def get_points_from_datasets(dataset_list, wgs84_bounds, variable_name, coordinate_wkt, min_points=None, max_points=None): all_coordinates = [] all_values = [] for dataset, coordinates, values in read_datasets(dataset_list, wgs84_bounds, variable_name, coordinate_wkt, min_points, max_points): all_coordinates += list( transform_coords( netcdf_line_utils.xycoords[spatial_selection_indices], netcdf_line_utils.wkt, coordinate_wkt)) all_values += list(values) print("Converting lists to arrays") all_values = np.array(all_values) all_coordinates = np.array(all_coordinates) assert all_values.shape[0] == all_coordinates.shape[ 0], 'Mismatched coordinate and value counts' print("A total of {} points were read from {} line datasets".format( all_values.shape[0], len(dataset_list))) return all_coordinates, all_values
def grid_points(self, coordinates, coordinate_wkt, values, grid_wkt, grid_bounds, grid_resolution, resampling_method='linear', point_step=1): ''' Return geotransform CRS WKT, and interpolated grid from supplied coordinates and points ''' # Determine spatial grid bounds rounded out to nearest GRID_RESOLUTION multiple pixel_centre_bounds = ( round((math.floor(grid_bounds[0] / grid_resolution) + 0.5) * grid_resolution, 6), round((math.floor(grid_bounds[1] / grid_resolution) + 0.5) * grid_resolution, 6), round((math.floor(grid_bounds[2] / grid_resolution) - 0.5) * grid_resolution, 6), round((math.floor(grid_bounds[3] / grid_resolution) - 0.5) * grid_resolution, 6)) print("Reprojecting coordinates") grid_coordinates = np.array( transform_coords(coordinates, coordinate_wkt, grid_wkt)) #print('grid_coordinates = {}'.format(grid_coordinates)) # Create grids of Y and X values. Note YX ordering and inverted Y for image # Note GRID_RESOLUTION/2.0 fudge to avoid truncation due to rounding error print("Generating grid coordinates") grid_y, grid_x = np.mgrid[ pixel_centre_bounds[3]:pixel_centre_bounds[1] - grid_resolution / 2.0:-grid_resolution, pixel_centre_bounds[0]:pixel_centre_bounds[2] + grid_resolution / 2.0:grid_resolution] # Skip points to reduce memory requirements print("Generating point subset mask") point_subset_mask = np.zeros(shape=values.shape, dtype=bool) point_subset_mask[0:-1:point_step] = True grid_coordinates = grid_coordinates[point_subset_mask] values = values[point_subset_mask] # Interpolate required values to the grid - Note yx ordering and inverted y for image print("Interpolating {} points".format(grid_coordinates.shape[0])) grid_array = griddata(grid_coordinates[:, ::-1], values, (grid_y, grid_x), method=resampling_method) print("Interpolation complete") # crs:GeoTransform = "109.1002342895272 0.00833333 0 -9.354948067227777 0 -0.00833333 " geotransform = [ pixel_centre_bounds[0] - grid_resolution / 2.0, grid_resolution, 0, pixel_centre_bounds[3] + grid_resolution / 2.0, 0, -grid_resolution ] return grid_array, grid_wkt, geotransform
def reproject_bounds(self, bounds, from_crs_wkt, to_crs_wkt): ''' Function to return orthogonal bounds reprojected to new CRS ''' if from_crs_wkt == to_crs_wkt: # No change return bounds bounding_box = ((bounds[0], bounds[1]), (bounds[2], bounds[1]), (bounds[2], bounds[3]), (bounds[0], bounds[3])) reprojected_bounding_box = np.array( transform_coords(bounding_box, from_crs_wkt, to_crs_wkt)) reprojected_bounds = (min(reprojected_bounding_box[:, 0]), min(reprojected_bounding_box[:, 1]), max(reprojected_bounding_box[:, 0]), max(reprojected_bounding_box[:, 1])) return reprojected_bounds
def main(): ''' Main function ''' def get_xml_text(xml_template_path, metadata_object): '''Helper function to perform substitutions on XML template text ''' template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), 'templates') jinja_environment = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir or './'), autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml'] ) ) xml_template = jinja_environment.get_template(xml_template_path, parent=None) value_dict = dict(metadata_object.metadata_dict['Template']) # Copy template values # Convert multiple sets of comma-separated lists to lists of strings to a list of dicts #TODO: Make this slicker value_dict['keywords'] = [] for