def test_get_trans(): storage = {23: [[100, "out", "pizza"], [1000, "in", "salary"]]} assert get_trans(storage, 23, 0) == [100, "out", "pizza"], 'should get [100, "out", "pizza"]' assert get_trans(storage, 23, 1) == [1000, "in", "salary"], 'should get [1000, "in", "salary"]'
def remove_type(storage, tr_type): #input: dict storage, string tr_type #spec: removes all the transactions of type tr_type #return: - for i in range(31): length = len(get_day(storage, i)) j = 0 while (j < length): if (get_type(storage, i, j) == tr_type): get_day(storage, i).remove(get_trans(storage, i, j)) length -= 1 else: j += 1
def filter(storage, tr_type, value): #function that keeps only tr_type tranzactions with values smaller than value #input: dict storage, str tr_type, int value #output: - filter_type(storage, tr_type) for i in range(31): length = len(get_day(storage, i)) j = 0 while (j < length): if (get_value(storage, i, j) >= value): get_day(storage, i).remove(get_trans(storage, i, j)) length -= 1 else: j += 1
def test_insert(): day = 23 storage = {day: [[100, "out", "pizza"], [1000, "in", "salary"]]} insert(storage, 23, 150, "out", "jewlery") assert get_trans(storage, day, 2) == [150, "out", "jewlery"]
def test_add(): day = storage = {day: [[100, "out", "pizza"], [1000, "in", "salary"]]} add(storage, 150, "out", "jewlery") assert get_trans(storage, day, 2) == [150, "out", "jewlery"]