Esempio n. 1
def test():
    # marks = get_marks(10, 0, 0.1)
    # print('marks:', marks)#test

    A = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
    P = [0, 1, 0, 1, 1]
    table = get_table_of_confussion(A, P)
    print("table:", table)

    a = np.arange(15).reshape(5, 3)
    b = a[2:, 2]

    marks = get_marks(count=10, lower=0, upper=1)
    print('marks:', marks)  #test
    a = 0.00000001
    b = 0.999999
    print("is_same_interval({}, {}): {}".format(\
        a, b, is_same_interval(a, b, marks)))
    for i in range(10):
    print("i:", i)
    val = 1.2341
    label = get_label(val, marks)
    print("label:", label)
    # a = (3,5)
    # print("a[0]:", a[0])
    # a = np.arange(6).reshape(3,2)
    # b = a.shape[0]
    # print("b:", b)
    # a = 1
    # print("a:", a)
    # a = 6.0
    # b = 6
    # print("a == b :", a == b)
    a = np.arange(15).reshape(5, 3)
    b = a[2, -1]

    a = 0
    a -= 1 if True else 0
Esempio n. 2
def predict_bivar_judge_with_error(in_file, in_filename, out_address):
    # tansfer string to number so that we can train
    data = []
    # track_time_all = []
    # with open('/scratch/zpeng.scratch/pppp/music/data/listen/user_000002_time.tsv') as f:
    with open(in_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            # song,l,artist,percentage,a4,a5,a6 = line.split(",")
            userid, lt, tt, percentage, artid, artist, traid, song = line.split(
            # track_time_all.append(float(tt)/1000)
            if float(percentage) > 1:
            bb = [bin(ord(c))[2:] for c in song]
            px = 0
            for item in bb:
                px = int(item) ^ px
            px = float(px) / 100

            cc = [bin(ord(c))[2:] for c in artist]
            py = 0
            for item in cc:
                py = int(item) ^ py
            py = float(py) / 100

            # if float(percentage) > 1.0:
            #     percentage = '1.0' # 1 means non-skip

            data.append([float(px), float(py), percentage])

    #training two randomforestregressor models, one for judge whether it is 1 or 0, the other is used to judge the specific number less than zero
    data = np.asarray(data, dtype='float')
    # estimator = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 100) # origin

    # 1n Classifier Training
    train_start = 0
    train_end = int(np.floor(data.shape[0] * 2 / 3))
    zero_y = data.copy()

    # label
    marks = get_marks(count=10, lower=0, upper=1)
    label_max = len(marks) - 1
    for i in range(zero_y.shape[0]):
        sp = zero_y[i, 2]
        label = get_label(sp, marks)
        if label != label_max:
            label = 0  # 0 means Skip
        zero_y[i, 2] = label
    # /label
    # estimator = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 100)
    estimator = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100)
    try:[train_start:train_end, :2],
                      y=zero_y[train_start:train_end, 2])
        print("Exception: the 1st training failed.")
    # 2n Classifier Training
    data_labeled = data.copy()
    for i in range(data_labeled.shape[0]):
        sp = data_labeled[i, 2]
        label = get_label(sp, marks)
        data_labeled[i, 2] = label

    # Train_index2 should not contain Non-Skip index
    train_index2 = [i for i in range(train_end)]
    for i in range(train_end):
        if data_labeled[i, 2] == label_max:  # Drop Non-Skip index
    estimator2 = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
                        y = data_labeled[train_index2,2])
        print("Exception: the 2st training failed.")

    # 1st Predicting phase
    #result = gmm1.predict(data[300:400,:2])
    # test_start = 22000
    test_start = train_end
    test_end = data.shape[0]
    # test_index = [t for t in xrange(test_start,test_end)]
    test_index1 = [t for t in range(test_start, test_end)]
        # result = estimator.predict(data[test_index,:2])
        result1 = estimator.predict(zero_y[test_index1, :2])
        print("Exception: the 1st prediction failed.")
    # Regression
    result1 = result1.astype(float)
    # origin
    none_zero_index = np.where(result1 >= label_max / 2)
    zero_index = np.where(result1 < label_max / 2)
    result1[none_zero_index] = label_max  #  means Non-Skip
    result1[zero_index] = 0  # 0 means Skip
    # /Regression
    # Calculate the precision for 1st judgement
    true_count1 = 0
    good_count1 = 0
    # tmp_str = "precision of 0-1 judge: {0:.1f}%".format(float(counter)/len(test_index)*100)
    # print(tmp_str)
    # discript = tmp_str