keyword_list_key in [key for key in value_dict.keys() if re.match('^KEYWORD_\w+_LIST$', key)]: keywords = [keyword.strip() for keyword in value_dict[keyword_list_key].split(',')] keyword_code = value_dict[re.sub('_LIST$', '_CODE', keyword_list_key)] value_dict['keywords'] += [{'value': keyword, 'code': keyword_code } for keyword in keywords ] # Create dict containing distribution info for DOI if required value_dict['distributions'] = [] dataset_doi = metadata_object.get_metadata(['Calculated', 'DOI']) if dataset_doi: try: distribution_dict = {'formatSpecification': 'html', 'distributor_name': metadata_object.get_metadata(['Template', 'ORGANISATION_NAME']), 'distributor_telephone': metadata_object.get_metadata(['Template', 'ORGANISATION_PHONE']), 'distributor_address': metadata_object.get_metadata(['Template', 'ORGANISATION_ADDRESS']), 'distributor_city': metadata_object.get_metadata(['Template', 'ORGANISATION_CITY']), 'distributor_state': metadata_object.get_metadata(['Template', 'ORGANISATION_STATE']), 'distributor_postcode': metadata_object.get_metadata(['Template', 'ORGANISATION_POSTCODE']), 'distributor_country': metadata_object.get_metadata(['Template', 'ORGANISATION_COUNTRY']), 'distributor_email': metadata_object.get_metadata(['Template', 'ORGANISATION_EMAIL']), 'url': dataset_doi, 'protocol': 'WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link', 'name': 'Digital Object Identifier for dataset %s' % metadata_object.get_metadata(['Calculated', 'UUID']), 'description': 'Dataset DOI' } for key, value in distribution_dict.iteritems(): assert value, '%s has no value defined' % key value_dict['distributions'].append(distribution_dict) except Exception as e: print 'WARNING: Unable to create DOI distribution: %s' % e.message return xml_template.render(**value_dict) def str2datetimelist(multi_datetime_string): ''' Helper function to convert comma-separated string containing dates to a list of datetimes ''' datetime_format_list = ['%d-%b-%y', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z' ] date_list = [] for datetime_string in multi_datetime_string.split(','): for datetime_format in datetime_format_list: try: date_list.append(datetime.strptime(datetime_string.strip(), datetime_format)) break except: continue return date_list def str2datelist(multi_date_string): ''' Helper function to convert comma-separated string containing dates to a list of dates ''' return [ for datetime_value in str2datetimelist(multi_date_string)] # Start of main function assert len( sys.argv) >= 4 and len(sys.argv) <= 8, 'Usage: %s <json_text_template_path> <xml_template_path> <netcdf_path> [<xml_output_dir>]' % sys.argv[0] json_text_template_path = sys.argv[1] xml_template_path = sys.argv[2] netcdf_path = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) >= 5: xml_dir = sys.argv[4] else: xml_dir = '.' # Optional arguments for DB connection - not required at NCI if len(sys.argv) == 8: db_user = sys.argv[5] db_password = sys.argv[6] db_alias = sys.argv[7] else: db_user = None db_password = None db_alias = None xml_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(xml_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(netcdf_path))[0] + '.xml')) print xml_dir, xml_path metadata_object = Metadata() netcdf_metadata = NetCDFMetadata(netcdf_path) metadata_object.merge_root_metadata_from_object(netcdf_metadata) nc_dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(netcdf_path, 'r+') # Allow for updating of netCDF attributes like uuid # JetCat and Survey metadata can either take a list of survey IDs as source(s) or a filename from which to parse them try: survey_ids = nc_dataset.survey_id print 'Survey ID "%s" found in netCDF attributes' % survey_ids source = [int(value_string.strip()) for value_string in survey_ids.split(',') if value_string.strip()] except: source = netcdf_path # jetcat_metadata = JetCatMetadata(source, jetcat_path=jetcat_path) # metadata_object.merge_root_metadata_from_object(jetcat_metadata) try: survey_metadata = SurveyMetadata(source) metadata_object.merge_root_metadata_from_object(survey_metadata) except Exception as e: print 'Unable to read from Survey API:\n%s\nAttempting