Esempio n. 1
def setrun(claw_pkg='digclaw'):
    Define the parameters used for running Clawpack.

        claw_pkg expected to be "geoclaw" for this setrun.

        rundata - object of class ClawRunData


    #assert claw_pkg.lower() == 'digclaw',  "Expected claw_pkg = 'digclaw'"
    ndim = 2
    rundata = data.ClawRunData(claw_pkg, ndim)

    # GeoClaw specific parameters:

    rundata = setgeo(rundata)  # Defined below

    # DigClaw specific parameters:

    rundata = setdig(rundata)  # Defined below

    # Standard Clawpack parameters to be written to
    #   (or to for AMR)

    clawdata = rundata.clawdata  # initialized when rundata instantiated

    # Set single grid parameters first.
    # See below for AMR parameters.

    # ---------------
    # Spatial domain:
    # ---------------

    # Number of space dimensions:
    clawdata.ndim = ndim

    # Lower and upper edge of computational domain:

    #-------------  extent of src topo is-----------------
    # xll = 597,416.79
    # xuppper = 601,039.64
    # yll = 4,883,315.98
    # yupper = 4,886,338.99
    #--------------  extent of 30 m topo - ----------------
    # xll = 593,144.19
    # xupper = 625,815.23
    # yll = 4,878,173.55
    # yupper = 4,913,185.83

    #--------------  extent of 1 m lidar topo - ----------------
    # xll = 596,227.64
    # xupper = 634,446.82
    # yll = 4,881,256.68
    # yupper = 4,925,559.36
    # DEM limits
    import os
    import geotools.topotools as gt

    topopath = os.path.join(os.environ['TOPO'], 'SpiritLake',
    bfile = os.path.join(topopath, 'dtm_spiritlakedomain_10m.tt3')

    a = gt.topoboundary(bfile)
    xll = a[0]  #-10000.
    yll = a[2]  # +10000.
    xu = a[1]  #-5000.
    yu = a[3]  # 1.58e6 + 10000. #a[3]

    header = gt.topoheaderread(bfile)
    cell = 10.  #header['cellsize']
    coarsen = 1
    cell = cell * coarsen

    rc = 1  #factor of coarsening from DEM resolution
    r1 = 8
    r2 = 8 / rc

    clawdata.xlower = xll + 1.0 * cell * r1 * r2
    clawdata.xupper = xu - 1.0 * cell * r1 * r2

    clawdata.ylower = yll + 1.0 * cell * r1 * r2
    clawdata.yupper = yu - 1.0 * cell * r1 * r2

    # Number of grid cells: = int(
        (clawdata.xupper - clawdata.xlower) / (cell * r1 * r2 * rc)) = int(
        (clawdata.yupper - clawdata.ylower) / (cell * r1 * r2 * rc))

    # ---------------
    # Size of system:
    # ---------------

    # Number of equations in the system:
    clawdata.meqn = 7

    # Number of auxiliary variables in the aux array (initialized in setaux)
    clawdata.maux = 10

    # Index of aux array corresponding to capacity function, if there is one:
    clawdata.mcapa = 0

    # -------------
    # Initial time:
    # -------------

    clawdata.t0 = 0.0

    # -------------
    # Output times:

    # Specify at what times the results should be written to fort.q files.
    # Note that the time integration stops after the final output time.
    # The solution at initial time t0 is always written in addition.

    clawdata.outstyle = 1

    if clawdata.outstyle == 1:
        # Output nout frames at equally spaced times up to tfinal:
        hours = 0.
        minutes = 120.
        clawdata.nout = int(minutes)
        clawdata.tfinal = hours * 3600. + minutes * 60.

    elif clawdata.outstyle == 2:
        # Specify a list of output times.
        clawdata.tout = [0.0, 10.0, 70.0, 600.0, 1200.0]

        clawdata.nout = len(clawdata.tout)

    elif clawdata.outstyle == 3:
        # Output every iout timesteps with a total of ntot time steps:
        iout = 1
        ntot = 100
        clawdata.iout = [iout, ntot]

