def getExploredJournals(uid, geo_info):
    journals = []

    # get recommended place_ids
    place_ids = getRecommendedPlaces(uid, geo_info)

    conn = sqlite3.connect('traceshare_test.db')
    c = conn.cursor()

    # get public checkins with thoes place_ids
    checkin_set = set()
    for pid in place_ids:
        for cid in c.execute(GET_PUBLIC_CHECKINS_PID_EXPR, (str(pid), )):

    # get public journa_ids with thoes place_ids
    jid_set = set()
    for cid in checkin_set:
        for j in c.execute(GET_JOURNALS_FROM_CIDS_EXPR, (str(cid), )):

    # get public journals with thoes place_ids (get jid, time, name, desp, perm, uid)
    for jid in jid_set:
        for j in c.execute(GET_JOURNALS_EXPR, (jid, )):
            journal_info = {}
            journal_info['jid'] = j[0]
            journal_info['time'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(
                j[1])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            journal_info['name'] = j[2]
            journal_info['desp'] = j[3]
            journal_info['perm'] = j[4]
            journal_info['uid'] = j[5]

    # get checkins in journal
    for journal_info in journals:
        journal_info['checkins'] = []
        for cid in c.execute(GET_JOURNAL_CHECKINS_EXPR,
                             (journal_info['jid'], )):
            checkin = {}
            checkin['cid'] = cid[0]

    # get place_id, lat, long of the checkins
    for journal_info in journals:
        for checkin in journal_info['checkins']:
            # get place_id
            c.execute(GET_CHECKIN_PLACEID_EXPR, (str(checkin['cid']), ))
            checkin['place_id'] = c.fetchone()[0]
            # get lat, long
            c.execute(GET_CHECKIN_LAT_LONG_EXPR, (str(checkin['place_id']), ))
            (checkin['lat'], checkin['long']) = c.fetchone()


    return journals
def getExploredJournals(uid, geo_info):
    journals = []
    # get recommended place_ids
    place_ids = getRecommendedPlaces(uid, geo_info)
    conn = sqlite3.connect('traceshare_test.db')
    c = conn.cursor()
    # get public checkins with thoes place_ids
    checkin_set = set()
    for pid in place_ids:
        for cid in c.execute(GET_PUBLIC_CHECKINS_PID_EXPR, (str(pid),)):

    # get public journa_ids with thoes place_ids
    jid_set = set()
    for cid in checkin_set:
        for j in c.execute(GET_JOURNALS_FROM_CIDS_EXPR, (str(cid),)):

    # get public journals with thoes place_ids (get jid, time, name, desp, perm, uid)
    for jid in jid_set:
        for j in c.execute(GET_JOURNALS_EXPR, (jid,)):
            journal_info = {}
            journal_info['jid'] = j[0]
            journal_info['time'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(j[1])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            journal_info['name'] = j[2]
            journal_info['desp'] = j[3]
            journal_info['perm'] = j[4]
            journal_info['uid'] = j[5]

    # get checkins in journal
    for journal_info in journals:
        journal_info['checkins'] = []
        for cid in c.execute(GET_JOURNAL_CHECKINS_EXPR, (journal_info['jid'],)):
            checkin = {}
            checkin['cid'] = cid[0]

    # get place_id, lat, long of the checkins
    for journal_info in journals:
        for checkin in journal_info['checkins']:
            # get place_id
            c.execute(GET_CHECKIN_PLACEID_EXPR, (str(checkin['cid']),))
            checkin['place_id'] = c.fetchone()[0]
            # get lat, long
            c.execute(GET_CHECKIN_LAT_LONG_EXPR, (str(checkin['place_id']),))
            (checkin['lat'], checkin['long']) = c.fetchone()


    return journals
def getExploredPlaces(uid, geo_info):
    places = []
    # get recommended place_ids
    place_ids = getRecommendedPlaces(uid, geo_info)

    conn = sqlite3.connect('traceshare_test.db')
    c = conn.cursor()

    # get public checkins with thoes place_ids (get cid, time)
    checkin_set = set()
    for pid in place_ids:
        for cid in c.execute(GET_PUBLIC_CHECKINS_PID_EXPR, (str(pid), )):

    for cid in checkin_set:
        place_info = {}
        c.execute(GET_CHECKIN_INFO_CID_EXPR, (str(cid), ))
        p = c.fetchone()
        place_info['cid'] = p[0]
        place_info['time'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(
            p[1])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        place_info['place_id'] = p[2]

    # get place info
    for p in places:
        # get photo_url
        c.execute(GET_ONE_PHOTO_URL_EXPR, (str(p['cid']), ))
        p['photo_url'] = c.fetchone()[0]

        # get place name, lat, long
        c.execute(GET_PLACE_NAME_LAT_LONG_EXPR, (str(p['place_id'], )))
        (p['place_name'], p['lat'], p['long']) = c.fetchone()


    return places
def getExploredPlaces(uid, geo_info):
	places = []
	# get recommended place_ids
	place_ids = getRecommendedPlaces(uid, geo_info)

	conn = sqlite3.connect('traceshare_test.db')
	c = conn.cursor()

	# get public checkins with thoes place_ids (get cid, time)
	checkin_set = set()
        for pid in place_ids:
		for cid in c.execute(GET_PUBLIC_CHECKINS_PID_EXPR, (str(pid),)):

        for cid in checkin_set:
		place_info = {}
		c.execute(GET_CHECKIN_INFO_CID_EXPR, (str(cid),))
		p = c.fetchone()
		place_info['cid'] = p[0]
		place_info['time'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(p[1])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
		place_info['place_id'] = p[2]

	# get place info
	for p in places:
		# get photo_url
		c.execute(GET_ONE_PHOTO_URL_EXPR, (str(p['cid']),))
		p['photo_url'] = c.fetchone()[0]
		# get place name, lat, long
		c.execute(GET_PLACE_NAME_LAT_LONG_EXPR, (str(p['place_id'],)))
		(p['place_name'], p['lat'], p['long']) = c.fetchone()


	return places