direct Oracle DB read' % e.message try: survey_metadata = ArgusMetadata(db_user, db_password, db_alias, source) # This will fail if we haven't been able to import ArgusMetadata metadata_object.merge_root_metadata('Survey', survey_metadata.metadata_dict, overwrite=True) # Fake Survey metadata from DB query except Exception as e: print 'Unable to perform direct Oracle DB read: %s' % e.message # Add some calculated values to the metadata calculated_values = {} metadata_object.metadata_dict['Calculated'] = calculated_values calculated_values['FILENAME'] = os.path.basename(netcdf_path) try: # Try to treat this as a gridded dataset nc_grid_utils = NetCDFGridUtils(nc_dataset) print '%s is a gridded dataset' % netcdf_path #calculated_values['CELLSIZE'] = str((nc_grid_utils.pixel_size[0] + nc_grid_utils.pixel_size[1]) / 2.0) calculated_values['CELLSIZE_M'] = str(int(round((nc_grid_utils.nominal_pixel_metres[0] + nc_grid_utils.nominal_pixel_metres[1]) / 20.0) * 10)) calculated_values['CELLSIZE_DEG'] = str(round((nc_grid_utils.nominal_pixel_degrees[0] + nc_grid_utils.nominal_pixel_degrees[1]) / 2.0, 8)) WGS84_bbox = transform_coords(nc_grid_utils.native_bbox,, 'EPSG:4326') except: # Try to treat this as a line dataset nc_line_utils = NetCDFLineUtils(nc_dataset) print '%s is a line dataset' % netcdf_path WGS84_bbox = transform_coords(nc_line_utils.native_bbox,, 'EPSG:4326') WGS84_extents = [min([coordinate[0] for coordinate in WGS84_bbox]), min([coordinate[1] for coordinate in WGS84_bbox]), max([coordinate[0] for coordinate in WGS84_bbox]), max([coordinate[1] for coordinate in WGS84_bbox]) ] calculated_values['WLON'] = str(WGS84_extents[0]) calculated_values['SLAT'] = str(WGS84_extents[1]) calculated_values['ELON'] = str(WGS84_extents[2]) calculated_values['NLAT'] = str(WGS84_extents[3]) try: calculated_values['START_DATE'] = min(str2datelist(str(metadata_object.get_metadata(['Survey', 'STARTDATE'])))).isoformat() except ValueError: calculated_values['START_DATE'] = None try: calculated_values['END_DATE'] = max(str2datelist(str(metadata_object.get_metadata(['Survey', 'ENDDATE'])))).isoformat() except ValueError: calculated_values['END_DATE'] = None # Find survey year from end date isoformat string try: calculated_values['YEAR'] = re.match('^(\d{4})-', calculated_values['END_DATE']).group(1) except: calculated_values['YEAR'] = 'UNKNOWN' #history = "Wed Oct 26 14:34:42 2016: GDAL CreateCopy( /local/el8/axi547/tmp/, ... )" #date_modified = "2016-08-29T10:51:42" try: try: conversion_datetime_string = re.match('^(.+):.*', str(metadata_object.get_metadata(['NetCDF', 'history']))).group(1) conversion_datetime_string = datetime.strptime(conversion_datetime_string, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y').isoformat() except: conversion_datetime_string = metadata_object.get_metadata(['NetCDF', 'date_modified']) or 'UNKNOWN' except: conversion_datetime_string = 'UNKNOWN' calculated_values['CONVERSION_DATETIME'] = conversion_datetime_string survey_id = metadata_object.get_metadata(['Survey', 'SURVEYID']) try: dataset_survey_id = str(nc_dataset.survey_id) assert (set([int(value_string.strip()) for value_string in dataset_survey_id.split(',') if value_string.strip()]) == set([int(value_string.strip()) for value_string in survey_id.split(',') if value_string.strip()])), 'NetCDF survey ID %s is inconsistent with %s' % (dataset_survey_id, survey_id) except: nc_dataset.survey_id = str(survey_id) nc_dataset.sync() print 'Survey ID %s written to netCDF file' % survey_id dataset_uuid = metadata_object.get_metadata(['NetCDF', 'uuid']) if not dataset_uuid: # Create a new UUID and write it to the netCDF file dataset_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) print dataset_uuid, type(dataset_uuid) nc_dataset.uuid = dataset_uuid nc_dataset.sync() print 'Fresh UUID %s generated and written to netCDF file' % dataset_uuid calculated_values['UUID'] = str(dataset_uuid) dataset_doi = metadata_object.get_metadata(['NetCDF', 'doi']) calculated_values['DOI'] = str(dataset_doi) # Need template info to mint DOI template_metadata_object = TemplateMetadata(json_text_template_path, metadata_object) if not dataset_doi: #TODO: Mint a new DOI and write it to the netCDF file try: doi_minter = Minter(DOI_MINTING_MODE) doi_success, ecat_id, new_doi = doi_minter.get_a_doi( ecatid=template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["ECAT_ID"]), author_names=template_metadata_object.list_from_string(template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["DATASET_AUTHOR"])), title=template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["DATASET_TITLE"]), resource_type='Dataset', publisher=template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["ORGANISATION_NAME"]),, subjects=template_metadata_object.list_from_string(template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["KEYWORD_THEME_LIST"])), description=template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["LINEAGE_SOURCE"]), record_url=None, # Use default URI format output_file_path=None ) if doi_success: dataset_doi = str(new_doi) nc_dataset.doi = dataset_doi nc_dataset.sync() print 'Fresh DOI %s generated and written to netCDF file' % dataset_uuid else: print 'WARNING: DOI minting failed with response code %s' % ecat_id except Exception as e: print 'WARNING: Error minting DOI: %s' % e.message if dataset_doi: calculated_values['DOI'] = dataset_doi template_metadata_object.metadata_dict['DOI'] = dataset_doi else: print 'WARNING: DOI not defined' #template_class = None template_metadata_object = TemplateMetadata(json_text_template_path, metadata_object) metadata_object.merge_root_metadata_from_object(template_metadata_object) #pprint(metadata_object.metadata_dict) xml_text = get_xml_text(xml_template_path, metadata_object) #print xml_text xml_file = open(xml_path, 'w') xml_file.write(xml_text) xml_file.close() print 'XML written to %s' % xml_path
def dataset_point_generator(dataset_list, wgs84_bounds, variable_name, coordinate_wkt, flight_lines_only=True, min_points=None, max_points=None): ''' Generator yielding coordinates and values of the specified variable for all points from the supplied dataset list which fall within bounds ''' line_dataset_count = 0 for dataset in dataset_list: line_data = {} print('Reading and reprojecting points from line dataset %s'.format( dataset)) try: nc_dataset = Dataset(dataset) mag_awags_variable = nc_dataset.variables[variable_name] netcdf_line_utils = NetCDFLineUtils(nc_dataset) reprojected_bounds = netcdf_line_utils.get_reprojected_bounds( wgs84_bounds, WGS84_WKT, netcdf_line_utils.wkt) #print netcdf_line_utils.__dict__ if flight_lines_only: print('Excluding tie-lines') line_numbers = nc_dataset.variables['line'][ nc_dataset.variables['flag_linetype'][:] == 2] line_mask = np.zeros( shape=nc_dataset.variables[variable_name].shape, dtype=bool) for _line_number, single_line_mask in netcdf_line_utils.get_line_masks( line_numbers): line_mask = np.logical_or(line_mask, single_line_mask) else: line_mask = np.ones( shape=nc_dataset.variables[variable_name].shape, dtype=bool) print('Computing spatial mask') selection_indices = np.where( np.logical_and( netcdf_line_utils.get_spatial_mask(reprojected_bounds), line_mask))[0] print('{}/{} points found in bounding box'.format( len(selection_indices), len(mag_awags_variable))) # Enforce min/max point counts if min_points and len(selection_indices) < min_points: print('Skipping dataset with < {} points'.format(min_points)) continue if max_points and len(selection_indices) > max_points: print('Skipping dataset with > {} points'.format(max_points)) continue coordinates = np.array( transform_coords(netcdf_line_utils.xycoords[selection_indices], netcdf_line_utils.wkt, coordinate_wkt)) values = mag_awags_variable[selection_indices] mask = if mask is not print('Discarding %d invalid values'.format( np.count_nonzero(mask))) values = values[~mask].data coordinates = coordinates[~mask] print("{} valid points were found".format(values.shape[0])) line_dataset_count += 1 yield dataset, coordinates, values except Exception as e: print('Unable to read line dataset {}: {}'.format( dataset, e.message)) finally: del netcdf_line_utils
def main(): ''' Main function ''' def get_xml_text(xml_template_path, metadata_object): '''Helper function to perform substitutions on XML template text ''' template_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), 'templates') jinja_environment = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir or './'), autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml'])) xml_template = jinja_environment.get_template(xml_template_path, parent=None) value_dict = dict( metadata_object.metadata_dict['Template']) # Copy template values # Convert multiple sets of comma-separated lists to lists of strings to a list of dicts #TODO: Make this slicker value_dict['keywords'] = [] for keyword_list_key in [ key for key in value_dict.keys() if re.match('^KEYWORD_\w+_LIST$', key) ]: keywords = [ keyword.strip() for keyword in value_dict[keyword_list_key].split(',') ] keyword_code = value_dict[re.sub('_LIST$', '_CODE', keyword_list_key)] value_dict['keywords'] += [{ 'value': keyword, 'code': keyword_code } for keyword in keywords] # Create dict containing distribution info for DOI if required value_dict['distributions'] = [] dataset_doi = metadata_object.get_metadata(['Calculated', 'DOI']) if dataset_doi: try: distribution_dict = { 'formatSpecification': 'html', 'distributor_name': metadata_object.get_metadata( ['Template', 'ORGANISATION_NAME']), 'distributor_telephone': metadata_object.get_metadata( ['Template', 'ORGANISATION_PHONE']), 'distributor_address': metadata_object.get_metadata( ['Template', 'ORGANISATION_ADDRESS']), 'distributor_city': metadata_object.get_metadata( ['Template', 'ORGANISATION_CITY']), 'distributor_state': metadata_object.get_metadata( ['Template', 'ORGANISATION_STATE']), 'distributor_postcode': metadata_object.get_metadata( ['Template', 'ORGANISATION_POSTCODE']), 'distributor_country': metadata_object.get_metadata( ['Template', 'ORGANISATION_COUNTRY']), 'distributor_email': metadata_object.get_metadata( ['Template', 'ORGANISATION_EMAIL']), 'url': dataset_doi, 'protocol': 'WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link', 'name': 'Digital Object Identifier for dataset %s' % metadata_object.get_metadata(['Calculated', 'UUID']), 'description': 'Dataset DOI' } for key, value in distribution_dict.iteritems(): assert value, '%s has no value defined' % key value_dict['distributions'].append(distribution_dict) except Exception as e: print 'WARNING: Unable to create DOI distribution: %s' % e.message return xml_template.render(**value_dict) def str2datetimelist(multi_datetime_string): ''' Helper function to convert comma-separated string containing dates to a list of datetimes ''' datetime_format_list = [ '%d-%b-%y', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z' ] date_list = [] for datetime_string in multi_datetime_string.split(','): for datetime_format in datetime_format_list: try: date_list.append( datetime.strptime(datetime_string.strip(), datetime_format)) break except: continue return date_list def str2datelist(multi_date_string): ''' Helper function to convert comma-separated string containing dates to a list of dates ''' return [ for datetime_value in str2datetimelist(multi_date_string) ] # Start of main function assert len(sys.argv) >= 4 and len( sys.argv ) <= 8, 'Usage: %s <json_text_template_path> <xml_template_path> <netcdf_path> [<xml_output_dir>]' % sys.argv[ 0] json_text_template_path = sys.argv[1] xml_template_path = sys.argv[2] netcdf_path = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) >= 5: xml_dir = sys.argv[4] else: xml_dir = '.' # Optional arguments for DB connection - not required at NCI if len(sys.argv) == 8: db_user = sys.argv[5] db_password = sys.argv[6] db_alias = sys.argv[7] else: db_user = None db_password = None db_alias = None xml_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( xml_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(netcdf_path))[0] + '.xml')) print xml_dir, xml_path metadata_object = Metadata() netcdf_metadata = NetCDFMetadata(netcdf_path) metadata_object.merge_root_metadata_from_object(netcdf_metadata) nc_dataset = netCDF4.Dataset( netcdf_path, 'r+') # Allow for updating of netCDF attributes like uuid # JetCat and Survey metadata can either take a list of survey IDs as source(s) or a filename from which to parse them