    A = zero_y[test_index1, 2]
    P = result1
    test_amount1 = len(P)
    for i in range(test_amount1):
        act = A[i]
        pre = P[i]
        if act == pre and pre == label_max:
            true_count1 += 1
        if pre == label_max:
            good_count1 += 1

    tc = get_table_of_confussion(A, P)
    tp = tc['TP']  # True Positive
    tn = tc['TN']  # True Negative
    fp = tc['FP']  # False Positive
    fn = tc['FN']  # False Negative
    accuracy = (tp + tn) / len(P)
    if tp == 0 and fp == 0:
        precision = -1
        precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    if tp + fn == 0:
        recall = -1
        recall = tp / (tp + fn)
    if 2 * tp + fp + fn == 0:
        f1_score = -1
        f1_score = 2 * tp / (2 * tp + fp + fn)
    tmp_str = '0-1 Judge: Accuracy: ' + str(accuracy) + '\n' + \
                'Precision: ' + str(precision) + '\n' + \
                'Recall: ' + str(recall) + '\n' + \
                'F1 Score: ' + str(f1_score)
    discript = tmp_str

    # 2n Prediction
    # Test_index2 should not contain PREDICTED-Non-Skip index
    test_index2 = test_index1.copy()
    for i in range(len(result1)):
        if result1[i] == label_max:  # Drop Non-Skip index
            test_index2.remove(test_start + i)
        result2 = estimator2.predict(data_labeled[test_index2, :2])
        print("Exception: the 2nd prediction failed.")
    # result2 = result2.astype(float) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    # error = abs(result2-data[index,2])

    # Calculate 2nd Predict Accuracy
    A = data_labeled[test_index2, 2]
    P = result2
    test_amount2 = len(P)
    true_count2 = 0
    good_count2 = 0
    # marks = get_marks(count=10, lower=0, upper=1)
    for i in range(test_amount2):
        act = A[i]
        pre = P[i]
        # if is_same_interval(act, pre, marks):
        if act == pre:
            true_count2 += 1
        if pre >= act:
            good_count2 += 1
    # accuracy = true_count2 / test_amount
    true_count = true_count1 + true_count2
    test_amount = test_end - test_start
    accuracy_all = true_count / test_amount
    tmp_str = "Accuracy of all: {}".format(accuracy_all)
    discript += '\n' + tmp_str

    good_count = good_count1 + good_count2
    user_exp = good_count / test_amount
    tmp_str = "User experience: {}".format(user_exp)
    discript += '\n' + tmp_str

    # Plot a figure
    file_name = in_filename[:-9]
    out_file_text = out_address + file_name + '_bi_predict_with_partition.txt'
    with open(out_file_text, 'w') as output:
def predict_bivar_judge_with_error(in_file, in_filename, out_address):
    # tansfer string to number so that we can train
    data = []
    # track_time_all = []
    # with open('/scratch/zpeng.scratch/pppp/music/data/listen/user_000002_time.tsv') as f:
    with open(in_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            # song,l,artist,percentage,a4,a5,a6 = line.split(",")
            userid, lt, tt, percentage, artid, artist, traid, song = line.split(
            # track_time_all.append(float(tt)/1000)
            bb = [bin(ord(c))[2:] for c in song]
            px = 0
            for item in bb:
                px = int(item) ^ px
            px = float(px) / 100

            cc = [bin(ord(c))[2:] for c in artist]
            py = 0
            for item in cc:
                py = int(item) ^ py
            py = float(py) / 100

            # if float(percentage) > 1.0:
            #     percentage = '1.0' # 1 means non-skip

            data.append([float(px), float(py), percentage])

    #training two randomforestregressor models, one for judge whether it is 1 or 0, the other is used to judge the specific number less than zero
    data = np.asarray(data, dtype='float')
    estimator = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100)  # origin
    # estimator = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 100)

    zero_y = data.copy()
    # origin
    not_one_index = np.where(data[:, 2] != 1)[0]  # 1 means Non-Skip
    zero_y[not_one_index, 2] = 0  # 0 means Skip
    # /origin

    #training phase
    train_start = 0
    train_end = int(np.floor(data.shape[0] * 2 / 3))
    # # label
    # marks = get_marks(count=10, lower=0, upper=1)
    # label_max = len(marks) - 1
    # for i in range(zero_y.shape[0]):
    #     sp = zero_y[i,2]
    #     label = get_label(sp, marks)
    #     if label != label_max:
    #         label = 0 # 0 means Skip
    #     zero_y[i,2] = label
    # # /label[train_start:train_end, :2],
                  y=zero_y[train_start:train_end, 2])

