Esempio n. 1
def empirical_frechet_var_bubble(n_samples, theta, dim, n_expectation=1000):
    """Variance of the empirical Fréchet mean for a bubble distribution.

    Draw n_sampless from a bubble distribution, computes its empirical
    Fréchet mean and the square distance to the asymptotic mean. This
    is repeated n_expectation times to compute an approximation of its
    expectation (i.e. its variance) by sampling.

    The bubble distribution is an isotropic distributions on a Riemannian
    hyper sub-sphere of radius 0 < theta < Pi around the north pole of the
    sphere of dimension dim.

    n_samples : int
        Number of samples to draw.
    theta: float
        Radius of the bubble distribution.
    dim : int
        Dimension of the sphere (embedded in R^{dim+1}).
    n_expectation: int, optional (defaults to 1000)
        Number of computations for approximating the expectation.

    tuple (variance, std-dev on the computed variance)
    if dim <= 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'Dim > 1 needed to draw a uniform sample on sub-sphere.')
    var = []
    sphere = Hypersphere(dim=dim)
    bubble = Hypersphere(dim=dim - 1)

    north_pole = gs.zeros(dim + 1)
    north_pole[dim] = 1.0
    for _ in range(n_expectation):
        # Sample n points from the uniform distribution on a sub-sphere
        # of radius theta (i.e cos(theta) in ambient space)
        # TODO (nina): Add this code as a method of hypersphere
        data = gs.zeros((n_samples, dim + 1), dtype=gs.float64)
        directions = bubble.random_uniform(n_samples)
        directions = gs.to_ndarray(directions, to_ndim=2)

        for i in range(n_samples):
            for j in range(dim):
                data[i, j] = gs.sin(theta) * directions[i, j]
            data[i, dim] = gs.cos(theta)

        # TODO (nina): Use FrechetMean here
        current_mean = _adaptive_gradient_descent(data,
        var.append(sphere.metric.squared_dist(north_pole, current_mean))
    return gs.mean(var), 2 * gs.std(var) / gs.sqrt(n_expectation)
def empirical_frechet_mean_random_init_s2(data, n_init=1, init_points=[]):
    """Fréchet mean on S2 by gradient descent from multiple starting points"

    data: empirical distribution on S2
    n_init: number of initial points drawn uniformly at random on S2
    init_points: list of initial points for the first gradient descent

    frechet mean list
    assert n_init >= 1, "Gradient descent needs at least one starting point"
    dim = len(data[0]) - 1
    sphere = Hypersphere(dimension=dim)
    if len(init_points) == 0:
        init_points = [sphere.random_uniform()]
        # for a noncompact manifold, we need to revise this to a ball
        # with a maximal radius

    mean = _adaptive_gradient_descent(data,

    sigma_mean = mean_sq_dist_s2(mean, data)
    # print ("variance {0} for FM {1}".format(sigFM,FM))
    for i in range(n_init - 1):
        init_points = sphere.random_uniform()
        new_mean = _adaptive_gradient_descent(data,
        sigma_new_mean = mean_sq_dist_s2(new_mean, data)
        if sigma_new_mean < sigma_mean:
            mean = new_mean
            sigma_mean = sigma_new_mean
            # print ("new variance {0} for FM {1}".format(sigFM,FM))
    return mean
Esempio n. 3
    def test_adaptive_gradient_descent_sphere(self):
        n_tests = 100
        result = gs.zeros(n_tests)
        expected = gs.zeros(n_tests)

        for i in range(n_tests):
            # take 2 random points, compute their mean, and verify that
            # log of each at the mean is opposite
            points = self.sphere.random_uniform(n_samples=2)
            mean = _adaptive_gradient_descent(points=points,

            logs = self.sphere.metric.log(point=points, base_point=mean)
            result[i] = gs.linalg.norm(logs[1, :] + logs[0, :])

        self.assertAllClose(expected, result, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10)
Esempio n. 4
def empirical_frechet_var_bubble(n_samples, theta, dim, n_expectation=1000):
    """Variance of the empirical Fréchet mean for a bubble distribution.

    Draw n_sampless from a bubble distribution, computes its empirical
    Fréchet mean and the square distance to the asymptotic mean. This
    is repeated n_expectation times to compute an approximation of its
    expectation (i.e. its variance) by sampling.

    The bubble distribution is an isotropic distributions on a Riemannian
    hyper sub-sphere of radius 0 < theta = around the north pole of the
    hyperbolic space of dimension dim.

    n_samples: number of samples to draw
    theta: radius of the bubble distribution
    dim: dimension of the hyperbolic space (embedded in R^{1,dim})
    n_expectation: number of computations for approximating the expectation

    tuple (variance, std-dev on the computed variance)
    assert dim > 1, "Dim > 1 needed to draw a uniform sample on sub-sphere"
    var = []
    hyperbole = Hyperbolic(dimension=dim)
    bubble = Hypersphere(dimension=dim - 1)

    origin = gs.zeros(dim + 1)
    origin[0] = 1.0
    for k in range(n_expectation):
        # Sample n points from the uniform distribution on a sub-sphere
        # of radius theta (i.e cos(theta) in ambient space)
        data = gs.zeros((n_samples, dim + 1), dtype=gs.float64)
        directions = bubble.random_uniform(n_samples)

        for i in range(n_samples):
            for j in range(dim):
                data[i, j + 1] = gs.sinh(theta) * directions[i, j]
            data[i, 0] = gs.cosh(theta)

        current_mean = _adaptive_gradient_descent(data,
        var.append(hyperbole.metric.squared_dist(origin, current_mean))
    return np.mean(var), 2 * np.std(var) / np.sqrt(n_expectation)