try: survey_ids = nc_dataset.survey_id print 'Survey ID "%s" found in netCDF attributes' % survey_ids source = [ int(value_string.strip()) for value_string in survey_ids.split(',') if value_string.strip() ] except: source = netcdf_path # jetcat_metadata = JetCatMetadata(source, jetcat_path=jetcat_path) # metadata_object.merge_root_metadata_from_object(jetcat_metadata) try: survey_metadata = SurveyMetadata(source) metadata_object.merge_root_metadata_from_object(survey_metadata) except Exception as e: print 'Unable to read from Survey API:\n%s\nAttempting direct Oracle DB read' % e.message try: survey_metadata = ArgusMetadata( db_user, db_password, db_alias, source ) # This will fail if we haven't been able to import ArgusMetadata metadata_object.merge_root_metadata( 'Survey', survey_metadata.metadata_dict, overwrite=True) # Fake Survey metadata from DB query except Exception as e: print 'Unable to perform direct Oracle DB read: %s' % e.message # Add some calculated values to the metadata calculated_values = {} metadata_object.metadata_dict['Calculated'] = calculated_values calculated_values['FILENAME'] = os.path.basename(netcdf_path) try: # Try to treat this as a gridded dataset nc_grid_utils = NetCDFGridUtils(nc_dataset) print '%s is a gridded dataset' % netcdf_path #calculated_values['CELLSIZE'] = str((nc_grid_utils.pixel_size[0] + nc_grid_utils.pixel_size[1]) / 2.0) calculated_values['CELLSIZE_M'] = str( int( round((nc_grid_utils.nominal_pixel_metres[0] + nc_grid_utils.nominal_pixel_metres[1]) / 20.0) * 10)) calculated_values['CELLSIZE_DEG'] = str( round((nc_grid_utils.nominal_pixel_degrees[0] + nc_grid_utils.nominal_pixel_degrees[1]) / 2.0, 8)) WGS84_bbox = transform_coords(nc_grid_utils.native_bbox,, 'EPSG:4326') except: # Try to treat this as a line dataset nc_line_utils = NetCDFLineUtils(nc_dataset) print '%s is a line dataset' % netcdf_path WGS84_bbox = transform_coords(nc_line_utils.native_bbox,, 'EPSG:4326') WGS84_extents = [ min([coordinate[0] for coordinate in WGS84_bbox]), min([coordinate[1] for coordinate in WGS84_bbox]), max([coordinate[0] for coordinate in WGS84_bbox]), max([coordinate[1] for coordinate in WGS84_bbox]) ] calculated_values['WLON'] = str(WGS84_extents[0]) calculated_values['SLAT'] = str(WGS84_extents[1]) calculated_values['ELON'] = str(WGS84_extents[2]) calculated_values['NLAT'] = str(WGS84_extents[3]) try: calculated_values['START_DATE'] = min( str2datelist( str(metadata_object.get_metadata(['Survey', 'STARTDATE'])))).isoformat() except ValueError: calculated_values['START_DATE'] = None try: calculated_values['END_DATE'] = max( str2datelist( str(metadata_object.get_metadata(['Survey', 'ENDDATE'])))).isoformat() except ValueError: calculated_values['END_DATE'] = None # Find survey year from end date isoformat string try: calculated_values['YEAR'] = re.match( '^(\d{4})-', calculated_values['END_DATE']).group(1) except: calculated_values['YEAR'] = 'UNKNOWN' #history = "Wed Oct 26 14:34:42 2016: GDAL CreateCopy( /local/el8/axi547/tmp/, ... )" #date_modified = "2016-08-29T10:51:42" try: try: conversion_datetime_string = re.match( '^(.+):.*', str(metadata_object.get_metadata(['NetCDF', 'history']))).group(1) conversion_datetime_string = datetime.strptime( conversion_datetime_string, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y').isoformat() except: conversion_datetime_string = metadata_object.get_metadata( ['NetCDF', 'date_modified']) or 'UNKNOWN' except: conversion_datetime_string = 'UNKNOWN' calculated_values['CONVERSION_DATETIME'] = conversion_datetime_string survey_id = metadata_object.get_metadata(['Survey', 'SURVEYID']) try: dataset_survey_id = str(nc_dataset.survey_id) assert (set([ int(value_string.strip()) for value_string in dataset_survey_id.split(',') if value_string.strip() ]) == set([ int(value_string.strip()) for value_string in survey_id.split(',') if value_string.strip() ])), 'NetCDF survey ID %s is inconsistent with %s' % ( dataset_survey_id, survey_id) except: nc_dataset.survey_id = str(survey_id) nc_dataset.sync() print 'Survey ID %s written to netCDF file' % survey_id dataset_uuid = metadata_object.get_metadata(['NetCDF', 'uuid']) if not