    # 1st Predicting phase
    #result = gmm1.predict(data[300:400,:2])
    # test_start = 22000
    test_start = train_end
    test_end = data.shape[0]
    # test_index = [t for t in xrange(test_start,test_end)]
    test_index = [t for t in range(test_start, test_end)]
        result = estimator.predict(data[test_index, :2])  #origin
        # result = estimator.predict(zero_y[test_index,:2])
        print("Exception: the 1st prediction failed.")
    result = result.astype(float)
    # origin
    none_zero_index = np.where(result >= 0.5)
    zero_index = np.where(result < 0.5)
    result[none_zero_index] = 1  # 1 means Non-Skip
    result[zero_index] = 0  # 0 means Skip
    # /origin
    # Calculate the precision for 1st judgement
    counter = 0
    i = 0
    for item in result:
        print("@95 zero_y[{},2]: {}".format(i + test_start,
                                            zero_y[i + test_start, 2]),
              "item:", item)  #test
        if item == zero_y[i + test_start, 2]:
            counter += 1
        i += 1
    # tmp_str = "precision of 0-1 judge: {0:.1f}%".format(float(counter)/len(test_index)*100)
    # print(tmp_str)
    # discript = tmp_str

    A = zero_y[test_start:, 2]
    P = result
    tc = get_table_of_confussion(A, P)
    tp = tc['TP']  # True Positive
    tn = tc['TN']  # True Negative
    fp = tc['FP']  # False Positive
    fn = tc['FN']  # False Negative
    accuracy = (tp + tn) / len(P)
    precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    recall = tp / (tp + fn)
    f1_score = 2 * tp / (2 * tp + fp + fn)
    tmp_str = '0-1 Judge: Accuracy: ' + str(accuracy) + '\n' + \
                'Precision: ' + str(precision) + '\n' + \
                'Recall: ' + str(recall) + '\n' + \
                'F1 Score: ' + str(f1_score)
    discript = tmp_str

    # Predict skip point
    # one_index = np.where(data[:,2] >= 1)[0]
    # data[one_index,2] = 1 # 1 means Non-Skip
    marks = get_marks(count=10, lower=0, upper=1)
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        sp = data[i, 2]
        label = get_label(sp, marks)
        data[i, 2] = label

    #training another model to find the exact number
    #gmm2 = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=5,covariance_type='full')
    # estimator2 = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 100)
    estimator2 = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)[:,:2],y = data[:,2])[train_start:train_end, :2],
                   y=data[train_start:train_end, 2])

    index = np.copy(test_index)
    index = list(index)
    for t in none_zero_index[0]:
        tt = t + test_start
        result2 = estimator2.predict(data[index, :2])
        print("Exception: the 2nd prediction failed.")
    # result2 = result2.astype(float) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    # error = abs(result2-data[index,2])

    # Calculate 2nd Predict Accuracy
    A = data[index, 2]
    P = result2
    test_amount = len(P)
    true_count = 0
    # marks = get_marks(count=10, lower=0, upper=1)
    for i in range(test_amount):
        act = A[i]
        pre = P[i]
        # if is_same_interval(act, pre, marks):
        if act == pre:
            true_count += 1
    accuracy = true_count / test_amount
    tmp_str = "Precision of skip judge: {}%".format(accuracy * 100)
    discript += '\n' + tmp_str

    good_count = 0
    for i in range(test_amount):
        act = A[i]
        pre = P[i]
        if pre >= act:
            good_count += 1
    user_exp = good_count / test_amount
    tmp_str = "User experience: {}%".format(user_exp * 100)
    discript += '\n' + tmp_str

    # test_count = len(error)
    # error_mean = np.mean(error)
    # # error_threshold = error_mean
    # error_threshold = error_mean/2
    # right_count = 0
    # for delta in error:
    #     if abs(delta) <= error_threshold:
    #         right_count += 1
    # ratio_predict = right_count / test_count
    # tmp_str = "Number of test: {}".format(test_count)
    # print(tmp_str)
    # discript += '\n' + tmp_str
    # tmp_str = "Precision of skip judge: {:.1f}%".format(ratio_predict * 100)
    # print(tmp_str)
    # discript += '\n' + tmp_str
    # track_time_test_all = []
    # for i in index:
    #     track_time_test_all.append(track_time_all[i])
    # track_time_mean = np.mean(track_time_test_all)
    # ratio_error2tracktime = error_threshold / track_time_mean
    # tmp_str = \
    #     "Ratio of mean error to mean track time: {:.1f}%".format(ratio_error2tracktime*100)
    # print(tmp_str)
    # discript += '\n' + tmp_str
    # tmp_str = "mean of error: {}".format(np.mean(error))
    # print(tmp_str)
    # discript += '\n' + tmp_str
    # tmp_str = "max of error: {}".format(error.max())
    # print(tmp_str)
    # discript += '\n' + tmp_str
    # tmp_str = "min of error: {}".format(error.min())
    # print(tmp_str)
    # discript += '\n' + tmp_str