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Verbosity of messages to screen during integration:
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    # The current t, dt, and cfl will be printed every time step
    # at AMR levels <= verbosity.  Set verbosity = 0 for no printing.
    #   (E.g. verbosity == 2 means print only on levels 1 and 2.)
    clawdata.verbosity = 1

    # --------------
    # Time stepping:
    # --------------

    # if dt_variable==1: variable time steps used based on cfl_desired,
    # if dt_variable==0: fixed time steps dt = dt_initial will always be used.
    clawdata.dt_variable = 1

    # Initial time step for variable dt.
    # If dt_variable==0 then dt=dt_initial for all steps:
    clawdata.dt_initial = 1.e-16

    # Max time step to be allowed if variable dt used:
    clawdata.dt_max = 1.0

    # Desired Courant number if variable dt used, and max to allow without
    # retaking step with a smaller dt:
    clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.25
    clawdata.cfl_max = 0.5

    # Maximum number of time steps to allow between output times:
    clawdata.max_steps = 100000

    # ------------------
    # Method to be used:
    # ------------------

    # Order of accuracy:  1 => Godunov,  2 => Lax-Wendroff plus limiters
    clawdata.order = 1

    # Transverse order for 2d or 3d (not used in 1d):
    clawdata.order_trans = 0

    # Number of waves in the Riemann solution:
    clawdata.mwaves = 5

    # List of limiters to use for each wave family:
    # Required:  len(mthlim) == mwaves
    clawdata.mthlim = [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4]

    # Source terms splitting:
    #   src_split == 0  => no source term (src routine never called)
    #   src_split == 1  => Godunov (1st order) splitting used,
    #   src_split == 2  => Strang (2nd order) splitting used,  not recommended.
    clawdata.src_split = 1

    # --------------------
    # Boundary conditions:
    # --------------------

    # Number of ghost cells (usually 2)
    clawdata.mbc = 2

    # Choice of BCs at xlower and xupper:
    #   0 => user specified (must modify bcN.f to use this option)
    #   1 => extrapolation (non-reflecting outflow)
    #   2 => periodic (must specify this at both boundaries)
    #   3 => solid wall for systems where q(2) is normal velocity

    clawdata.mthbc_xlower = 1
    clawdata.mthbc_xupper = 1

    clawdata.mthbc_ylower = 1
    clawdata.mthbc_yupper = 1

    # ---------------
    # AMR parameters:
    # ---------------

    # max number of refinement levels:
    mxnest = 3

    clawdata.mxnest = -mxnest  # negative ==> anisotropic refinement in x,y,t

    # List of refinement ratios at each level (length at least mxnest-1)
    clawdata.inratx = [r1, r2]
    clawdata.inraty = [r1, r2]
    clawdata.inratt = [r1, r2]

    # Specify type of each aux variable in clawdata.auxtype.
    # This must be a list of length maux, each element of which is one of:
    #   'center',  'capacity', 'xleft', or 'yleft'  (see documentation).

    clawdata.auxtype = [
        'center', 'center', 'yleft', 'center', 'center', 'xleft', 'yleft',
        'xleft', 'yleft', 'center'

    clawdata.tol = -1.0  # negative ==> don't use Richardson estimator
    clawdata.tolsp = 0.5  # used in default flag2refine subroutine
    # (Not used in geoclaw!)

    clawdata.kcheck = 2  # how often to regrid (every kcheck steps)
    clawdata.ibuff = 4  # width of buffer zone around flagged points
    clawdata.cutoff = 0.7  # efficiency cutoff for grid generator
    clawdata.checkpt_iousr = 200
    clawdata.restart = False
    clawdata.restart_file = 'fort.chk0245'
    # More AMR parameters can be set -- see the defaults in pyclaw/

    return rundata
Esempio n. 2
def setgeo(rundata):
    Set GeoClaw specific runtime parameters.
    For documentation see ....

