Esempio n. 1
def springer(journal):
    import numpy as np
    import re
    from get_links import process

    # lvl1 is the base url
    lvl1 = "" % journal

    # links to recognize at lvl1 for lvl2
    lvl1_recog = "[0-9]{1,}/[0-9]{1,}/[0-9]{1,}/page/[0-9]{1,}"
    # links to recognize at lvl2 for lvl3
    lvl2_recog = "http://link\.springer\.com/article/[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{4}/(?!.*fulltext\.html$).*"

    # get all links from lvl1 (in an array)
    lvl2_unselect = np.array(process(lvl1))
    # select only the lvl2 recognized links
    r = re.compile(lvl1_recog)
    vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))
    lvl2 = np.sort(lvl2_unselect[vmatch(lvl2_unselect)])  # make sure they are sorted

    # create lvl3 object to append to
    lvl3 = []
    for link in lvl2:
        # get all links from lvl3 (in an array)
        lvl3_unselect = np.array(process(link))

        # select only the lvl3 recognized links
        r = re.compile(lvl2_recog)
        vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))

        i = 1
        x = "continue"
        while x == "continue":
            s = list(link)
            s[-1] = str(i + 1)
            link = "".join(s)

            lvl3_unselect = np.array(process(link))

            # select only the lvl3 recognized links
            r = re.compile(lvl2_recog)
            vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))
            temp = np.sort(lvl3_unselect[vmatch(lvl3_unselect)])

            if temp.size == 0:
                x = "stop"

            if x == "continue":

            i += 1

        print "Still working on lvl3 extraction, %s" % link

        # fit all results of lvl3 into one array instead of multiple
    lvl3 = np.concatenate(lvl3)

    np.savetxt("journal-links/springer_%s.csv" % journal, lvl3, fmt="%s")
Esempio n. 2
def sage(journal):
    import numpy as np
    import re
    from get_links import process

    # lvl1 is the base url
    lvl1 = "" % journal

    # links to recognize at lvl1 for lvl2
    lvl1_recog = "[0-9]{4}" % journal
    # links to recognize at lvl2 for lvl3
    lvl2_recog = "[0-9]{1,}/issue[0-9]{1,}/" % journal
    # links to recognize at lvl3 for lvl4
    lvl3_recog = "[0-9]{1,}/[0-9]{1,}/[0-9]{1,}.full(?!.pdf+html)$" % journal

    # get all links from lvl1 (in an array)
    lvl2_unselect = np.array(process(lvl1))
    # select only the lvl2 recognized links
    r = re.compile(lvl1_recog)
    vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))
    lvl2 = np.sort(lvl2_unselect[vmatch(lvl2_unselect)])  # make sure they are sorted

    # create lvl3 object to append to
    lvl3 = []
    for link in lvl2:
        # get all links from lvl3 (in an array)
        lvl3_unselect = np.array(process(link))

        # select only the lvl3 recognized links
        r = re.compile(lvl2_recog)
        vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))

        print "Still working on lvl3 extraction, %s" % link

        # fit all results of lvl3 into one array instead of multiple
    lvl3 = np.concatenate(lvl3)

    # create lvl3 object to append to
    lvl4 = []
    for link in lvl3:
        # get all links from lvl4 (in an array)
        lvl4_unselect = np.array(process(link))

        # select only the lvl3 recognized links
        r = re.compile(lvl3_recog)
        vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))

        print "Still working on lvl4 extraction, %s" % link

        # fit all results of lvl4 into one array instead of multiple
    lvl4 = np.concatenate(lvl4)

    np.savetxt("journal-links/sage_%s.csv" % journal, lvl4, fmt="%s")
Esempio n. 3
def elsevier(journal):
    import numpy as np
    import re
    from get_links import process

    if not len(str(journal)) == 8:
        journal = "0" * (8 - len(str(journal))) + journal

        # lvl1 is the base url
    lvl1 = "" % journal

    # links to recognize at lvl1 for lvl2
    lvl1_recog = "(http://www\.sciencedirect\.com/science/journal/%s/[0-9]{1,3})(?!/.*)$" % journal
    # links to recognize at lvl2 for lvl3
    lvl2_recog = "http://www\.sciencedirect\.com/science/journal/%s(/[0-9]{1,3})?/[0-9]{1,}(?!#maincontent)$" % journal
    # links to recognize at lvl3 for lvl4
    lvl3_recog = "(http://www\.sciencedirect\.com/science/article/pii/S?%s[A-Z0-9]{8,})(?!.*main.pdf$)" % journal

