Esempio n. 1
def match_class(df):
    shandong = df.to_crs(3857)
    box = gutil.shp2box(shandong, (3600, 2400), 0.15, 1)
    paper = gnp.frombox(*box, dtype=np.uint8)
    idx = gmt.build_index(glob('../data/class/*.tif'))
    gmt.match_idx(idx, paper, out='in', order=0)
    gio.write_tif(paper, '../data/result/shandong_class.tif')
Esempio n. 2
def draw_class():
    # ===== look up table =====
    lut = np.array([[0  ,0  ,0  ],
                    [168,168,0  ],
                    [20 ,119,73 ],
                    [169,208,95 ],
                    [56 ,168,0  ],
                    [0  ,86 ,154],
                    [112,168,0  ],
                    [147,47 ,20 ],
                    [0  ,255,197],
                    [255,255,255]], dtype=np.uint8)

    # ===== read shape file and make a paper =====
    liaoning = gio.read_shp('../data/shape/shandong.shp')
    liaoning = liaoning.to_crs(3857)
    box = gutil.shp2box(liaoning, (3600, 2400), 0.15, 1)
    paper = gnp.frombox(*box, dtype=np.uint8)

    # ===== match the class tif into paper
    fs = glob('../data/class/*.tif')
    idx = gmt.build_index(fs)
    gmt.match_idx(idx, paper, out='in', order=0)

    msk = paper * 0
    gdraw.draw_polygon(msk, liaoning, 255, 0)
    paper[msk==0] = 11

    body = [('图例', 'simhei', 72),
            ('rect', 1,  '农田'),
            ('rect', 2,  '森林'),
            ('rect', 3,  '草地'),
            ('rect', 4,  '灌丛'),
            ('rect', 5,  '湿地'),
            ('rect', 6,  '水体'),
            ('rect', 7,  '苔原'),
            ('rect', 8,  '隔水层'),
            ('rect', 9,  '裸地'),
            ('rect', 10, '冰雪')]
    # 底图,位置,内容,空隙,矩形尺寸及线宽,字体字号颜色,外边框宽度
    gdraw.draw_style(paper, 60, -60, body, mar=(20, 30),
        recsize=(120,60,0), font=('simsun', 60, 0), color=0, box=0)

    gdraw.draw_unit(paper, -120, -60, 0.3, 30, ('times', 48), 0, 'km', 3, anc='r')

    gdraw.draw_text(paper, '山东省土地利用类型', 80, 60, 0, ('simkai', 128))

    gdraw.draw_N(paper, -240, 240, ('simhei', 100), 2, 100, 0)

    gdraw.draw_polygon(paper, liaoning, 0, 2)
    gdraw.draw_bound(paper, 5, 5, -5, -5, 0, 2, clear=None)
    return paper.lookup(lut)
Esempio n. 3
def match_idx_test():
    shandong = gio.read_shp('../data/shape/shandong.shp')
    shandong = shandong.to_crs(3857)
    info = gutil.shp2box(shandong, (2048, 768 * 2), 0.05)

    fs = glob('../data/modis/*.hdf')
    idx = gmt.build_index(fs)

    rst = gmt.match_idx(idx, info, chan=[0])
Esempio n. 4
def match_idx_test():
    shandong = gio.read_shp('../data/shape/shandong.shp')
    shandong = shandong.to_crs(3857)
    info = gutil.shp2box(shandong, (2048, 768 * 2), 0.05, 1)
    paper = gnp.frombox(*info, dtype=np.int16)

    fs = glob('../data/modis/*.hdf')
    idx = gmt.build_index(fs)

    gmt.match_idx(idx, paper, out='in', chan=[0])

Esempio n. 5
 def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None):
     prj = None
     if para['wkt'] != '':
         with open(para['wkt']) as f:
             prj =
     crs = gutil.makecrs(prj or para['crs'])
     table = gmt.build_index(imgs).to_crs(crs)
     box = gutil.shp2box(table, para['scale']
                         or (para['width'], para['height']), para['mar'])
     chans = ['Channel %s' % i for i in range(ips.get_nchannels())]
     chans = [chans.index(i) for i in para['chans']]
     order = {'nearest': 0, 'linear': 1}[para['order']]
     rst = gmt.match_multi(imgs, box, chans, step=para['step'], order=order)
     IPy.show_img([rst], ips.title + '-merge')
Esempio n. 6
    'google': '{x}&y={y}&z={z}'

def download_online_tiles(tiles, path, src='gaode'):
    for i, g, x, y, z in tiles[['geometry', 'x', 'y', 'z']].to_records():
        img = imread(urls[src].format(x=x, y=y, z=z))
        img = build_geo_tif(img, 3857, g.bounds)
        gio.write_tif(img, '%s/%ld_%d_%d.tif' % (path, z, y, x))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import geonumpy.draw as gdraw
    import geonumpy.match as gmt
    import as gio

    from glob import glob

    box = gio.read_tif_box('./3.背景TIF.tif')
    buf = gnp.frombox(*box[:3], 3)

    tiles = build_online_tiles(level=7, box=box[:3])
    download_online_tiles(tiles, './tiles', 'gaode')

    idx = gmt.build_index(glob('./tiles/*.tif'))
    rst = gmt.match_idx(idx, box[:3])
    gio.write_tif(rst, 'b.tif')
Esempio n. 7
 def run(self, para=None):
     p, f = osp.split(para['path'])
     name, ext = osp.splitext(f)
     s = p + '/*' + ext
     gdf = gmt.build_index(glob(s))
     IPy.show_table(gdf, '%s-idx' % name)
Esempio n. 8
def build_idx_test():
    fs = glob('../data/modis/*.hdf')
    idx = gmt.build_index(fs)