def test_onnxruntime(model_name): """this function takes in a pytorch_model as input """ input_tensor = generate_test_input("pytorch", model_name) torch_path, onnx_path = pytorch_onnx_paths(model_name) torch_device = 'cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' torch_model = torch_load(torch_path, torch_device) torch_model.eval() torch_output = torch_model(input_tensor) torch_onnx_export(torch_model, input_tensor, onnx_path, export_params=True, opset_version=9, do_constant_folding=True, input_names=['input'], output_names=['output'], dynamic_axes=None) ort_outs = onnx_runtime(input_tensor, onnx_path, torch_output) print(f"torch output: {torch_output}") print(f"onnx output: {ort_outs}")
def main(model_name): prebuilt_models = [ "resnet18", "alexnet", "vgg16", "squeezenet", "densenet", "inception", "googlenet", "shufflenet", "mobilenet", "resnext50_32x4d", "wide_resnet50_2", "mnasnet" ] if model_name in prebuilt_models: moodel = prebuilt_generator(model_name) else: model = TestNet() model_path, _ = pytorch_onnx_paths(model_name) save(model, model_path)
def torch_to_onnx( model_name:str, num_frames:int, use_state_dict:bool, return_models:bool=False)->None: """ Arg: model_name (str): filename of the model num_frames (int): number of feature frames that will fix the model's size return_models (bool, False): if true, the function will return the torch and onnx model objects """ torch_path, config_path, onnx_path = pytorch_onnx_paths(model_name) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") config = load_config(config_path) model_cfg = config['model'] freq_dim = 257 #freq dimension out of log_spectrogram vocab_size = 39 time_dim = num_frames model_cfg.update({'blank_idx': config['preproc']['blank_idx']}) torch_model = CTC_model(freq_dim, vocab_size, model_cfg) state_dict = load_state_dict(torch_path, device=device) torch_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) print("model on cuda?: ", torch_model.is_cuda) torch_model.eval() # create the tracking inputs hidden_size = config['model']['encoder']['rnn']['dim'] input_tensor = generate_test_input("pytorch", model_name, time_dim, hidden_size) # export the models to onnx torch_onnx_export(torch_model, input_tensor, onnx_path) print(f"Torch model sucessfully converted to Onnx at {onnx_path}") if return_models: onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_path) return torch_model, onnx_model
def torch_to_coreml( model_name:str, num_frames:int, use_state_dict:bool, return_models:bool=False)->None: """ Arg: model_name (str): filename of the model num_frames (int): number of feature frames that will fix the model's size return_models (bool, False): if true, the function will return the torch and onnx model objects """ torch_path, config_path, onnx_path = pytorch_onnx_paths(model_name) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") config = load_config(config_path) model_cfg = config['model'] freq_dim = 257 #freq dimension out of log_spectrogram vocab_size = 39 torch_model = CTC_model(freq_dim, vocab_size, model_cfg) state_dict = load_state_dict(torch_path, device=device) torch_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) print("model on cuda?: ", torch_model.is_cuda) torch_model.eval() # create the tracking inputs hidden_size = config['model']['encoder']['rnn']['dim'] x, (h_in, c_in) = generate_test_input("pytorch", model_name, 31, hidden_size) traced_model = torch.jit.trace(torch_model, (x, (h_in, c_in))) x_46, (h_46, c_46) = generate_test_input("pytorch", model_name, 46, hidden_size) out_46, (h_out_46, c_out_46) = traced_model(x_46, (h_46, c_46)) if return_models: pass
def test_onnxruntime(model_name): """this function takes in a pytorch_model as input """ #input_tensor = torch.randn(5, 3, 10, requires_grad=True).cuda() #input_tensor = generate_test_input("pytorch", model_name) input_tensor, h0, c0 = generate_test_input("pytorch", model_name) torch_path, onnx_path = pytorch_onnx_paths(model_name) torch_device = 'cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' torch_model = torch_load(torch_path, torch_device) torch_model.eval() #torch_output = torch_model(input_tensor) torch_output, (hn, cn) = torch_model(input_tensor, (h0, c0)) print(f"torch_output: {torch_output}") #torch_output = torch_export_inference(torch_path, onnx_path, input_tensor) onnx_runtime(input_tensor, onnx_path, torch_output)