    # get all links from lvl1 (in an array)
    lvl2_unselect = np.array(process(lvl1))
    # select only the lvl2 recognized links
    r = re.compile(lvl1_recog)
    vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))
    lvl2_unselect = np.sort(lvl2_unselect[vmatch(lvl2_unselect)])  # make sure they are sorted

    # Remove duplicates
    lvl2_unselect = np.sort(list(set(lvl2_unselect)))

    # Retrieve all pages that contain the separate volumes and issues
    lvl2 = []
    for link in lvl2_unselect:
        temp = int(link[link.rfind("/") + 1 :])
        if not temp % 10:
        if link == lvl2_unselect[-1]:

            # Sort for ease of use
    lvl2 = np.sort(lvl2)

    lvl3 = []
    for link in lvl2:
        # get all links from lvl3 (in an array)
        lvl3_unselect = np.array(process(link))

        # select only the lvl3 recognized links
        r = re.compile(lvl2_recog)
        vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))

        print "Still working on lvl3 extraction, %s" % link

        # fit all results of lvl3 into one array instead of multiple
    lvl3 = np.concatenate(lvl3)
    lvl3 = np.unique(lvl3)

    lvl4 = []
    for link in lvl3:
        # get all links from lvl4 (in an array)
        lvl4_unselect = np.array(process(link))

        # select only the lvl3 recognized links
        r = re.compile(lvl3_recog)
        vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))

        print "Still working on lvl4 extraction, %s" % link

        # fit all results of lvl4 into one array instead of multiple
    lvl4 = np.concatenate(lvl4)

    np.savetxt("journal-links/elsevier_%s.csv" % journal, lvl4, fmt="%s")
Esempio n. 4
def wiley(journal):
    import numpy as np
    import re
    from get_links import process

    journal_recog = (
        journal[: journal.index("(")]
        + "("
        + journal[journal.index("(") + 1 : journal.index(")")]
        + ")"
        + journal[journal.index(")") + 1 :]

    lvl1 = "" % journal

    # links to recognize at lvl1 for lvl2
    lvl1_recog = "\\?activeYear=[0-9]{4}" % re.escape(journal)
    # links to recognize at lvl2 for lvl3
    lvl2_recog = "[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{4}/.*/issuetoc"
    # links to recognize at lvl3 for lvl4
    lvl3_recog = "[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{4}/.*/full"

    # get all links from lvl1 (in an array)
    lvl2_unselect = np.array(process(lvl1))
    # Remove duplicates
    lvl2_unselect = np.sort(list(set(lvl2_unselect)))

    # select only the lvl2 recognized links
    r = re.compile(lvl1_recog)
    vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))
    lvl2 = np.sort(lvl2_unselect[vmatch(lvl2_unselect)])  # make sure they are sorted

    # create lvl3 object to append to
    lvl3 = []
    for link in lvl2:
        # get all links from lvl3 (in an array)
        lvl3_unselect = np.array(process(link))

        # select only the lvl3 recognized links
        r = re.compile(lvl2_recog)
        vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))

        print "Still working on lvl3 extraction, %s" % link

        # fit all results of lvl3 into one array instead of multiple
    lvl3 = np.concatenate(lvl3)

    # create lvl4 object to append to
    lvl4 = []
    for link in lvl3:
        # get all links from lvl4 (in an array)
        lvl4_unselect = np.array(process(link))

        # select only the lvl4 recognized links
        r = re.compile(lvl3_recog)
        vmatch = np.vectorize(lambda x: bool(r.match(x)))

        print "Still working on lvl4 extraction, %s" % link

        # fit all results of lvl4 into one array instead of multiple
    lvl4 = np.concatenate(lvl4)

    journal_save = re.sub("/", "", re.sub("\(", "", re.sub("\)", "", journal)))
    np.savetxt("journal-links/wiley_%s.csv" % journal_save, lvl4, fmt="%s")