_msg.angular = ang_vec rospy.sleep(utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) # publish last twist message so the robot reverse a bit more for _ in range(5): rospy.sleep(utils.REVERSE_PUBLISH_DELAY) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting cmd_vel messages backwards ...\n") rospy.sleep(0.5) logger.debug("Posting zero cmd_vel messages with %.2f delay",utils.ZERO_VEL_PUBLISH_DELAY) for _ in range(100): rospy.sleep(utils.ZERO_VEL_PUBLISH_DELAY) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0,0,0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0,0,0) cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist_msg) logger.debug("Finished posting zero cmd_vel messages ...\n") reversing = False restored_bump_pub.publish(True)"Reverse finished ...\n")
def move_base(self, isForward): topic_name = '/base_controller/command' base_publisher = rospy.Publisher(topic_name, Twist) distance = 0.25 if not isForward: distance *= -1 twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(distance, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for x in range(0, 15): rospy.loginfo("Moving the base") base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) time.sleep(0.15) time.sleep(1.5)
def run(self, goal): rospy.loginfo('Rotating base') count = 0 r = rospy.Rate(10) while count < 70: if self._as.is_preempt_requested(): self._as.set_preempted() return twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self._base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) count = count + 1 r.sleep() self._as.set_succeeded()
def multi_dof_joint_state(cls, msg, obj): obj.header = decode.header(msg, obj.header, "") obj.joint_names = msg["joint_names"] for i in msg['_length_trans']: trans = Transform() trans.translation = decode.translation(msg, trans.translation, i) trans.rotation = decode.rotation(msg, trans.rotation, i) obj.transforms.append(trans) for i in msg['_length_twist']: tw = Twist() tw.linear = decode.linear(msg, tw.linear, i) tw.angular = decode.angular(msg, tw.angular, i) obj.twist.append(twist) for i in msg['_length_twist']: wr = Wrench() wr.force = decode.force(msg, wr.force, i) wr.torque = decode.torque(msg, wr.torque, i) obj.wrench.append(wr) return(obj)
def notifyClientUpdated(self, topic): #rank the votes and convert to a numpy array linearCandidates = self.getLinearCandidates() angularCandidates = self.getAngularCandidates() linearRankings, angularRankings = self.calculateRankings(rospy.get_rostime()) #calculate Kemeny-Young rank aggregation linear_min_dist, linear_best_rank = rankaggr_brute(linearRankings) angular_min_dist, angular_best_rank = rankaggr_brute(angularRankings) #publish the best ranked action action=Twist() if linear_best_rank: action.linear = linearCandidates[linear_best_rank.index(0)].linear if angular_best_rank: action.angular = angularCandidates[angular_best_rank.index(0)].angular rospy.loginfo("aggregator realtime_kemeny_full: {\nlinear: %s\nangular: %s\n}",linear_min_dist, angular_min_dist) self.publish(action)
def command_drive(data): # initialize the message components header = Header() foo = TwistWithCovarianceStamped() bar = TwistWithCovariance() baz = Twist() linear = Vector3() angular = Vector3() # get some data to publish # fake covariance until we know better covariance = [1,0,0,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,0,0,1] # to be overwritten when we decide what we want to go where linear.x = data.axes[1] * 15 linear.y = 0 linear.z = 0 angular.x = 0 angular.y = 0 angular.z = data.axes[0] * 10 # put it all together # Twist baz.linear = linear baz.angular = angular # TwistWithCovariance bar.covariance = covariance bar.twist = baz # Header header.seq = data.header.seq header.frame_id = frame_id header.stamp = # seq = seq + 1 # TwistWithCovarianceStamped foo.header = header foo.twist = bar # publish and log rospy.loginfo(foo) pub.publish(foo)
def spin_base(self, rotate_count): # Adjust height and tuck arms before localization self._sound_client.say("Please wait while I orient myself.") self.torso.move(.15) self.saved_l_arm_pose = Milestone1GUI.TUCKED_UNDER_L_POS self.saved_r_arm_pose = Milestone1GUI.NAVIGATE_R_POS self.move_arm('l', 5.0, True) self.move_arm('r', 5.0, True) self.l_gripper.close_gripper() self.r_gripper.close_gripper() if not rotate_count: rotate_count = 2 topic_name = '/base_controller/command' base_publisher = rospy.Publisher(topic_name, Twist) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.5) start_time = rospy.get_rostime() while rospy.get_rostime() < start_time + rospy.Duration(15.0 * rotate_count): base_publisher.publish(twist_msg)
def move_uav(pub,curState,curGoal): """ Tells the UAV to move toward the current goal pose. Orientation is currently ignored, but at some point we will want to use this to control UAV yaw as well. """ # Calculate the direction we want to move in diff = curGoal.position-curState.position dist = np.linalg.norm(diff) direction = diff/dist # Calculate the speed we want to move at, and use this to set # flight vector (direction*speed) speed = min(max(dist*speedScale,minSpeed),maxSpeed) flightVec = direction*speed str = "speed parameters: (min: %f max: %f scale: %f" % \ (minSpeed,maxSpeed,speedScale) rospy.logdebug(str) rospy.logdebug("position: %s" % curState.position) rospy.logdebug("target: %s" % curGoal.position) rospy.logdebug("dist: %s" % dist) rospy.logdebug("speed: %s" % speed) rospy.logdebug("flightVec: %s" % flightVec) # publish Twist message to tell UAV to move according to the # flight vector msg = Twist() msg.angular = Vector3(0,0,0) msg.linear = Vector3() msg.linear.x = flightVec[0] msg.linear.y = flightVec[1] msg.linear.z = flightVec[2] pub.publish(msg)
#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib roslib.load_manifest('rospy') roslib.load_manifest('geometry_msgs') import rospy from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3 if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node('base_test_node', anonymous=True) topic_name = '/base_controller/command' base_publisher = rospy.Publisher(topic_name, Twist) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.1, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for i in range(100): base_publisher.publish(twist_msg)
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry rospy.init_node('drives_square') #def process_odom(msg): # xdis = pub = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=10) #sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, process_odom) twist = Twist() l0 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) a0 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) twist.linear = l0 twist.angular = a0 tl= 3.66 #time to 1 meter ta= 1.7 #time to rotate 90 degrees itime = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): seconds = rospy.get_time() - itime if seconds > 0 and seconds < tl: l0 = Vector3(0.5, 0.0, 0.0) a0 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) elif seconds > tl and seconds < tl+ta: l0 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) a0 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) elif seconds > tl+ta and seconds < 2*tl + ta: l0 = Vector3(0.5, 0.0, 0.0)