        geodata = rundata.geodata
        print "*** Error, this rundata has no geodata attribute"
        raise AttributeError("Missing geodata attribute")

    geodata.variable_dt_refinement_ratios = True

    # == values ==
    R1 = 6357.e3  #polar radius
    R2 = 6378.e3  #equatorial radius
    Rearth = .5 * (R1 + R2)
    geodata.igravity = 1
    geodata.gravity = 9.81
    geodata.icoordsys = 1
    geodata.icoriolis = 0
    geodata.Rearth = Rearth

    # == values ==
    geodata.sealevel = -10000.0
    geodata.drytolerance = 1.e-3
    geodata.wavetolerance = 5.e-2
    geodata.depthdeep = 1.e2
    geodata.maxleveldeep = 1
    geodata.ifriction = 1
    geodata.coeffmanning = 0.033
    geodata.frictiondepth = 2000.0

    # == values ==

    import os
    import geotools.topotools as gt

    geodata.topofiles = []

    topopath = os.path.join(os.environ['TOPO'], 'SpiritLake')

    topofile1 = os.path.join(topopath, 'dtm_spiritlakedomain_10m',
    geodata.topofiles.append([3, 1, 3, 0.0, 1.e10, topofile1])

    topofile2 = os.path.join(topopath, 'dtm_with_north_channel_cut',
    geodata.topofiles.append([3, 1, 3, 0.0, 1.e10, topofile2])

    # == values ==
    geodata.dtopofiles = []
    # for moving topography, append lines of the form:
    #   [topotype, minlevel,maxlevel,fname]


    # == values ==
    geodata.qinitfiles = []
    # for qinit perturbations append lines of the form
    #   [qinitftype,iqinit, minlev, maxlev, fname]

    #qinitftype: file-type, same as topo files, ie: 1, 2 or 3
    #The following values are allowed for iqinit:
    #n=1,mq perturbation of q(i,j,n)
    #n=mq+1: surface elevation eta is defined by the file and results in h=max(eta-b,0)

    qinitfileeta = os.path.join(topopath, 'spiritlake1070',
    geodata.qinitfiles.append([3, 8, 3, 3, qinitfileeta])

    geodata.auxinitfiles = []
    # for auxinit perturbations append lines of the form
    #   [auxinitftype,iauxinit, minlev, maxlev, fname]

    #auxinitftype: file-type, same as topo files, ie: 1, 2 or 3
    #The following values are allowed for iauxinit:
    #n=1,maux perturbation of aux(i,j,n)
    filename = 'erode_in_northchannel_cut_uniform_40.tt3'
    auxfile = os.path.join(topopath, 'channel_erosion', filename)
    lake = gt.topoboundary(auxfile)
    geodata.auxinitfiles.append([3, 5, 1, 4, auxfile])

    # == values ==
    geodata.regions = []
    # to specify regions of refinement append lines of the form
    #  [minlevel,maxlevel,t1,t2,x1,x2,y1,y2]

    # == values ==
    geodata.gauges = []
    # for gauges append lines of the form  [gaugeno, x, y, t0, tf]

    # == values ==
    geodata.fixedgrids = []
    # for fixed grids append lines of the form
    # [t1,t2,noutput,x1,x2,y1,y2,xpoints,ypoints,\
    #  ioutarrivaltimes,ioutsurfacemax]

    # == values ==
    geodata.flowgrades = []
    # for using flowgrades for refinement append lines of the form
    # [flowgradevalue, flowgradevariable, flowgradetype, flowgrademinlevel]
    # where:
    #flowgradevalue: floating point relevant flowgrade value for following measure:
    #flowgradevariable: 1=depth, 2= momentum, 3 = sign(depth)*(depth+topo) (0 at sealevel or dry land).
    #flowgradetype: 1 = norm(flowgradevariable), 2 = norm(grad(flowgradevariable))
    #flowgrademinlevel: refine to at least this level if flowgradevalue is exceeded.
    geodata.flowgrades.append([1.e-8, 2, 1, 4])
    geodata.flowgrades.append([0.001, 1, 1, 4])

    return rundata