dataset_uuid: # Create a new UUID and write it to the netCDF file dataset_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) print dataset_uuid, type(dataset_uuid) nc_dataset.uuid = dataset_uuid nc_dataset.sync() print 'Fresh UUID %s generated and written to netCDF file' % dataset_uuid calculated_values['UUID'] = str(dataset_uuid) dataset_doi = metadata_object.get_metadata(['NetCDF', 'doi']) calculated_values['DOI'] = str(dataset_doi) # Need template info to mint DOI template_metadata_object = TemplateMetadata(json_text_template_path, metadata_object) if not dataset_doi: #TODO: Mint a new DOI and write it to the netCDF file try: doi_minter = Minter(DOI_MINTING_MODE) doi_success, ecat_id, new_doi = doi_minter.get_a_doi( ecatid=template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["ECAT_ID"]), author_names=template_metadata_object.list_from_string( template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["DATASET_AUTHOR"])), title=template_metadata_object.get_metadata(["DATASET_TITLE"]), resource_type='Dataset', publisher=template_metadata_object.get_metadata( ["ORGANISATION_NAME"]),, subjects=template_metadata_object.list_from_string( template_metadata_object.get_metadata( ["KEYWORD_THEME_LIST"])), description=template_metadata_object.get_metadata( ["LINEAGE_SOURCE"]), record_url=None, # Use default URI format output_file_path=None) if doi_success: dataset_doi = str(new_doi) nc_dataset.doi = dataset_doi nc_dataset.sync() print 'Fresh DOI %s generated and written to netCDF file' % dataset_uuid else: print 'WARNING: DOI minting failed with response code %s' % ecat_id except Exception as e: print 'WARNING: Error minting DOI: %s' % e.message if dataset_doi: calculated_values['DOI'] = dataset_doi template_metadata_object.metadata_dict['DOI'] = dataset_doi else: print 'WARNING: DOI not defined' #template_class = None template_metadata_object = TemplateMetadata(json_text_template_path, metadata_object) metadata_object.merge_root_metadata_from_object(template_metadata_object) #pprint(metadata_object.metadata_dict) xml_text = get_xml_text(xml_template_path, metadata_object) #print xml_text xml_file = open(xml_path, 'w') xml_file.write(xml_text) xml_file.close() print 'XML written to %s' % xml_path
def dataset_value_generator(self, variable_name_list, dataset_list, bounding_box, min_points=None, max_points=None): ''' Generator yielding coordinates and values of the specified variable for all points from the supplied dataset list which fall within bounds ''' for dataset in dataset_list: try: try: nc_dataset = Dataset(dataset) except: nc_dataset = Dataset( dataset + '#fillmismatch' ) # Note work-around for bad _FillValue: netcdf_point_utils = NetCDFPointUtils(nc_dataset) #print netcdf_point_utils.__dict__ #print(nc_dataset.variables.keys()) #print('Computing spatial mask') spatial_mask = netcdf_point_utils.get_spatial_mask( bounding_box, self.grid_crs_wkt) point_count = np.count_nonzero(spatial_mask) print('{}/{} points found in expanded bounding box for {}'. format(point_count, netcdf_point_utils.point_count, dataset)) if not point_count: continue # Enforce min/max point counts if min_points and point_count < min_points: print( 'Skipping dataset with < {} points'.format(min_points)) continue if max_points and point_count > max_points: print( 'Skipping dataset with > {} points'.format(max_points)) continue dataset_value_dict = { 'coordinates': transform_coords( netcdf_point_utils.xycoords[spatial_mask], get_wkt_from_spatial_ref( get_spatial_ref_from_wkt(netcdf_point_utils.wkt)), self.grid_crs_wkt) } # Read all variable attributes and values for variable_name in variable_name_list: variable = nc_dataset.variables[variable_name] if ( variable.dimensions[0] != 'point' ): # Variable is NOT of point dimension - must be lookup dataset_value_dict[ variable_name] = netcdf_point_utils.expand_lookup_variable( lookup_variable_name=variable_name, mask=spatial_mask) else: # 'point' is in variable.dimensions - "normal" variable dataset_value_dict[variable_name] = variable[ spatial_mask] yield dataset, dataset_value_dict except Exception as e: print('Unable to read point dataset {}: {}'.format(dataset, e))