    # Plot a figure
    # n,bins,patches = plt.hist(error,20,facecolor='green',alpha=0.5)
    # plt.xlabel('error')
    # plt.ylabel('number')
    # plt.title(r'Histogram of prediction error')

    file_name = in_filename[:-9]
    out_file_text = out_address + file_name + '_bi_predict_with_partition.txt'
    with open(out_file_text, 'w') as output:
Esempio n. 4
def predict_bivar_judge_with_error(in_file, in_filename, out_address):
    # tansfer string to number so that we can train
    data = []
    # track_time_all = []
    # with open('/scratch/zpeng.scratch/pppp/music/data/listen/user_000002_time.tsv') as f:
    with open(in_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            # song,l,artist,percentage,a4,a5,a6 = line.split(",")
            userid, start, lt, tt, percentage, artid, artist, traid, song = line.split(
            # track_time_all.append(float(tt)/1000)
            if float(percentage) > 1:
            start_label = get_start_time_label(start)
            bb = [bin(ord(c))[2:] for c in song]
            px = 0
            for item in bb:
                px = int(item) ^ px
            px = float(px) / 100

            cc = [bin(ord(c))[2:] for c in artist]
            py = 0
            for item in cc:
                py = int(item) ^ py
            py = float(py) / 100

            # if float(percentage) > 1.0:
            #     percentage = '1.0' # 1 means non-skip

            data.append([float(px), float(py), float(start_label), percentage])
            # data.append([percentage,float(px),float(py),float(start_label)])

    #training two randomforestregressor models, one for judge whether it is 1 or 0, the other is used to judge the specific number less than zero
    data = np.asarray(data, dtype='float')
    # estimator = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 100) # origin

    # 1n Classifier Training
    train_start = 0
    train_end = int(np.floor(data.shape[0] * 2 / 3))
    # train_end = int(np.floor(data.shape[0] * 9/10))
    zero_y = data.copy()

    # label: 0 means Skip, label_max means Non-Skip
    marks = get_marks(count=10, lower=0, upper=1)
    label_max = len(marks) - 1
    for i in range(zero_y.shape[0]):
        # sp = zero_y[i,2]
        sp = zero_y[i, -1]
        label = get_label(sp, marks)
        if label != label_max:
            label = 0  # 0 means Skip
        # zero_y[i,2] = label
        zero_y[i, -1] = label
    # /label
    estimator = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)
        #[train_start:train_end,:2],y = zero_y[train_start:train_end,2])[train_start:train_end, :-1],
                      y=zero_y[train_start:train_end, -1])
        print("Exception: the 1st training failed.")

    # Testing for the 1st training set
        result_training1 = estimator.predict(
            zero_y[train_start:train_end, :-1])
        print("Exception: the testing for 1st training set failed.")

    # Calculate the Confusion Matrix for 1st training test
    A = zero_y[train_start:train_end, -1]
    P = result_training1
    tc = get_table_of_confussion(A, P)
    tp = tc['TP']  # True Positive
    tn = tc['TN']  # True Negative
    fp = tc['FP']  # False Positive
    fn = tc['FN']  # False Negative
    accuracy = (tp + tn) / len(P)
    if tp == 0 and fp == 0:
        precision = -1
        precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    if tp + fn == 0:
        recall = -1
        recall = tp / (tp + fn)
    if 2 * tp + fp + fn == 0:
        f1_score = -1
        f1_score = 2 * tp / (2 * tp + fp + fn)
    tmp_str = 'Training set1: Accuracy: ' + str(accuracy) + '\n' + \
                'Precision: ' + str(precision) + '\n' + \
                'Recall: ' + str(recall) + '\n' + \
                'F1 Score: ' + str(f1_score)
    discript = tmp_str

    # Plot a figure
    # file_name = in_filename[:-9]
    file_name = in_filename[:11]
    out_file_text = out_address + file_name + '_training_set1_tc.txt'
    with open(out_file_text, 'w') as output: